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Typical abyssal tholeiites occur on both north and south walls of the Puerto Rico Trench. Probably they were erupted in the Mid-Atlantic Ridge in Cretaceous time and afterwards were moved to the present position. In addition, doleritic basalts containing phenocrysts of pigeonite rimmed by augite were found from the north wall, and these rocks presumably represent a new type of abyssal tholeiites characterized by CaONa2O ratios lower than those of ordinary abyssal tholeiites.A new analysis of serpentinite from the north wall is also recorded here.  相似文献   
Compared to oxygen isotopes, the carbon isotope composition of biogenic carbonates is less commonly used as proxy for palaeoenvironmental reconstructions because shell δ13C is derived from both dissolved inorganic (seawater) and organic carbon sources (food), and interactions between these two pools make it difficult to unambiguously identify any independent effect of either. The main purpose of this study was to demonstrate any direct impact of variable food supply on bivalve shell δ13C signatures, using low/high rations of a 13C-light mixed algal diet fed to 14-month-old (adult) cultured Japanese Crassostrea gigas under otherwise essentially identical in vitro conditions during 3 summer months (May, June and July 2003, seawater temperature means at 16, 18 and 20 °C respectively) in experimental tanks at the Argenton laboratory along the Brittany Atlantic coast of France. At a daily ration of 12% (versus 4%) oyster dry weight, the newly grown part of the shells (hinge region) showed significantly lower δ13C values, by 3.5‰ (high ration: mean of −5.8  ± 1.1‰, n = 10; low ration: mean of −2.3  ± 0.7‰, n = 6; ANOVA Scheffe’s test, p < 0.0001). This can be explained by an enhanced metabolic activity at higher food supply, raising 13C-depleted respiratory CO2 in the extrapallial cavity. Based on these δ13C values and data extracted from the literature, and assuming no carbon isotope fractionation between food and shell, the proportion of shell metabolic carbon would be 26  ± 7 and 5  ± 5% for the high- and low-ration C. gigas shells respectively; with carbon isotope fractionation (arguably more realistic), the corresponding values would be 69  ± 14 and 24  ± 9%. Both groups of cultured shells exhibited lower δ13C values than did wild oysters from Marennes-Ol éron Bay in the study region, which is not inconsistent with an independent influence of diet type. Although there was no significant difference between the two food regimes in terms of δ18O shell values (means of 0.1  ± 0.3 and 0.4  ± 0.2‰ at high and low rations respectively, non-significant Scheffe’s test), a positive δ13C vs. δ18O relationship recorded at high rations supports the interpretation of a progressive temperature-mediated rise in metabolic activity fuelled by higher food supply (in this case reflecting increased energy investment in reproduction), in terms not only of δ13C (metabolic signal) but also of δ18O (seawater temperature signal). Overall, whole-shell δ18O trends faithfully recorded summer/winter variations in seawater temperature experienced by the 17-month-old cultured oysters.  相似文献   
The potential emergence of an ocean mining industry to exploit seafloor massive sulfides could present opportunities for oceanographic science to facilitate seafloor mineral development in ways that lessen environmental harms.  相似文献   
We adapted the dilution technique to study microzooplankton grazing of algal dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) vs. Chl a, and to estimate the impact of microzooplankton grazing on dimethyl sulfide (DMS) production in the Labrador Sea. Phytoplankton numbers were dominated by autotrophic nanoflagellates in the Labrador basin, but diatoms and colonial Phaeocystis pouchetii contributed significantly to phytomass at several high chlorophyll stations and on the Newfoundland and Greenland shelfs. Throughout the region, growth of algal Chl a and DMSP was generally high (0.2–1 d1), but grazing rates were lower and more variable, characteristic of the early spring bloom period. Production and consumption of Chl a vs. DMSP followed no clear pattern, and sometimes diverged greatly, likely because of their differing distributions among algal prey taxa and size class. In several experiments where Phaeocystis was abundant, we observed DMS production proportional to grazing rate, and we found clear evidence of DMS production by this haptophyte following physical stress such as sparging or filtration. It is possible that grazing-activated DMSP cleavage by Phaeocystis contributes to grazer deterrence: protozoa and copepods apparently avoided healthy colonies (as judged by relative growth and grazing rates of Chl a and DMSP), and grazing of Phaeocystis was significant only at one station where cells were in poor condition. Although we hoped to examine selective grazing on or against DMSP-containing algal prey, the dilution technique cannot differentiate selective ingestion and varying digestion rates of Chl a and DMSP. We also found that the dilution method alone was poorly suited for assessing the impact of grazing on dissolved sulfur pools, because of rapid microbial consumption and the artifactual release of DMSP and DMS during filtration. Measuring and understanding the many processes affecting organosulfur cycling by the microbial food web in natural populations remain a technical challenge that will likely require a combination of techniques to address.  相似文献   
Hilbert transformation is a standard tool in univariate signal-processing. It leaves the information content unaffected for, apart from a change of sign, the iterated transform reproduces the original data. As we know from Fourier transforms, such alternative representations of the same information, notwithstanding their theoretical equivalence with the data, can assist powerfully with extracting and interpreting that information. Although the extension to multivariate data is not so obvious for Hilbert as for Fourier transforms, Nabighian gave a treatment of the bivariale situation in 1984. Fueter, some 50 years earlier, had worked on an analogous extension problem, seeking to generalize complex function theory. On comparing these two developments we learn that, although Nabighian's transforms fit naturally into Fueter's theory, they are only one among many alternative possibilities. This paper presents a general theory, of higher dimensional Hilbert transforms and analytic signals, applicable to data of all dimensions less than eight. The change-of-field-direction fillers used in geophysical data processing are shown to arise as special situations.  相似文献   
We show that gravitational light deflection is truly equivalent to the optical effect of a prism and a thin diverging lens when the massive deflector has cylindrical symmetry. We then investigate the possibility of cosmological measurements analogous to those proposed by Refsdal in the spherically-symmetric case.This work was partially supported by FINEP, CNPq, and CAPES.  相似文献   
Using a CCD as detector, we have observed three nebulosities not yet listed in catalogues; they all present a planetary nebula morphology and are situated in the immediate neighbourhood (less than 3 arc min to the East) of NGC 1714. Observations have been made through interference filters centered on the main emission lines of these objects.The observations were made at the E.S.O. in La Silla (Chile).European Southern Observatory, La Silla, Santrago de Chile.  相似文献   
Increased earthquake activity and compression of the south flank of Kilauea volcano, Hawaii, have been recognized by previous investigators to accompany rift intrusions. We further detail the temporal and spatial changes in earthquake rates and ground strain along the south flank induced by six major rift intrusions which occurred between December 1971 and January 1981. The seismic response of the south flank to individual rift intrusions is immediate; the increased rate of earthquake activity lasts from 1 to 4 weeks. Horizontal strain measurements indicate that compression of the south flank usually accompanies rift intrusions and eruptions. Emplacement of an intrusion at a depth greater than about 4 km, such as the June 1982 southwest rift intrusion, however, results in a slight extension of the subaerial portion of the south flank.Horizontal strain measurements along the south flank are used to locate the January 1983 east-rift intrusion, which resulted in eruptive activity. The intrusion is modeled as a vertical rectangular sheet with constant displacement perpendicular to the plane of the sheet. This model suggests that the intrusive body that compressed the south flank in January 1983 extended from the surface to about 2.4 km depth, and was aligned along a strike of N66°E. The intrusion is approximately 11 km in length, extended beyond the January 1983 eruptive fissures, which are 8 km in length and is contained within the 14-km-long region of shallow rift earthquakes.  相似文献   
A method for computing the distribution of annual precipitation for mountainous areas is presented. As a pilot study, the South Thompson River basin in British Columbia is examined. In addition to data from climatological (valley) stations, annual precipitation is estimated for snow course (mountain) locations from the water equivalent of the snowpack on April 1.An equation for the dependence of precipitation amount on orography is derived from simple physical considerations. Regression equations based on this are then computed and the calculated precipitation is checked with runoff data. A basic predictor is the mean vertical water vapor transport through a horizontal unit area due to flow over undulating terrain. This depends on the average slope of a region 3 deg long by 2 deg lat centered on each grid point. The transport at the earth's surface has a simple correlation coefficient with the combined valley and mountain precipitation data of 0.76. When the transport is computed at the mean cloud base (taken as 1800 m above sea-level), the correlation coefficient rises to 0.87.  相似文献   
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