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Currents, particle fluxes and ecology were studied in the Palamós submarine canyon (also known as the Fonera canyon), located in the northwestern Mediterranean. Seven mooring arrays equipped with current meters and sediment traps were deployed along the main canyon axis, on the canyon walls and on the adjacent slope. Additionally, local and regional hydrographic cruises were carried out. Current data showed that mean near surface and mid-depth currents were oriented along the mean flow direction (NE–SW), although at 400 and 1200 m depth within the canyon current reversals were significant, indicating a more closed circulation inside the canyon. Mean near-bottom currents were constrained by the local bathymetry, especially at the canyon head. The most significant frequency at all levels was the inertial frequency. A second frequency of about three days, attributed to a topographic wave, was observed at all depths, suggesting that this wave was probably not trapped near the bottom. The current field observed during the most complete survey revealed a meandering pattern with cyclonic vorticity just upstream from and within the canyon. The associated vertical velocity ranged between 10 and 20 m/day and was constrained to the upper 300 m. This latter feature, together with other computations, suggests that during this survey the meander was not induced by the canyon but by some kind of instability of the mean flow.In the canyon, suspended sediment concentration, downward particle fluxes, chlorophyll and particulate C and N were significantly higher up-canyon from about 1200 m depth than offshore, defining, along with the different hydrodynamics, two canyon domains: one from the canyon head to about 1200 m depth more affected by the canyon confinement and the other deeper than 1200 m depth more controlled by the mean flow and the shelf-slope front. The higher near-bottom downward total mass fluxes were recorded in the canyon axis at 1200 m depth along with sharp turbidity increases and are related to sediment gravity flows. During the deployment period, the increase in downward particle fluxes occurred by mid-November, when a severe storm took place. On the canyon walls at 1200 m depth, suspended sediment concentrations, downward particle fluxes, chlorophyll and particulate C and N were higher on the southern wall than on the northern wall inversely to the current’s energy. This could be caused by an upward water supply on the southern canyon wall and/or the mean flow interacting with the canyon bathymetry. In the swimmers collected by the sediment traps, the dominant species was an elasipod holothurian, which has not been recorded in other canyons or elsewhere in the Mediterranean, indicating particular speciation.  相似文献   
Simultaneous high-resolution spectroscopy in H andUBVRI polarimetric observations are proposed as an effective method for the search for circumstellar inhomogeneities in A0-type Herbig stars. The new results for AB Aur are presented as a successful example of the use of this method. The analysis of about 100 CCD H profiles (R = 30 000) and more than 150 polarimetric measurements obtained in January, 1994 allowed to discover a long-lived stream-like inhomogeneity in the circumstellar gaseous envelope.  相似文献   
A new parallel solver for the volumetric integral equations (IE) of electrodynamics is presented. The solver is based on the Galerkin method, which ensures convergent numerical solution. The main features include: (i) memory usage eight times lower compared with analogous IE-based algorithms, without additional restrictions on the background media; (ii) accurate and stable method to compute matrix coefficients corresponding to the IE; and (iii) high degree of parallelism. The solver’s computational efficiency is demonstrated on a problem of magnetotelluric sounding of media with large conductivity contrast, revealing good agreement with results obtained using the second-order finite-element method. Due to the effective approach to parallelization and distributed data storage, the program exhibits perfect scalability on different hardware platforms.  相似文献   
Arctic permafrost coasts are sensitive to changing climate. The lengthening open water season and the increasing open water area are likely to induce greater erosion and threaten community and industry infrastructure as well as dramatically change nutrient pathways in the near-shore zone. The shallow, mediterranean Arctic Ocean is likely to be strongly affected by changes in currently poorly observed arctic coastal dynamics. We present a geomorphological classification scheme for the arctic coast, with 101,447?km of coastline in 1,315 segments. The average rate of erosion for the arctic coast is 0.5?m? year?1 with high local and regional variability. Highest rates are observed in the Laptev, East Siberian, and Beaufort Seas. Strong spatial variability in associated database bluff height, ground carbon and ice content, and coastline movement highlights the need to estimate the relative importance of shifting coastal fluxes to the Arctic Ocean at multiple spatial scales.  相似文献   
Mikhail Yu. Zolotov 《Icarus》2011,212(1):24-114
The surface of Mercury contains ancient volcanic features and signs of pyroclastic activity related to unknown magmatic volatiles. Here, the nature of possible magmatic volatiles (H, S, C, Cl, and N) is discussed in the contexts of formation and evolution of the planet, composition and redox state of its mantle, solubility in silicate melts, chemical mechanisms of magma degassing, and thermochemical equilibria in magma and volcanic gases. The low-FeO content in surface materials (<6 wt%) evaluated with remote sensing methods corresponds to less than 2.3 fO2 log units below the iron-wüstite buffer. These redox conditions imply restricted involvement of hydrous species in nebular and accretion processes, and a limited loss of S, Cl, and N during formation and evolution of the planet. Reduced conditions correspond to high solubilities of these elements in magma and do not favor degassing. Major degassing and pyroclastic activity would require oxidation of melts in near-surface conditions. Low-pressure oxidation of graphite in moderately oxidized magmas causes formation of low-solubility CO. Decompression of reduced N-saturated melts involves oxidation of nitride melt complexes and could cause N2 degassing. Putative assimilation of oxide (FeO, TiO2, and SiO2) rich rocks in magma chambers could have caused major degassing through oxidation of graphite and S-, Cl- and N-bearing melt complexes. However, crustal rocks may never have been oxidized, and sulfides, graphite, chlorides, and nitrides could remain in crystallized rocks. Chemical equilibrium models show that N2, CO, S2, CS2, S2Cl, Cl, Cl2, and COS could be among the most abundant volcanic gases on Mercury. Though, these speciation models are restricted by uncertain redox conditions, unknown volatile content in magma, and the adopted chemical degassing mechanism.  相似文献   
Although seismic sources typically consist of identical broadband units alone, no physical constraint dictates the use of only one kind of device. We propose an acquisition method that involves the simultaneous exploitation of multiple types of sources during seismic surveys. It is suggested to replace (or support) traditional broadband sources with several devices individually transmitting diverse and reduced frequency bands and covering together the entire temporal and spatial bandwidth of interest. Together, these devices represent a so‐called dispersed source array. As a consequence, the use of simpler sources becomes a practical proposition for seismic acquisition. In fact, the devices dedicated to the generation of the higher frequencies may be smaller and less powerful than the conventional sources, providing the acquisition system with increased operational flexibility and decreasing its environmental impact. Offshore, we can think of more manageable boats carrying air guns of different volumes or marine vibrators generating sweeps with different frequency ranges. On land, vibrator trucks of different sizes, specifically designed for the emission of particular frequency bands, are preferred. From a manufacturing point of view, such source units guarantee a more efficient acoustic energy transmission than today's complex broadband alternatives, relaxing the low‐ versus high‐frequency compromise. Furthermore, specific attention can be addressed to choose shot densities that are optimum for different devices according to their emitted bandwidth. In fact, since the sampling requirements depend on the maximum transmitted frequencies, the appropriate number of sources dedicated to the lower frequencies is relatively small, provided the signal‐to‐noise ratio requirements are met. Additionally, the method allows to rethink the way to address the ghost problem in marine seismic acquisition, permitting to tow different sources at different depths based on the devices' individual central frequencies. As a consequence, the destructive interference of the ghost notches, including the one at 0 Hz, is largely mitigated. Furthermore, blended acquisition (also known as simultaneous source acquisition) is part of the dispersed source array concept, improving the operational flexibility, cost efficiency, and signal‐to‐noise ratio. Based on theoretical considerations and numerical data examples, the advantages of this approach and its feasibility are demonstrated.  相似文献   
The speciation of carbon in subseafloor hydrothermal systems has direct implications for the maintenance of life in present-day vent ecosystems and possibly the origin of life on early Earth. Carbon monoxide is of particular interest because it represents a key reactant during the abiotic synthesis of reduced carbon compounds via Fischer-Tropsch-type processes. Laboratory experiments were conducted to constrain reactions that regulate the speciation of aqueous single carbon species under hydrothermal conditions and determine kinetic parameters for the oxidation of CO according to the water water-gas shift reaction (CO2 + H2 = CO + H2O). Aqueous fluids containing added CO2, CO, HCOOH, NaHCO3, NaHCOO, and H2 were heated at 150, 200, and 300 °C and 350 bar in flexible-cell hydrothermal apparatus, and the abundances of carbon compounds was monitored as a function of time. Variations in fluid chemistry suggest that the reduction of CO2 to CH3OH under aqueous conditions occurs via a stepwise process that involves the formation of HCOOH, CO, and possibly CH2O, as reaction intermediaries. Kinetic barriers that inhibit the reduction of CH3OH to CH4 allow the accumulation of reaction intermediaries in solution at high concentrations regulated by metastable thermodynamic equilibrium. Reaction of CO2 to CO involves a two-step process in which CO2 initially undergoes a reduction step to HCOOH which subsequently dehydrates to form CO. Both reactions proceed readily in either direction. A preexponential factor of 1.35 × 106 s−1 and an activation energy of 102 kJ/mol were retrieved from the experimental results for the oxidation of CO to CO2. Reaction rates amongst single carbon compounds during the experiments suggest that ΣCO2 (CO2 + HCO3 + CO32−), CO, ΣHCOOH (HCOOH + HCOO), and CH3OH may reach states of redox-dependent metastable thermodynamic equilibrium in subseafloor and other hydrothermal systems. The abundance of CO under equilibrium conditions is strongly dependent on temperature, the total carbon content of the fluid, and host-rock lithology. If crustal residence times following the mixing of high-temperature hydrothermal fluids with cool seawater are sufficiently long, reequilibration of aqueous carbon can result in the generation of additional reduced carbon species such as HCOOH and CH3OH, and the consumption of H2. The present study suggests that abiotic reactions involving aqueous carbon compounds in hydrothermal systems are sufficiently rapid to influence metabolic pathways utilized by organisms that inhabit vent environments.  相似文献   
The Ural Mountains are an important climatic and biogeographical barrier between European and Siberian forests. In order to shed light on the postglacial formation and evolution of the boreal forests in the European pre-Urals, we obtained a peat sediment core, Chernaya, from the Paltinskoe bog located between the southern taiga and hemiboreal forest zone in the mid-Kama region. We carried out pollen analysis, non-pollen palynomorph analysis, loss-on-ignition tests and radiocarbon dating. Radiocarbon dated records provide centennial to decennial resolution of the vegetation and environmental history of the European pre-Urals for the last 8.8 ka. The postglacial formation of the pre-Uralian hemiboreal forests reveals four important phases: (i) the dominance of Siberian taiga and forest-steppe in the Early Holocene and beginning of the Middle Holocene (8.8–6.9 ka), indicating a dry climate; (ii) the spread of spruce and European broadleaved trees in the Middle Holocene (6.9–4 ka) under wetter climate conditions; (iii) the maximum extent of broadleaved trees coinciding with the arrival and spread of Siberian fir in the Late Holocene (4–2.3 ka); and (iv) the decline of broadleaved trees since the Early Iron Age (2.3 ka – present) possibly due to general climate cooling and logging. While temperate broadleaved trees possibly spread from local refugia in the Urals, fir arrived from Siberia and spread further west. The carbon accumulation rate of Paltinskoe bog (18.9±10.16 g C m−2 a−1) is close to the average value of carbon accumulation of northern peatlands. Local development of peat is characterized by non-gradual growth with a phase of intensive carbon accumulation between 3.5 and 2.3 ka. The vegetation was strongly influenced by fire in the Early Holocene and by humans since the Early Iron Age practicing deforestation, agriculture and pasture. Phases of increased anthropogenic activity correlate well with the local archaeological data.  相似文献   
We discuss three topics related to the neutron star (NS) mass spectrum. At first we discuss the possibility to form low-mass (M≲1M ) objects. In our opinion this and suggest this is possible only due to fragmentation of rapidly rotating proto-NSs. Such low-mass NSs should have very high spatial velocities which could allow identification. A critical assessment of this scenario is given. However, the mechanism has its own problems, and so formation of such objects is not very probable. Secondly, we discuss mass growth due to accretion for NSs in close binary systems. With the help of numerical population synthesis calculations we derive the mass spectrum of massive (M>1.8M ) NSs. Finally, we discuss the role of the mass spectrum in population studies of young cooling NSs. We formulate a kind of mass constraint which can be helpful, in our opinion, in discussing different competitive models of the thermal evolution of NSs. S.B.P. wants to thank the Organizers for support and hospitality. The work of S.B.P. was supported by the RFBR grant 06-02-16025 and by the “Dynasty” Foundation (Russia). The work of M.E.P.—by the RFBR grant 04-02-16720 and that of H.G. by DFG grant 436 ARM 17/4/05.  相似文献   
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