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Stretch trajectories in vertical flow planes through superficial nappes are thought to be specific for some classical mechanical models, so that their recognition in the field is of particular interest. In order to find a pattern of stretch trajectories related to a gravitational process, a strain factorization is attempted from experimental scale models of nappes where spreading and gliding are combined. The strain within this type of nappes is schematically considered as the simultaneous combination of two components: a simple shearing (γ) component and a pure shearing (α) component. Spatial and time distribution of these two components is computed from both time and spatial evolution of the strain pattern within the scale models. A better understanding of stretch trajectories in spreading-gliding nappes is consequently provided. Strain rates are also computed from scale models and the sudden increase of strain rate from top to bottom is explained. Finally, a mechanical model of spreading-gliding nappe is briefly discussed.  相似文献   
Magmatic intrusions can trigger thin-skinned compression of the adjacent sedimentary cover by three processes: (a) gravity gliding away from the topographic dome resulting from the ascending magma; (b) fluid push from the rear resulting from forceful intrusion then lateral spreading of the magma; and (c) increased loading by volcanic accumulation. The applicability of the first two mechanisms, gravity gliding and fluid push, was tested using dynamically scaled experiments. Model results help to elucidate the kinematics and structural evolution of thrusts and folds formed by such processes and determine which geological parameters control the deformation style. The results show that the presence of a weak layer within the sedimentary overburden is essential to form thrust and fold belts around the intrusion. Experiments suggest that although gravity gliding can dominate the early stages of deformation, most of the deformation is caused by lateral spreading of the fluid magma pushing the adjacent sedimentary rocks. Models also suggest that true laccoliths can form only if the sedimentary section comprises a basal low-viscosity stratum. Comparison with natural examples allows the evaluation of the applicability of experimental results.  相似文献   
Abstract West Rota Volcano (WRV) is a recently discovered extinct submarine volcano in the southern Mariana Arc. It is large (25 km diameter base), shallow (up to 300 m below sealevel), and contains a large caldera (6 × 10 km, with up to 1 km relief). The WRV lies near the northern termination of a major NNE‐trending normal fault. This and a second, parallel fault just west of the volcano separate uplifted, thick frontal arc crust to the east from subsiding, thin back‐arc basin crust to the west. The WRV is distinct from other Mariana Arc volcanoes: (i) it consists of a lower, predominantly andesite section overlain by a bimodal rhyolite‐basalt layered sequence; (ii) andesitic rocks are locally intensely altered and mineralized; (iii) it has a large caldera; and (iv) WRV is built on a major fault. Submarine felsic calderas are common in the Izu and Kermadec Arcs but are otherwise unknown from the Marianas and other primitive, intraoceanic arcs. 40Ar–39Ar dating indicates that andesitic volcanism comprising the lower volcanic section occurred 0.33–0.55 my ago, whereas eruption of the upper rhyolites and basalts occurred 37–51 thousand years ago. Four sequences of rhyolite pyroclastics each are 20–75 m thick, unwelded and show reverse grading, indicating submarine eruption. The youngest unit consists of 1–2 m diameter spheroids of rhyolite pumice, interpreted as magmatic balloons, formed by relatively quiet effusion and inflation of rhyolite into the overlying seawater. Geochemical studies indicate that felsic magmas were generated by anatexis of amphibolite‐facies meta‐andesites, perhaps in the middle arc crust. The presence of a large felsic volcano and caldera in the southern Marianas might indicate interaction of large normal faults with a mid‐crustal magma body at depth, providing a way for viscous felsic melts to reach the surface.  相似文献   
The paper uses the three legislative criteria of resource sustainability, economic stability and social equity to measure the past decade of fisheries reform in South Africa. All three components of the reform process have been successful, although this judgement is subject to a number of important qualifications. First, the data available to measure success are limited. Second, both sustainability and stability are vulnerable to volatile factors external to the reform process (particularly variability in recruitment, climate change and exchange rate fluctuations) capable of derailing the process. Substantial alteration of the fishing industry by internal transformation of existing companies and the reallocation of access rights to new black entrants has led to a composition that closely reflects that of society as a whole and therefore meets the goal of equity. In the process, however, bona fide traditional fishers with a historical dependence on fishing have largely been denied legitimate access to the fisheries, and meeting their aspirations remains a challenge.  相似文献   
Holocene relative shore-level changes and development of the Ģipka palaeolagoon in the western Gulf of Riga are reconstructed using multiproxy analyses by combining litho-, biostratigraphical and chronological data with remote sensing and geophysical data. The results show the development of the Ģipka basin from the Ancylus Lake/Initial Litorina Sea coastal zone (before c. 9.1 cal. ka BP) to coastal fen (c. 9.1 to 8.4 cal. ka BP) and gradual development of the Litorina Sea lagoon (c. 8.4 to 4.8 cal. ka BP) and its transition to a freshwater coastal lake (c. 4.8 to 4.6 cal. ka BP), fen (c. 4.6 to 4.2 cal. ka BP), and river floodplain (since c. 4.2 cal. ka BP). The highest shorelines of the Ancylus Lake and Litorina Sea were mapped at an elevation of 12–11 and 9 m a.s.l., respectively. A new relative shore level (RSL) curve for the western Gulf of Riga was constructed based on RSL data from the Ģipka area and from nearby Ruhnu Island studied earlier. The reconstruction shows that the beginning of the last marine transgression in the western Gulf of Riga started at c. 8.4 cal. ka BP, and concurred with the 1.9 m RSL rise event recorded from the North Sea basin. Diatom analysis results indicate the existence of the Ģipka lagoon between c. 7.7 and 4.8 cal. ka BP, with the highest salinity c. 6.1 cal. ka BP. During the existence of the brackish lagoon, settlement sites of the Neolithic hunter–gatherer groups existed on the shores of the lagoon in the period c. 6.0 to 5.0 cal. ka BP.  相似文献   
We present new 40Ar/39Ar data for two of the Tore-Madeira Rise (TMR) volcanic seamounts. A sample from Tore East seamount on the northern part of the TMR yielded an ultra-precise age of 80.50 ± 0.13 Ma (2σ) that is similar within uncertainties to a published age obtained by U–Pb TIMS technique on titanites and zircons extracted from Tore NW seamount. Another sample from Isabelle seamount, located on the southern part of the TMR failed to produce a plateau age but yielded a minimum age estimate of >85 Ma. We filtered the published ages available on the TMR, the surrounding seamounts and the massifs of southwest Portugal to better understand the origin of this magmatic province. Together with this dataset, our new data suggest that: (1) a hypothetical Madeira hot-spot track spanning from Serra de Monchique on the continent to Madeira Archipelago is difficult to reconcile with the occurrence of several seamounts geographically located within or very close to this alleged hot-spot track yet being much older than the age predicted by the age trend.

(2) The geographical distribution and age pattern of the TMR and surrounding areas magmatism are still best explained by the interaction of a mantle melting anomaly emitting magma pulses and the different motion phases of the Iberia plate since 103 Ma.

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