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The paper reviews recent advances in studies of electric discharges in the stratosphere and mesosphere above thunderstorms, and their effects on the atmosphere. The primary focus is on the sprite discharge occurring in the mesosphere, which is the most commonly observed high altitude discharge by imaging cameras from the ground, but effects on the upper atmosphere by electromagnetic radiation from lightning are also considered. During the past few years, co-ordinated observations over Southern Europe have been made of a wide range of parameters related to sprites and their causative thunderstorms. Observations have been complemented by the modelling of processes ranging from the electric discharge to perturbations of trace gas concentrations in the upper atmosphere. Observations point to significant energy deposition by sprites in the neutral atmosphere as observed by infrasound waves detected at up to 1000 km distance, whereas elves and lightning have been shown significantly to affect ionization and heating of the lower ionosphere/mesosphere. Studies of the thunderstorm systems powering high altitude discharges show the important role of intracloud (IC) lightning in sprite generation as seen by the first simultaneous observations of IC activity, sprite activity and broadband, electromagnetic radiation in the VLF range. Simulations of sprite ignition suggest that, under certain conditions, energetic electrons in the runaway regime are generated in streamer discharges. Such electrons may be the source of X- and Gamma-rays observed in lightning, thunderstorms and the so-called Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes (TGFs) observed from space over thunderstorm regions. Model estimates of sprite perturbations to the global atmospheric electric circuit, trace gas concentrations and atmospheric dynamics suggest significant local perturbations, and possibly significant meso-scale effects, but negligible global effects.  相似文献   
We study modeling two-phase flow in complicated geometries. We use modern mesh generation techniques to improve the quality of the mesh and at the same time both reduce the number of elements and capture the geometry accurately. The generated meshes consist of orthogonally optimized general hexahedras. To model the flow in general hexahedras, we use the multipoint flux mixed finite element method. As a test problem we use the Frio experiment data.  相似文献   
The terms “weather extremes” and “climate extremes” are widely used in meteorology, often in relation to climate change. This paper reviews the empirical investigations into parallel changes in extreme events and climate change published in recent years and looks at their relevance for the global energy system. Empirical investigation into the correlation of extremes with global warming covers five groups: changes in temperature, precipitation, wind (storm) extremes, tropical and extra-tropical circulation phenomena. For temperature extremes, extensive analyses demonstrate that extreme hot days and nights will likely become more frequent, and extreme cold days and nights less frequent. Intense precipitation events will likely become more frequent in most continental regions. Scientific confidence in the trends of the frequency, duration, and intensity of tropical cyclones, is still low. A poleward shift is observed for extratropical cyclones, whereas no convincing tendencies of many smaller-scale phenomena, for example, tornados, or hail, can yet be detected. All these extremes have serious implications for the energy sector.  相似文献   
Sonolysis and photolysis often exhibit synergistic effects in the degradation of organic molecules. An assay of fish oocyte maturation provides an appropriate experimental system to investigate the hormonal activities of chemical agents. Oocyte maturation in fish is triggered by maturation-inducing hormone (MIH), which acts on receptors on the oocyte surface. A synthetic estrogen, diethylstilbestrol (DES), possesses inducing activity of fish oocyte maturation, and a widely used biocide, pentachlorophenol (PCP), exhibits a potent inhibitory effect on fish oocyte maturation. In this study, the effects of the combined treatment by sonolysis with photolysis (sonophotocatalysis) to diminish the hormonal activity of DES and the maturation preventing activity of PCP was examined. By sonophotocatalysis, hormonal activity of DES was completely lost within 30min and the inhibiting activity of PCP was lost within 120min. These results demonstrated that sonophotocatalysis is effective for diminishing the endocrine-disrupting activity of chemical agents.  相似文献   
Organic matter production and nitrogen fixation in the central Baltic Sea were studied on the basis of high-resolution CO2 partial pressure data that were obtained from an automated measurement system deployed on a cargo ship. The net organic carbon (OC) production was calculated from a surface water CO2 mass balance and used to estimate the nitrogen uptake by organic matter during the period March to August 2005. It was shown that the net OC production continued despite the exhaustion of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) after the spring bloom in April. The nitrogen demand for this production was calculated on the basis of the C/N ratio of organic matter. It was of the same order of magnitude than the winter DIN concentration that fuelled the spring bloom. Since the atmospheric DIN deposition was negligible and no indications of alternative DIN sources were found, it was assumed that N2 fixation had taken place despite the low temperatures (4–8 °C) in April/May. This “cold fixation” amounted to 74 mmol m?2 whereas a value of 99 mmol m?2 was obtained for the summer N2 fixation during June/July. Due to the contribution of the April/May N2 fixation, a total annual rate (173±35 mmol m?2) was obtained for 2005 which is considerably higher than presently accepted estimates. These findings were confirmed by a nitrogen budget based on long-term data (1993–2006) for total nitrogen and total phosphorus concentrations. Furthermore, these data revealed a 30% increase in N2 fixation during the years 1994–2006.  相似文献   
Large numbers of As-enriched geothermal springs are distributed at the southern Tibetan Plateau, and their influence on river water is still not clear. Lhasa River and its tributary, Duilong Qu located at downstream of the largest geothermal spring of the Tibetan Plateau, were selected for sampling during monsoon and non-monsoon seasons. Dissolved trace elements (B, Cr, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Cs, Ba and U) were measured in river water samples by ICP-MS. The results show that due to contribution of geothermal spring, As levels of Duilong Qu (205.6 μg/L) and Lhasa River (12.7 μg/L) were higher during non-monsoon season than that of WHO guideline for drinking water (10 μg/L). Accordingly, As level of river water was lower during the monsoon season than that of the non-monsoon season due mainly to dilution process. Therefore, although Tibetan rivers are generally considered as free of contamination, geothermal springs cause As contamination of river water at some local regions and may harm the local residents. Further research is needed in other parts of the plateau to determine whether As level of groundwater of the related region is high.  相似文献   
This paper presents a new stochastic multi-variable weather generator (MV-WG) and compares its performance with LARS-WG version 4.0. Daily data of 109 meteorological stations from a North American database were used in a twofold comparison of the two generators: (1) the capability of reproducing the mean and variance of annual, seasonal and monthly values, and (2) the capability of reproducing extreme weather events were compared. Both generators did very well on imitating the mean and the variance of the monthly values of the investigated variables, but both showed a more moderate performance as far as the generation of extreme events was concerned. The three-parameter Weibull function, which is first introduced in MV-WG, was found to be a powerful tool to describe not only the distribution of the daily precipitation amounts, but also the distribution of dry and wet spell lengths, as well.  相似文献   
Seasonally cold climate and resulting frost action set great demands to railway track substructure in order to maintain track geometry. Challenges culminate on high-speed lines, where the tolerances for roughness are the tightest. Problems may result in highly increased track maintenance and need for temporary speed restrictions. The causes of frost action can be associated with subsoil, subballast or ballast. The major concern in frost protection is to avoid the freezing of frost susceptible subsoil by using sufficient thickness of subballast and relying on non-frost-susceptible subballast material. This paper provides an overview of the main research findings on the role of ballast, subballast and subsoil in frost action. In new construction the material specifications, design procedures and construction methods have been developed to ensure adequate performance of track substructures, but special challenges exist in managing existing tracks that were not designed for modern requirements. In order to perform cost-effective and sustainable track maintenance, it is necessary to recognize the problem areas and define the root-causes of problems. For locating the problem sections and defining the causes of defects, a sophisticated analysis based on integration of track geometry and ground penetrating radar (GPR) data has been developed and is summarized in this paper.  相似文献   
Fires threaten human lives, property and natural resources in Southern African savannas. Due to warming climate, fire occurrence may increase and fires become more intense. It is crucial, therefore, to understand the complexity of spatiotemporal and probabilistic characteristics of fires. This study scrutinizes spatiotemporal characteristics of fires and the role played by abiotic, biotic and anthropogenic factors for fire probability modelling in a semiarid Southern African savanna environment. The MODIS fire products: fire hot spots (MOD14A2 and MYD14A2) and burned area product MODIS (MCD45A1), and GIS derived data were used in analysis. Fire hot spots occurrence was first analysed, and spatial autocorrelation for fires investigated, using Moran's I correlograms. Fire probability models were created using generalized linear models (GLMs). Separate models were produced for abiotic, biotic, anthropogenic and combined factors and an autocovariate variable was tested for model improvement. The hierarchical partitioning method was used to determine independent effects of explanatory variables. The discriminating ability of models was evaluated using area under the curve (AUC) from the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) plot. The results showed that 19.2–24.4% of East Caprivi burned when detected using MODIS hot spots fire data and these fires were strongly spatially autocorrelated. Therefore, the autocovariate variable significantly improved fire probability models when added to them. For autologistic models, i.e. models accounting for spatial autocorrelation, discrimination was good to excellent (AUC 0.858–0.942). For models not counting spatial autocorrelation, prediction success was poor to moderate (AUC 0.542–0.745). The results of this study clearly showed that spatial autocorrelation has to be taken in to account in the fire probability model building process when using remotely sensed and GIS derived data. This study also showed that fire probability models accounting for spatial autocorrelation proved to be superior in regional scale burned area estimation when compared with MODIS burned area product (MCD45A1).  相似文献   
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