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An observational study has been conducted concerning atmospheric dewfall and fog-droplet deposition with application to the formation and maintenance of fog layers. The relationship between dew and fog is discussed together with the challenges and requirements to measure representative values of their deposition to the surface. A practical instrument developed at the UK Met Office Research Unit, Cardington, is described. The instrument is a small portable device that uses a load cell to measure the weight of a pan upon which various types of natural and artificial canopies can be placed, and can measure dewfall and fog-droplet deposition to an accuracy of 0.0005 mm. Dewfall results from this device are shown for a selection of nights under varying conditions. On a given night the overriding factor determining the amount of dew deposition appears to be location. Several dewmeter devices were placed at different locations around the 18 ha Cardington field site for various clear nights and it was found that dew amounts varied significantly, depending on location: canopies with a more open aspect experienced more deposition by up to a factor of two. The results also suggest that the hygroscopic effect of a canopy, whereby water is absorbed into the canopy and topsoil layer before dew formation begins, is also important for the removal of atmospheric water vapour. Results indicate this effect can be of a similar magnitude to dew deposition. Measurements of fog-droplet deposition showed total water deposition rates did not change when thin radiation fog formed. When optically thick adiabatic fog formed, deposition rates were seen to decrease with time or be generally lower than for thinner radiation fog. Further observations are required to establish if the behaviours found are typical for all fogs.  相似文献   
We compare meteorological data collected at the Met Office Research Unit, Cardington, UK with similar data from a temporary meteorological station located approximately 8.5 km away. Data were examined for a period of 10 months to ascertain differences in mean quantities, and in heat and radiation budgets, at different heights between the two locations, one of which is located in a wide shallow valley, the other on a plateau at the valley edge. Results reveal that screen-level variables at the two sites show the greatest differences in mean quantities, for most conditions, but that at 50 m the differences are negligible, indicating that temperatures had become aggregated and homogeneous at that height. For flux measurements between 10 and 50 m, however, significant differences were observed at certain times of the year, which appear to be related to local vegetation and soil conditions, and these are discussed. The study also presents data for stable conditions that show that temperature differences at screen level are again the most significant difference between the two sites. On average these were not large, but on occasions discrepancies at low levels (up to approximately 10 m) as large as 5°C were observed. It is thought that these greater differences during stable conditions may be caused by cold air pooling at the valley site, despite the very shallow orography there. Data from the two sites have been compared with forecasts from two Met Office mesoscale models. Results show that, during daytime hours, model-predicted values lie outside the range of values observed at the two sites, indicating a possible model bias. However, the opposite was true for most nighttime hours, during which model values fell within the range observed at the two sites, indicating that at night the model predictions are representative of the region. In this case, however, comparison of the model prediction with either one of the available observations could lead to the false conclusion that the model temperatures were either too high or too low, depending on which observational site was used for the comparison.  相似文献   
We have used the Grid ENabled Integrated Earth system modelling (GENIE) framework to undertake a systematic search for bi-stability of the ocean thermohaline circulation (THC) for different surface grids and resolutions of 3-D ocean (GOLDSTEIN) under a 3-D dynamical atmosphere model (IGCM). A total of 407,000 years were simulated over a three month period using Grid computing. We find bi-stability of the THC despite significant, quasi-periodic variability in its strength driven by variability in the dynamical atmosphere. The position and width of the hysteresis loop depends on the choice of surface grid (longitude-latitude or equal area), but is less sensitive to changes in ocean resolution. For the same ocean resolution, the region of bi-stability is broader with the IGCM than with a simple energy-moisture balance atmosphere model (EMBM). Feedbacks involving both ocean and atmospheric dynamics are found to promote THC bi-stability. THC switch-off leads to increased import of freshwater at the southern boundary of the Atlantic associated with meridional overturning circulation. This is counteracted by decreased freshwater import associated with gyre and diffusive transports. However, these are localised such that the density gradient between North and South is reduced tending to maintain the THC off state. THC switch-off can also generate net atmospheric freshwater input to the Atlantic that tends to maintain the off state. The ocean feedbacks are present in all resolutions, across most of the bi-stable region, whereas the atmosphere feedback is strongest in the longitude–latitude grid and around the transition where the THC off state is disappearing. Here the net oceanic freshwater import due to the overturning mode weakens, promoting THC switch-on, but the atmosphere counteracts this by increasing net freshwater input. This increases the extent of THC bi-stability in this version of the model. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
Double-packer injection tests have been carried out in a borehole in the Chalk of Hampshire and a borehole in the Permian Penrith Sandstone of Cumbria, England. The tests have been supplemented by borehole logging and television inspections and by laboratory measurements on cores. A new mathematical treatment has enabled results to be calculated for injection test intervals containing fissures. In both formations, transmissivity immediately around the borehole is dominated by a few major fissures. In the Penrith Sandstone there is good agreement between intergranular hydraulic conductivity measurements and packer-test results in the portions of the borehole which do not contain major fissures. In the Chalk, the packer-test values are always higher than the intergranular measurements, suggesting that some degree of fissuring is present throughout.  相似文献   
In organic soils, hydraulic conductivity is related to the degree of decomposition and soil compression, which reduce the effective pore diameter and consequently restrict water flow. This study investigates how the size distribution and geometry of air‐filled pores control the unsaturated hydraulic conductivity of peat soils using high‐resolution (45 µm) three‐dimensional (3D) X‐ray computed tomography (CT) and digital image processing of four peat sub‐samples from varying depths under a constant soil water pressure head. Pore structure and configuration in peat were found to be irregular, with volume and cross‐sectional area showing fractal behaviour that suggests pores having smaller values of the fractal dimension in deeper, more decomposed peat, have higher tortuosity and lower connectivity, which influences hydraulic conductivity. The image analysis showed that the large reduction of unsaturated hydraulic conductivity with depth is essentially controlled by air‐filled pore hydraulic radius, tortuosity, air‐filled pore density and the fractal dimension due to degree of decomposition and compression of the organic matter. The comparisons between unsaturated hydraulic conductivity computed from the air‐filled pore size and geometric distribution showed satisfactory agreement with direct measurements using the permeameter method. This understanding is important in characterizing peat properties and its heterogeneity for monitoring the progress of complex flow processes at the field scale in peatlands. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The concentration of selected trace metals (Cu, Pb and Zn) in salt-marsh sediments from within the Erme Estuary have been measured in order to assess possible historical sources of pollution. The Erme Estuary, south Devon, UK is an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and has remained largely unaffected by industrialisation, although a number of small silver–lead mines were in operation in the 1800s. Five cores reveal comparable geochemical profiles. An increase of lead at 40 cm depth is observed, reaching maximum values of 427 ppm. Less distinct trends are revealed by zinc and copper, probably reflecting the lack of widespread mining for ores of these elements within the catchment and possible post-depositional mobility rendering the metal concentrations non-contemporaneous with the chemostratigraphy of lead. The geochemical analysis of the salt-marsh sediments provides a fairly robust chemostratigraphic scheme and the likely sources of mine waste can be pinpointed within the catchment. Based upon reference to the historical mining record of these mines chemostratigraphic dating of the sediments can be achieved in order to provide an estimate of salt-marsh accretion rates and sea-level rise.  相似文献   
The longitudinal dunes of the Simpson Desert, in the vicinity of Birdsville, have been reworked largely during the Holocene from dunes deposited up to 80000 years ago or earlier. The widespread asymmetry of these roughly northward-trending dunes, with steeper eastern faces and more gentle western faces, supports wind-rose data showing sand-transporting winds from the southwest obliquely intersecting the dunes. While this suggests a change in the wind pattern since the dune field was oriented, it does not indicate that the dunes are necessarily shifting leeward (eastward) as a consequence. It is hypothesized that the direction of migration is controlled by the extent to which the dunes are vegetated. Relatively well-vegetated dunes can accrete sand on their gentle stoss slopes and erode on their lee slopes causing them to shift westward and hence obliquely into the wind, a condition that probably prevails in wetter regions and during episodes of relatively humid climate. In contrast, in very dry areas or during arid phases, sand can move unimpeded up a sparsely vegetated stoss face and over the crest to form an avalanche or slip face on the lee side, thereby causing the dunes to shift eastward. Despite evidence that longitudinal dune crests can shift laterally to some extent, the dunes in the western part of the Simpson Desert have not migrated, either westward or eastward, more than 100m or so from their Pleistocene cores. Aeolian transport and partial or complete removal of iron cutans from around quartz grains results in dunes of widely varying colour yet of similar age.  相似文献   
The distribution of water within a soil profile can only be partly explained by the time distribution and rate of surface-water input. Observed differences in soil moisture within the unsaturated zone result from the interaction of surface-water inputs with spatially inhomogeneous soil characteristics. Water which initially percolates vertically is differentially impeded as a result of subtle textural changes in the soil, and is then preferentially retained in such zones of transition, causing large differences in soil-water content to occur. The scale of this vertical variability is of tenths of metres, whilst lateral variability of soil moisture reflects textural changes over a few metres. The observed influence of small-scale heterogeneity on soil-water content suggests that the conventional assumptions of isotropicity and homogeneity of the textural and hydraulic properties of porous media used in drainage basin and hillslope hydrological models need scrutiny, even for single stratigraphic units.  相似文献   
A geochronological framework for the sequential development of coastal barrier aeolianite complexes in the mouth region of the River Murray, Australia's largest river system is presented based on amino acid racemization and thermoluminescence dating. The sedimentary successions represent a foreshortened and condensed sequence of coastal barriers compared with those of the Coorong Coastal Plain in southern South Australia where the barrier complexes are more widely separated in response to tectonic uplift. The barriers have formed during interglacial sea-level highstands and are correlatives of genetically equivalent landforms of the Coorong Coastal Plain. Thermoluminescence dating and the extent of amino acid racemization in aeolianite ‘whole-rock’ sediment samples, reveal a general increase in age of the barriers landwards from the modern coastline. In detail, however, the individual barriers represent composite structures having formed in more than one interglaciation, due to the reoccupation of Pleistocene shoreline positions during sea-level highstands of similar amplitude, in a zone of gradual basin subsidence. The most seaward Pleistocene aeolianite at Surfer Beach is of interstadial age (Marine Isotope Stage 5c, 105 ± 5 ka; MIS 5c), and correlates with the Robe Range of the Coorong Coastal Plain. The last interglacial shoreline (130 ± 15 ka; MIS 5e) is particularly well-defined in the River Murray mouth region. It is represented by a complex association of coastal parabolic dunes superimposed on a transverse dune system, which runs parallel with the former coastline, and also includes associated estuarine, lagoonal and open ocean beach facies. Landward of the last interglacial succession are distinct barriers relating to the penultimate interglaciation (215 ± 35 ka; MIS 7), as well as earlier interglaciations (350 ± 65 ka; MIS 9 or 11 and 470 ± 70 ka; MIS 11 or 13). The coastal barriers have been successively breached by the ancestral River Murray at times of lower sea level during glacial cycles. Former mouths of the River Murray during interglacial sea-level highstands are likely to have existed near Tauwitchere Island during MIS 7, and between Goolwa and Hindmarsh Island and near the southern-most part of Lake Albert during the last interglacial (MIS 5e). The River Murray mouth region represents a failed delta as the limited sediment brought to this area since late middle Pleistocene time has been either rapidly incorporated within aeolian deposits during sea-level highstands, or transported to the edge of the Lacepede Shelf during glacial maxima. The Holocene and modern River Murray has not established a marine delta, but deposits its load in the settling basins of the terminal lakes. Only a small digitate delta has formed where the river enters Lake Alexandrina.  相似文献   
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