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A low-cost and simple monitoring method for early warning of landslides is proposed. To detect abnormal deformation of a slope, this method employs a tilt sensor in place of an extensometer on the slope surface. In order to examine the relevance of measuring rotation angle on a slope surface by tilt sensor, model tests were conducted, and rotation on the slope surface was observed together with slide displacement along the surface. The rotation data responded 30 min before failure in a model test, which could be useful as a signal for early warning. However, the behavior of rotation before failure varies from case to case, and thus, criteria to issue warning should be defined more carefully. For a model slope made of uniform loose sand, measurement of slide displacement along the slope surface is sensitive to failure at the toe, while the measurement of rotation on the slope surface is useful to detect the development of progressive failure upward along the slope. Wireless sensor units with microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) tilt sensor and volumetric water content sensor were also examined on a real slope in Kobe City, and a long-term monitoring was attempted. A simple but possible way to define the criteria of judgment to issue warning can be proposed based on combination of data obtained by the tilt sensors and volumetric water content sensors.  相似文献   
The Active Variable Stiffness (AVS) system is proposed as a seismic response control system. It actively controls structural characteristics, such as stiffness of a building, to establish a non-resonant state against earthquake excitations, thus suppressing the building's response. It consumes a relatively small amount of energy and maintains the safety of the building in moderate to severe earthquakes. In order to accumulate practical data and investigate them, a building has been constructed as a trial. This paper describes the applied system, the control algorithm, verification of stiffness selection, results of tests for verifying system characteristics, some observed earthquake records and simulation analyses. Responses in controlled and uncontrolled states have been compared to show the effectiveness of the proposed system.  相似文献   
Crustal deformations, tsunamis and seismic intensity are pre-estimated for a large hypothetical earthquake, which it is feared may occur in the Tokai district along the Nankai trough. The long-term seismic quiescence since 1854, as well as the high rate of the present crustal movements in the district, form the principal evidence for the risk of the approaching catastrophe. The location and the mode of faulting in this earthquake are hypothesized in reference to the source mechanisms of the recent and historical earthquakes there. The fault parameters thus assumed are as follows: dip direction: N30°W; dip angle: 25°; fault dimension : 100 km × 70 km; dislocation: 4 m (reverse dip-slip: 3.8 m; right-lateral strike-slip: 1.3 m). The following are the principal conclusions: (a) the eastern part of the epicentral region including the Point Omaezaki will rise up about 100 cm, whereas the western part covering Ise and Mikawa bays will subside about 10–30 cm; (b) the coast extending from Omaezaki to the Shima peninsula will receive tsunami waves as high as 3 m in maximum, which may be locally amplified by the factor 2 or more on the rias coast along the Shima peninsula; (c) the Tokai coastal region with thick alluvium layers may suffer seismic damages as severe as those experienced in the 1854 Ansei I earthquake.  相似文献   
Eucampia zodiacus Ehrenberg is harmful, as it causes reduction in the quality of the aquacultured Porphyra thalli owing to nutrient depletions during dense blooms in the late winter in the macrotidal Ariake Sea, Japan. To understand the mechanism of bloom development, changes in the abundance of E. zodiacus during a bloom were investigated along vessel transects from February to April 2012. In addition, marine environmental variables were continuously monitored by the Ariake Sea Monitoring Tower, which revealed that turbidity periodically decreased during neap tides. During the 16 February neap tide, a high Secchi depth (4.3 m) was recorded at offshore stations and the Z 1% depth, at which the light intensity attenuates to 1 % of that at the sea surface, exceeded the water depth. On 16 February, the abundance of E. zodiacus was 52–732 cells mL?1, peaking at 7.0 m depth offshore. Subsequently, abundance increased at all stations. During the 22 February spring tide, abundance became vertically uniform. On 19 March, abundance at the tower reached 3758 cells mL?1 at the surface. We conclude that an improvement in light conditions in the deeper layer triggered the bloom, although the size and the duration of the bloom were determined by nutrient availability. Thus, decreases in turbidity during neap tides and subsequent strong vertical mixing during spring tides may be instrumental in the population dynamics of the large diatom E. zodiacus in macrotidal environments.  相似文献   
The Hangenberg Crisis at the Devonian–Carboniferous boundary is known as a polyphase extinction event that affected more than 45 % of marine and terrestrial genera. As the cause of this event is still debated, analyses were carried out on sedimentary samples from the Devonian–Carboniferous Pho Han Formation in northeastern Vietnam to reconstruct the paleoenvironment around the time of this event using stable carbon isotopes; total sulfur; manganese; vanadium; molybdenum; and sedimentary organic matter, such as dibenzothiophenes, cadalene, and regular steranes. These geochemical signatures provide a high‐resolution redox history for this section and show that transgression‐driven high primary productivity, possibly enhanced by terrestrial input, caused severe oxygen depletion along the continental margin of the South China block during the Hangenberg Crisis.  相似文献   
The Neogene marine sedimentary rock area in the eastern marginal region of the Japan Sea is an area with some of the highest landslide densities in Japan. Some of the landslides in this area have been known to involve saline groundwater, which can be the cause of these landslides. In order to demonstrate the relationships between landslides and saline water, topographic, geological, groundwater, and electromagnetic surveys were performed in the eastern marginal region of the Japan Sea. Many landslides and gravitational slope deformations with linear depressions and small scarps were recognized in the study area. The resistivity profile obtained by an electromagnetic survey suggests that there is a wide zonal distribution of saline water with salt concentrations equivalent to seawater at depths of 50–100 m or more and that the groundwater shallower than 50 m has an electrical conductivity of less than 100 mS/m. The shallow resistive groundwater is inferred to be meteoric water that replaced the saline groundwater, which likely weakened the bedrock, resulting in landslides. A ridge of competent tuff overlying mudstone has many linear depressions from gravitational slope deformation and low‐resistivity water to a depth of 600 m, which suggests that the mudstone was weakened by water replacement and deformed under the tuff caprock. The saline groundwater is inferred to be fossil seawater trapped in pores during sediment deposition, which is brought near the ground surface along with rocks by tectonic movement in the hills. Thus, the saline water and its fresh water replacement are among the important basic causes of the landslides. The oil well data obtained in the eastern marginal region of the Japan Sea suggest that such saline water replacement has occurred widely and that replacement is likely one of the predispositions for the frequent landslides there.  相似文献   
The branches of the Tsushima Warm Current (TWC) are realistically reproduced using a three-dimensional ocean general circulation model (OGCM). Simulated structures of the First Branch and the Second Branch of the TWC (FBTWC and SBTWC) in the eastern Japan Sea are mainly addressed in this study, being compared with measurement in the period September–October 2000. This is the first numerical experiment so far in which the OGCM is laterally exerted by real volume transports measured by acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) through the Tsushima Straits and the Tsugaru Strait. In addition, sea level variation measured by tide-stations along the Japanese coast as well as satellite altimeters is assimilated into the OGCM through a sequential data assimilation method. It is demonstrated that the assimilation of sea level variation at the coastal tide-stations is useful in reproducing oceanic conditions in the nearshore region. We also examine the seasonal variation of the branches of the TWC in the eastern Japan Sea in 2000. It is suggested as a consequence that the FBTWC is continuous along northwestern Honshu Island in summertime, while it degenerates along the coast between the Sado Strait and the Oga Peninsula in other seasons. On the other hand, a mainstream of the SBTWC exists with meanders and eddies in the offshore region deeper than 1000 m to the north of the Sado Island throughout the year.  相似文献   
Olivine single crystals have been deformed under high confining pressure (P=5?GPa) and temperature (T=1400?°C) conditions in a multi-anvil high pressure apparatus. NaCl, diamond and NaCl+diamond (2:1 by volume) powders were encapsulated along with the olivine single crystals in order to produce a range of stress states. The change of the non-hydrostatic stress transmitted to the olivine samples, enclosed within these three different media, during heating has been evaluated by observation of dislocation microstructure and density. A higher differential stress can be generated with diamond powder (0.1?GPa) than with NaCl powder (0.02?GPa). Although an intermediate differential stress between 0.1?GPa and 0.02?GPa had been expected to be generated using NaCl+diamond powder, the generation of non-hydrostatic stress in the olivine sample was unsuccessful. This may be caused by the fact that compaction (or sintering) proceeded in the capsule throughout the experiments. The most important finding of these experiments is that a constant non-hydrostatic stress can be applied to a sample under very high pressure and temperature conditions within the multi-anvil high pressure apparatus for the duration of the experiment. This approach is therefore suitable for investigating the steady-state rheological properties of mantle minerals at near-mantle conditions.  相似文献   
We use numerical simulations of a (480 Mpc  h −1)3 volume to show that the distribution of peak heights in maps of the temperature fluctuations from the kinematic and thermal Sunyaev–Zeldovich (SZ) effects will be highly non-Gaussian, and very different from the peak-height distribution of a Gaussian random field. We then show that it is a good approximation to assume that each peak in either SZ effect is associated with one and only one dark matter halo. This allows us to use our knowledge of the properties of haloes to estimate the peak-height distributions. At fixed optical depth, the distribution of peak heights resulting from the kinematic effect is Gaussian, with a width that is approximately proportional to the optical depth; the non-Gaussianity comes from summing over a range of optical depths. The optical depth is an increasing function of halo mass and the distribution of halo speeds is Gaussian, with a dispersion that is approximately independent of halo mass. This means that observations of the kinematic effect can be used to put constraints on how the abundance of massive clusters evolves, and on the evolution of cluster velocities. The non-Gaussianity of the thermal effect, on the other hand, comes primarily from the fact that, on average, the effect is larger in more massive haloes, and the distribution of halo masses is highly non-Gaussian. We also show that because haloes of the same mass may have a range of density and velocity dispersion profiles, the relation between halo mass and the amplitude of the thermal effect is not deterministic, but has some scatter.  相似文献   
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