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Nowadays many telescopes around the world are automated and some networks of robotic telescopes are active or planned. Such equipment could be used for thetraining of students and for science in the Universities of DCs and of newastronomical countries, by sending them observational data via Internetor through remotely controlled telescope. It seems that it is thetime to open up for discussion with UN and ESA organizations and also withIAU, how to implement links between robotic telescopes and suchUniversities applying for collaborations. Many scientific fields couldthus be accessible to them, for example on stellar variability, near-earthobject follow-up, -ray burst counterpart tracking, and so on.  相似文献   
As a result of ubiquitous excretion by micro-organisms, extracellular polymeric substances are reported in high concentrations in marine systems. The majority of this material is exopolysaccharide (EPS). Despite previous studies showing that EPS can affect carbon as well as trace metal cycling, little is known about the effect on Fe – a critical nutrient limiting primary productivity in up to 40% of the ocean. Here, we have characterised an EPS purified from bacteria isolated from the pelagic Southern Ocean (Pseudoalteromonas sp.) and investigated its role in Fe chemical speciation, solubility, as well as bioavailability for two keystone Southern Ocean phytoplankton strains. This EPS has an average molecular weight of 4.6 MDa, exhibiting mainly –OH, COO– and –NH2 functional groups. An asymmetrical flow field-flow fractionation coupled online with UV-spectrophotometer, differential refractive index, and multiangle laser light scattering (aFlFFF-UV-DRI-MALS) demonstrates that this EPS is polydisperse with three, not well resolved, size populations having molar masses in the range from 0.57 to 15.8 MDa. Fe was exclusively associated with the medium size fraction of this EPS and was the most abundant trace metal with 2.2 nM Fe per nM EPS. Only a third of this Fe was chemically labile, and the strength of Fe-EPS complexes increased with equilibration time. 1 nM EPS is efficient to retain Fe in solution, mainly in the colloidal phase (0.02–0.2 μm). Fe bound to the EPS was highly bioavailable (25% as much as for inorganic Fe). Due to combined effect of EPS on Fe solubility and bioavailability, it can increase the residence time of bioavailable Fe in the euphotic zone, therefore possibly sustaining and controlling primary productivity in sensitive oceanic regions, such as the Southern Ocean.  相似文献   
Zintl化合物是以Edward Zintl命名的化合物,是一类由电正性的碱金属或碱土金属与电负性的13族或14族元素形成的特殊金属间化合物。其价键模式可以是离子键、金属键和共价键共存,其中的准金属可以共价键的形式形成各种形式的离子簇,因而其结构复杂多样。这类化合物的部分阴离子簇不仅具有稳定的笼状、层状和链状结构,并且具有特殊的光、电、磁等性能,使得在半导体、催化、电极材料等方面都有应用的前景和发展潜力。介绍了几个特殊Zintl化合物体系,盐湖丰产元素在Zintl化合物中的作用,指出了含有盐湖丰产元素的Zintl化合物的应用前景和方向。  相似文献   
From the observed light curves of six eclipsing binaries with solar-type activity and from the analysis of their period variations some problems in the interpretation of the observations came out: Are these binaries similar to classical RS CVn stars? Is the stellar surface spot coverage the unique interpretation of the observed light curves? Are these systems really linked with W UMa's? In a further study some models will be tempted to try to solve these problems.  相似文献   
In 1982, a geophysical survey of the Antarctic margin, including multichannel seismic, gravity, magnetic and bathymetric surveying, was carried out off Adélie Coast-Wilkes Land and in the eastern Ross Sea. Of the 5000 km of lines recorded, 3000 km were in the Adélie Coast area. Lines ATC 101–102, approximately following meridian 138°E, show the first complete transect of the Adélie Coast margin from the Southeast Indian abyssal plain at DSDP Site 269 to the continental shelf. These lines reveal a thick sedimentary series divided into three main acoustic units by two major unconformities considered to be Upper Eocene (42 Ma) and late Oligocene (25 Ma). Oceanic or continental basement can be traced under the whole area, and the ocean-continent boundary clearly lies beneath the lower continental slope. A deep, high-amplitude, low-frequency horizon, extending under the oceanic basement for over 300 km of line, is considered to be the Moho. Our interpretation supports a recent revision be Cande and Mutter proposing an early Upper Cretaceous opening between Australia and East Antarctica.  相似文献   
We present three colour photoelectric observations of CI Cyg during the 1980 eclipse. Some interesting photometric peculiarities are shown that must be taken into account for a theoretical model of this eclipsing symbiotic star.  相似文献   
Observations of accelerated particle beams are used to probe the coronal and interplanetary magnetic field structures over large distances from the Sun on the order of a few AU and for various heliolatitudes. It is shown that the propagation of low energy particles is very much controled by discrete interplanetary magnetic field structures. These discrete magnetic structures are sometimes embedded within interplanetary solar wind plasma disturbances, commonly called CMEs. The connection between the corona and the interplanetary medium is discussed. These observations lead to new insights on the origin of accelerated particles detected in association with CMEs.  相似文献   
This paper presents results of recent measurements of sand transport made in Chioggia inlet as part of an extensive monitoring programme in the Venetian inlets. Measurements were made in order: (1) to define a relationship between sand transport magnitude and tidal flow; (2) to derive the thresholds for sand transport; (3) to identify the dominant modes of transport; (4) to evaluate the concentration profiles of sand within the benthic boundary layer; (5) to compare bedload transport observations with model predictions using existent bedload formulae; and (6) to produce yearly estimates of bedload transport across the inlet. The vertical distribution of sand in the water column was sampled using modified Helley–Smith bedload samplers at three sites. Transport was found to vary according to the flow and bed grain size, with considerable temporal and spatial variability. A difference of up to three orders of magnitude in transport was observed through the inlet, with higher transport rates measured on the seaward part. The dominant mode of transport in the central inlet was suspension, while bedload was dominant in the mouths. The measured profiles of sand concentration varied with the tidal stage and seabed grain size according to the Rouse parameter (R). R was high at the inlet mouths (1<R<2), indicative of a well-developed bedload layer. The inverse movability number (Ws/U*) was also higher at these sites and appeared to be grain size dependant. Formulae for bedload transport were tested against field data; stochastic methods such as Einstein–Brown, Engelund–Hansen and Van Rijn produce the best fits. The coupled model SHYFEM-Sedtrans05 appears to simulate well observed transport for most conditions of flow. Long-term bedload predictions indicate a dominant export of sand, with a yearly average of 4500 m3.  相似文献   
As a contribution to an environmental study on Tuscany's marine shelf, textural, mineralogical, and chemical characteristics of recent sediments in the northern Tyrrhenian Sea between Elba Island and Livorno have been analyzed. The data provide clear information on sediment sources and movement patterns. The main sediment source appears to be the Cecina River; very subordinate is the contribution of the Fine River. As to sediment movement patterns, the surveyed basin appears to be divided into two subbasins: (1) a greater, southern subbasin, bounded by Tuscany mainland, Elba Island and Elba Ridge, and Capraia Isle, and Vada Shoals; and (2) a smaller, northern subbasin, enclosed between Vada Shoals and Meloria Shoals (off Livorno port).In the former the coarse-grade Cecina River sediments are transported southward along most of the mainland coast by littoral drift and coastal current; a northward flowing countercurrent seems to be active only in the southernmost part. Silts and clays are distributed in concentric belts around basin's central part, being transported mainly by slow circular water movements. In the marginal western zone, very little terrigenous influx is coupled with a high biologic productivity, and biogenic debris sedimentation prevails there.In the northern subbasin the sediment contribution from Fine River is more appreciable. Here the environmental energies are very low and the coarse sediments are restricted to a few small pocket beaches where they are deposited by local creeks. Most of the subbasin area is occupied by sapropelitic muds, again distributed by slow small-scale gyres.  相似文献   
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