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Main objective of this study was to establish a relationship between land cover and land surface temperature (LST) in urban and rural areas. The research was conducted using Landsat, WorldView-2 (WV-2) and Digital Mapping Camera. Normalised difference vegetation index and normalised difference built-up index were used for establishing the relation between built-up area, vegetation cover and LST for spatial resolution of 30 m. Impervious surface and vegetation area generated from Digital Mapping Camera from Intergraph and WV-2 were used to establish the relation between built-up area, vegetation cover and LST for spatial resolutions of 0.1, 0.5 and 30 m. Linear regression models were used to determine the relationship between LST and indicators. Main contribution of this research is to establish the use of combining remote sensing sensors with different spectral and spatial resolution for two typical settlements in Vojvodina. Correlation coefficients between LST and LST indicators ranged from 0.602 to 0.768.  相似文献   
In this paper, we present the results of an original research study that was based on the analysis of British charts of the Adriatic produced during and immediately after military operations undertaken by British forces and their allies against Napoleon in the Adriatic. We analyse the creation and production of British charts of the Adriatic from the first charting campaign of the Hydrographic Office of 1800–1801 to charts produced in the period of British rule over the island of Lissa of 1811–1815 to the first systematic hydrographic surveying of the Adriatic of 1817–1819 under the leadership of William Henry Smyth that resulted in the first hydrographic atlas and pilot book of the Adriatic. At the same time, the paper evaluates the British contribution to the creation of some of the first reliable nautical charts of the Adriatic and to the development of the nautical cartography of the Adriatic in general.  相似文献   
Summary The ophiolite zone of the Dinarides is part of the long gabbro-peridotitebelt stretching from the Alps to the Himalajas. It comprises plutonic rocks. ranging from peridotite to albite granite which intrude sediments of Jurassic (?) age (Diabase-Hornstein Formation) and are unconformably overlain by coarse-grained clastic sediments of Tithonian age.The principal plutonic rocks are alpine-type peridotite, represented by gneissic lherzolite and banded lherzolite with alternating olivinite and pyroxenite bands. Contacts between ultramafics and country rocks are distinctly tectonic and no contact phenomena have been detected. The banding of the ultramafics is dicordant with the long dimension of the larger rock units. It is presumed that the ultramafics were intruded into the Jurassic rocks as solid masses.Gabbro is about 5 percent as abundant as peridotite. It appears to be of two kinds, one related to peridotite, and the other related to dolerite. Feldspathic peridotite, troctolite, olivine gabbro and subordinate diallage gabbro are interlayered with, and grade into, feldspar-free peridotite. Compositional variations in the gabbro are obscure on a small scale and banding is not as easily recognized as in the ultramafic rocks.Gabbro related to dolerite forms distinct sill-like bodies in Jurassic sediments, frequently unrelated to ultramafic rocks. Rocks intruded by the sills are metamorphosed, unlike those along contacts with peridotite-related gabbro. The sills consist, predominantly of more or less amphibolized gabbrodolerite with subordinate gabbro-diorite, oligoclasite, albitite, albite syenite, and albite granite. The degree and trends of differentiation vary in different gabbro-dolerite masses.Amphibolites are as abundant as gabbro and occur mostly along contacts between ultramafics and Jurassic rocks. They appear to be of two kinds which can be correlated with the two kinds of gabbroic rocks.The two intrusive associations cannot be explained by a single magmatic process as proposed by the classical ophiolite hypothesis. All the relations suggest that the peridotite and associated gabbro were intruded in a nearly, if not quite solid state. They may have been derived from the basement of the Jurassic eugeosyncline made up of old Paleozoic formations or from the upper mantle.The gabbroic rocks associated with dolerite are cumulates formed by gravitational crystal settling from a primary tholeiite magma. The associated albite-containing rocks might be considered as final products of this fractionation, which also may have produced flows of spilite and subordinate keratophyre in the Jurassic sediments. It seems possible, however, that the soda-rich rocks could be a separate group formed from a hydrous spilitekeratopyre melt complementary to primary tholeiite magma. The gabbrodolerite rocks have been transformed into amphibolite of epidote amphibolite and low amphibolite facies by regional metamorphism.The interlayering of the amphibolite of higher metamorphic facies, containing labradorite and bytownite, with peridotite, suggests that they once were layered gabbro. This interlayering indicates a common origin. The relations of the banding and foliation indicate a good deal about the character of the flowage processes both in the amphibolite and in the ultramafics.
Einige petrographische Züge bosnischer Peridotit-Gabbro-Komplexe der Dinariden-Zone Jugoslawiens
Zusammenfassung Die Ophiolith-Zone der Dinariden bildet einen Teil des langen Gabbro-Peridotit-Bogens, der sich von den Alpen bis zum Himalaya erstreckt. Sie umfaßt von Peridotit bis Albit-Granit reichende Erstarrungsgesteine, welche in Sedimente jurassischen (?) Alters intrudieren (Diabas-Hornstein-Formation) und welche diskordant von grobklastischen thitonen Sedimenten überlagert werden.Die verbreitesten Erstarrungsgesteine sind alpinotype Peridotite, die durch gneisartige Lherzolithe und gebänderte Lherzolithe mit abwechselnden Olivinit-und Pyroxenit-Bändern vertreten werden. Die Kontakte zwischen den Ultramfiten und den Rahmengesteinen sind eindeutig tektonisch—es wurden keinerlei Kontakterscheinungen gefunden. Die Bänderung der Ultramafite liegt diskordant zur Längserstreckung der größeren Gesteinseinheiten. Es wird angenommen, daß die Ultramafite als feste Massen in die jurassischen Sedimente intrudiert wurden.Die Gabbros machen mengenmäßig etwa 5 Prozent der Peridotite aus. Es scheint zwei Arten zu geben: Die eine hat Beziehungen zu den Peridotiten, die andere zu den Diabasen. Feldspat-führende Peridotite, Troktolithe, Olivingabbros und untergeordnete Diallaggabbros wechseln lagenweise mit Feldspat-freiem Peridotit und gehen in diesen über. In kleinem Maßstab sind Wechsel in der Zusammensetzung der Gabbros undeutlich, und die Bänderung ist nicht so leicht zu erkennen wie bei den ultramafischen Gesteinen.Die Gabbros, welche Beziehungen zu den Doleriten zeigen, bilden getrennte Lagergang-ähnliche Körper in jurassischen Sedimenten; sie zeigen häufig keine Beziehungen zu ultramafischen, Gesteinen. Im Gegensatz zu den Kontakten von Peridotit-verwandten Gabbros zeigen Gesteine, in welche Lagergänge intrudierten, Metamorphoseerscheinungen. Die Lagergänge bestehen hauptsächlich aus mehr oder weniger amphibolisierten Gabbro-Doleriten mit untergeordneten Gabbro-Dioriten, Oligoklasiten, Albititen, Albit-Syeniten und Albit-Graniten. Ausmaß und Richtung der Differentiation variieren in den verschiedenen Gabbro-Dolerit-Massen.Amphibolite sind ebenso häufig wie Gabbros und kommen meist an den Kontakten zwischen Ultramafiten und jurassischen Gesteinen vor. Es scheint zwei Arten zu geben, welche den beiden Arten gabbroider Gesteine zugeordnet werden können.Die zwei intrusiven Assoziationen können nicht durch einen einzigen magmatischen Prozeß erklärt werden, wie dies durch die klassische Ophiolith-Hypothese versucht wurde. Alle Beziehungen weisen darauf hin, daß die Peridotite und die damit assoziierten Gabbros im fast, wenn nicht sogar völlig festen Zustand intrudiert wurden. Sie können vielleicht aus der Basis der jurassischen Eugeosynklinale, die aus altpaläozoischen Formationen aufgebaut ist, oder aus dem oberen Mantel stammen.Die mit Doleriten verknüpften gabbroiden Gesteine sind Anreicherungen, die durch gravitative Kristallabsonderung aus einem primären tholeiitischen Magma entstanden sind. Die zugehörigen Albit-führenden Gesteine könnten als Endprodukte, dieser Fraktionierung, welche auch Ströme von Spilit und untergeordnet Keratophyr in den jurassischen Sedimenten erzeugt haben könnten, betrachtet werden. Es scheint indessen möglich, daß die Natriumreichen Gesteine eine eigene Gruppe bilden könnten, die aus einer zum primären tholeiitischen Magma komplementären, wasserreichen Spilit-Kerato-phyrschmelze entstanden. Die Gabbro-Dolerit-Gesteine wurden durch Regionalmetamorphose in Amphibolite der Epidot-Amphibolit-und der unteren Amphibolitfazies umgewandelt.Die Wechsellagerung der höher metamorphen Amphibolite, die Labrodor und Bytownit enthalten, mit Peridotit weist darauf hin, daß sie früher gebänderter Gabbro waren. Diese Wechsellagerung zeigt, einen gemeinsamen Ursprung an. Die Beziehungen zwischen Bänderung und Schieferung geben sowohl in den Amphiboliten wie in den Ultramafiten starke Hinweise über den Charakter der Strömungsprozesse.

With 14 Figures  相似文献   
The differential equations of the self-rotation of a celestial body have been evaluated. From an integral of these equations a formula for angular velocity of the celestial body was obtained. This formula after being applied to the rotation of the Sun and of the Earth gives, respectively, the following angular velocity ranges: 0.588×10–6<<18, 187×10–6 and 0.7533×10–5<<12,4266×10–5. These are up to three times narrower than those previously obtained by Savi and Kaanin [1].  相似文献   
The aim of this work was to derive an accurate regional model of geomagnetic components on the Adriatic. Data of north, east and vertical geomagnetic components at repeat stations and ground survey sites enclosing the Adriatic Sea were used to obtain a geomagnetic model at 2010.5 epoch. The core field was estimated by use of the global Enhanced Magnetic Model, while the crustal field by a mathematical technique for expanding vector systems on a sphere into basis functions, known as spherical elementary current systems method. The results of this method were presented and compared to the crustal field estimations by the Enhanced Magnetic Model. The maps of isolines of the regional model are also presented.  相似文献   
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