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Acknowledgement of Reviewers   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Variations in frequency and intensity of extreme events have substantial impact on water resources and environment, which in turn are reflected on agriculture, society, and economy. We assessed spatiotemporal changes in pattern of daily precipitation to identify drought- and flood-prone areas of Iran. To do this, we generated gridded daily precipitation for the period of 1962–2013 over Iran using measured daily precipitation and the Kriging approach. We applied 11 precipitation indices that were stated by the Expert Team on Climate Change Detection and Indices (ETCCDI) to identify significant changes in frequency and intensity of extreme precipitation events. According to significant changes of these 11 precipitation indices, drought- and flood-prone areas of Iran were, then, detected. We observed significant changes in pattern of daily precipitation over more than half of the country. 40% of the country, which were located in the elevated regions of Iran, particularly along Zagros Mountain, was identified as flood-prone areas. As a result, in these regions, there is a need for flood risk management based on changes in stormwater events such as runoff generated from rain on snow and snowmelt events. In addition, we detected drought-prone areas in large portion of the northwest of Iran and in the low elevated regions of the country that have semiarid or arid climate. This suggests that it is necessary to prepare a long-term drought plan to mitigate impacts of severe drought events.  相似文献   
Failure mechanisms of the rock mass in the regions of maximum stress concentrations around a longwall face were assessed. In this respect, seismic events that result from changes in the stress field were analyzed to gain more knowledge about rock failure mechanisms in the proximity of the face area. A deep longwall mine developed at depths of about 3–3.5 km in South Africa was selected as a case study. Seismic moment tensor solutions were obtained for 32 seismic events with moment magnitudes in the range of 0.49 and 2.10. Through moment tensor decomposition, the dominant failure mechanisms were investigated by drawing focal mechanism plots. Further analysis was implemented by depicting the corresponding 3D radiation patterns of P-wave particle motions. Although the results cover various failure mechanisms, the dominant mechanisms are shear, implosional, and compressional failures. According to the results, most of the maximum principal stresses in the mine are compressive and oriented nearly vertical, which are in accordance with the gravitational collapses of the mined out areas. The results obtained from this research show that measuring and analyzing mining-induced seismicity can be a reliable measure to characterize the dominant failure mechanisms in a nondestructive manner and to provide a useful assessment of the stability of the longwall face in advance of extraction.  相似文献   
Sea level change analysis and models identification are important factors used for coastal engineering applications. Moreover, sea level change modeling is used widely to evaluate and study shoreline and climate changes. This study intends to analyze and model Alexandria, Egypt sea level change by investigating yearly tide gauge data collected in a short duration (2008–2011). The time-frequency method was used to evaluate the meteorological noise frequencies. Two models were used to predict the time series data: Neural Network Autoregressive Moving Average (NNARMA) and Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS). The time-frequency analysis and models identification results showed that no extreme events were detected for Alexandria point during the monitoring period. Therefore, the NNARMA and ANFIS models can be used to identify the sea level change. The estimates of the models were compared with the three different statistics, determination coefficient, root mean square errors, and auto-correlation function. Comparison of these results revealed that the NNARMA model performs better than the ANFIS model for the study area.  相似文献   
The 19 October 2012 earthquake (M L = 5.1) occurred in the northern continental margin of Egypt within the Nile Cone at latitude 32.35° N and longitude 31.27° E. The quake was felt over a wide area in north Egypt and East Mediterranean countries, but no casualties have been reported. This area had experienced the large earthquake (Ms = 6.7) of 12 September 1955. The fault plane solution of the 19 October 2012 earthquake is here presented based on the digital seismograms recorded by the Egyptian National Seismological Network (ENSN) and other regional seismic stations. The analysis is carried out using the well-known techniques of first motion polarities of P-wave and the amplitude ratios of P-, SH-, and SV-waves with lower hemisphere projection. The fault plane solution based on the first P-wave onset demonstrates a left lateral strike-slip faulting mechanism, while the solution based on both P-wave polarities and amplitude ratios of P-, SH-, and SV-waves reveals a reverse fault with strike-slip component trending NW–SE to NE–SW, in conformity with the N–S compression along the Hellenic Arc convergence zone. Following the Brune’s model, the source dynamic parameters for the 19 October 2012 earthquake are estimated as corner frequency = 1.47 Hz, fault radius = 0.7 km, stress drop = 22.1 MPa, seismic moment = 2.80E + 16 Nm, and moment magnitude M w = 4.9. These parameters may provide important quantitative information for the seismic hazard assessment studies.  相似文献   
Design and Application of Underground Mine Paste Backfill Technology   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper reviews the design and application of paste backfill in underground hard rock mines used as ground support for pillars and walls, to help prevent caving and roof falls, and to enhance pillar recovery for improved productivity. Arching after stope filling reduces vertical stress and increases horizontal stress distribution within the fill mass. It is therefore important to determine horizontal stress on stope sidewalls using various predictive models in the design of paste backfill. Required uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) for paste backfill depends on the intended function, such as vertical roof support, development opening within the backfill, pillar recovery, ground or pillar support, and working platform. UCS design models for these functions are given. Laboratory and backfill plant scale designs for paste backfill mix design and optimization are presented, with emphasis on initial tailings density control to prevent under-proportioning of binder content. Once prepared, paste backfill is transported (or pumped) and placed underground by pipeline reticulation. The governing elements of paste backfill transport are rheological factors such as shear yield stress, viscosity, and slump height (consistency). Different models (analytical, semi-empirical, and empirical) are given to predict the rheological factors of paste backfill (shear yield stress and viscosity). Following backfill placement underground, self-weight consolidation settlement, internal pressure build-up, the arching effect, shrinkage, stope volume, and wall convergence against backfill affect mechanical integrity. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   
This study investigated the tidal asymmetry imposed by both the interaction of principal tides and the higher harmonics generated by distortions within a tidal creek network with mixed mainly semidiurnal tide in the Bushehr Port, Persian Gulf. Since velocity and water-level imposed by principal triad tides K1-O1-M2 are in quadrature, duration asymmetries during a tidal period in this short, shallow inverse estuary should be manifest as skewed velocities. The principal tides produce periodic asymmetries including a strong ebb-dominance and a weak flood-dominance condition during spring and neap tides respectively. The higher harmonics induced by nonlinearities engender a flood-dominance condition where the convergence effects are higher than frictional effects, and an ebbdominance condition where intertidal storage are extended. Since the triad K1-O1-M2 driven asymmetry is not overcome by higher harmonics close to the mouth, the periodic asymmetry dominates within the creek in which higher harmonics reinforce the weak flood-dominance (strong ebb-dominance) condition in the convergent channel (divergent area). Also, the maximum flood and the maximum ebb from all harmonic constituents occurred close to high water slack time during both spring and neap tides in this short creek. Since occational wetting of intertidal areas happened close to the high water (HW) time during spring tide, the water level flooded slowly close to the HW time of the spring tide.  相似文献   
The performance of two well accepted formulations for white capping and wind input of third generation wave models, viz., WAM-3 and WAM-4, were investigated using parallel unstructured SWAN (PunSWAN). Several alternative formulations were also considered to evaluate the effects of higher order steepness and wave number terms in white capping formulations. Distinct model configurations were calibrated and validated against available in situ measurements from the Gulf of Mexico. The results showed that some of the in situ calibrated models outperform the saturation level calibrated models in reproducing the idealized wave growth curves. The simulation results also revealed that increasing the power of the steepness term can enhance the accuracy of significant wave height (Hs), at the expense of a higher bias for large waves. It also has negative effects on mean wave period (Ta) and peak wave period (Tp). It is also demonstrated that the use of the quadratic wave number term in the WAM-3 formulation, instead of the existing linear term, ameliorates the Ta underestimation; however, it results in the model being unable to reach any saturation level. In addition, unlike Hs and Tp, it has been shown that Ta is sensitive to the use of the higher order WAM-4 formulation, and the bias is decreased over a wide range of wave periods. However, it also increases the scatter index (SI) of simulated Ta. It is concluded that the use of the WAM-4 wind input formulation in conjunction with the WAM-3 dissipation form, is the most successful case in reproducing idealized wave growth curves while avoiding Ta underestimation of WAM-3 and a potential spurious bimodal spectrum of WAM-4; consequently, this designates another perspective to improve the overall performance of third generation wave models.  相似文献   
Quantitative regional assessments of streambed sedimentation and its likely causes are hampered because field investigations typically lack the requisite sample size, measurements, or precision for sound geomorphic and statistical interpretation. We adapted an index of relative bed stability (RBS) for data calculated from a national stream survey field protocol to enable general evaluation of bed stability and anthropogenic sedimentation in synoptic ecological surveys. RBS is the ratio of bed surface geometric mean particle diameter (Dgm) divided by estimated critical diameter (Dcbf) at bankfull flow, based on a modified Shield's criterion for incipient motion. Application of RBS to adequately depict bed stability in complex natural streams, however, has been limited because typical calculations of RBS do not explicitly account for reductions in bed shear stress that result from channel form roughness. We modified the index (RBS) to incorporate the reduction in bed shear stress available for sediment transport that results from the hydraulic resistance of large wood and longitudinal irregularities in channel dimensions (“form roughness”). Based on dimensional analysis, we derived an adjustment to bankfull shear stress by multiplying the bankfull hydraulic radius (Rbf) by the one-third power of the ratio of particle-derived resistance to total hydraulic resistance (Cp/Ct)1/3, where both resistances are empirically based calculations. We computed Cp using a Keulegan equation relating resistance to relative submergence of bed particles. We then derived an empirical equation to predict reach-scale hydraulic resistance Ct from thalweg mean depth, thalweg mean residual depth, and large wood volume based on field dye transit studies, in which total hydraulic resistance Ct was measured over a wide range of natural stream channel complexity, including manipulation of large wood volumes. We tested our estimates of Ct and RBS by applying them to data from a summer low flow probability sample of 104 wadeable stream reaches in the Coastal Ecoregion of Oregon and Washington, USA. Stream discharges calculated using these Ct estimates compared favorably with velocity–area measurements of discharge during summer low flow, and with the range of 1 to 2-year recurrence floods (scaled by drainage area) at U.S.Geological Survey gauged sites in the same region. Log [RBS] ranged from − 4.2 to + 0.98 in the survey region. Dgm ranged from silt to boulders, while estimated bankfull critical diameter, Dcbf, ranged from very fine gravel to large boulders. The median value of Dcbf (adjusted for form roughness influences) averaged 40% (inter quartile range 28 to 59%) of the unadjusted estimate Dcbf. Log[RBS] was consistently negatively related to human disturbances likely to produce excess sediment inputs or hydrologic alteration. Log [RBS] ranged from − 1.9 to + 0.5 in the streams within the lower quartile of human disturbance in their basin and riparian areas and was substantially lower (− 4.2 to − 1.1) in streams within the upper quartile of human disturbance. The synoptic survey methods and designs we used appear adequate to evaluate regional patterns in bed stability and sedimentation and their general relationship to human disturbances. Although the RBS concept also shows promise for evaluating sediment and bed stability in individual streams, our approach is relatively coarse, so site-specific assessments using these rapid field methods might prudently be confined to identifying severe cases of sedimentation or channel alteration. Greater confidence to discern subtle differences in site-specific assessments could be gained by calculating RBS using more precise field measurements of channel slope, bed particle size and bankfull dimensions, and by refining our adjustments for energy loss from channel form roughness.  相似文献   
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