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Pliocene and Quaternary tectonic structures mainly consisting of segmented northwest–southeast normal faults, and associated seismicity in the central Betics do not agree with the transpressive tectonic nature of the Africa–Eurasia plate boundary in the Ibero-Maghrebian region. Active extensional deformation here is heterogeneous, individual segmented normal faults being linked by relay ramps and transfer faults, including oblique-slip and both dextral and sinistral strike-slip faults. Normal faults extend the hanging wall of an extensional detachment that is the active segment of a complex system of successive WSW-directed extensional detachments which have thinned the Betic upper crust since middle Miocene. Two areas, which are connected by an active 40-km long dextral strike-slip transfer fault zone, concentrate present-day extension. Both the seismicity distribution and focal mechanisms agree with the position and regime of the observed faults. The activity of the transfer zone during middle Miocene to present implies a mode of extension which must have remained substantially the same over the entire period. Thus, the mechanisms driving extension should still be operating. Both the westward migration of the extensional loci and the high asymmetry of the extensional systems can be related to edge delamination below the south Iberian margin coupled with roll-back under the Alborán Sea; involving the asymmetric westward inflow of asthenospheric material under the margins.  相似文献   
Vertical groundwater velocities can be estimated based on directions of groundwater thermal gradients. Temperature-depth profiles were obtained from 12 monitoring wells at 3 different times of the year (Fall, Winter, and Spring) in West Lafayette, Indiana (USA) mainly on the Purdue University campus. Microsoft Excel Solver was used to match plots of groundwater temperature distribution in the wells with published type curves in order to find a dimensionless parameter β, from which vertical groundwater velocities were obtained. The vertical groundwater velocities found in the monitoring wells ranged from 0.92 to 4.53 cm/yr. Clay-rich aquitards presented greater vertical groundwater velocities than outwash aquifers. The highest groundwater velocities occurred in the Spring while the lowest were during the Winter. This method was found to be especially useful in glacially-derived materials with varying hydraulic conductivities for estimating vertical groundwater velocities in-situ.  相似文献   
Lacustrine laminated sediments (laminites) present in Late Miocene formations of the Híjar Basin, SE Spain, display well developed loop bedding, a structure consisting of bundles of laminae that are sharply constricted at intervals, giving a morphology of loops or links of a chain. The laminite sequences, which are interbedded with turbidite marlstones, were accumulated on the bottom of a permanently stratified lake developed in a rapidly subsiding basin limited by 010° and 105° normal faults. As deduced from both macro- and microdeformational analyses, the basin evolved under an extensional stress field throughout the Late Miocene. Four main types of loops, simple and complex loops with subcategories, have been recognized within the laminite sequence. Simple loops of type 1 show the best definite pattern, quite similar to ' pinch and swell structures ', a type of boudinage typical of stretching of alternating beds where the competence contrast is not strongly marked. The remaining loop types display contortion and occasional breakage of laminae (microfaulted edges) indicative of microdeformation near the boundary between the ductile-brittle deformational fields. The distribution of the various loop types across the laminite sequence reflects an interplay between progressive lithification of the laminites as sedimentation progressed and tectonic stresses which affected the sediment sequence. Accordingly, a mechanism of deformation under an extensional stress field, ultimately related to the creep movement of the main basin faults which resulted in successive seismic shocks of low magnitude, is proposed to explain the formation of loop bedding in the laminites.  相似文献   
We present a climatic reconstruction of Holocene lacustrine episodes in the Salinas del Bebedero basin (Argentina), based on geological and diatom information.Morphological, sedimentological and diatom evidence between 11600 ± 140 yr BP and 325 ± 95 yr BP, allowed us to interpret the paleoenvironments of the basin. Episodes of high energy (sandy levels) are linked to large inflow of meltwater through the Desaguadero River, related to development of glaciers on the Andes. This inflow is characterized by peaks of relative abundance of the brackish water diatom Cyclotella choctawatcheeana Prasad. The values of C. choctawatcheeana decrease in deposits of low energy (clay levels), where it co-dominates with oligohalobous Fragilaria and Epithemia spp.To the last two peaks of large inflow of meltwater, radiocarbon dates corrected to sidereal ages, are AD 1280/1420 and AD 1443/1656. These ages agree with two cold episodes clearly recorded in dendrological studies from the Patagonian Andes and were correlated to the Little Ice Age. Thus, older Holocene episodes of large inflow of water to the basin were correlated with the Neoglacial Advances defined by Mercer (1976) for the Andes.  相似文献   
The installation of vertical downhole arrays in the field that record the soil behavior during earthquakes, has opened the opportunity of exploring another alternate method for assessing the soil dynamic properties by solving the inverse problem. This article proposes a methodology for solving this problem using spectral analysis of downhole arrays records. The one-dimensional shear wave propagation model was used, considering a homogeneous-viscoelastic medium. This methodology was applied at the site known as Central de Abasto Oficinas (CAO), which is located in the lake zone of the Mexico City. The results indicate that even relatively low frequencies have a noticeable effect on dynamic soil properties. Shear modulus increases and damping ratio lessens when the frequency rises.  相似文献   
The Santi Petri dome (western Betics, southern Spain) shows a core-complex-like structure, where migmatitic gneisses and schists outcrop below low-grade slates and phyllites, all of which form the basement of the Neogene Málaga basin. The migmatites and schists suffered a coaxial-flattening event during isothermal decompression and were later exhumed by ductile ESE non-coaxial stretching. Further exhumation was achieved by W- to SW-transport brittle low-angle normal faulting. Subsequently these extensional structures were gently folded in the core of a NE/SW-oriented antiform during the Tortonian. Finally the Santi Petri domal geometry was accentuated by the interference of orthogonal high-angle faults with ENE–WSW and NNW–SSE orientation. This core-complex-like structure, formed by superposition of extensional and compressive tectonic events, does not represent a classical, purely extensional core complex, which shows that metamorphic structure and geometry are not decisive criteria to define a core-complex.  相似文献   
The strontium content and the SO42?/Cl? and Mg2+/Ca2+ ratios were used as natural tracers of the residence time of seawater intrusion into the Castell de Ferro aquifer. Analysis of these parameters indicated the existence of two principal flowpaths in the aquifer. The first flows through the eastern part of the aquifer, through the karstified Castell de Ferro massif; it accommodates a larger and more rapid flow, so that the residence time is shorter, leading to lower SO42+/Cl? ratios, lower Sr2+ content and higher Mg2+/Ca2+ ratios. The second flowpath is in the western sector, and flows exclusively through alluvial deposits; the flow here is slower, particularly that flowing towards the sea. Thus the residence time of the water here will be longer and there is scant flushing of the intruded seawater; this is manifested in the high Sr2+ content, high SO42+/Cl? and low Mg2+/Ca2+ ratios. To cite this article: P. Pulido-Leboeuf et al., C. R. Geoscience 335 (2003).  相似文献   
—According to the energy equation,the relation between reflection and energy losses for shortwaves from mild beaches is established and analysed.A reflection coefficient varying with position and en-ergy losses is proposed.Different reflection tests are conducted to check the theoretical analysis.A modi-fied method to estimate the reflection coefficient at varied water depths is suggested based on the linearwave theory.The study indicates that the reflection coefficient from mild beaches has a changing trend forshort waves approaching shoreline.  相似文献   
Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment - Conditional autoregressive distributions are commonly used to model spatial dependence between nearby geographic units in disease mapping...  相似文献   
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