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A new hydrostratigraphic model of Venice area (Italy)   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
Two environmental problems affect the Venice area: subsidence, which has been increasing due to the intensive water abstraction after the Second World War, and contamination of the soil and shallow aquifers. In order to address these problems, which are decisive factors in the entire Venetian ecosystem, the aquifer structure must be known in detail. The lithologic data are abundant and of good quality up to a depth of 50 m, whereas boreholes beyond this depth are much rarer and more dispersed, making their associated lithological data unreliable. This work, which uses the available data together with fast and low cost passive seismic measurements, provides an improved understanding of the deeper hydrogeologic domain. For this purpose, a MATLAB package (Modalstrata) has been developed to improve the correlation of the stratigraphic succession for each selected homogeneous sub-area and applied to obtain a new, upgraded hydrostratigraphic model. The horizontal to vertical spectral ratio passive seismic surveys have confirmed the lateral correlations among the sample areas at least for the two main aquifer horizons. Analysis and comparisons of several previous studies performed on the data related to the only drilling continuous coring 951 m deep in the Tronchetto Island (Venice), have allowed a satisfactory validation of the proposed hydrogeological model.  相似文献   
Single station seismic noise measurements were carried out at 192 sites in the western part of Istanbul, Turkey. This extensive survey allowed the fundamental resonance frequency of the sedimentary cover to be mapped, and identify areas prone to site amplification. The results are in good agreement with the geological distribution of sedimentary units, indicating a progressive decrease of the fundamental resonance frequencies from the northeastern part, where the bedrock outcrops, towards the southwestern side, where a thickness of some hundreds meters for the sedimentary cover is estimated. The particular distribution of fundamental resonance frequencies indicates that local amplification of the ground motion might play a significative role in explaining the anomalous damage distribution after the 17 August 1999 Kocaeli Earthquake.  相似文献   
Much remains to understand the dynamic processes during the flow of submarine landslides. A first relevant problem is to explain the extraordinary mobility of submarine landslides, which has no comparison in subaerial mass movement. Another challenging question is the apparent disparity between submarine landslides that remain compact for hundreds of kilometres and those that disintegrate during the flow, finally evolving into turbidity currents. This problem is linked to a central ongoing debate on the relative importance of turbidity currents versus submarine landslides in reshaping the continental margin. Based on three epitomic case studies and on laboratory experiments with artificial debris flows of various composition, we suggest a possible explanation for the disparity between compact and disintegrating landslides, identifying the clay-to-sand ratio as the key control parameter.  相似文献   
The phonon dispersion and thermodynamic properties of pyrope (\(\hbox {Mg}_3\hbox {Al}_2\hbox {Si}_3\hbox {O}_{12}\)) and grossular (\(\hbox {Ca}_3\hbox {Al}_2\hbox {Si}_3\hbox {O}_{12}\) ) have been computed by using an ab initio quantum mechanical approach, an all-electron variational Gaussian-type basis set and the B3LYP hybrid functional, as implemented in the Crystal program. Dispersion effects in the phonon bands have been simulated by using supercells of increasing size, containing 80, 160, 320, 640, 1280 and 2160 atoms, corresponding to 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 and 27 \(\mathbf {k}\) points in the first Brillouin zone. Phonon band structures, density of states and corresponding inelastic neutron scattering spectra are reported. Full convergence of the various thermodynamic properties, in particular entropy (S) and specific heat at constant volume (\(C_\mathrm{{V}}\)), with the number of \(\mathbf {k}\) points is achieved with 27 \(\mathbf {k}\) points. The very regular behavior of the S(T) and \(C_\mathrm{{V}}(T)\) curves as a function of the number of \(\mathbf {k}\) points, determined by high numerical stability of the code, permits extrapolation to an infinite number of \(\mathbf {k}\) points. The limiting value differs from the 27-\(\mathbf {k}\) case by only 0.40 % at 100 K for S (the difference decreasing to 0.11 % at 1000 K) and by 0.29 % (0.05 % at 1000 K) for \(C_\mathrm{{V}}\). The agreement with the experimental data is rather satisfactory. We also address the problem of the relative entropy of pyrope and grossular, a still debated question. Our lattice dynamical calculations correctly describe the larger entropy of pyrope than grossular by taking into account merely vibrational contributions and without invoking “static disorder” of the Mg ions in dodecahedral sites. However, as the computed entropy difference is found to be larger than the experimental one by a factor of 2–3, present calculations cannot exclude possible thermally induced structural changes, which could lead to further conformational contributions to the entropy.  相似文献   
低温制冷技术是下一代激光干涉仪引力波探测器的核心技术之一. 日本引力波探测器KAGRA (Kamioka Gravitational Wave Detector)作为该技术的前沿开拓者, 将运行在20K的超低温环境中, 并使用在低温下热噪声较低的单晶蓝宝石晶体作为测试镜. 然而, 高质量大尺寸低吸收率的蓝宝石晶体极难制备. 此外, 由于蓝宝石晶体存在晶格结构不均匀, 很容易导致不必要的双折射效应, 从而影响探测器的目标灵敏度. 基于上述问题, 开发了两套大尺寸光学测量系统, 首次系统研究了KAGRA低温蓝宝石测试镜的光学特性. 首先, 根据探测器对测试镜热噪声的要求, 开发了一套基于光热共光路干涉技术的光学测量系统, 该系统可对测试镜以及测试镜表面涂层的光学吸收进行有效的表征. 其次, 基于光学吸收测量系统, 开发了一套双折射效应测量系统, 该系统可以有效表征测试镜中双折射的均匀性. 目前两套测量系统的搭建与调试已完成, 对蓝宝石测试镜光学吸收的测量灵敏度达到了1.5ppm/cm, 双折射测量系统的空间分辨率小于0.3mm times 0.3mm. 该工作对降低大尺寸低温测试镜双折射效应及提高探测器灵敏度具有重要意义.  相似文献   
Climate and atmospheric CO2 concentration are intimately coupled in the Earth system: CO2 influences climate through the greenhouse effect, but climate also affects CO2 through its impact on the amount of carbon stored on land and in the ocean. The change in atmospheric CO2 as a response to a change in temperature ( $\varDelta CO_{2}/\varDelta T$ ) is a useful measure to quantify the feedback between the carbon cycle and climate. Using an ensemble of experiments with an Earth system model of intermediate complexity we show a pronounced time-scale dependence of $\varDelta CO_{2}/\varDelta T$ . A maximum is found on centennial scales with $\varDelta CO_{2}/\varDelta T$ values for the model ensemble in the range 5–12 ppm °C?1, while lower values are found on shorter and longer time scales. These results are consistent with estimates derived from past observations. Up to centennial scales, the land carbon response to climate dominates the CO2 signal in the atmosphere, while on longer time scales the ocean becomes important and eventually dominates on multi-millennial scales. In addition to the time-scale dependence, modeled $\varDelta CO_{2}/\varDelta T$ show a distinct dependence on the initial state of the system. In particular, on centennial time-scales, high $\varDelta CO_{2}/\varDelta T$ values are correlated with high initial land carbon content. A similar relation holds also for the CMIP5 models, although for $\varDelta CO_{2}/\varDelta T$ computed from a very different experimental setup. The emergence of common patterns like this could prove to usefully constrain the climate–carbon cycle feedback.  相似文献   
Here we review the multiple interactions between the endemic Mediterranean seagrass, Posidonia oceanica, and coastal geomorphologic processes as an outstanding example of biogeomorphology, taking into account recent advances in the field. Seagrass meadows are among the most important elements for the functioning of marine coastal ecosystems, and represent a major focus for research and conservation. Being considered a priority habitat, P. oceanica meadows are protected by several European Union directives and national laws. In this paper we examine: the role of sedimentary features in controlling the development of the meadows; the interplay between P. oceanica leaf litter (i.e. beached necromass) cast ashore and erosional‐depositional processes on the beaches; the interactions between meadows and nearshore hydrodynamics, and; possible linkages between geomorphological features of the seafloor and the architecture of meadows. Finally, we provide perspectives for future research on P. oceanica and other Mediterranean seagrass meadows in a biogeomorphological context with specific reference to climate change. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The Argentera Massif (French–Italian Alps), with its uniform lithology, was selected to evaluate how known Plio–Pleistocene tectonics have conditioned the drainage network geometry. The drainage network was automatically derived and ordered from a 10 m-resolution DEM. On hillshade images, alignments of morphological features were identified. The Massif was subdivided into 22 domains of 50 km2 within which the directions of every river channel segment and the direction of the aligned morphological features were compared and contrasted with the strike of tectonic structures measured in the field. Results suggest that the Argentera drainage system is variously controlled by recent tectonics, depending on the Massif sector taken into account. In the NW sector, the vertical uplift is less because the strain has been accommodated in an oblique direction along a lateral thrust. In the SE sector, strain in a predominantly vertical direction along a frontal thrust has resulted in a major vertical displacement. Accordingly, the NW sector is characterized by (i) a strong geometric relationship between the main tectonic structures and the directions of river channels, (ii) longitudinal main rivers bordering the Massif, and (iii) a general trellis pattern within the domains.In the SE sector, the prolonged uplift has forced an original longitudinal drainage system to develop as a transverse system. This change has occurred by means of fluvial captures that have been identified by the presence of windgaps, fluvial elbows and knickpoints. At the domain scale, intense uplift of the SE sector has prompted the drainage pattern to evolve as a dendritic type with no clear influence of structure in the channel orientations.  相似文献   
Drumlins are subglacial bedforms streamlined in the direction of ice flow. Common in deglaciated landscapes, they have been widely studied providing rich information on their internal geology, size, shape, and spacing. In contrast with bedform investigations elsewhere in geomorphology (aeolian and fluvial dunes and ripples for example) most drumlin studies derive observations from relict, and thus static features. This has made it difficult to gain information and insights about their evolution over time, which likely hampers our understanding of the process(es) of drumlin formation. Here we take a morphological approach, studying drumlin size and spacing metrics. Unlike previous studies which have focussed on databases derived from entire ice sheet beds, we adopt a space‐for‐time substitution approach using individual drumlin flow‐sets distributed in space as proxies for different development times/periods. Framed and assisted by insights from aeolian and fluvial geomorphology, we use our metric data to explore possible scenarios of drumlin growth, evolution and interaction. We study the metrics of the size and spacing of 36 222 drumlins, distributed amongst 71 flow‐sets, left behind by the former British‐Irish Ice Sheet, and ask whether behaviour common to other bedform phenomena can be derived through statistical analysis. Through characterizing and analysing the shape of the probability distribution functions of size and spacing metrics for each flow‐set we argue that drumlins grow, and potentially migrate, as they evolve leading to pattern coarsening. Furthermore, our findings add support to the notion that no upper limit to drumlin size exists, and to the idea that perpetual coarsening could occur if given sufficient time. We propose that the framework of process and patterning commonly applied to non‐glacial bedforms is potentially powerful for understanding drumlin formation and for deciphering glacial landscapes. © 2017 The Authors. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   
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