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Major accidents are low-frequency, high-consequence accidents which are not well supported by conventional statistical methods due to the scarcity of directly relevant data. Modeling and decomposition techniques such as event tree have been proved as robust alternatives as they facilitate incorporation of partially relevant near accident data–accident precursor data—in probability estimation and risk analysis of major accidents. In this study, we developed a methodology based on event tree and hierarchical Bayesian analysis to establish informative distributions for offshore blowouts using data of near accidents, such as kicks, leaks, and failure of blowout preventers collected from a variety of offshore drilling rigs. These informative distributions can be used as predictive tools to estimate relevant failure probabilities in the future. Further, having a set of near accident data of a drilling rig of interest, the informative distributions can be updated to render case-specific posterior distributions which are of great importance in quantitative risk analysis. To cope with uncertainties, we implemented the methodology in a Markov Chain Monte Carlo framework and applied it to risk assessment of offshore blowouts in the Gulf of Mexico.  相似文献   
1971-2010年雅鲁藏布江中游气候生长期变化特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用1971-2010年雅鲁藏布江中游河谷地区拉萨、日喀则、泽当和江孜4个站逐日平均气温和降水量资料,分析了该地区气候生长期变化特征。结果表明:(1)雅鲁藏布江中游地区各界限温度气候生长期以5~8 d·(10a)-1的速率增加,其中≥0℃和≥10℃界限温度的气候生长期都增加了30天左右,≥5℃气候生长期增加了20天左右;以稳定通过10℃界限温度来判断,该地区冬半年时间在缩短,夏半年时间在延长。(2)该地区稳定通过各界限温度的初日提前、终日推后,持续天数和活动积温增加趋势显著;≥10℃界限温度的降水量和降水日数增加趋势显著,分别以19 mm·(10a)-1和1.5 d·(10a)-1的速率增加,且在20世纪80年代末发生突变,表明该地区稳定通过10℃界限温度的水热条件显著地向暖湿变化。(3)各界限温度的终日年际变化相对较稳定,其他要素年际变化均处于不稳定状态;年代际变化上,≥10℃界限温度的初日、终日、持续天数以及各界限温度的活动积温保持台阶式变化,其他要素呈波动变化,最小值出现在20世纪80年代。(4)≥10℃界限温度的终日、持续天数和活动积温的变化趋势在20世纪90年代后期出现突变现象,表明≥10℃界限温度的终日显著推后趋势对夏半年的延长贡献最大。  相似文献   
Many tropical residual laterites have relatively poor engineering properties due to the significant percentage of fine-grained soil particles that they contain, which are formed by the soil weathering process. The widespread presence of laterite soils in tropical regions often requires that some form of soil improvement be performed to allow for their use in various civil engineering applications, such as for road base or subbase construction. One of the most commonly utilized stabilization techniques for laterite soils is the application of additives that chemically react with the minerals that are present in soil to enhance its overall strength; effective soil stabilization can allow for the use of site-specific soils, and can consequently result in significant cost savings for a given project. With an increasing focus on the use of more environmentally friendly and sustainable materials in the built and natural environments, there is an emerging interest in eco-friendly additives that are an alternative to traditional chemical stabilizers. The current study examines the viability of xanthan gum as an environmentally friendly stabilizer that can improve the engineering properties of tropical residual laterite soil. Unconfined compressive strength (UCS) tests, standard direct shear tests, Brunauer, Emmett, and Teller (N2-BET) surface area analysis tests and field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) tests were used to investigate the effectiveness of xanthan gum for stabilization of a tropical laterite soil. The UCS test results showed that addition of 1.5% xanthan gum by weight yielded optimum stabilization, increasing the unconfined compressive strength of the laterite soil noticeably. Similarly, direct shear testing of 1.5% xanthan gum stabilized laterite specimens showed increasing Mohr–Coulomb shear strength parameters with increases in curing time. From the FESEM results, it was observed that the stabilization process modified the pore-network morphology of the laterite soil, while also forming new white layers on the surface of the clay particles. Analysis of the test results indicated that xanthan gum stabilization was effective for use on a tropical residual laterite soil, providing an eco-friendly and sustainable alternative to traditional soil stabilization additives such as cement or lime.  相似文献   
One of the main factors in the effective application of a tunnel boring machine (TBM) is the ability to accurately estimate the machine performance in order to determine the project costs and schedule. Predicting the TBM performance is a nonlinear and multivariable complex problem. The aim of this study is to predict the performance of TBM using the hybrid of support vector regression (SVR) and the differential evolution algorithm (DE), artificial bee colony algorithm (ABC), and gravitational search algorithm (GSA). The DE, ABC and GSA are combined with the SVR for determining the optimal value of its user defined parameters. The optimization implementation by the DE, ABC and GSA significantly improves the generalization ability of the SVR. The uniaxial compressive strength (UCS), average distance between planes of weakness (DPW), the angle between tunnel axis and the planes of weakness (α), and intact rock brittleness (BI) were considered as the input parameters, while the rate of penetration was the output parameter. The prediction models were applied to the available data given in the literature, and their performance was assessed based on statistical criteria. The results clearly show the superiority of DE when integrated with SVR for optimizing values of its parameters. In addition, the suggested model was compared with the methods previously presented for predicting the TBM penetration rate. The comparative results revealed that the hybrid of DE and SVR yields a robust model which outperforms other models in terms of the higher correlation coefficient and lower mean squared error.  相似文献   
The Choghart magnetite-apatite deposit situated in the Bafq district, Central Iran, has been scrutinized for rare earth elements (REEs) by precise geochemical investigation. The Central Iran is a susceptible area of rare earth elements. One of the Choghart’s prominent points is the existence of hydrothermal zones which made prediction of REEs occurrence within the deposit possible. Choghart is placed within felsic volcanic tuffs, rhyolitic rocks, and volcanic sedimentary sections belonging to the lower Cambrian. Abundance and distribution pattern of REEs in Choghart iron deposits reveal a part of deposit formation and its mineralogical modifications. Petrography and mineralogy of the ore body demonstrated two main types of alterations (sodic and calcic) associated with iron ore mineralization in Choghart deposit. The main ore includes a large quantity of massive magnetite in the lower part of Choghart deposit. The minor mineralization involves apatite, pyrite, alkaline amphibole, especially actinolite and tremolite, calcite, talc, quart, monazite, and bastnasite. Geochemical sampling from north–northeast (N-NE) side of the mine denotes the presence of these elements in hydrothermal zones. Statistical populations of the area were categorized by fractal geometry into four main differentiations: host rock type (albitofyre), iron, metasomatose, phosphate zones, and a subset of the phosphate zone which is named high iron high phosphate type. REEs like lanthanum, neodymium, yttrium, and niobium constitute the most quantity of Choghart. Deposit characteristics demonstrate its similarity to Kiruna type. The significant feature of iron oxide-apatite deposits of Kiruna ore type is the existence of monazite inclusions within apatite. These inclusions were also observed within apatite type I and II of Choghart mineralization. Moreover, REEs geochemistry in Choghart deposit was identified by investigation on geochemical data analyses. The analysis represents negative Eu anomaly and further enrichment of light REEs compared to the heavy ones. Chondrite normalized REEs patterns are defined by negative anomalies of Eu, which is the main characteristic of Kiruna ore type. The results showed that REEs concentration in phosphate zone, as a high absorption of REEs, is much higher than metsomatose, albitofyre, and iron zones. REEs distribution in N-NE side of the mine indicated that the contact of iron ore with tailings in N-NW side of the mine leads REEs to be enriched nearly 1% , as well as that of NE with high contents of REEs 1.5% ), which is very significant.  相似文献   
A reservoir landslide not only reduces the water storage capacity, but also causes extensive damages to the dam body, power/water transmission lines, roads, and other infrastructures. The Latian Dam, located 35 km north east of Tehran (Iran), is one of the cases which has encountered serious problems with instability of its rock abutments. This paper addresses the stability analysis of the right abutment of the Latian Dam using limit equilibrium and numerical methods. Geomechanical characteristics of the rock abutment were first estimated based on engineering classification of the rock mass. Different search methods were examined for locating the critical circular/non-circular slip surface in conjunction with the general limit equilibrium method. The effect of variability of rock mass properties, water table, and earthquake load on the factor of safety (FS) and probability of failure (PF) was studied. In the event of rapid drawdown in the reservoir, the limit equilibrium analysis calculated FS=1.067 and PF=21.1%, and the numerical analysis returned FS=1.01. The results of the analyses suggest that the right abutment of the Latian Dam is prone to slide and needs treatment. Investigations demonstrated that a slope reduction by 15° at the upper part of the abutment would meet stability conditions even in the worst-case scenario (FS=1.297 and PF=2.07%).  相似文献   
The groundwater community has widely recognized geological structure uncertainty as a major source of model structure uncertainty. Previous studies in aquifer remediation design, however, rarely discuss the impact of geological structure uncertainty. This study combines chance‐constrained (CC) programming with Bayesian model averaging (BMA) as a BMA‐CC framework to assess the impact of geological structure uncertainty in remediation design. To pursue this goal, the BMA‐CC method is compared with traditional CC programming that only considers model parameter uncertainty. The BMA‐CC method is employed to design a hydraulic barrier to protect public supply wells of the Government St. pump station from salt water intrusion in the “1500‐foot” sand and the “1700‐foot” sand of the Baton Rouge area, southeastern Louisiana. To address geological structure uncertainty, three groundwater models based on three different hydrostratigraphic architectures are developed. The results show that using traditional CC programming overestimates design reliability. The results also show that at least five additional connector wells are needed to achieve more than 90% design reliability level. The total amount of injected water from the connector wells is higher than the total pumpage of the protected public supply wells. While reducing the injection rate can be achieved by reducing the reliability level, the study finds that the hydraulic barrier design to protect the Government St. pump station may not be economically attractive.  相似文献   
Construction of dams and the resulting water impoundments are one of the most common engineering procedures implemented on river systems globally; yet simulating reservoir operation at the regional and global scales remains a challenge in human–earth system interactions studies. Developing a general reservoir operating scheme suitable for use in large-scale hydrological models can improve our understanding of the broad impacts of dams operation. Here we present a novel use of artificial neural networks to map the general input/output relationships in actual operating rules of real world dams. We developed a new general reservoir operation scheme (GROS) which may be added to daily hydrologic routing models for simulating the releases from dams, in regional and global-scale studies. We show the advantage of our model in distinguishing between dams with various storage capacities by demonstrating how it modifies the reservoir operation in respond to changes in capacity of dams. Embedding GROS in a water balance model, we analyze the hydrological impact of dam size as well as their distribution pattern within a drainage basin and conclude that for large-scale studies it is generally acceptable to aggregate the capacity of smaller dams and instead model a hypothetical larger dam with the same total storage capacity; however we suggest limiting the aggregation area to HUC 8 sub-basins (approximately equal to the area of a 60 km or a 30 arc minute grid cell) to avoid exaggerated results.  相似文献   
Attenuation characteristics in the New Madrid Seismic Zone (NMSZ) are estimated from 157 local seismograph recordings out of 46 earthquakes of 2.6?≤?M?≤?4.1 with hypocentral distances up to 60 km and focal depths down to 25 km. Digital waveform seismograms were obtained from local earthquakes in the NMSZ recorded by the Center for Earthquake Research and Information (CERI) at the University of Memphis. Using the coda normalization method, we tried to determine Q values and geometrical spreading exponents at 13 center frequencies. The scatter of the data and trade-off between the geometrical spreading and the quality factor did not allow us to simultaneously derive both these parameters from inversion. Assuming 1/R 1.0 as the geometrical spreading function in the NMSZ, the Q P and Q S estimates increase with increasing frequency from 354 and 426 at 4 Hz to 729 and 1091 at 24 Hz, respectively. Fitting a power law equation to the Q estimates, we found the attenuation models for the P waves and S waves in the frequency range of 4 to 24 Hz as Q P?=?(115.80?±?1.36) f (0.495?±?0.129) and Q S?=?(161.34?±?1.73) f (0.613?±?0.067), respectively. We did not consider Q estimates from the coda normalization method for frequencies less than 4 Hz in the regression analysis since the decay of coda amplitude was not observed at most bandpass filtered seismograms for these frequencies. Q S/Q P?>?1, for 4?≤?f?≤?24 Hz as well as strong intrinsic attenuation, suggest that the crust beneath the NMSZ is partially fluid-saturated. Further, high scattering attenuation indicates the presence of a high level of small-scale heterogeneities inside the crust in this region.  相似文献   
西藏自治区旅游气候适应性分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文利用西藏38个气象站点的观测资料计算1980-2014年的风效指数和温湿指数,进行聚类分析,结合旅游区景观特征及行政区划等因素对西藏旅游景点进行区划,使用风效指数、温湿指数及空气含氧量指标对区划后的旅游区进行气候条件评价和趋势分析.研究表明:西藏旅游资源可分为6个区域,各区风效指数、温湿指数的空间分布呈现出自东南向西北递减的规律,东部地区生物气温相对舒适,适宜旅游的时段为3-10月,而西部地区生物气温较低,适宜旅游的时段为5-9月.逐月含氧量呈抛物线状的变化,最高值出现在8月,最低值在1月.藏东南区域含氧量相对较高,常年在60%以上,部分区域在70%以上.近年来,西藏各地气候正在向更为温暖、舒适的方向发展,西藏年风效指数和年温湿指数呈显著的线性增长趋势,增幅分别为21.79·(10a)-1、0.32·(10a)-1.与过去30 a相比,雅鲁藏布江流域及西藏东部部分地区近5 a的旅游适宜期延长了1~2个月.  相似文献   
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