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A zircon grain in an orthopyroxene–garnet–phlogopite–zircon–rutile-bearing xenolith from Udachnaya, Siberia, preserves a pattern of crystallographic misorientation and subgrain microstructure associated with crystal–plastic deformation. The zircon grain records significant variations in titanium (Ti) from 2.6 to 30 ppm that corresponds to a difference in calculated Ti-in-zircon temperatures of over several hundred degrees Celsius. The highest Ti concentration is measured at subgrain centres (30 ppm), and Ti is variably depleted at low-angle boundaries (down to 2.6 ppm). Variations in cathodoluminescence coincide with the deformation microstructure and indicate localised, differential enrichment of rare earth elements (REE) at low-angle boundaries. Variable enrichment of U and Th and systematic increase of Th/U from 1.61 to 3.52 occurs at low-angle boundaries. Individual SHRIMP-derived U–Pb ages from more deformed zones (mean age of 1799 ± 40, n = 22) are systematically younger than subgrain cores (mean age of 1851 ± 65 Ma, n = 7), and indicate that open system behaviour of Ti–Th–U occurred shortly after zircon growth, prior to the accumulation of significant radiogenic Pb. Modelling of trace-element diffusion distances for geologically reasonable thermal histories indicates that the observed variations are ~ 5 orders of magnitude greater than can be accounted for by volume diffusion. The data are best explained by enhanced diffusion of U, Th and Ti along deformation-related fast-diffusion pathways, such as dislocations and low-angle (< 5°) boundaries. These results indicate chemical exchange between zircon and the surrounding matrix and show that Ti-in-zircon thermometry and U–Pb geochronology from deformed zircon may not yield information relating to the conditions and timing of primary crystallisation.  相似文献   
Nick Gill  Paula Bialski 《Geoforum》2011,42(2):241-249
This paper contributes to on-going work that seeks to understand the dynamic nature of immigrant social network formation. We explore three propositions, derived from the literature, that might be expected to characterise the ways in which migrant associational ties evolve during and immediately after arrival in their destination country. Evidence is drawn from 42 interviews conducted between January and December 2008 with predominantly Polish migrants to the UK (28) as well as domestic service providers (14). In agreement with the existing literature on immigrant social network formation we find that weak associational ties between migrants are locally dense and rapidly formed. More surprisingly, we also find that the Poles in our sample from lower socio-economic groups tended to rely heavily upon weak associational ties while higher socio-economic group Poles tended to rely on associations made through their employing institutions. This illustrates the importance of socio-economic status in framing co-ethnic migrant network formation. This is significant because we also find that weak associational ties are not unambiguously beneficial to lower socio-economic group migrants who tend to (have to be) more compromising about, and therefore more compromised by, the social ‘friendships’ that result.  相似文献   
The Hardangervidda-Rogaland Block within southwest Norway is host to ~1.52 to 1.48 Ga continental building and variable reworking during the ~1.1 to 0.9 Ga Sveconorwegian orogeny. Due to the lack of geochronological and geochemical data, the timing and tectonic setting of early Mesoproterozoic magmatism has long been ambiguous. This paper presents zircon U–Pb–Hf–O isotope data combined with whole-rock geochemistry to address the age and petrogenesis of basement units within the Suldal region, located in the centre of the Hardangervidda-Rogaland Block. The basement comprises variably deformed grey gneisses and granitoids that petrologically and geochemically resemble mature volcanic arc lithologies. U–Pb ages confirm that magmatism occurred from ~1,521 to 1,485 Ma, and conspicuously lack any xenocrystic inheritance of distinctly older crust. Hafnium isotope data range from εHf(initial) +1 to +11, suggesting a rather juvenile magmatic source, but with possible involvement of late Palaeoproterozoic crust. Oxygen isotope data range from mantle-like (δ18O ~5 ‰) to elevated (~10 ‰) suggesting involvement of low-temperature altered material (e.g., supracrustal rocks) in the magma source. The Hf–O isotope array is compatible with mixing between mantle-derived material with young low-temperature altered material (oceanic crust/sediments) and older low-temperature altered material (continent-derived sediments). This, combined with a lack of xenoliths and xenocrysts, exposed older crust, AFC trends and S-type geochemistry, all point to mixing within a deep-crustal magma-generation zone. A proposed model comprises accretion of altered oceanic crust and the overlying sediments to a pre-existing continental margin, underthrusting to the magma-generation zone and remobilisation during arc magmatism. The geodynamic setting for this arc magmatism is comparable with that seen in the Phanerozoic (e.g., the Sierra Nevada and Coast Range batholiths), with compositions in the Suldal Sector reaching those of average upper continental crust. As within these younger examples, factors that drive magmatism towards the composition of the average continental crust include the addition of sedimentary material to magma source regions, and delamination of cumulate material. Underthrusting of sedimentary materials and their subsequent involvement in arc magmatism is perhaps a more widespread mechanism involved in continental growth than is currently recognised. Finally, the Suldal Arc magmatism represents a significant juvenile crustal addition to SW Fennoscandia.  相似文献   
The thick (>1 km) Neoproterozoic Otavi Group of Namibia accumulated after ca. 760 Ma along >700 km of the faulted margin of the Congo Craton. The margin shows a north to south, downbasin transition from a shallow‐water carbonate shelf (Otavi Platform) to offshore deepwater slope (Outjo Basin). Within the latter, the Abenab and Tsumeb Subgroups contain large volumes of poorly sorted breccias, conglomerates and diamictites composed principally of locally derived carbonate. Diamictite facies were reported in the 1930s as tillites left by an ice sheet (although the absence of striated clasts and other key glacial indicators was viewed as problematic). Later workers rejected a glacial origin concluding that Outjo basin facies were deposited as parts of prograding submarine wedges built by mass flows during active rifting. Recently, the Snowball Earth hypothesis has returned to the earlier glacial interpretation; arguing that these strata represent a record of extraordinary late Neoproterozoic glacial and interglacial climates when global temperatures fluctuated by up to 100°C. Facies analysis of breccias, diamictites, conglomerates and sandstone strata of the Otavi Group identifies them as genetically related, subaqueously deposited sediment gravity flows. They lack diagnostic indicators of any one specific climate in source areas. These facies were all deposited in deepwater at the foot of landslide‐prone scarp blocks where debris flows and turbidity currents moved large volumes of coarse, freshly broken carbonate debris produced by faulting. Breccias, diamictites, conglomerates and sandstones occur in composite fining‐ and thinning‐upward bundles that are directly analogous to those reported from many other faulted margins in the Phanerozoic stratigraphic record. These rocks provide no clear sedimentological signature of a glacial source or catastrophic Snowball Earth‐type temperature fluctuations. Instead, they point to a dominant tectonic control on sedimentation related to faulting along the margin of the Congo Craton.  相似文献   
Bioassesment by the use of the macroalga, Ulva lactuca L., was carried out in the Limfjord, Denmark, to assess the significance of nitrogen and phosphorus as limiting factors for primary production during 1985, 1993, 1994 and 1995 and for the detection of changes in eutrophication levels.

Minimum and critical tissue concentrations for nitrogen and phosphorus in macroalgae were identified. The concentrations of nitrogen were generally below the critical concentration level in June–October in 1985, 1993, and 1995 but in 1994 nitrogen was only limiting for primary production in short periods. Only in early spring in 1985 and 1993 were the tissue concentrations of phosphorus below the critical concentration level, whereas in 1994 up to 3–4 months showed phosphorus limited growth, indicating that significant changes in limitation patterns can occur between different years.

It was concluded that the use of biomonitoring techniques is well suited as a bioassessment method for direct detection and for providing a time-integrated measure of nutrient availability in coastal waters, and thus for assessing ecosystem health with regard to eutrophication. It is recommended that biomonitors and the concept of critical tissue concentrations should be used in environmental management and incorporated in future monitoring programmes.  相似文献   

Failure of borehole sources in weathered and fractured crystalline basement aquifers in Malawi in southern Africa has been linked with poor borehole design, mechanical failure and badly sited boreholes. However, recent work in Malawi indicates that demand may now exceed long-term resource potential in some places and that this is also a cause of water point failure. An 11-year climate cycle (including a wet and dry period) necessitates overdraft from groundwater storage during the dry-cycle years before episodic rainfall events in the wetter part of the cycle again recharge the aquifers. Data, particularly groundwater hydrograph data, are sparse, but sufficient to evaluate the long-term renewable groundwater potential for both fractured and weathered basement-aquifer types in each of the 15 management areas in Malawi. The groundwater potential or long-term renewable resource (recharge) is given by the sum of Darcian throughflow and dry-season depletion of storage. Estimated rural demand exceeds the renewable resource in the fractured-rock aquifer in two management units and in the weathered-rock aquifer in two other units. Although there is inherent uncertainty in the water-balance estimates, the likelihood that rural demand is exceeding long-term average recharge in some areas is cause for concern.  相似文献   
铁同位素的MC-ICP-MS测定方法与地质标准物质的铁同位素组成   总被引:17,自引:5,他引:17  
详细报道了在低分辨和高分辨模式下运用MC-ICP-MS进行Fe同位素比值高精度测试的方法,对Fe同位素测定过程中谱峰干扰、基质效应、浓度效应、仪器测试的长期重现性等问题进行了评估,并对两种运行模式的测试结果进行了对比.在95%的可信度范围内,所建方法的外部精度优于0.5ε/ainu,达到国际同类实验室的先进水平,并且低分辨和高分辨两种模式下获得的Fe同位素测试结果是一致的.在此基础上对国家地质标准物质GBW07105(玄武岩)和GBW 07111(花岗闪长岩)进行了Fe同位素测定.相对于Fe同位素国际标样IRMM-014,GBW07105的Fe同位素成分为:ε57Fe=1.9±0.3(20),ε56Fe=1.3±0.2(2σ),ε57/56Fe=0.6±0.1(2σ);GBW 07111的Fe同位素成分为:ε57Fe=1.8±0.4(2σ),ε56Fe=1.2±0.2(2σ),ε57/56Fe=0.6±0.1(2σ).  相似文献   
Globally sandy coastlines are threatened by erosion driven by climatic changes and increased storminess. Understanding how they have responded to past storms is key to help manage future coastal changes. Coastal spits around the world are particularly dynamic and therefore potentially vulnerable coastal features. Therefore, how they have evolved over the last few centuries is of great importance. To illustrate this, this study focuses on the historical evolution of a spit at Spurn on the east coast of the UK, which currently provides critical protection to settlements within the Humber estuary. Through the combination of digitized historical mapping and luminescence dating, this study shows that Spurn has been a consistent coastal feature over at least the past 440 years. No significant westward migration was observed for the last 200 years. Results show a long-term extension of the spit and a decrease in its overall area, particularly in the last 50 years. Breaches of the neck cause temporary sediment pathway changes enabling westward extension of the head. Use of digitized historical maps in GIS combined with OSL dating has allowed a more complete understanding of long-term spit evolution and sediment transport modes at Spurn. In doing so it helps inform future possible changes linked to pressures, such as increases in storm events and sea-level rise. © 2020 The Authors. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd  相似文献   
Infrared thermography has increasingly gained importance because of environmental and technological advancements of this method and is applied in a variety of disciplines related to non-isothermal flow. However, it has not been used so far for quantitative thermal analysis in saturated porous media. This article suggests infrared thermographic approach to obtain the entire surface temperature distribution(s) in water-saturated porous media. For this purpose, infrared thermal analysis is applied with in situ calibration for a better understanding of the heat transfer processes in porous media. Calibration is achieved with a combination of invasive sensors which are inserted into the medium and non-invasive thermal sensors in which sensors are not inserted to measure temperatures but it works through the detection of infrared radiation emitted from the surface. Thermocouples of relatively thin diameter are used to minimize the disturbance for flow. Thermocouples give the temperature values at specified positions inside the porous medium, and these values are compared with the values suggested by the infrared thermographic device at the same positions, in the calibration exercise. The calibration process was repeated for different temperatures and flow rates to get the temperature distributions of the whole material inside the system. This technique enables us to measure accurate two-dimensional temperature distributions, which is not possible by using thermocouples only. Continuous point heat sources at different flow rates and temperatures are studied experimentally. Additionally, it offers numerical simulations of the experiments utilizing a finite element-based model. A two-dimensional density and viscosity-dependent flow and transport model accounting for thermal dispersion is utilized to simulate the experimental results. Possible small heat losses from the surface are incorporated in the model according to the properties and thickness of the Plexiglass material used for the construction of the experiment tank. The numerical results agree well with the experimental observations.  相似文献   
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