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Analyses of two infilled lakes in Blekinge, southeast Sweden, indicate the presence of at least three tephra horizons of Termination 1 and early Holocene age. Geochemical analyses confirm the presence of the Borrobol Tephra, the Askja Tephra (10,000 14C yr B.P.), and one previously unreported tephra of Icelandic origin. Extending the limits of the Borrobol Tephra to Scandinavia illustrates that this ash is far more widespread than previously realized and is therefore, an important marker horizon for determining the rate and timing of the initial warming at the start of Greenland Interstade 1 (GI-1) within Europe. The relatively unknown Askja Tephra and the newly discovered Hässeldalen Tephra are stratigraphically placed at the Younger Dryas/Preboreal transition. This paper demonstrates the suitability and success associated with the extraction techniques for tracing microtephra horizons in areas distal to volcanic sources.  相似文献   
We analyzed the available instrumental data on Italian earthquakes from1960 to 1996 to compute the parameters of the time-magnitudedistribution model proposed by Reasenberg and Jones (1989) andcurrently used to make aftershock forecasting in California. From 1981 to1996 we used the recently released Catalogo Strumentale deiTerremoti `Italiani' (CSTI) (Instrumental Catalog Working Group, 2001)joining the data of the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia(INGV) and of the Italian major local seismic network, with magnituderevalued according to Gasperini (2001). From 1960 to 1980 we usedinstead the Progetto Finalizzato Geodinamica (PFG) catalog(Postpischl, 1985) with magnitude corrected to be homogeneous with thefollowing period. About 40 sequences are detected using two differentalgorithms and the results of the modeling for the corresponding ones arecompared. The average values of distribution parameters (p= 0.93±0.21, Log10(c) = –1.53±0.54, b = 0.96±0.18 and a = –1.66±0.72) are in fair agreementwith similar computations performed in other regions of the World. We alsoanalyzed the spatial variation of model parameters that can be used topredict the sequence behavior in the first days of future Italian seismic crisis,before a reliable modeling of the ongoing sequence is available. Moreoversome nomograms to expeditiously estimate probabilities and rates ofaftershock in Italy are also computed.  相似文献   
Does the Structural Quality of Running Waters Affect the Occurrence of Macrophytes? The morphological structure plays, besides e.g. nutrient concentration, an important role for the integrated assessment of running waters. This paper focuses on the relationship between structural quality and macrophyte vegetation. During summer 2000 structural quality according to LAWA, macrophyte vegetation, and selected habitat parameters were recorded in 135 mapping sections in running waters in Southern Germany. In streams of high structural diversity, generally higher species richness is expected than in rivers of low diversity of habitats. However, no significant differences in macrophyte species richness were detected between different classes of structural quality. In contrast, bryophytes alone showed a significant decrease in species richness with degradation of structural quality. The number of species of other macrophytes increased, respectively. The relationship between occurrence of macrophytes, structural quality, and other environmental variables was analysed using canonical correspondence analysis. Rivers of high structural quality mostly showed high flowing velocities and were heavily shaded. These environmental conditions, which characterize river types of mountainous regions, were predominantly tolerated by bryophytes. Vascular plants and charophytes generally prefer slowly flowing and unshaded habitats. River types exhibiting these environmental conditions often are more influenced by human activities and are more structurally degraded, respectively. With respect to these fundamental differences between river types, species richness of macrophytes and class of structural quality are not correlated when all types of rivers are taken into account. Type‐specific ecomorphological parameters, which conceal the differences in species richness caused by structural quality, are discussed. Structural degraded rivers can provide good environmental conditions for vascular plants and charophytes. To predict macrophyte species richness from structural quality, a differentiation of river types is essential.  相似文献   
The Hugoton-Panhandle giant gas field, located across SW Kansas and the Texas and Oklahoma panhandles in the USA, is the case type example of high nitrogen concentrations in a natural gas being linked with high helium concentrations. We collected 31 samples from producing wells in a north-south traverse of the 350-km-long field. The samples reflect the previously observed north-south change in 4He/N2, with values changing from 0.020 to 0.049 respectively. 3He/4He, 21Ne/22Ne, and 40Ar/36Ar vary between 0.14-0.25 Ra, 0.0373-0.0508, and 818-1156 respectively, and are caused by quantifiable contributions from mantle, crustal, and atmosphere-derived sources. The atmosphere-derived 20Ne/36Ar ratios are indistinguishable from groundwater values. The crustal 4He/21Ne* and 4He/40Ar* ratios show a 60% excess of 4He compared to predicted production ratios in the crust and are typical of noble gases released from the shallow crust. The mantle 3He/N2 and groundwater-recharge 36Ar/N2 ratios enable us to rule out significant magmatic or atmosphere contributions to the gas field N2, which is dominantly crustal in origin.Correlated 20Ne/N2 and 4He/N2 shows mixing between two distinct crustal N2 components. One N2 component (N2*) is associated with the crustal 4He and groundwater-derived 20Ne, and the other with no resolvable noble gas contribution. Measured δ15NN2 values vary from +2.7‰ to +9.4‰. The N2* and non-He-associated N2 endmembers are inferred to have δ15NN2 = −3‰ and +13‰ and contribute from between 25-60% and 75-40% of the nitrogen respectively. The non-He-associated nitrogen is probably derived from relatively mature organic matter in the sedimentary column. The δ15NN2* value is not compatible with a crystalline or high-grade metamorphic source and, similar to the 4He, is inferred to be from a shallow or low metamorphic-grade source rock. 4He mass balance requires a regional crustal source, its association with significant magmatic 3He pointing to a tectonically active source to the west of the Hugoton system. The volume of groundwater required to source the 20Ne in the gas field demonstrates the viability of the groundwater system in providing the collection, transport, and focusing mechanism for the 4He and N2*. The N2*/20Ne ratio shows that the N2* transport must be in the aqueous phase, and that the degassing mechanism is probably contact between the regional groundwater system and the preexisting reservoir hydrocarbon gas phase.  相似文献   
The Swan River estuary, Western Australia, has undergone substantial hydrological modifications since pre-European settlement. Land clearing has increased discharge from some major tributaries roughly 5-fold, while weirs and reservoirs for water supply have mitigated this increase and reduced the duration of discharge to the estuary. Nutrient loads have increased disproportionately with flow and are now approximately 20-times higher than pre-European levels. We explore the individual and collective impacts of these hydrological changes on the Swan River estuary using a coupled hydrodynamic-ecological numerical model. The simulation results indicate that despite increased hydraulic flushing and reduced residence times, increases in nutrient loads are the dominant perturbation producing increases in the incidence and peak biomass of blooms of both estuarine and freshwater phytoplankton. Changes in salinity associated with altered seasonal freshwater discharge have a limited impact on phytoplankton dynamics.  相似文献   
In 1997, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), and the five western States of Alaska, California, Hawaii, Oregon, and Washington joined in a partnership called the National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program (NTHMP) to enhance the quality and quantity of seismic data provided to the NOAA tsunami warning centers in Alaska and Hawaii. The NTHMP funded a seismic project that now provides the warning centers with real-time seismic data over dedicated communication links and the Internet from regional seismic networks monitoring earthquakes in the five western states, the U.S. National Seismic Network in Colorado, and from domestic and global seismic stations operated by other agencies. The goal of the project is to reduce the time needed to issue a tsunami warning by providing the warning centers with high-dynamic range, broadband waveforms in near real time. An additional goal is to reduce the likelihood of issuing false tsunami warnings by rapidly providing to the warning centers parametric information on earthquakes that could indicate their tsunamigenic potential, such as hypocenters, magnitudes, moment tensors, and shake distribution maps. New or upgraded field instrumentation was installed over a 5-year period at 53 seismic stations in the five western states. Data from these instruments has been integrated into the seismic network utilizing Earthworm software. This network has significantly reduced the time needed to respond to teleseismic and regional earthquakes. Notably, the West Coast/Alaska Tsunami Warning Center responded to the 28 February 2001 Mw 6.8 Nisqually earthquake beneath Olympia, Washington within 2 minutes compared to an average response time of over 10 minutes for the previous 18 years.  相似文献   
Multibeam bathymetry and 3.5-kHz sub-bottom profiler data collected from the US icebreaker Healy in 2003 provide convincing evidence for grounded ice on the Chukchi Borderland off the northern Alaskan margin, Arctic Ocean. The data show parallel, glacially induced seafloor scours, or grooves, and intervening ridges that reach widths of 1000 m (rim to rim) and as much as 40 m relief. Following previous authors, we refer to these features as “megascale glacial lineations (MSGLs).” Additional support for ice grounding is apparent from stratigraphic unconformities, interpreted to have been caused by ice-induced erosion. Most likely, the observed sea-floor features represent evidence for massive ice-shelf grounding. The general ESE/WNW direction of the MSGLs, together with sediment, evidently bulldozed off the Chukchi Plateau, that is mapped on the western (Siberian) side of the plateau, suggests ice flow from the Canada Basin side of Chukchi Borderland. Two separate generations of glacially derived MSGLs are identified on the Chukchi Borderland from the Healy geophysical data. The deepest and oldest extensive MSGLs appear to be draped by sediments less than 5 m thick, whereas no sediment drape can be distinguished within the resolution of the sub-bottom profiles on the younger generation.  相似文献   
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