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王非  周新华 《地球学报》1997,18(Z1):126-128
本文通过对辽西及邻区中生代盆地火山岩稀土元素配分特征的研究及模拟运算,探讨了其岩浆成因及过程。结果显示南北岩区岩浆成因不同,南岩区岩源为MORB地幔和长期富集型幔熔融混合而成,北岩区为MORB和近期亏损型地幔熔融混合而成。  相似文献   
沉积物粒度分布特征是衡量沉积介质能量,判别沉积环境和水动力条件的最基本的方法之一,粒度分维是粒度的另外一个重要参数。在前人对硬黏土成因研究的基础上,选取目前具有影响力说法的典型的沉积物:湖泊相、潮滩相、风成沙、粉尘、洪泛平原、黄土等进行了分维值的计算,通过与小庙洪区钻孔的末次冰盛期第1硬质黏土的粒度分维的对比,初步探索其粒度特征。从粒度分布与分维的角度进一步印证了该区第1硬质黏土层的沉积环境为河湖相。  相似文献   
系统分析了三峡井网8口井水位对汶川8.0级地震的同震响应及其后效特征,揭示出这些特征因井而异,其差异性在井孔结构相似的条件下主要取决于井点的构造部位、观测含水层的地下水埋藏类型、含水层的导水系数等条件;深入研究了井水位同震后效特征中残留阶升与阶降的力学含义及其地震预测意义,并用仙女山断裂带上近期地震活动验证了残留阶升区可能是未来地震危险区的科学推论.   相似文献   
利用地理国情基本统计分析软件对地理国情普查预处理后数据进行基本统计分析。根据基本统计结果、基本统计汇总表及统计报告,制作行政区划四至点、高程分级、坡度分级、水域分布、水域统计、铁路与道路、行政村驻地分布图,并对地理国情普查成果及统计分析成果的应用推广服务提出建议。  相似文献   
新疆经济增长特征与驱动力分析   总被引:2,自引:7,他引:2  
分析了新疆经济增长的特征以及影响经济增长的因素,选取可能对经济增长有影响的几个指标,通过灰色系统的关联分析法,对这些因素进行定量分析,从分析结果我们可以得出投资与消费是目前新疆经济增长的第一驱动力,科学技术是新疆未来经济增长的主要驱动力,传统要素自然资源、交通、人力资本等仍然是新疆经济增长的基础驱动力,政府行政体制的作用正在慢慢下降,城市化是经济增长潜在的驱动力,环境也越来越成为新疆经济增长的制约因素,并对这些结论进行分析,剖析新疆经济增长的内在原因,对今后新疆经济的发展有一定的理论和现实意义。  相似文献   
东北三省城乡收入差距空间格局及其分异机制研究   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
付占辉  梅林  刘艳军  郑茹敏 《地理科学》2019,39(9):1473-1483
借助多元逐步线性回归、GWR等模型方法,探讨1990年以来东北三省城乡收入差距空间格局、类型特征及其分异机制,最后提出城乡统筹可持续发展建议。结果表明: 1990年以来,东北三省城乡居民收入水平大幅提高,但大部分地区城镇居民可支配收入水平仍低于全国平均水平;城乡收入差距整体有所拉大,呈现出“中间高、两端低”的空间特征。 城乡收入差距空间分布格局受经济发展水平、工业拉动效应、服务业带动力和交通通达程度影响,其中经济发展水平对城乡收入差距由早期的正向拉大作用为主,逐步演变为负向抑制效应。 据此提出对策建议:深化改革开放,加快国有企业改革步伐,优化区域产业结构,提高服务业发展水平和比重,激发市场活力,破解制约区域经济发展的各种障碍;加快实施乡村振兴战略,促进乡村资源开发,开辟致富增收新路径。  相似文献   
Discovery process modeling has gained wide acceptance in the Chinese exploration community. In recent years, a variety of discovery process models have been applied to the prediction of undiscovered petroleum resources at the play level in sedimentary basins in China. However, challenging problems have been encountered, particularly when one method alone has been applied to small plays in nonmarine sedimentary basins or in plays with an unusual order of discovery wells. This paper presents results gotten by using the lognormal discovery process model of the Geological Survey of Canada and the geoanchored method for three petroleum plays in basins with different geologic settings. Although the predicted shapes of the parentsize distributions which use these two models, were not always similar, the expected values of the total resources and the number of fields (pools) to be discovered are comparable. The combined use of two discovery process models in the same play compensates for the weaknesses in one method compared with the other and vice versa. Thus, more reliable estimates are the result.  相似文献   
利用远震接收函数偏移成像方法获得青藏高原西部Hi-Climb项目剖面北段地壳结构转换波成像。结果显示班公-怒江缝合带下方拉萨地体上地壳向N仰冲,下地壳向N俯冲,而羌塘地块上地壳向S仰冲,下地壳向S俯冲,可能意味着青藏高原西部拉萨地块和羌塘地块具有复杂的拼合过程。结合前人的岩石学研究成果,建立了新特提斯北洋盆洋壳S向俯冲、距今60~50Ma印度板块与欧亚板块碰撞后,拉萨地块的下地壳向羌塘地块下俯冲,而后印度板块俯冲到羌塘地块下方的地块拼合模式  相似文献   
从建筑材料和水土中活跃成分的化学性质出发,讨论环境水土成分对重要建筑材料的腐蚀的机理及其评价的有关问题。  相似文献   
We tested the utility of chemical marking techniques in the juvenile black rockfish Sebastes schlegelii. Juveniles(30–40 mm total length) were immersed in a range of tetracycline hydrochloride(TC) solutions at concentrations ranging from 300 to 500 mg/L, and alizarin complexone(ALC) solutions at concentrations ranging from 200 to 400 mg/L in filtered sea water(salinity of 30) for 24 h, respectively. Otoliths(sagittae, asteriscus), scales, fin rays(dorsal, pectoral, ventral, anal, and caudal fin rays), and fin spines(dorsal, ventral, and anal fin spines) were sampled and used to detect fl uorescent marks after a 60-day growth experiment. With the exception of 300 mg/L TC, acceptable marks were produced in the otoliths and fin spines by all concentrations of TC and ALC. In particular, we observed clearly visible marks in the sagittae, asteriscus, and fin spines under normal light at concentrations of 200–400 mg/L, 250–400 mg/L, and 250–400 mg/L ALC, respectively. Scales and fin rays had acceptable marks at much higher concentrations(≥350 mg/L TC, ≥250 mg/L ALC for scales and ≥350 mg/L TC, ≥300 mg/L ALC for fin rays). The best mark quality(i.e., acceptable marks were observed in all sampled structures after immersion marking) were obtained following immersion in TC at between 350–500 mg/L, and ALC between 300–400 mg/L. In addition, there was no significant difference in survival and growth of TC and ALC marked fish compared to their controls up to 60 days post-marking( P 0.05).  相似文献   
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