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利用超薄切片透射电镜分析技术,在华北东部太原组和山西组、吐─哈盆地侏罗系腐植煤中检出了超细纹层。超细纹层在腐植煤中呈分散状、间隔状和密集状,前二者主要存在于无结构镜质体中,后者则存在于沥青质体或层状藻类体条带中。超细纹层来源于微藻类细胞的抗分解外壁,是藻类在超微层次的重要表现形式。腐植煤形成过程中藻类的贡献较藻类体数量所反映的要高。  相似文献   
南海北部280 ka以来深海花粉记录   总被引:17,自引:3,他引:17  
ODP1144孔顶部225m柱状样的孢粉资料揭示近280ka(即氧同位素8期(MIS8))以来,南海北部大陆架的演化历史.间冰期孢粉组合以松属为主,与该区现在情况相似.而冰期孢粉组合中则出现大量草本植物,如蒿属(Artemisia)、禾本科(Gramineae)、莎草科(Cyperaceae).这说明冰期时由于海退引起海平面下降使大陆架出水成陆.出露的大陆架上覆盖着以草原为主的植被.从草本植物花粉与松属花粉两者含量之比可以推断在MIS5期以前大陆架出露的面积小,而MIS4期以来冰期时大陆架大面积出露,末次冰盛期达到高峰.MIS5期前后南海北部大陆架的这种变化,可以从我国大陆新构造运动加以解释.冰期时大陆架上生长的草原植被的组成也有显著变化,MIS8期以禾本科为主,而后,蒿属比例不断增加,末次冰盛期时在草原植被中占了优势,植被的这种变化是对不断变干冷气候的响应.  相似文献   
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and the trophic structure of polychaete assemblages were studied in sediments at 28 stations in Todos os Santos Bay. Total PAH concentrations varied from 8 to 4163 ng g(-1) dry weight. The indexes used for the determination of PAH origin suggested both pyrolytic and petrogenic sources. A total of 397 individuals of polychaetes was recorded which were classified in three trophic groups. The PCA ordination resulted in the formation of three groups of stations, Group I characterised by sandy sediments, low organic content, low total PAH concentration and percentage of potentially harmful PAH was dominated by subsurface deposit-feeders. The other two groups (IIa and IIb), showed similar percentages of silt and clay, however, Group IIb formed by those stations with high total organic carbon, total nitrogen, sulphur contents, high total PAH concentration and percentage of potentially harmful PAH was dominated by carnivores. Trophic changes could be explained by the level of exposure to PAH effects relative to differences in the life style and feeding strategies between deposit-feeders and carnivores.  相似文献   
等鞭金藻8701培养液的营养组成研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
等鞭金藻8701品系是作用(周,孙)新分离的一个单细饵料藻种。其形态构造与绿光等鞭金藻相同,便适温远较后者为低。通过单因子和正交试验表明,培养液的最佳配方是在天然海水中加入NaNO330ppm,CO(HN2)215ppm,KH2PO4或NaH2PO4-8ppm,FeC6H5O70.5ppm,维生素B10.1ppm和维生素B120.0005ppm。  相似文献   
1 IntroductionThe study area is part of the Obudu Plateau,which forms part of the Precambrian Pan-African tec-tonothermal belt, lying between the West African Cra-ton and the Gabon-Congo Craton ( Fig. 1). It isbounded by the Benue Trough, in the NE-SW axi…  相似文献   
积温作为农作物对热量需要的指标,得到了广泛应用,但因不稳定,目前仍有争论。为检查积温不稳定的原因,以春小麦列宁格勒卡品种()为研究对象,作了以下试验:  相似文献   
The day-to-day variations in ozone content at Uccle (51oN) during some stratospheric warming events are ex-amined. In particular, the attention is focused on the timing of commencement of ozone enhancement prior to peak day of warming and on the relationship in the ozone content between the upper and lower stratosphere. These two features are compared with the predictions of ozone transport models. There seems to be an agreement between mod-el predictions and observed features in some cases.  相似文献   
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