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On March 20, 2006, an earthquake (M w = 5.3; SED) struck the mountainous region of the Babors chain (Wilaya of Bejaia, northeast Algeria). The seismic epicenter was located near the Kherrata village. This earthquake was felt on a large area of the northeastern part of Algeria. It reached an intensity of VII (EMS scale) at the Laalam village, situated at about 20 km northeast of Kherrata. Here, many old and recent houses were damaged or collapsed totally, four people died and 68 were injured. Field investigations revealed that these casualties were caused by a landslide triggered by the earthquake. Many fissures were visible on ground throughout the site. They were generated by both sliding and settling phenomena. The Laalam site is prone to landslide, as revealed by some evidences on old instabilities. This is due to two main factors: local geomorphology and geology. These factors intervene synchronously for reducing the slope instability at the Laalam village. The March 20, 2006 Kherrata earthquake was the trigger that released the Laalam landslide.  相似文献   
The Gavbast karstic aquifer located in southern Iran is in direct contact with an exposed salt diapir. To assess the influence of the diapir on the quality of groundwater in the karstic aquifer, electrical conductivity, total dissolved solids, flow rate, temperature and major ion concentrations were measured at 57 sampling sites, including springs, surface waters and wells. A conceptual model of groundwater flow is proposed for the Gavbast karstic aquifer based on the geological setting, water budget, local base of erosion, and hydrochemistry of the sampling sites. The model suggests two subbasins in the Gavbast Anticline draining into two distinct discharging alluvial sections. Unexpectedly, groundwater discharging from the carbonate Gavbast aquifer is saline or brackish and water is of chloride type. The study indicates that the source of salinity of the Gavbast aquifers is infiltration of surface diapir-derived brine into the aquifer. The contribution of the diapir brine in the Gavbast karst aquifer is calculated about 4 L/s, using chloride mass balance. Construction of salt basins to evaporate brine discharging from the diapir springs is proposed to reduce the salinity of karst water. A row of strategically placed wells in the Gavbast karst aquifer would potentially exploit large volumes of fresh groundwater before it is contaminated by the salt. Such low-cost remediation should allow the agricultural exploitation of 40 km2 of currently barren land.  相似文献   
Metal fluxes to the sediments of the Moulay Bousselham lagoon,Morocco   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The metal content in surface sediments (0–2 cm, 26 samples), in a sediment core (120, 1 cm slices), taken from Moulay Bousselham (Morocco) was investigated. Concentrations of Al, Fe, Mn, Pb, Zn, Cu, Ni, Cr, Cd, As, and Hg were evaluated in surface and cored sediments of Moulay Bousselham lagoon. Significantly high concentrations in μg g−1 dw of Pb (31.7–6.2), Zn (758.9–167), Cu (310.7–22), Ni (96–10.5), Cr (113–18.9), Cd (0.84–0.02), As (1–0.1), and Hg (0.61–0.02) were found in sediment samples from Moulay Bousselham lagoon. Calculated enrichment factors [EFMe = (Me/Al)sample/(Me/Al)background], using Al as a normalizer, and correlation matrices showed that metal pollution in Merja Zerga of Moulay Bousselham lagoon was the product of anthropogenic sources, while the metal content in Merja Kehla was of natural origins. The results suggest that a major change in the sedimentary regime of the lagoon, associated with internal trapping and re-distribution of heavy metal, has been occurring in the past few decades. The cause would appear to be the construction of a Nador Canal at the lagoon. Probable effects concentrations (PEC) were often exceeded for heavy metals in the lagoon sediments, especially for Zn, Cu, Ni, and Cr, and four stations, stations MZ-11, MZ-12, MZ-13, MZ-14, MZ-16, and MZ-17, had multiple metals at presumptively toxic levels. These comparisons suggest that sediment metal levels in the river are clearly high and probably pose an environmental risk at some stations. The levels of most of the metals were not greatly enriched, a consideration that is of the utmost importance when contamination issues are at stake. Metal concentrations found in Moulay Bousselham lagoon were comparable to aquatic systems classified as contaminated from other regions of the world.  相似文献   
One important decision in design of surface mine is the selection of mine equipment and plant. Demand for mechanical excavation is growing in mining industry because of its high productivity and excavation in large scale with lower costs. Several models have been developed over the years to evaluate the ease of excavation and machine performance against rock mass properties. Due to complexity of excavation process and large number of effective parameters, approaches made for this purpose are essentially empirical. There are many uncertainties in results of these models. An attempt is made in this paper to revise the exisiting models. Neural network models for estimation of rock mass excavatability and production rate of VASM-2D excavating machine at Limestone quarry in Retznei, Austria, is presented. Input parameters of this model are Uniaxial compressive strength, tensile strength and discontinuities spacing of rocks. Output is the specific excavation rate per power consumption (bcm/Kwh) as the productivity indicator. Average of deviation between actual data and results estimated by neural network model was only 15% which is in an acceptable range.  相似文献   
Natural Hazards - Analyzing and understanding coastline variability and dynamics are important for scientists and policy-makers. This study investigates the long-term process of shoreline change...  相似文献   
A transparent aqueous-saturated sand surrogate for use in physical modeling   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper presents the geotechnical properties of a new family of synthetic transparent soils made of fused quartz, saturated with a matched refractive index water-based sucrose solution, suitable for modeling the behavior of sand in small-scale model tests. The dry density ranged between 1,134 and 1,358 kg/m3. The peak angle of friction was found to range from 46° to 57°. The average hydraulic conductivity was 1.7 × 10?5 cm/s. The compressibility index (C c) ranged from 0.34 to 0.57. The main advantage of fused quartz over available sand surrogates made of silica gel is that its solid structure better models the behavior of natural sand. The matching pore fluids are inert and non-toxic, which facilitates their use in educational settings. The availability of a safe and easy-to-use transparent sand permits measurement of three-dimensional deformation patterns and flow characteristics in controlled research experiments. The introduction of an aqueous solution permits the use of two immiscible pore fluids, one made of mineral oil and the other made of a sucrose solution, for modeling multiphase flow problems, as well as coupled flow-deformation problems.  相似文献   
Drought is a complex phenomenon in meteorology and can affect agriculture. Its impacts vary greatly since they depend not only on the magnitude, timing, duration, and frequency of rainfall deficits but also on the differing responses of various plants to water stress. The essence of good drought management is to use this range of responses to the best advantage. Iran is one of the world’s largest and most productive suppliers of food and fiber. The objective of this study was, therefore, to gather and analyze standardized information on the Role of Early Warning Systems for Sustainable Agriculture for cereals and leguminous and industrial crops in Iran environmental zones. Annual average rainfall (mm year?1) and ETO (mm year?1) are 76.56 and 3001, respectively, in stations with very dry climate; 195.41 and 2249, respectively, in stations with dry climate; 343.9 and 1351, respectively, in stations with semi-dry climate; 583.8 and 1153, respectively, in stations with semi-humid climate; and 1272 and 949, respectively, in stations with humid climate. The maximum and minimum of annual average rainfall happened in Rasht (1337 mm year?1) and Zabol (57 mm year?1) stations, and the maximum and minimum for annual average ETO happened in Chabahar (3909.15 mm year?1) and Anzali harbor (890.6 mm year?1), respectively. Therefore, 13.63 % of stations have suitable conditions for crop productions and 86.37 % are in critical conditions.  相似文献   
This research is focused on the analysis of the sequence stratigraphic units of F3 Block, within a wave-dominated delta of Plio–Pleistocene age. Three wells of F3 block and a 3D seismic data, are utilized in this research. The conventional techniques of 3D seismic interpretation were utilized to mark the 11 surfaces on the seismic section. Integration of seismic sequence stratigraphic interpretation, using well logs, and subsequent 3D geostatistical modeling, using seismic data, aided to evaluat...  相似文献   
Micro-organisms producing microbially induced sedimentary structures, particularly epibenthic cyanobacteria, are not facies-dependent and could flourish in any environment if appropriate ecological conditions were provided. Hence, the changes in environmental parameters are the controlling factors on ecological tolerance of the producers. This study on the lower Cambrian successions of the Lalun Formation in Central Iran shows that paralic environments reacted differently to changes in parameters such as river and tide energy, palaeo-topography, the rate of sediment supply and fluctuations in sea-level, even though all were characterized by sandy substrates suitable for the development of microbially induced sedimentary structures. Therefore, the abundance and preservation of microbially induced sedimentary structures varied in the different paralic environments. From a sequence stratigraphic viewpoint, this study demonstrates that erosional discontinuities lacked the conditions required for the substrate stabilization by microbial communities. The distribution, size and type of microbially induced sedimentary structures within high frequency cycles generally follow the trends of changes in vertical facies stacking patterns. Within systems tracts, the pattern, morphological diversity and size of microbially induced sedimentary structures are not dependent on the type of systems tract, but on the type of depositional system developed such as delta, incised valley, coastal plain, estuaries and shoreline to shelf systems. Generally, estuarine and peritidal carbonates record an increase in the development of mat colonization during the transgressive systems tract, owing to decreased sedimentation rate as well as extended shallow water habitats. In contrast, the existence of microbially induced sedimentary structures depends on the pattern of shoreline shift in depositional systems developed during the highstand systems tract, such as open coast tidal flat and delta environments. If a shoreline regression was continuous (depositional trend and stacking pattern are a set of high frequency cycles), a greater increase in the aggradational component than the progradational component would cause intensified destructive processes hindering the development of microbial communities.  相似文献   
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