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排序方式: 共有96条查询结果,搜索用时 15 毫秒
Summary. Spectral analysis of eight marine gravity profiles and seven SEASAT profiles, combined with corresponding bathymetric data over the Northern Bay of Biscay origin, yield identical admittance functions for wavelengths greater than 120 km. the resulting admittance function has been interpreted in terms of an Airy model of compensation for wavelengths greater than 250 km and in terms of an elastic plate model of compensation for shorter wavelengths. the Airy model corresponds to a crustal thickness variation across the margin. the plate model with an elastic thickness of 8 km is associated with the regional compensation of a sedimentary load which was probably emplaced during and just after rifting.  相似文献   
Climate Dynamics - The South Atlantic subtropical dipole (SASD) has an impact on South American rainfall particular during its negative phase when continental precipitation in the northern part of...  相似文献   
Throughout the shores of the world,a confluence of different sources of pollution is common,e.g.,through outlets releasing brine,industrial,and domestic sewage.In this study,we assessed whether a combined disposal of domestic sewage and brine altered the patterns of abundance and assemblage structure of subtidal macrofauna inhabiting sandy seabeds on the south coast of Gran Canaria(Canary Islands,NE Atlantic Ocean).Samples were collected in two surveys(May 2008 and January 2009)at three distances(0,15,and30 m)away from the discharge point.Macrofaunal abundances showed different patterns with varying proximity from the disposal point in the two surveys.In May 2008,lower abundances were observed at0 m(53.89±46.82 ind.)than at 15 m(120±91.7 ind.)and 30 m(283.89±189.33 ind.)away from the disposal point.In January 2009,however,higher abundances were observed at 0 m(131.33±58.69 ind.)than at 30 m(100±24.44 ind.)and 15 m(84.78±58.39 ind.)away from the disposal point.Significant differences in macrofaunal assemblage structure were found with varying proximity from the discharge point in both surveys.The effect of proximity from the disposal point was confounded by changes in sedimentary composition between surveys,which contributed to explain differences in macrofaunal abundances and assemblage structure with varying proximity from the discharge point.As a result,confounding drivers of macrofaunal assemblage structure,here,changes in sediment composition,accounted for changes in macrofaunal abundances and assemblage structure with varying proximity from a combined disposal point of brine and sewage.  相似文献   
ROV study of a giant pockmark on the Gabon continental margin   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
A giant, 800-m wide pockmark, called Regab, was discovered along the Equatorial African margin at 3160-m water depth and was explored by remote operated vehicle (ROV) as part of the Zaiango (1998–2000) and Biozaire (2001–2003) projects carried out conjointly by TOTAL and a number of French research institutes. A microbathymetric map obtained using the ROV sensors shows that the pockmark actually consists of a cluster of smaller pockmarks aligned N70 along a 15-m deep depression. Methane was recorded all over the pockmark, the highest values along the axis of the depression where massive carbonate crusts and dense seep communities were also found. Several faunal species belong to the Vesicomyidae and Mytilidae bivalve families, as well as to Siboglinidae (Vestimentifera) tubeworms. Preliminary analyses confirm their association with symbiotic bacteria, thus documenting their dependence on fluid seeps. The pockmark appears to be related to an infilled channel, visible on the seismic data 300 m below the seafloor, which may act as a reservoir for biogenic fluids supplied to the trap from the surrounding sediments.  相似文献   
Humans are modifying the Earth's climate by increasing the atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide and other radiatively active trace gases. The resulting Climate Change is global, pervasive, complex, unpredictable, and irreversible. Nine different approaches (scientific assessment, structural analysis, decision analysis, procedure analysis, game theory, cost-benefit analysis, option valuation, insurance, and deterrence) are presented to explore how the five aspects of Climate Change affect the design of appropriate responses to its impacts.  相似文献   
Dolines are closed geomorphological depressions which are surface manifestations of karstic systems. Usually developed on limestones, they also typify the morphology of the New Caledonian landscape, particularly on the southern massif of the main island (known as Massif du Sud). The specificity of dolines here lies in their development on ultramafic rocks. They are evidences of subsidence, suffosion and collapse phenomena resulting from dissolution weathering of peridotites. However, extensive underground drainage systems are still not yet recognized. Semi‐automatic mapping of dolines is carried out on a 148 km2 area of the Massif du Sud from a high accuracy LiDAR digital elevation model. In this area 8601 dolines ranging from 1 m2 to 2 km2 are identified and morphologically characterized with precision. Most are small, shallow and round‐shaped, yet more complex shapes are locally observed. Size distribution analysis allows the setting of a threshold of 20 000 m2 above which surface processes rather than chemical weathering control doline evolution. Doline density analysis reveals high concentrations on flat areas where ferricrete overlies the complete weathering profile, especially in the case of elevated rainy watersheds. Dolines are aligned and elongated along a north 135° ± 5° major fracture direction, which is inherited from the obduction of the Pacific Plate upper mantle in the Late Eocene. Finally, we propose a pioneering morphometric typology of dolines that provides important clues as to pseudokarstic activity. We define collapse, bowl‐shaped and flat bottom dolines. Collapse and bowl‐shaped dolines are assumed to denote active pseudokarst. They may widen and deepen, or eventually be filled by sediments. They are distinguished from flat bottom dolines that are partially to completely filled, which suggests that they are associated with paleo‐pseudokarsts. However the groundwater flow paths associated with the genesis and evolution of dolines must be clarified, thus collapse and bowl‐shaped dolines should be hydrologically monitored. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Ribbed mussels (Geukensia demissa) help form the basis of highly productive salt marshes along the Atlantic coast of North America, in southern New England, and further south. Little is known about their ecology and reproductive biology at more northern latitudes (Maritime Canada; >43o N). As a step in determining the sustainability of ribbed mussel populations near the northern limit of their range (Northumberland Strait, Gulf of St. Lawrence, Canada), gametogenesis and spawning were monitored over 3 years (May–August 2012, June–November 2014, and April–October 2015) at four sites spanning ~100 km of coastline. These sites are typically ice-covered from mid-December to March or April. The onset of gametogenesis was later, the reproductive stages on any given date were more varied, and the reproductive season was shorter than for southern populations of ribbed mussels. Oocyte density and size did not vary among sites, indicating similar site-level processes, but did vary among years. Oocyte density and size varied greatly among mussels at a given site, and within a single gonad. This highlights the importance of individual variability, perhaps related to mussel location within a marsh, and the effects of nutrients and temperature on gonads. Accounting for the individual-level variability, reproductive output was estimated at ~105 oocytes per ripe female mussel, which is within the fecundity estimates for other marine bivalve broadcast spawners.  相似文献   
This study contributes with the first data on physical and taxonomical structure of macrofaunal assemblages of ma¨erl beds from the Canary Islands. Ma¨erl beds and Cymodocea nodosa meadows of the Canary Islands are considered biodiversity hot-spots in terms of taxonomic and functional biodiversity with a broad geographical and depth ranges. The authors have studied the structure of the macrofaunal assemblages on different habitat types (Cymodocea, Caulerpa, sabellid field, garden eel and ma¨erl beds). Samples were taken at a range of depths between 14 and 46 m. Correlations were performed among abiotic variables (granulometry, organic matter, nitrogen and phosphates) and the most abundant taxa. Similarity analysis was performed to explore the patchiness of seabeds at a local scale. Significant differences were found in macrofaunal assemblages among seabed types, with highest abundances and lowest biodiversity in sabellid fields, where the sabellid Bispira viola dominated. The polychaetes Aponuphis bilineata and Chone filicauda and the mollusc Turritella brochii were the most abundant taxa on ma¨erl beds. The mosaic of granulometric conditions would explain the associated macroinfaunal community structure and contribute to the creation of diversity on these relatively well preserved seabeds at a local scale.  相似文献   
Rock magnetic, petrographic and dielectric analyses were carried out, in a number of archeological ceramic potsherds, in order to characterize the different manufacturing techniques used by Prehistoric Venezuelan Amerindian potters. Samples were excavated in 7 Venezuelan islands and ascribed to distinct cultural groups on purely stylistic grounds (i.e. Valencioide, Ocumaroide, Dabajuroide and Unknown). Mean coercivity values were determined through a direct signal analyses (DSA) applied to isothermal remanent magnetization (IRM) acquisition curves. Logarithmic plots of these mean coercivities are the best quantitative means to classify diverse ceramics. The mean coercivity values seem to group the samples according to the manufacturing development. These values also seem to discriminate the samples provenance, indeed, this plot displays a good grouping of data for samples presumably manufactured by the same culture but excavated at different locations. Thermomagnetic cycles supply helpful information about original ceramic firing conditions. The irreversibility parameter (IP) for thermomagnetic curves (heating and cooling), serves as an indicator of the amount of organic matter burnt during original pottery firing. The IP for a number of pottery samples from Venezuelan islands and mainland, with ages ranging between 300 BC to 1500 AD, might suggest a possible increasing trend in time towards the complete reversibility line of IP = 0. Most samples, independently of age and cultural group, have IP values that suggest that most open fires, used by primitive Venezuelan Amerindian potters, had enough ventilation and oxidizing atmospheres. A scatter plot of maximum current depolarization temperatures versus natural remanent magnetization (NRM) suggests a complex non-linear relationship between these two parameters most likely due to the fact that both, dielectric and rock magnetic data, are linked to pore-related features.  相似文献   
Three sectors of the south Barbados prism between 1000 and 2000 m depth were explored by the French submersible Nautile. Chemosynthesis-based benthic communities were discovered on several structures affected by diapirism, including mud volcanoes, domes and an anticlinal ridge. The communities are associated with the expulsion of methane-rich fluids which is a wide-spread process in the area. These communities are dominated by large bivalves and vestimentiferans which harbour chemoautotrophic symbiotic bacteria. The symbiotic bivalves include two species of Mytilidae and one of Vesicomyidae, with dominance of a methanotrophic mussel. Cartography of the benthic communities, interpretation of thermal measurements and observation of sedimentary patterns have been used to define the life habits of each of the three species of symbiotic bivalves. Each species has a characteristic preference for different conditions of edaphic and fluid flow: the dominant methanotrophic mussel appears to require high velocity vents and hard substratum. The vesicomyids and the other species of mussel are able to take up sulfide from the sediments, and so are associated with low seepages, but also require soft sediment. The three bivalve species are assumed successively to colonize the top of a diapiric ridge, in a succession related to the temporal evolution of fluid flow and sedimentation. The composition of the bivalve assemblages, their densities and biomasses all differ between the several mud volcanoes and domes studied, and these parameters are thought to be related to the spatial and temporal variations of fluid expulsion through the structures, and the lithification processes linked to fluid expulsion. One very active dome is at present colonized by an exceptionally large and dense population of the methanotrophic mussel. In contrast, communities in another area, on the domes and volcanoes that are currently inactive, were colonized by only a few living vesicomyids and mussels, both associated with sulfur-oxydizing bacteria, and there were numerous empty shells. The densities and biomasses of symbiotic bivalves were far greater in the area studied than in a deeper mud volcano field on the same prism that had been studied previously. This is consistent with a report that methane production is greater in the southern region of this accretionary prism than in the northern. Numerous non-symbiotic organisms were observed in and around the areas of the seeps, some are endemic to the seep communities, including some gastropods and shrimps, others are either colonists or vagrants from the surrounding deep-sea floor. Filter feeders were very abundant, and some of these, like the serpulids and large sponges, may also be dependent on the chemosynthetic production. Faunistic composition of both symbiotic and non-symbiotic taxa, of the assemblages around these cold seeps, is closely related to that reported for communities living on hydrocarbon seeps in the Gulf of Mexico.  相似文献   
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