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The Markermeer is a large and shallow man-made freshwater lake in the Netherlands, characterized by its high turbidity. As part of a study aiming to mitigate this high turbidity, we studied the water–bed exchange processes of the lake’s muddy bed. The upper centimeter’s–decimeter’s of the lake bed sediments mainly consists of soft anoxic mud. Recent measurements have proved the existence of a thin oxic layer on top of this soft anoxic mud. This oxic layer, which is much easier to be eroded than the anoxic mud, is believed to be related with Markermeer’s high-turbidity levels. Our hypothesis is that the thin oxic layer develops from the anoxic mud, enhanced by bioturbation. Actually, we will demonstrate that it is the bioturbated state of the bed that increases its erodability, and not the oxidation state of the sediments. In particular, we will refer to bioturbation caused by meiobenthic fauna. The objective of this study is therefore to determine the influence of the development of the thin oxic layer on the water–bed exchange processes, as well as to establish the role of bioturbation on those processes. This is done by quantifying the erosion rate as a function of bed shear stresses, and at different stages of the development of the oxic layer. Our experiments show that bioturbation increases the rate at which Markermeer sediments are eroded by almost an order of magnitude. The short-term fine sediment dynamics in Markermeer are found to be driven by the complex and highly dynamic interactions between physics, chemistry, and biology. Finally, the long-term fine sediment dynamics are driven by the erosion of the historical deposits in the lake’s bed, which is only possible after bioturbation, and which leads to an increase of the stock of sediments in the lake’s muddy bed.  相似文献   

The Hilhorst model was used to convert bulk electrical conductivity (σb) to pore water electrical conductivity (σp) under laboratory conditions by using the linear relationship between the soil dielectric constant (εb) and σb. In the present study, applying the linear relationship εbσb to data obtained from field capacitance sensors resulted in strong positive autocorrelations between the residuals of that regression. We were able to derive an accurate offset of the relationship εb–σb and to estimate the evolution of σp over time by including a stochastic component to the linear model, rearranging it to a time-varying dynamic linear model (DLM), and using Kalman filtering and smoothing. The offset proved to vary for each depth in the same soil profile. A reason for this might be the changes in soil temperature along the soil profile.
Editor D. Koutsoyiannis; Associate editor M.D. Fidelibus  相似文献   
EVA: GPS-based extended velocity and acceleration determination   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this work, a new GPS carrier phase-based velocity and acceleration determination method is presented that extends the effective range of previous techniques. The method is named ‘EVA’, and may find applications in fields such as airborne gravimetry when rough terrain or water bodies make difficult or impractical to set up nearby GPS reference receivers. The EVA method is similar to methods such as Kennedy (Precise acceleration determination from carrier phase measurements. In: Proceedings of the 15th international technical meeting of the satellite division of the Institute of Navigation. ION GPS 2002, Portland pp 962–972, 2002b) since it uses L1 carrier phase observables for velocity and acceleration determination. However, it introduces a wide network of stations and it is independent of precise clock information because it estimates satellite clock drifts and drift rates ‘on-the-fly’, requiring only orbit data of sufficient quality. Moreover, with EVA the solution rate is only limited by data rate, and not by the available precise satellite clocks data rate. The results obtained are more robust for long baselines than the results obtained with the reference Kennedy method. An advantage of being independent of precise clock information is that, beside IGS Final products, also the Rapid, Ultra-Rapid (observed) and Ultra-Rapid (predicted) products may be used. Moreover, the EVA technique may also use the undifferenced ionosphere-free carrier phase combination (LC), overcoming baseline limitations in cases where ionosphere gradients may be an issue and very low biases are required. During the development of this work, some problems were found in the velocity estimation process of the Kennedy method. The sources of the problems were identified, and an improved version of the Kennedy method was used for this research work. An experiment was performed using a light aircraft flying over the Pyrenees, showing that both EVA and the improved Kennedy methods are able to cope with the dynamics of mountainous flight. A RTK-derived solution was also generated, and when comparing the three methods to a known zero-velocity reference the results yielded similar performance. The EVA and the improved-Kennedy methods outperformed the RTK solutions, and the EVA method provided the best results in this experiment. Finally, both the improved version of the Kennedy method and the EVA method were applied to a network in equatorial South America with baselines of more than 1,770 km, and during local noon. Under this tough scenario, the EVA method showed a clear advantage for all components of velocity and acceleration, yielding better and more robust results.  相似文献   
Juvenile Senegalese soles were exposed through 28-day laboratory and field (in situ) bioassays to sediments from three sites of the Sado estuary (W Portugal): a reference and two contaminated by metallic and organic contaminants. Fish were surveyed for ten hepatic histopathological alterations divided by four distinct reaction patterns and integrated through the estimation of individual histopathological condition indices. Fish exposed to contaminated sediments sustained more damage, with especial respect to regressive changes like necrosis. However, differences were observed between laboratory- and field-exposed animals, with the latest, for instance, exhibiting more pronounced fatty degeneration and hepatocellular eosinophilic alteration. Also, some lesions in fish exposed to the reference sediment indicate that in both assays unaccounted variables produced experimental background noise, such as hyaline degeneration in laboratory-exposed fish. Still, the field assays yielded results that were found to better reflect the overall levels of contaminants and physico-chemical characteristics of the tested sediments.  相似文献   
The management of reclaimed slopes derived from industrial and civil activities (e.g. surface mining and road construction) requires the development of practical stability analysis approaches that integrate the processes and mechanisms that rule the dynamics of these ubiquitous emerging ecosystems. This work describes a new modelling approach focused on stability analysis of water‐limited reclaimed slopes, where interactive relationships between rill erosion and vegetation regulate ecosystem stability. Our framework reproduces two main groups of possible trends along the temporal evolution of reclaimed slopes: successful trends, characterized by widespread vegetation development and the effective control of rill erosion processes; and gullying trends, characterized by the progressive loss of vegetation and a sharp logistic increase in erosion rates. Furthermore, this analytical approach allows the determination of threshold values for the state variables (i.e. vegetation cover and rill erosion) that drive the system's stability, facilitating the identification of critical situations that require specific human intervention (e.g. revegetation or, in very problematic cases, revegetation combined with rill network destruction) to ensure the long‐term sustainability of the restored ecosystem. The application of our threshold analysis framework in Mediterranean‐dry reclaimed slopes derived from surface coal mining (the Teruel coalfield in central‐eastern Spain) showed a good field‐based performance. Therefore, we believe that this model is a valuable contribution for the management of water‐limited reclaimed systems, including those associated with rill erosion, as it provides a tool for the evaluation of restoration success and can play an important role in decision‐making during ecosystem restoration in severely disturbed landscapes. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The Palaeo-Mesoproterozoic metasiliciclastic rocks of the southern Serra do Espinhaço, Minas Gerais, Brazil, are host to historically important alluvial deposits of diamonds and gold. Detrital gold grains often comprise Au–Pd–Pt intermetallic compounds, with low Ag contents, which contain inclusions of tourmaline and titaniferous hematite (up to ~ 6 wt.% TiO2). The latter minerals connect the alluvial mineralisation to the rutile–hematite–quartz veins and tourmalinisation observed in the quartzitic country rocks of the alluvial gravel. The quartzite (Sopa-Brumadinho Formation of lacustrine to fan-deltaic origin) is affected by pervasive B metasomatism with F-bearing tourmaline replacing the recrystallised quartz fabric. The tourmaline belongs to the alkali group, with Mg/(Mg + Fe) and X/(X + Na) ratios in the ranges from 0.5 to 0.7 and 0.18 to 0.29, respectively, where X represents vacancies in the X site. Boron-isotopic values of tourmaline vary from ~ 1 to − 10.4‰ δ11B. The B-isotope range, in conjunction with the Na–Mg-rich tourmaline composition, and the widespread occurrence of tourmalinite in the Sopa-Brumadinho Formation suggest a derivation from non-marine evaporitic brines. Brines are capable of transporting otherwise immobile Ti and explain, under oxidising conditions, the fractionation of Ag from Pd to precipitate palladiferous gold with extremely high Pd/Ag ratios. Zirconium-in-rutile and Ti-in-quartz temperatures for a variety of hematite-rich veins suggest episodic vein emplacement over a temperature range from around 500 °C to ~ 350 °C. Cross-cutting relationships and episodic vein emplacement indicate a late-Brasiliano age.  相似文献   
The results of geological mapping, chemical analysis and radiometric dating of metabasic rocks of Betara Formation, and mapping and dating of those present in the Betara basement nucleus together with mylonitic granodiorite and syenogranite are reported here. U–Pb analysis of bulk zircon fractions from the metabasic rocks of the basement nucleus yielded a Statherian age of 1790 ± 22 Ma, while the metabasic rocks from the upper part of the Betara Formation yielded a Calymmian age between 1500 and 1450 Ma. This age is a minimum for the deposition of the Betara Formation. The older metabasic rocks are associated with post-tectonic, possibly anorogenic syenogranite, while the younger ones are gabbro or very porphyritic ankaramite whose REE patterns are consistent with crystallization from an N-MORB parent magma. The observations and data point to the probable events associated with extensional processes of the end of Paleoproterozoic and early Mesoproterozoic. Similar registers of Statherian (1.80–1.75 Ga) and Calymmian (1.50–1.45 Ga) extensional events are recorded in other parts of the South American and African continents. The Neoproterozoic witnessed the formation and junction of the tectonic slices which formed the Apiaí domain during the assemblage of western Gondwana.  相似文献   
The necropolis of Carmona (Seville, Spain) is one of the most significant Roman burial sites in southern Spain used during the first and second centuries ad. Of its more than 600 tombs, the Postumius Tomb is one of the best examples of a tomb affected by severe salt damage. To define safe microclimatic conditions for its conservation, environmental parameters were recorded from June 2007 to April 2009, both inside and outside the tomb, and mineralogical, textural, petrophysical, and durability characterization studies of the host-rock were made. Experimental tests revealed a high susceptibility to salt deterioration of a host-rock (calcarenite) with low mechanical properties and a complex porous medium that favors salt weathering, water condensation, and capillary rise. The analysis of the weathered material showed the presence chiefly of gypsum (CaSO4·2H2O), thenardite (Na2SO4) and halite (NaCl) in the tomb of Postumius, with alteration that was more intensive in spring and autumn, and less so during summer months. Salt damage activity was calculated by quantifying the number of transitions of crystallization–dissolution of saline phases. The calculated seasonality for water condensation and salt damage is coeval. The host-rock alteration is in accord with the estimated salt decay, and was more intensive in spring and autumn and less so during summer. The seasonality of halite transitions is similar to that of the sodium sulfate system, which suggests that salt weathering is produced by the two types of salts. By combining different methodological approaches (pore structure, water condensation, salt and environmental conditions), it is possible to explain why salt crystallization occurs in a tomb with hygrometric conditions that are not suitable for this process to occur. These methodological approaches are also used to other rock-decaying processes, such as the development of microorganisms, clay swelling and calcite dissolution by NaCl- and CO2-rich pore waters, and can be used to predict safe threshold microclimatic conditions that minimize all rock-decaying processes.  相似文献   
Imposex and organotin (OT) tissue contamination of the netted whelk Nassarius reticulatus (L.) were assessed in the continental shelves around the main estuaries of the central coast of Portugal (Lisbon: Tagus estuary; Setúbal: Sado estuary) and the main coastal lagoon in the Southern of Portugal (Faro: Ria Formosa). Pollution levels were higher in areas of more intense boat traffic and shipyard activities and imposex showed a clear decreasing gradient from the estuaries to the offshore, in relation to a similar gradient of tissue contamination by tributyltin. Remarkably, imposex was extensively spread over the adjacent continental shelves of Tagus and Sado estuaries. The current work shows that TBT pollution is undoubtedly a matter of concern not only for the above estuaries where harbours are implanted but also for the adjacent continental shelves, regardless the massive dilution of contaminants that may occur in these deeper areas.  相似文献   
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