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The relationship among H2S, total organic carbon (TOC), total sulfur (TS) and total nitrogen contents of surface sediments (0–1 cm) was examined to quantify the relationship between H2S concentrations and TOC content at the sediment water interface in a coastal brackish lake, Nakaumi, southwest Japan. In this lake, bottom water becomes anoxic during summer due to a strong halocline. Lake water has ample dissolved SO4 2? and the surface sediments are rich in planktic organic matter (C/N 7–9), which is highly reactive in terms of sulfate reduction. In this setting the amount of TOC should be a critical factor regulating the activity of sulfate reduction and H2S production. In portions of the lake where sediment TOC content is less than 3.5 %, H2S was very low or absent in both bottom and pore waters. However, in areas with TOC >3.5 %, H2S was correlated with TOC content (pore water H2S (ppm) = 13.9 × TOC (%) ? 52.1, correlation coefficient: 0.72). H2S was also present in areas with sediment TS above 1.2 % (present as iron sulfide), which suggests that iron sulfide formation is tied to the amount of TOC. Based on this relationship, H2S production has progressively increased after the initiation of land reclamation projects in Lake Nakaumi, as the area of sapropel sediments has significantly increased. This TOC–H2S relationship at sediment–water interface might be used to infer H2S production in brackish–lagoonal systems similar to Lake Nakaumi, with readily available SO4 2? and reactive organic matter.  相似文献   
A few Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) have been suggested to be an explosion of a super-Chandrasekhar-mass white dwarf (WD) in order to account for their large luminosities, requiring a large amount of 56Ni. However, the candidate overluminous SNe Ia 2003fg, 2006gz and (moderately overluminous) SN 1991T have very different observational features: the characteristic time-scale and velocity are very different. We examine if and how the diversity can be explained, by one-dimensional spherical radiation transport calculations covering a wide range of model parameters (e.g. WD mass). The observations of SN 2006gz are naturally explained by the super-Chandrasekhar-mass model. SN 1991T represents a marginal case, which may either be a Chandrasekhar or a super-Chandrasekhar-mass WD explosion. In contrast, the low velocity and short time-scale seen in SN 2003fg indicate that the ejecta mass is smaller than the Chandrasekhar mass, which is in apparent contradiction to the large luminosity. We suggest that the problem is solved if the progenitor WD, and thus the SN explosion, is aspherical. This may reflect a rapid rotation of the progenitor star, likely a consequence of the super-Chandrasekhar-mass WD progenitor. The observed differences between SNe 2003fg and 2006gz may be attributed to different viewing orientations.  相似文献   
Abstract. Bottom-simulating reflectors suggestive of the presence of methane hydrates are widely distributed below the ocean floor around Japan. In late 1999, drilling of the MITI Nankai Trough wells was conducted to explore this potential methane hydrate resource and a Tertiary conventional structure. The wells are located in the Northwest Pacific Ocean off Central Japan at a water depth of 945 m. A total of six wells were drilled, including the main well, two pilot wells, and three post survey wells at intervals of 10–100 m. All wells except the first confirmed the occurrence of hydrates based on logging-while-drilling, wire-line logging and/or coring using a pressure and temperature coring system in addition to conventional methods. Based on the various well profiles, four methane hydrate-bearing sand-rich intervals in turbidite fan deposits were recognized. Methane hydrates fill the pore spaces in these deposits, reaching saturation of up to 80 % in some layers. The methane hydrate-bearing turbiditic sand layers are less than 1 m thick, with a total thickness of 12–14 m. The bottom depth of high hydrate concentration correlates well with the depth of the bottom-simulating reflector. Based on these exploration results, the Japanese government inaugurated a 16-year methane hydrate exploitation program in 2001.  相似文献   
We study characteristics of long-period ground motions from the 2003 Tokachi-oki earthquake (Mj 8.0), a large interplate earthquake, based on spatial distribution maps and attenuation relationships for four kinds of peak ground velocity (PGV) value. The first kind (PGV(WB)) is obtained from a maximal value of vector sum of the three-component, wide-band velocity seismograms, and the other three kinds (PGV(BP10), PGV(BP20), and PGV(BP30)) are obtained from a maximal value of vector sum of the three-component, narrow band-pass filtered velocity seismograms (the central periods are 10, 20, and 30 s). The spatial distribution maps for all kinds of PGV value show azimuth dependence; the PGV values in Hokkaido, northern side of the epicenter are larger than those in Tohoku, southwestern side of the epicenter, when compared at a comparable distance. We find that the features result from the radiation pattern of long-period surface waves, that is, the source effect. The attenuation relationships show the following trends: The PGV(WB) values are larger than the sum of the PGV(BP10), PGV(BP20), and PGV(BP30) at distances (D) less than 200 km, while the PGV(WB) values are comparable to the sum of the PGV(BP20) and PGV(BP30) at D > 200 km. This indicates that the PGV(WB) values at D < 200 km are affected by ground motions with periods less than 10 s, while long-period surface waves mainly contribute to the PGV(WB) values at D > 200 km. The basin site effects generate a patchy pattern in the spatial distribution maps and a large scattering in the attenuation relationships for the PGV(WB) and PGV(BP10) values. Finally, we conclude that the PGV(WB) values from the 2003 Tokachi-oki earthquake are controlled by the radiation pattern of long-period S and surface waves and various basin site effects.  相似文献   
Urban albedo change as a function of urban geometrical structure has been examined by using a two-dimensional urban block-canyon array model. The complex multiple reflections of incident photons in the urban canyon are simulated by using a Monte-Carlo method. The photons are tracked until they leave the canyon or are completely absorbed. In the model, the direct and diffuse components of incident solar radiation are introduced and the specular and isotropic reflection characteristics are considered for the relevant urban surfaces. The result shows that the urban albedo decreases as the urban irregularity increases as indicated by the model experiment of Aida (1982). The dependence of albedo on the incident solar zenith angle observed in the experiment is also confirmed for various urban models.As an application, some actual urban structures in the Marunouchi area in Tokyo are examined. Urban planning for absorption and reflection of solar radiation in urban areas is also discussed based on the analysis of the change in albedo with canyon dimensions and solar zenith angle.  相似文献   
Soil bulk density (ρb) is commonly treated as static in studies of land surface dynamics. Magnitudes of errors associated with this assumption are largely unknown. Our objectives were to (a) quantify ρb effects on soil hydrologic and thermal properties and (b) evaluate effects of ρb on surface energy balance and heat and water transfer. We evaluated 6 soil properties, volumetric heat capacity, thermal conductivity, soil thermal diffusivity, water retention characteristics, hydraulic conductivity, and vapour diffusivity, over a range of ρb, using a combination of 6 models. Thermal conductivity, water retention, hydraulic conductivity, and vapour diffusivity were most sensitive to ρb, each changing by fractions greater than the associated fractional changes in ρb. A 10% change in ρb led to 10–11% change in thermal conductivity, 6–11% change in saturated and residual water content, 49–54% change in saturated hydraulic conductivity, and 80% change in vapour diffusivity. Subsequently, 3 field seasons were simulated with a numerical model (HYDRUS‐1D) for a range of ρb values. When ρb increased 25% (from 1.2 to 1.5 Mg m?3), soil temperature variation decreased by 2.1 °C in shallow layers and increased by 1 °C in subsurface layers. Surface water content differed by 0.02 m3 m?3 for various ρb values during drying events but differences mostly disappeared in the subsurface. Matric potential varied by >100 m of water. Surface energy balance showed clear trends with ρb. Latent heat flux decreased 6%, sensible heat flux increased 9%, and magnitude of ground heat flux varied by 18% (with a 25% ρb increase). Transient ρb impacted surface conditions and fluxes, and clearly, it warrants consideration in field and modelling investigations.  相似文献   
Yuki  Matsumoto  Masahiro  Ishikawa  Masaru  Terabayashi    Makoto  Arima 《Island Arc》2010,19(1):30-39
The ultrasonic technique for measuring travel times of compressional and shear waves using dual-mode transducers was adapted to a piston cylinder apparatus, allowing simultaneous measurements of travel times of compressional and shear waves of island arc samples under the high pressure and temperature conditions of island arcs. This method enables us to determine elastic properties and their pressure and temperature derivatives simultaneously. Furthermore, Vp/Vs can be directly determined from travel times of compressional and shear waves independently of length change due to compression or thermal expansion of rock samples under deep crustal conditions, providing more accurate Vp/Vs values than those determined from individual measurements of travel times of both elastic wave types using single-mode transducers. Experimental techniques and results are demonstrated using data on silicified pelitic schist from the Ryoke Belt to 0.6 GPa. The simultaneous measurement gives Vp  = 5.60 km/s, ∂ Vp /∂ P  = 0.090 (km/s)/GPa, Vs  = 3.37 km/s, ∂ Vs /∂ P  = 0.05 (km/s)/GPa, σ  = 0.216, and Vp / Vs  = 1.66 at ambient conditions. The temperature derivatives were constrained from fitting using linear functions of temperature, yielding ∂ Vp /∂ T  = −0.518 × 10−3 (km/s)/K and ∂ Vs /∂ T  = −0.182 × 10−3 (km/s)/K. Performing simultaneous measurements of travel times of compressional and shear waves using dual-mode transducers, it is possible to accurately determine Vp / Vs and Poisson's ratio of crustal minerals and rocks at deep crustal conditions to study the composition of the crustal interior, e.g. rock types and fluids below the hypocentral region of earthquakes or around bright spots.  相似文献   
Our detailed field investigation, paleoseismic trenching, and airborne light detection and ranging (LiDAR)‐derived topographic data provides the first direct evidence for late Quaternary repetitive surface faulting on the northeast‐striking Isurugi fault along the northwestern margin of the Tonami Plain in the Hokuriku region of north‐central Japan. This fault has been interpreted previously by different researchers as both inactive and active, owing to a lack of geologic evidence and a failure to identify fault‐related geomorphic features. Our mapping of LiDAR topography revealed a series of northeast‐trending warped fluvial terraces, about 1.5 km long and 170 m wide, with an age of ≤ 29 ka. We interpreted these geomorphologic features to represent an active pop‐up structure bounded to the southeast by the northwest‐dipping main thrust of the Isurugi fault and to the northwest by a southeast‐dipping backthrust that splays off the main thrust in the shallow subsurface. Paleoseismic trenching across the northwestern part of an elongate terrace exposed a series of southeast‐dipping backthrusts and associated northwest‐verging monoclines. The deformation and depositional age of the strata provide evidence for repetitive surface rupturing on the backthrusts since the latest Pleistocene; the latest of these events occurred in the Holocene between about 4.0 and 0.9 ka. Despite the poor preservation of the surface expression of the Isurugi fault, repetitive scarp‐forming faulting in the late Quaternary and the proximity of the Oyabe River and its tributaries to the fault trace suggest that there may be an extension of the Isurugi fault to the northeast and southwest beneath the Tonami Plain that makes the fault long enough to generate a large earthquake (Mw ≥ 6.8) accompanied by surface rupture.  相似文献   
This paper investigates the seismic response of yielding isolated structures. To establish a general understanding of the nonlinear response of seismically isolated structures, this study first investigates the nonlinear response of isolated structures subjected to steady‐state harmonic motion and nonlinear transient ground excitation. The response of both viscously damped and hysteretically damped isolation systems is investigated in three phases. Initially, basic insights are gained through simple nonlinear two degrees of freedom (2‐DOF) models subjected to harmonic motion of varying frequencies. Next, the transient response analysis of the nonlinear 2‐DOF model is investigated for a wide range of isolation system and superstructure properties. The results obtained from both approaches indicate that the yielding behavior of a structure on an isolation system is significantly different from that of the comparable fixed‐base structure. Finally, the response of the nonlinear 2‐DOF system model is compared with that of a 15‐story, three‐dimensional model. Based on the results of these analytical investigations, some important considerations for the design of seismically isolated structures are presented. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Urban albedo as a function of the urban structure — A model experiment   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A model experiment has been carried out in order to examine the effect of surface irregularity of an urban structure on the anomalous absorption of incident solar radiation. Several models of an urban structure resembling buildings and canyons were constructed by using concrete blocks in cubic form. By building and dismantling the urban models, the albedo change as a function of solar zenith angle was observed throughout the year. The result shows that the absorption increment originating from the irregular urban structure amounts to about 20% as compared with the absorption by a flat surface of the same material. The amount of additional absorption depends on the relative area occupied by canyons in the model.  相似文献   
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