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The declining health of marine ecosystems around the world is evidence that current piecemeal governance is inadequate to successfully support healthy coastal and ocean ecosystems and sustain human uses of the ocean. One proposed solution to this problem is ecosystem-based marine spatial planning (MSP), which is a process that informs the spatial distribution of activities in the ocean so that existing and emerging uses can be maintained, use conflicts reduced, and ecosystem health and services protected and sustained for future generations. Because a key goal of ecosystem-based MSP is to maintain the delivery of ecosystem services that humans want and need, it must be based on ecological principles that articulate the scientifically recognized attributes of healthy, functioning ecosystems. These principles should be incorporated into a decision-making framework with clearly defined targets for these ecological attributes. This paper identifies ecological principles for MSP based on a synthesis of previously suggested and/or operationalized principles, along with recommendations generated by a group of twenty ecologists and marine scientists with diverse backgrounds and perspectives on MSP. The proposed four main ecological principles to guide MSP—maintaining or restoring: native species diversity, habitat diversity and heterogeneity, key species, and connectivity—and two additional guidelines, the need to account for context and uncertainty, must be explicitly taken into account in the planning process. When applied in concert with social, economic, and governance principles, these ecological principles can inform the designation and siting of ocean uses and the management of activities in the ocean to maintain or restore healthy ecosystems, allow delivery of marine ecosystem services, and ensure sustainable economic and social benefits.  相似文献   
The sequence of approximately 1300 m is divided by a major unconformity (Middle Devonian) into the thick Lower Old Red Sandstone (Siluro-Devonian), resting disconformably on Ludlovian (Silurian) marine strata, and the much thinner Upper Old Red Sandstone (Upper Devonian) overlain by the Carboniferous.The Lower Old Red Sandstone commences with littoral sediments (Downton Castle Formation) followed by tidal mud-flat deposits (Temeside Formation) formed after a brief marine transgression. The predominant remainder of the sequence (Ledbury Formation, Ditton Group, Abdon Group, Woodbank Group), characterized by fining-upwards cyclothems, records the establishment during a marine regression of extensive and persistent alluvial plains. Prior to Ditton Group times, detritus came from relatively distant regionally metamorphosed rocks lying to the north or west of the Clee Hills. Subsequently, apparently as the result of river-capture or drainage-reversal consequent on the commencement of the final (mid-Devonian) phase of Caledonian movement, high-level crustal rocks closer at hand (largely Wales) replaced the metamorphics as the sources of sediment, the earlier Lower Old Red Sandstone itself being recycled. To judge from the calcretes preserved in the alluvial formations, the area lay near the Equator and experienced a relatively dry hot climate.The Upper Old Red Sandstone likewise reveals fining-upwards cyclothems. The overlying Carboniferous rocks evidence the renewed marine transgression of the area, after the removal of the effects of the mid-Devonian movements.  相似文献   
U/Pb SHRIMP ages of nine Variscan leucocratic orthogneisses from the central Tauern Window (Austria) reveal three distinct pulses of magmatism in Early Carboniferous (Visean), Late Carboniferous (Stephanian) and Early Permian, each involving granitoid intrusions and a contemporaneous opening of volcano-sedimentary basins. A similar relationship has been reported for the Carboniferous parts of the basement of the Alps further to the west, e.g. the “External massifs” in Switzerland. After the intrusion of subduction-related, volcanic-arc granitoids (374?±?10?Ma; Zwölferkogel gneiss), collisional intrusive-granitic, anatectic and extrusive-rhyolitic/dacitic rocks were produced over a short interval at ca. 340?Ma (Augengneiss of Felbertauern: 340?±?4?Ma, Hochweißenfeld gneiss: 342?± 5?Ma, Falkenbachlappen gneiss: 343?±?6?Ma). This Early Carboniferous magmatism, which produced relatively small volumes of melt, can be attributed to the amalgamation of the Gondwana-derived “Tauern Window” terrane with Laurussia–Avalonia. Probably due to the oblique nature of the collision, transtensional phenomena (i.e. volcano-sedimentary troughs and high-level intrusives) and transpressional regimes (i.e. regional metamorphism and stacked nappes with anatexis next to thrust planes) evolved contemporaneously. The magmas are mainly of the high-K I-type and may have been generated during a short phase of decompressional melting of lithospheric mantle and lower crustal sources. In the Late Carboniferous, a second pulse of magmatism occurred, producing batholiths of calc-alkaline I-type granitoids (e.g. Venediger tonalite: 296?±?4?Ma) and minor coeval bodies of felsic and intermediate volcanics (Heuschartenkopf gneiss: 299?±?4?Ma, Peitingalm gneiss: 300?±?5?Ma). Prior to this magmatism, several kilometres of upper crust must have been eroded, because volcano-sedimentary sequences hosting the Heu- schartenkopf and Peitingalm gneisses rest unconformably on 340-Ma-old granitoids. The youngest (Permian) period of magma generation contains the intrusion of the S-type Granatspitz Central Gneiss at 271?±?4?Ma and the extrusion of the rhyolitic Schönbachwald gneiss protolith at 279?±?9?Ma. These magmatic rocks may have been associated with local extension along continental wrench zones through the Variscan orogenic crust or with a Permian rifting event. The Permian and the above-mentioned Late Carboniferous volcano-sedimentary sequences were probably deposited in intra-continental graben structures, which survived post-Variscan uplift and Alpine compressional tectonics.  相似文献   
Two species of tonguefishes,Symphurus plagiusa (Linnaeus 1766) andSymphurus civitatium Ginsburg 1951, occur sympatrically and sometimes syntopically in shallow water habitats in North Carolina and Louisiana estuaries. In North Carolina, approximately 2% of 430 small (<75 mm SL) tonguefishes collected wereS. civitatium, while in Barataria Bay, Louisiana, this species was more abundant and cosmopolitan in distribution than wasS. plagiusa, comprising over 82% of 3,564 tonguefishes collected with a small beam trawl over a 2-yr period. Historical literature has regardedS. plagiusa as the only tonguefish species inhabiting inshore waters in both regions. Presence of a secondSymphurus species in shallow estuaries has been overlooked, most probably due to difficulties in identifying early post-settlement juveniles because both species have similar morphologies and overlapping dorsal-fin and anal-fin ray counts. Juveniles can be readily recognized by differences in number of caudal-fin rays (10 inS. plagiusa versus 12 inS. civitatium), especially when used in combination with pigmentation patterns and posterior extent of the jaws relative to the posterior margin of the lower eye. The most distinctive pigmentation difference between juveniles of these two species (allowing for accurate identifications of over 98% of juveniles) is the absence inS. civitatium (12–61 mm SL) of a series of melanophores overlying pterygiophore regions of the dorsal and anal fins on the blind side. This feature contrasts markedly with that of juvenileS. plagiusa (12–65 mm SL), which are characterized by two interrupted, diagonal series of dark chromatophores converging, but not merging, with posterior tapering of the body. Occurrence of two sympatric species of tonguefishes in estuarine environments in the northcentral Gulf of Mexico and southeastern U.S. potentially compromises results of earlier ecological and distributional studies that assumed presence of only a single tonguefish species in these regions.  相似文献   
Major element, trace element, and Sr isotope data are used to study the temporal variation in the chemistry of the ejecta from the 1979 eruption of Soufriere volcano, St. Vincent, and to compare the compositions of the 1979 and 1971/2 magmas. Both the 1971/2 and 1979 products were basaltic andesites almost identical in petrography. A small temporal variation in chemistry is apparent in the 1979 samples but these cannot be related to the 1971/2 lava by fractional crystallisation of phenocryst phases, and the two eruptions may therefore have sampled different batches of magma. 87Sr/86Sr ratios of the two magmas were identical within analytical error.Microprobe analyses of phenocryst phases and glasses from the 1979 ejecta are presented. Clinopyroxene phenocryst cores with very high Mg/Fe ratios indicate that the basaltic andesites are products of fractionation of magnesian parents. Such magmas are represented by lavas on St. Vincent similar to the microphyric alkali picrites found to the south in Grenada. A common origin for the basaltic andesites of both islands by fractional crystallisation of picritic magmas is suggested. Dacitic glass is abundant in the groundmass of scoria blocks from the eruption. It does not represent the liquid originally in equilibrium with the phenocryst phases, but rather this liquid modified by quench crystallisation. Published interpretations suggesting that dacitic glass compositions in tephra from eruptions of the Soufriere are evidence of mixed-magma eruptions are therefore rejected.  相似文献   
The magma sources for granitic intrusions related to the Mesozoic White Mountain magma series in northern New England, USA, are addressed relying principally upon Nd isotopes. Many of these anorogenic complexes lack significant volumes of exposed mafic lithologies and have been suspected of representing crustal melts. Sm–Nd and Rb–Sr isotope systematics are used to evaluate magma sources for 18 felsic plutons with ages ranging from about 120 to 230 Ma. The possibility of crustal sources is further examined with analyses of representative older crust including Paleozoic granitoids which serve as probes of the lower crust in the region. Multiple samples from two representative intrusions are used to address intrapluton initial isotopic heterogeneities and document significant yet restricted variations (<1 in Nd). Overall, Mesozoic granite plutons range in Nd [T] from +4.2 to -2.3, with most +2 to 0, and in initial 87Sr/86Sr from 0.7031 to 0.709. The isotopic variations are roughly inversely correlated but are not obviously related to geologic, geographic, or age differences. Older igneous and metamorphic crust of the region has much lower Nd isotope ratios with the most radiogenic Paleozoic granitoid at Nd [180 Ma] of -2.8. These data suggest mid-Proterozoic separation of the crust in central northern New England. Moreover, the bulk of the Mesozoic granites cannot be explained as crustal melts but must have large mantle components. The ranges of Nd and Sr isotopes are attributed to incorporation of crust by magmas derived from midly depleted mantle sources. Crustal input may reflect either magma mixing of crustal and mantle melts or crustal assimilation which is the favored interpretation. The results indicate production of anorogenic granites from mantle-derived mafic magmas.  相似文献   
Microbial methane in sedimentary basins comprises approximately 20% of global natural gas resources, yet little is known about the environmental requirements and metabolic rates of these subsurface microbial communities. The Illinois Basin, located in the midcontinent of the United States, is an ideal location to investigate hydrogeochemical factors controlling methanogenesis as microbial methane accumulations occur: (1) in three organic-rich reservoirs of different geologic ages and organic matter types - Upper Devonian New Albany Shale (up to 900 m depth), Pennsylvanian coals (up to 600 m depth), and Quaternary glacial sediments (shallow aquifers); (2) across steep salinity gradients; and (3) with variable concentrations of . For all three organic-rich reservoirs aqueous geochemical conditions are favorable for microbial methanogenesis, with near neutral pH, concentrations <2 mM, and Cl concentrations <3 M. Also, carbon isotopic fractionation of CH4, CO2, and DIC is consistent with microbial methanogenesis, and increased carbon isotopic fractionation with average reservoir depth corresponds to a decrease of groundwater flushing rates with average depth of reservoir. Plots of stable isotopes of water and Cl show mixing between a brine endmember and freshwater, suggesting that meteoric groundwater recharge has affected all microbial methanogenic systems. Additionally, similar methanogenic communities are present in all three reservoirs with comparable cell counts (8.69E3-2.58E6 cells/mL). TRFLP results show low numbers of archaea species with only two dominant groups of base pairs in coals, shale, and limestone aquifers. These results compare favorably with other methanogen-containing deep subsurface environments. Individual hydrogeochemical parameters that have a Spearman correlation coefficient greater than 0.3 to variations in methanogenic species include stable isotopes of water (δ18O and δD), type of substrate (i.e. coals versus shale), pH, and Cl concentration. The matching of variations between methanogenic TRFLP data and conservative tracers suggests that deep circulation of meteoric waters influenced archaeal communities in the Illinois Basin. In addition, coalification and burial estimates suggest that in the study area, coals and shale reservoirs were previously sterilized (>80 °C in nutrient poor environments), necessitating the re-introduction of microbes into the subsurface via groundwater transport.  相似文献   
Abundant iron oxide deposits including banded iron formations, apatite iron oxide ores, and enigmatic marble/skarn-hosted magnetite deposits occur in the Palaeoproterozoic Bergslagen region, southern Sweden. During the last 100 years, the latter deposit class has been interpreted as contact metasomatic skarn deposits, metamorphosed iron formations, or metamorphosed carbonate replacement deposits. Their origin is still incompletely understood. At the Smältarmossen mine, magnetite was mined from a ca. 50-m-thick calcic skarn zone at the contact between rhyolite and stratigraphically overlying limestone. A syn-volcanic dacite porphyry which intruded the footwall has numerous apophyses that extend into the mineralized zone. Whole-rock lithogeochemical and mineral chemical analyses combined with textural analysis suggests that the skarns formed by veining and replacement of the dacite porphyry and rhyolite. These rocks were added substantial Ca and Fe, minor Mg, Mn, and LREE, as well as trace Co, Sn, U, As, and Sr. In contrast, massive magnetite formed by pervasive replacement of limestone. Tectonic fabrics in magnetite and skarn are consistent with ore formation before or early during Svecokarelian ductile deformation. Whereas a syngenetic–exhalative model has previously been suggested, our results are more compatible with magnetite formation at ca. 1.89 Ga in a contact metasomatic skarn setting associated with the dacite porphyry.  相似文献   
Soil erosion and associated sedimentation are a threat to the sustainable use of surface water resources through the loss of volume storage capacity and conveyance of pollutants to receiving water bodies. The RUSLE2 empirical model and isotopic sediment core analyses were used to evaluate watershed erosion and reservoir sediment accumulation rates for Lake Anna, in Central Virginia. A sediment flux rate of 66,000 Mg/year was estimated from the upper basin and land use was determined to be the primary factor contributing to soil erosion. Barren lands and agricultural activities were estimated to contribute the most sediment (>20 Mg/ha/year), whereas forested and herbaceous landscapes were less likely to erode (<0.3 Mg/ha/year). Eleven separate 210Pb-based estimates of sediment accumulation were used to construct reservoir-scale sedimentation rates. Sedimentation rates in the upper reaches of the reservoir were variable, ranging from 2.3 to 100 Mg/ha/year, with a median rate of 8.4 Mg/ha/year. Historical sedimentation showed an increase in annual accumulation from 1972 to present. Based on these data the reservoir has experienced a 2% loss of volume storage capacity since impoundment in 1972. Results from this study indicate that Lake Anna is not currently experiencing excessive sedimentation and erosion problems. However, the predominance of highly erosive soils (soil erodibility factor >0.30) within the watershed makes this system highly vulnerable to future anthropogenic stressors.  相似文献   
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