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The evolutionary characteristics of a dust storm over Oman on 2 February 2008 were studied by analyzing the weather associated with it. The National Center for Environmental Prediction/National Centre for Atmospheric Research (NCEP/NCAR) reanalysis wind flow pattern at 1,000?hPa showed a clockwise and outward wind flow pattern over the study region, a manifestation of a high-pressure cold air mass. In addition, ground truth observations for surface temperature and surface winds showed cold northerly winds until the early morning of 2 February 2008. A strong wind shear resulted from differences in wind speed between warm air and trapped cold air. This vertical wind shear enhanced instability. Furthermore, the weakening of the inversion in the lower troposphere and the formation of a mixed layer due to transfer of horizontal momentum from upper air towards the surface led to strong surface winds. These strong winds lifted a large amount of dust particles off the ground, resulting in the dust event of 2 February 2008.  相似文献   
In this study, the baseline period (1960–1990) precipitation simulation of regional climate model PRECIS is evaluated and downscaled on a monthly basis for northwestern Himalayan mountains and upper Indus plains of Pakistan. Different interpolation models in GIS environment are used to generate fine scale (250?×?250 m2) precipitation surfaces from PRECIS precipitation data. Results show that the multivariate extension model of ordinary kriging that uses elevation as secondary data is the best model especially for monsoon months. Model results are further compared with observations from 25 meteorological stations in the study area. Modeled data show overall good correlation with observations confirming the ability of PRECIS to capture major precipitation features in the region. Results for low and erratic precipitation months, September and October, are however showing poor correlation with observations. During monsoon months (June, July, August) precipitation pattern is different from the rest of the months. It increases from south to north, but during monsoon maximum precipitation is in the southern regions of the Himalayas, and extreme northern areas receive very less precipitation. Modeled precipitation toward the end of the twenty-first century under A2 and B2 scenarios show overall decrease during winter and increase in spring and monsoon in the study area. Spatially, both scenarios show similar pattern but with varying magnitude. In monsoon, the Himalayan southern regions will have more precipitation, whereas northern areas and southern plains will face decrease in precipitation. Western and south western areas will suffer from less precipitation throughout the year except peak monsoon months. T test results also show that changes in monthly precipitation over the study area are significant except for July, August, and December. Result of this study provide reliable basis for further climate change impact studies on various resources.  相似文献   
Geochemical characterisation of 18 crude oils from the Potwar Basin (Upper Indus), Pakistan is carried out in this study. Their relative thermal maturities, environment of deposition, source of organic matter (OM) and the extent of biodegradation based on the hydrocarbon (HC) distributions are investigated. A detailed oil-oil correlation of the area is established. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analyses and bulk stable carbon and hydrogen isotopic compositions of saturated and aromatic HC fractions reveals three compositional groups of oils. Most of the oils from the basin are typically generated from shallow marine source rocks. However, group A contains terrigenous OM deposited under highly oxic/fluvio-deltaic conditions reflected by high pristane/phytane (Pr/Ph), C30 diahopane/C29Ts, diahopane/hopane and diasterane/sterane ratios and low dibenzothiophene (DBT)/phenanthrene (P) ratios. The abundance of C19-tricyclic and C24-tetracyclic terpanes are consistent with a predominant terrigenous OM source for group A. Saturated HC biomarker parameters from the rest of the oils show a predominant marine origin, however groups B and C are clearly separated by bulk δ13C and δD and the distributions of the saturated HC fractions supporting variations in source and environment of deposition of their respective source rocks. Moreover, various saturated HC biomarker ratios such as steranes/hopanes, diasteranes/steranes, C23-tricyclic/C30 hopane, C28-tricyclic/C30 hopane, total tricyclic terpanes/hopanes and C31(R + S)/C30 hopane show that two different groups are present. These biomarker ratios show that group B oils are generated from clastic-rich source rocks deposited under more suboxic depositional environments compared to group C oils. Group C oils show a relatively higher input of algal mixed with terrigenous OM, supported by the abundance of extended tricyclic terpanes (up to C41+) and steranes.Biomarker thermal maturity parameters mostly reached to their equilibrium values indicating that the source rocks for Potwar Basin oils must have reached the early to peak oil generation window, while aromatic HC parameters suggest up to late oil window thermal maturity. The extent of biodegradation of the Potwar Basin oils is determined using various saturated HC parameters and variations in bulk properties such as API gravity. Groups A and C oils are not biodegraded and show mature HC profiles, while some of the oils from group B show minor levels of biodegradation consistent with high Pr/n-C17, Ph/n-C18 and low API gravities.  相似文献   
This study aimed to develop a low-cost and effective clay liner material for solid waste landfills in Sri Lanka. A locally available clayey soil and its admixtures with 5 and 10% bentonite were examined for this purpose. Laboratory experiments to determine soil plasticity and swell index were carried out on the tested samples. Hydraulic conductivity (k) tests were carried out in the laboratory using water and an aqueous solution of CaCl2 on unconsolidated samples prepared by either dry or slurry packing and pre-consolidated samples with five different consolidation pressures (p) from 10 to 200 kPa. Measured liquid limits for tested admixtures increased with increasing bentonite contents and correlated well with measured values of the swell index. The difference in permeant solutions had little effect on measured k values for both unconsolidated and pre-consolidated samples. The hydraulic conductivities were highly affected by changing p, i.e., the k values decreased on two orders of magnitude as p increased from 10 to 200 kPa. The Kozeny–Carman equation, a theoretical permeability model that expresses the k-porosity relationship, was applied to measured data including reported values. Results showed the Kozeny–Carman equation captured well the porosity-dependent k values for tested soils and their admixtures with bentonite under a wide range of void ratios, suggesting that the Kozeny–Carman equation is a useful tool to estimate the magnitude of k values for differently compacted soil and its bentonite admixtures.  相似文献   
The possibility of using concrete as a construction material at the Moon surface is considered. Dissimilarities between the Earth and the Moon and their possible effects on concrete are also emphasized. Availability of constituent materials for concrete at lunar surface is addressed. An emphasis is given to two types of materials, namely, hydraulic concrete and sulfur concrete. Hydraulic concrete necessitates the use of water and sulfur concrete makes use of molten sulfur in lieu of cement and water.  相似文献   
Hindukush is an active subduction zone where at least one earthquake occurs on daily basis. For seismic hazard studies, it is important to develop a local magnitude scale using the data of local seismic network. We have computed local magnitude scale for Hindukush earthquakes using data from local network belonging to Center for Earthquake Studies (CES) for a period of three years, i.e. 2015–2017. A total of 26,365 seismic records pertaining to 2,683 earthquakes with magnitude 2.0 and greater, was used with hypocentral distance less than 600 km. Magnitude scale developed by using this data comes to be ML = logA + 0.929logr + 0.00298r – 1.84. The magnitude determined through formulated relation was compared with that of standard relation for Southern California and relation developed by the same authors for local network for Northern Punjab. It was observed that Hindukush region has high attenuation as compared to that of Southern California and Northern Punjab which implies that Hindukush is tectonically more disturbed as compared to the said regions, hence, seismically more active as well. We have calculated station correction factors for our network. Station correction factors do not show any pattern which probably owes to the geological and tectonic complexity of this structure. Standard deviation and variance of magnitude residuals for CES network determined using Hutton and Boore scale and scale developed in this study were compared, it showed that a variance reduction of 44.1% was achieved. Average of magnitude residuals for different distance ranges was almost zero which showed that our magnitude scale was stable for all distances up to 600 km. Newly developed magnitude scale will help in homogenization of earthquake catalog. It has been observed that b-value of CES catalog decreases when magnitude is calculated by using newly developed magnitude scale.  相似文献   
在实地采访、地块土地利用/覆盖调查和1 260个土样的收集和实验室分析等野外工作的基础上,对比分析了1984—1985年和2003—2004年265个家户的人口、农业系统、土地利用和土壤质量数据,研究了孟加拉国6个村庄农业诱导强度增强对土地和土壤质量的影响。1984—2004年家户和土质数据的百分比变化用来构建诱导强度增强模型和土地退化模型中的统计变量和土地退化指标。结果表明:研究区种植强度和土地生产力的增加主要是由于低压泵灌溉的普及,化肥和杀虫剂的使用以及水稻、蔬菜和虾生产的多元化高产。诱导强度增强模型可以解释研究区81%的种植强度增量和73%的土地生产力增量。人口压力和市场驱动也诱发了农业利用强度的增加;环境约束起到了一定制约作用;低压泵灌溉等应对干旱的技术也对农业增产有一定贡献。然而动力耕作机、低压泵灌溉和化学物质的持续利用再加上除草性水稻、蔬菜和虾的频繁耕作和养殖已经导致土壤结构、质地和化学属性的退化,生产力也有所降低。利用强度越大的土地退化现象越严重,生产力下降得也更多。土地的不断退化将有可能会引发孟加拉国的马尔萨斯危机。  相似文献   
Sadiq  Simon  Muhammad  Umar  Fuchs  Michael 《Natural Hazards》2022,110(3):2141-2162

Lineament extraction has long been performed through extensive field mapping. Recent advances in the field of remote sensing have made possible the availability of imageries from earth observation satellites with different Spatio-temporal resolutions, paving way for new automatic, semi-automatic, and manual techniques for the extraction of natural lineaments. The study focuses on the extraction of lineaments representing tectonic fault zones; the lineaments are extracted automatically and semi-automatically/manually. Results show that indirect information about the tectonic lineaments can be derived through automatic techniques whereas, the semi-automatic techniques are more effective to directly identify them. Detailed analyses of lineaments and landslides revealed that areas near lineaments, in general, experienced higher frequency of landslides. Moreover, it is also observed that lineaments are not the only factor that affects landslide density; other parameters like slope and lithology were also found to be the controlling factors in determining the spatial landslide distribution. Lastly, some recommendations have been made based on observations.

A field study was performed to determine the efficiency of diammonium phosphate (DAP) applied alone or combined with biochar, lignite, and farmyard manure (FYM) on growth and cadmium (Cd) accumulation in wheat and rice. Before crop sowing, different treatments were applied in the field such as a control (T1), DAP alone (0.1%, T2), DAP + lignite (0.05% each, T3), DAP + FYM (0.05% each, T4), and DAP + biochar (0.05% each, T5). Afterwards, the wheat seeds were sown in the soil. At wheat postharvest, rice was sown without any further treatment. Raw effluent was applied as an irrigation source during the whole growth period of both crops since it is the common practice of the farmers of study area. It was revealed that the use of amendments enhanced the yield and photosynthesis but lowered the Cd contents in straw as well as grains of both crops. In both crops, the highest yield of straw and grain was found in DAP + FYM whereas the lowest Cd concentration was found in DAP alone. The ammonium bicarbonate-DTPA extractable Cd of post wheat and post rice soils were decreased while the soil pH and immobilization index were increased in all treatments as compared with the control. The present field study highlighted that the DAP + FYM can be effective in increasing yield with decreased Cd concentrations in crop grains.  相似文献   
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