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In the Kopet-Dagh Basin of Iran, deep-sea sandstones and shales of the Middle Jurassic Kashafrud Formation are disconformably overlain by hydrocarbon-bearing carbonates of Upper Jurassic and Cretaceous age. To explore the reservoir potential of the sandstones, we studied their burial history using more than 500 thin sections, supplemented by heavy mineral analysis, microprobe analysis, porosity and permeability determination, and vitrinite reflectance.The sandstones are arkosic and lithic arenites, rich in sedimentary and volcanic rock fragments. Quartz overgrowths and pore-filling carbonate cements (calcite, dolomite, siderite and ankerite) occluded most of the porosity during early to deep burial, assisted by early compaction that improved packing and fractured quartz grains. Iron oxides are prominent as alteration products of framework grains, probably reflecting source-area weathering prior to deposition, and locally as pore fills. Minor cements include pore-filling clays, pyrite, authigenic albite and K-feldspar, and barite. Existing porosity is secondary, resulting largely from dissolution of feldspars, micas, and rock fragments, with some fracture porosity. Porosity and permeability of six samples averages 3.2% and 0.0023 mD, respectively, and 150 thin-section point counts averaged 2.7% porosity. Reflectance of vitrinite in eight sandstone samples yielded values of 0.64-0.83%, in the early mature to mature stage of hydrocarbon generation, within the oil window.Kashafrud Formation petrographic trends were compared with trends from first-cycle basins elsewhere in the world. Inferred burial conditions accord with the maturation data, suggesting only a moderate thermal regime during burial. Some fractures, iron oxide cements, and dissolution may reflect Cenozoic tectonism and uplift that created the Kopet-Dagh Mountains. The low porosity and permeability levels of Kashafrud Formation sandstones suggest only a modest reservoir potential. For such tight sandstones, fractures may enhance the reservoir potential.  相似文献   
Petroleum products spill and leakage have become two major environmental challenges in Iran. Sampling was performed in the petroleum reservoir waste water of Tehran and Kerman Provinces of Iran. Alkane degrading bacteria were isolated by enrichment in a Bushnel–Hass medium, with hexadecane as sole source of carbon and energy. The isolated strains were identified by amplification of 16S rDNA gene and sequencing. Specific primers were used for identification of alkane hydroxylase gene. Fifteen alkane degrading bacteria were isolated and 8 strains were selected as powerful degradative bacteria. These 8 strains relate to Rhodococcus jostii, Stenotrophomonas maltophilia, Achromobacter piechaudii, Tsukamurella tyrosinosolvens, Pseudomonas fluorescens, Rhodococcus erythropolis, Stenotrophomonas maltophilia, Pseudomonas aeruginosa genera. The optimum concentration of hexadecane that allowed high growth was 2.5%. Gas chromatography results show that all strains can degrade approximately half of hexadecane in one week of incubation. All of the strains have alkane hydroxylase gene which are important for biodegradation. As a result, this study indicates that there is a high diversity of degradative bacteria in petroleum reservoir waste water in Iran.  相似文献   
Synoptic analysis of dust storms in the Middle East   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Dust storm in the Middle East and south-west Asia is a natural hazard and the Tigris-Euphrates alluvial plain has been recognized as the main dust source in this area. In this study, more than 60 dust storms that occurred during the period 2003–2011 are investigated on the basis of MODIS satellite images, and 12 of the dust storms are selected for synoptic analysis using the NCEP-NCAR Reanalysis Data. The potential dust sources in the Middle East and south-west Asian region (20°E to 80°E, 5°N to 50°N) are analyzed and used in the synoptic analysis. Dust storms in the region can be grouped into two main categories, i.e., the Shamal dust storms and the frontal dust storms. Synoptic systems, associated with the two categories, are distinguished and the frequency of the patterns is identified. For 68% of the Shamal dust storms, a high pressure system is situated between 0°E to 30°E and 27°N to 45°N, and a low pressure system between 50°E to 70°E and 23°N to 43°N. For 86% of the frontal dust storms, a high is located between 51°E to 67°E and 18°N to 33°N and a low between 28°E to 48°E and 32°N to 43°N. Three main patterns for Shamal dust storms are identified, which represent about 60% of the Shamal dust storms. This analysis confirms that the Shamal is related to the anticyclones located over northern Africa to Eastern Europe and the monsoon trough over Iraq, southern Iran, Pakistan and the Indian Subcontinent. The analysis also shows that the main dust sink for the frontal dust storms in Tigris and Euphrates alluvial plain extends from center of Iraq to west and center of Iran and, in most severe cases, to northern Iran and the southern coast of the Caspian Sea.  相似文献   
Mooring optimization of floating platforms using a genetic algorithm   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents a new procedure for the optimization of the mooring design of floating platforms, in which an automatic design sequence is also established. Regarding the optimization philosophy, the following aspects are dealt with:
• The optimization of the platform heading and its mooring pattern, taking into account the environmental force spreading;
• optimum line length or line tension for each mooring line, associated to the optimization of the mooring line materials and sizes.
Basically, the main goal of this paper is to introduce a new method, which will provide the quickest way to find the best mooring system, defined here as that which minimizes platform responses.A genetic algorithm (GA) is applied in this contribution, and this paper describes exactly the procedure of developing a GA code directed toward the solution of mooring design optimization problems. In order to prove the efficiency and the vast potential of the proposed algorithm as a design tool, sample moorings are analyzed for different environmental conditions and the final results, including the time required to run them, are presented.  相似文献   
CO2 injection in saline aquifers induces temperature changes owing to processes such as Joule–Thomson cooling, endothermic water vaporization, exothermic CO2 dissolution besides the temperature discrepancy between injected and native fluids. CO2 leaking from the injection zone, in addition to initial temperature contrast due to the geothermal gradient, undergoes similar processes, causing temperature changes in the above zone. Numerical simulation tools were used to evaluate temperature changes associated with CO2 leakage from the storage aquifer to an above-zone monitoring interval and to assess the monitorability of CO2 leakage on the basis of temperature data. The impact of both CO2 and brine leakage on temperature response is considered for three cases (1) a leaky well co-located with the injection well, (2) a leaky well distant from the injector, and (3) a leaky fault. A sensitivity analysis was performed to determine key operational and reservoir parameters that control the temperature signal in the above zone. Throughout the analysis injection-zone parameters remain unchanged. Significant pressure drop upon leakage causes expansion of CO2 associated with Joule–Thomson cooling. However, brine may begin leaking before CO2 breakthrough at the leakage pathway, causing heating in the above zone. Thus, unlike the pressure which increases in response to both CO2 and brine leakage, the temperature signal may differentiate between the leaking fluids. In addition, the strength of the temperature signal correlates with leakage velocity unlike pressure signal whose strength depends on leakage rate. Increasing leakage conduit cross-sectional area increases leakage rate and thus increases pressure change in the above zone. However, it decreases leakage velocity, and therefore, reduces temperature cooling and signal. It is also shown that the leakage-induced temperature change covers a small area around the leakage pathway. Thus, temperature data will be most useful if collected along potential leaky wells and/or wells intersecting potential leaky faults.  相似文献   
Atmospheric water vapor validation needs simultaneous, well-defined, and independent information which are not easily available causing limitations in the development of remote sensing water vapor retrieval algorithms. This study is concerned with the retrieval of total atmospheric water vapor content and its validation. A band ratio method has been used to estimate the water vapor content based on Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) Near InfraRed (NIR) data. The method uses MODIS bands 17, 18, and 19 as NIR bands and band 2 to remove the land cover reflectance. Furthermore, the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) has been used for both algorithm development and analysis of the results. The method has been modified to take into account the dry condition of the central parts of Iran. Using some various datasets, the method is implemented and evaluated quantitatively. The validation of the water vapor estimates has been undertaken by an analysis of AIRS data. The validation results shows error as low as 9 % for the estimated water vapor using the MODIS NIR band ratio method.  相似文献   
The problem of incorporating the available seismological information provided by the major events of the historical catalog with those for the short period of instrumental data is investigated. Assuming that the frequency-magnitude law of Gutenberg and Richter is valid for both periods, an estimation procedure for the main parameter of this law and the rate of earthquake occurrence for historical period is presented. Application of the proposed method is demonstrated, using both real and simulated data. An extension to allow for variable quality of complete data with different magnitude values is also included.  相似文献   
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