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工业CT技术在卫星产品检测中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
卫星产品许多都采用了焊接结构。为了保证其使用的安全可靠性,必须对焊缝进行l00%的无损检测。然而对于一些形状复杂的精密电子束焊件,由于产品尺寸小,加之焊缝周围结构的遮挡,使常规方法的应用受到了限制。工业CT技术具有不受试件材料种类、形状结构及表面状况限制的特点,能给出与试件材料密度及尺寸特性相对应的断层扫描图象,分辨率高,在检测复杂构件方面显示出了优势。本文介绍了卫星产品精密复杂焊接件对无损检测技术的具体要求,研究了卫星产品电子束焊缝的工业CT检测方法,包括设备、对比试样、检测工艺、评定方法等,并通过电磁阀、喷注器、自锁阀、减压器、加注/排放阀、单向阀、气滤、过滤器等具体产品检测实例,描述了工业CT技术在卫星产品检测中的应用。实际应用表明:工业CT是检测航天卫星产品精密复杂结构件焊缝缺陷的理想手段,其成象直观,缺陷的定位、定性和定量结果可靠,完全能满足产品的质量控制要求。目前,累计用工业CT检测卫星产品数批若干件,检测焊缝上千条。剔出有超标缺陷的产品40件,避免了隐患。经过工业CT检测的产品,己在"返回式卫星"、"风云二号"、"东方红三号"、"资源一号"、"中星-22号"等型号卫星中取得了成功应用。  相似文献   
北京城市规划区水源热泵系统应用适宜性分区   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鉴于北京市水源热泵系统应用过程中存在地下水水资源因不能完全回灌造成浪费及运行效率未能充分发挥等问题,本文针对水源热泵系统运行过程中地下水的抽灌模式,根据北京规划市区的水文地质条件,对水源热泵系统应用的适宜性进行了分区,为水源热泵技术因地制宜、合理有序应用提供了科学的思路。  相似文献   
As the project of National Key Basic Research Development Program: Research on Formation Mechanisms and Predictive Theories of Major Weather Disasters in China has been fulfilled by 5-yr efforts of Chinese scientists, achieving results of great significance are as follows: 1) development of multi-scale physical models for Meiyu frontal heavy rainfall based on a range of real-time observations; 2) construction of synoptic models for such heavy rainfall; 3) the Meiyu front found to consist of multi-scale systems that represent a subtropical front, which shears structural features of an extratropical front and ITCZ, displaying sometimes a bi-front feature in the mid-lower Yangtze Basin (MLYB). The positive feedback between pre-frontal wet physical processes and over-front strong convective activities as well as interactions among multi-scale systems of the Meiyu front act as the important mechanism for the maintenance and development of the Meiyu front; 4) proposal of theories and methods for quantitative retrieval of multiple mesoscale torrential rains from satellite remote sensings, leading to a line of products; 5) investigation of applicable theories and techniques for retrieving the heavy rainfall system's 3D structure from dual-Doppler synchronous detectings; and 6) development of a system for meso heavy rainfall numerical prediction models with a 3D variational data assimilation scheme included, a tool that played an active role in flood combating and relief activities over the Huaihe River Basin (HRB) in 2003.  相似文献   
九江-瑞昌地震的精确定位及其发震构造初探   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
联合采用双差法和主事件法,对2005年11月26日发生在江西省九江县与瑞昌市交界的5.7级地震序列进行了重新定位,并在此基础上讨论了5.7级主震的震源机制解和可能的发震构造。结果显示:精定位后震源位置的估算误差在EW方向上平均为0.31km,NS方向上平均为0.40km,竖直方向上平均为0.48km,故而得到了更加精细的空间分布图像。此次地震序列在NNW-NW向呈现优势分布,震源深度主要集中在8~14km,又以10~12km最具优势。主震的震源位置大致为北纬29.69°,东经115.74°,震源深度约10.8km。结合地震序列优势分布、主震震源机制解和震区NE向、NW向断裂发育的构造背景,初步推测本次地震序列的主震可能是由瑞昌盆地内的一条NW向隐伏断层活动引发的,发震断层的性质有待于进一步研究。  相似文献   
毫秒脉冲星计时观测的研究进展   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
对毫秒脉冲星时间测量的理论、方法和技术研究的进展进行了阐述。根据近年来取得的观测研究结果,毫秒脉冲星计时测量误差~2×10-7秒,毫秒脉冲星自转周期稳定性足以和现代原子钟相媲美:其相对频率不稳定度达到1×10-14(1年≤γ≤5.2年),并可望更高。近年来,脉冲星计时观测系统的接收灵敏度获得很大改进,计时观测的数据采集、处理技术、脉冲到达时间分析模型研究等都有长足发展。通过综合脉冲星时间算法得到的脉冲星时间尺度将比现代原子时具有更高的长期稳定度。叙述了脉冲星的物理特性及有关计时观测系统的技术成果,如观测频率和带宽的选择,消色散和接收系统灵敏度等问题。最后对毫秒脉冲星时间测量的误差源进行了讨论,并对脉冲星时间尺度的应用前景做了展望。  相似文献   
文章分析对比了桂西地区Au、As、Hg、Sb元素的时空区域分布,并经与岩石样对比,发现上古生界以碳酸盐岩为主的地层为高背景,三叠系为低背景,Au的高背景区呈NW向展布,这与右江裂谷区地壳演化的独特历史有关。桂西地区上古生界金主要来自深源,三叠系碎屑岩中金主要来自陆源。从Au元素丰度与存在形式考虑,高背景的碳酸盐岩夹泥岩、硅质岩、火山岩建造及毗邻的碎屑岩对金成矿更有利。  相似文献   
合成孔径雷达 (SAR)图像一般都存在相干噪声 ,对地物信息的提取及 SAR图像应用的干扰非常严重 ,对此许多人提出了不少处理方法 ,并分析对比了多种滤波算法 ,认为改良 K -均值自适应滤波效果最佳。本文中分析了改良 K -均值自适应滤波法的数学基础的局限性 ,并采用了一种基于多分辨分析的滤波算法 ,该算法通过将噪声 (或较小的结构特征 )与较大的结构特征相分离 ,然后滤出噪声 (或较小的结构特征 ) ,从而达到消除斑点噪声的目的。实验结果证明 ,基于多分辨分析的滤波算法在消除 SAR图像的斑点噪声方面优于改良 K -均值自适应滤波法。  相似文献   
泥石流的结构两相流模型:I.理论   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
泥石流的运动既有类似于固液两相流之处,又在很程度上不同于固液两相流。在泥石流滨汉体模型,膨胀体模型,粘塑体模型及颗粒流模型研究的基础上,本文提出了一种新的模型-泥石流的“结构两相流模型”这种模具有以往各类模型的优点,同时又便于对不同类型的泥石流进行描述,在理论上,它比现行各类模型更加严密,在应用上,它较现行各类模式更加方便,能够适用于更加广泛的各类条件,泥石流的结构两相流模型中将现行模型的作为特例  相似文献   
Quartz was studied with respect to its silicon isotopic composition and cathodoluminescence in micro-fine disseminated gold deposits in SW Guizhou and NW Guangxi.The results showed that quartz in wall rocks.ores and that in association with hydrothermal silicification are distinctive in silicon isotopes and cathodoluminescence characters.Quartz in association with primary silicification is non-luminescent while that in wall rocks and associated with secondary silicification exhibits striking luminescence.Based on the dynamic fractionation of silicon isotopes,it is suggested that the mineralization was accompanied by rapid transport of aprimary siliceous fluid along the major deep fault system into subordinate faults before ore components deposited in favorable strata via penetration and metasomatism.Therefore,a deep origin is implicit for gold deposits of this type.  相似文献   
The magma evolution of Tianchi volcano, Changbaishan   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The Changbaishan Tianchi volcano is composed of the basaltic rocks at the shield-forming stage, the trachyte and pantellerite at the cone-forming stage and modern eruption. Studies on their REE, incompatible elements and Sr, Nd, Pb isotopes suggest that rocks at different stages have a common magma genesis and close evolution relationship with differentiation crystallization playing the key role. The co-eruption of basaltic trachyandesite magma and pantellerite magma indicates that there exist both crustal magma chamber and mantle magma reservoir beneath the Tianchi volcano. Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 49672109).  相似文献   
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