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Abstract— The trace element distributions in the matrix of primitive chondrites were examined using four least‐contaminated matrix specimens from the polished sections of the Allende (CV) meteorite. Analysis of rare earth element (REE), Ba, Sr, Rb, and K abundances by isotope dilution mass spectrometry revealed that the elemental abundances of lithophile elements except for alkali metals (K, Rb) in the specimens of the Allende matrix studied here are nearly CI (carbonaceous Orgueil) chondritic (~1 × CI). Compared to refractory elements, all the matrix samples exhibited systematic depletion of the moderately volatile elements K and Rb (0.1–0.5 × CI). We suggest that the matrix precursor material did not carry significant amounts of alkali metals or that the alkalis were removed from the matrix precursor material during the parent body process and/or before matrix formation and accretion. The matrix specimens displayed slightly fractionated REE abundance patterns with positive Ce anomalies (CI‐normalized La/Yb ratio = 1.32–1.65; Ce/Ce* = 1.16–1.28; Eu/Eu* = 0.98–1.10). The REE features of the Allende matrix do not indicate a direct relationship with chondrules or calcium‐aluminum‐rich inclusions (CAIs), which in turn suggests that the matrix was not formed from materials produced by the breakage and disaggregation of the chondrules or CAIs. Therefore, we infer that the Allende matrix retains the REE features acquired during the condensation process in the nebula gas.  相似文献   
We observed 3EG J1234-1318 with the CANGAROO-II telescope in March, 2002. This source is a steady unidentified EGRET gamma-ray source at high Galactic latitude which has been associated with a dynamically merging clusters of galaxies, and is therefore a candidate TeV source. TeV gamma-ray emission is also expected as a result of large-scale cosmological structure formation. We here report the resulting upper limit on the TeV gamma-ray emission from 3EG J1234-1318. For the CANGAROO Collaboration.  相似文献   
The Tso Morari serpentinites in the Ladakh area, northwest Himalaya, originated from the forearc mantle overlying the northward subducting Neo-Tethys lithosphere and the margin of the Indian continent. The serpentinites are characterized by high concentration of fluid-mobile elements (FME: As, Sb, B, Li, and U) compared to ophiolitic or abyssal serpentinites. The Pb isotopic compositions of serpentinites show influence of the subducted Indian continental lithosphere. Trace element concentrations of antigorite determined in situ with Laser Ablation High Resolution Inductively Coupled Mass Spectrometer (LA-HR-ICP-MS) show high contents of FME including Pb, in contrast to the spatially associated iron oxides. Rare earth elements (REE) and compatible elements, such as Sc and Co, remained immobile during the hydration, allowing the identification of the primary minerals (olivine or orthopyroxene) from which serpentine formed. Serpentinized olivine displays higher Sb and As concentrations (up to 1000 × PM) than serpentinized orthopyroxenes that are enriched in Pb, Cs and Li (2 to up to 10 × PM).We propose that the observed FME distribution in two types of serpentine reflect the differential incorporation of FME during the downward movement of the serpentinite along the subduction plane. At temperature lower than 400 °C, at shallow depths, olivine is preferentially serpentinized and incorporates elements that are fluid soluble at low temperatures, such as Sb and As. Above 400 °C, orthopyroxene is hydrated and incorporates Pb, Cs, Li and possibly Ba. Boron and U are incorporated in both types of serpentine suggesting that they are released from slabs at temperatures around 300–400 °C. The serpentine acts as a sink for water, but also for FME and transports them to deeper and hotter levels in the mantle, down to the isotherm 600–650 °C where dehydration occurs.  相似文献   
Oxygen and carbon isotope compositions were determined for calcites from the Green Tuff formations of Miocene age in Japan. Values of 18O from 24 calcites in altered rocks from 5 districts range from –2 to +16SMOW, in most cases from 0 to +8SMOW. The low 18O values rule out the possibility of their low-temperature origin or any significant contribution of magmatic fluid in the calcite precipitation. These values, coupled with their mineral assemblages, suggest that the calcites formed from meteoric hydrothermal solutions which caused propylitic alteration after the submarine strata became emergent.Values of 13C from the calcites show a wide variation from –17 to 0PDB. Calcites from different districts have different ranges of 13C values, indicating that there was no homogeneous reservoir of carbon at the time the calcite formed, and that the carbon had local sources. Carbon isotopic compositions of calcite within ore deposits in the Green Tuff formations range from –19 to 0PDB, similar to those of calcite in the altered rocks in the same district, suggesting that the carbon in ore calcites was likely supplied from the surrounding rocks through activity of meteoric hydrothermal solutions.  相似文献   
The James Bay Lowlands, which is the SE part of the Hudson Bay Lowlands, Canada, and within the Paleozoic limestone terrane, is covered mostly by peatlands. Peat samples were examined in the Attawapiskat area, a region of discontinuous permafrost, where more than 19 kimberlite pipes have been found beneath a cover of peat (2–4 m thick) and Quaternary sediments (up to 20 m thick) of Tyrell Sea clay beds and glacial tills. Pore water at a depth of 40 cm in the peat has a consistently low pH, <4, and high Eh, 290 mV, in the areas over limestones far from kimberlites. On the other hand, peat pore water close to kimberlites has a high pH, up to 6.7, and low Eh, down to 49 mV; the values of pH and Eh are inversely correlated. The high pH and low Eh close to kimberlites suggest active serpentinization of olivine in the underlying kimberlites. The bulk compositions of peat indicate precipitation of secondary CaCO3 and Fe–O–OH. The secondary carbonate contains high concentrations of kimberlite pathfinder elements, such as Ni, rare earth elements (REE) and Y. The ratios of metal concentrations extracted by ammonium acetate solution at pH 5 (AA5) to those in a total digestion confirm that a majority of the divalent cations are hosted by the secondary carbonate, whereas tri-, tetra- and penta-valent cations are not. As these charged cations are not leached in Enzyme Leach, they are most likely adsorbed on Fe–O–OH.The compositions of peat show spatial variation with the distribution of kimberlites, suggesting that they are influenced by the underlying rocks even through there are thick layers of tills and sediments between the bedrocks and peat. However, elevated concentrations of pathfinder elements of kimberlites in bulk peat samples and AA5 leach are not necessarily directly above kimberlites. The diffused metal anomalies around kimberlites are attributed to the dissolution–precipitation of secondary phases (carbonates and Fe–O–OH) in acidic and reduced waters in peat, and the movement of waters through peat. This pilot study suggests that peat compositions do reflect the underlying bedrock compositions. For kimberlite exploration, a geochemical survey of peat is useful to discriminate concealed kimberlites from other anomalies defined by geophysical and other techniques; however, such a geochemical survey is not suitable for delineating the shapes of the concealed kimberlites due to broad dispersed anomalies.  相似文献   
In the eastern North Water, most of the estimated annual new and net production of carbon (C) occurred during the main diatom bloom in 1998. During the bloom, at least 30% of total and new phytoplankton production occurred as dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and was unavailable for short-term assimilation into the herbivorous food web or sinking export. Based on particle interceptor traps and 234Th deficits, 27% of the particulate primary production (PP) sank out of the upper 50 m, with only 7% and 1% of PP reaching the benthos at shallow (≈200 m) and deep (≈500 m) sites, respectively. Mass balance calculations and grazing estimates agree that ≈79% of PP was ingested by pelagic consumers between April and July. During this period, the vertical flux of biogenic silica (BioSi) at 50 m was equivalent to the total BioSi produced, indicating that all of the diatom production was removed from the euphotic zone as intact cells (direct sinking) or empty frustules (grazing or lysis). The estimated flux of empty frustules was consistent with rates of herbivory by the large, dominant copepods and appendicularians during incubations. Since the carbon demand of the dominant planktivorous bird, Alle alle, amounted to ≈2% of the biomass synthesized by its main prey, the large copepod Calanus hyperboreus, most of the secondary carbon production was available to pelagic carnivores. Stable isotopes indicated that the biomass of predatory amphipods, polar cod and marine mammals was derived from these herbivores, but corresponding carbon fluxes were not quantified. Our analysis shows that a large fraction of PP in the eastern North Water was ingested by consumers in the upper 50 m, leading to substantial carbon respiration and DOC accumulation in surface waters. An increasingly early and prolonged opening of the Artic Ocean is likely to promote the productivity of the herbivorous food web, but not the short-term efficiency of the particulate, biological CO2 pump.  相似文献   
Phosphorus dynamics in Tokyo Bay waters were investigated along with other oceanographic variables. Seasonal variations of dissolved inorganic phosphorus (DIP) and particulate phosphorus (PP) are inversely correlated with each other, and reflect variation in biological activity. A high concentration of PP in summer surface waters is caused by high primary production. The PP settled in the deeper layer is decomposed, and orthophosphate is regenerated within the water column and in sediments. Even during summer stratification period, the regenerated orthophosphate is occasionally advected upward by wind-induced water mixing and contributes to phytoplankton growth in the upper layer. Some dissolved organic phosphorus is producedin situ from PP, but it may be rapidly decomposed in the water column. The ratios of Cchlorophylla and CN in particulate matter suggest that phytoplankton in the summer surface waters of Tokyo Bay are limited neither by nitrogen nor by phosphorus. The PN ratio in particulate matter varies substantially but it is positively correlated with the ambient concentration of DIP. Phytoplankton take up and store phosphorus within their cells when ambient DIP exceeds their demand. An abundance of total phosphorus in the summer water column can be attributed to increased discharge of river waters, although enhanced release of orthophosphate from anoxic sediments cannot be discounted.  相似文献   
Diel vertical migration (DVM) of the marine cladoceran Podon leuckarti was investigated with reference to their reproductive stages and size. Males and females, except for gamogenic females with an advanced resting egg (GA), aggregated at the near-bottom layer or at the surface during the day and dispersed into the water column at night. Both the near-bottom aggregation and the surface aggregation during daytime are suggested to be behavior that reduces the predation risk from visual predators. However, GA aggregated in the near-bottom layer during daytime and avoided the surface layer. The near-bottom aggregation might be more effective behavior for GAs to reduce risk of visual predation than the surface aggregation because of the conspicuous resting egg they carried. These results show that carrying an advanced resting egg influenced the DVM of P. leuckarti.  相似文献   
Evaporation from the forest floor (EFF) in a deciduous broadleaf forest was measured using microlysimeter and closed‐chamber systems. The microlysimeter was used at six points in the experimental basin, and measurements gave different EFF values at different points. This could be attributed to the local photoenvironment of each sampling point, rather than to litter conditions, if the spatial variation in air temperature (Ta) or vapour pressure deficit (VPD) at the forest floor was small within this basin. A detachable microlysimeter measured condensation in the litter layer during the night, indicating that the litter layer, as well as the mulch layer, played a role in preventing evaporation from the soil layer. The closed‐chamber system made it possible to continuously measure long‐term EFF. EFF was closely related to VPD; even during the night, when solar radiation was zero, EFF amounted to 14·0% of the daily EFF. The daily EFF was 0·20 ± 0·13 mm day?1 during the study period, with two seasonal peaks: in late spring (0·31 mm day?1 in April) and early fall (0·22 mm day?1 in September). The former peak has been reported from two deciduous forests in Japan and is strongly related to the solar radiation reaching the forest floor when the trees are dormant. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
A regret frequently expressed at International Geographical Congresses concerns the lack of summary information about the nature of geographic research in the host country. During a discussion of this point with members of the Association of Japanese Geographers, the idea of publishing a series of reports on various aspects of Japanese research surfaced. The concept was later enthusiastically supported by the United States National Committee for the International Geographical Union. This first report, “Historical Geography in Japan,” has been modified for the benefit of the English-speaking readers of THE PROFESSIONAL GEOGRAPHER. Although the reports will be of particular interest to those planning to attend the 1980 IGC in Tokyo, they should prove of general interest as well.—H. Jesse Walker, Member, U.S. National Committee, IGU.  相似文献   
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