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Masaru Yoshida 《Gondwana Research》1998,1(3-4):433-434
Time series of velocity and water temperature were measured at three stations on the continental shelf, on the shelf margin and on the slope off the northwest Tokunoshima in December 1980 to study influences of the slope on tides.Tidal currents with semidiurnal periods were dominant at the stations on the shelf and shelf margin. However, semidiurnal components in temperature fluctuations were dominant at the stations on the shelf margin and the slope. We estimated horizontal currents due to semidiurnal internal tides from the vertical distribution of water density and temperature, assuming that the temperature fluctuations were caused by the vertical displacement of water particles due to semidiurnal internal tides. The tidal ellipses at the station on the shelf and the phase relation of the tidal currents between the two stations on the shelf and shelf margin indicated that the M2 surface tide on the shelf was a Sverdrup wave propagating to the northwest.Semidiurnal tidal currents on the slope were also caused by tides of surface and internal modes. Furthermore, the axis of the tidal ellipse was not perpendicular to the co-tidal line estimated by Ogura (1934) but rather parallel to the isobaths on the slope, which shows a striking effect of the bottom topography on the tidal currents. 相似文献
The taphonomic features and paleoecology of this species were investigated focused on vertically embedded individuals of articulated Inoceramus amakusensis Nagao et Matsumoto. In the Hinoshima Formation, Himenoura Group of Kyushu, Japan, this Santonian (Late Cretaceous) inoceramid bivalve characteristically occurs in incised-valley fill siliciclastic marine deposits. Modes of I. amakusensis occurrence and preservation, from in situ (= occurrence in life position) to allochthonous shell fragments, are strongly affected by its paleoecology and depositional environments. Several I. amakusensis (up to 25 cm in shell height) were recovered from bioturbated sandstones associated with storm-influenced deposits. Their commissural planes are almost perpendicular to the bedding plane, with the anterior face oriented downward and the posteroventral portion extending upward. Furthermore, I. amakusensis is morphologically comparable to endobyssate mytilid bivalves today. These results suggest that this Cretaceous species was an orthothetic sand sticker at least during mid-ontogeny that preferentially inhabited a well-oxygenated, nearshore seafloor. I. amakusensis was distributed in various depositional environments and has been regarded as a recliner in offshore muddy substrate. However, the present discovery suggests that it was also well adapted, with an upright life position, to high-energy shallow clastic environments characterized by high sediment supply. 相似文献
Japanese seaperch Lateolabrax japonicus migrate from Ariake Bay to the estuarine turbidity maximum (ETM) zone of the Chikugo River and inhabit there through the post-migration period (15–20 mm in standard length). The feeding, growth and mortality during the post-migration period of Japanese seaperch were analyzed in relation to seasonal changes in temperature and prey concentration. Larvae and juveniles were collected from ten sampling stations at 4–7 day intervals from 24 February to 24 April 2005 in the Chikugo estuary. Based on the otolith microstructure analysis the sampled fish were divided into nine cohorts, each cohort covering a 5 day hatch date period (22 December 2004 to 4 February 2005). The growth coefficient (G, day−1) was higher and the mortality coefficient (M, day−1) was lower in the later cohorts. The ratio of G to M as an index of stage-specific survival during the post-migration period significantly increased as the season progressed and exceeded 1.0 in the last cohort examined. Variability in abundance of the major prey organism, Sinocalanus sinensis, had a significant effect on the Japanese seaperch ingestion rate. Increase in temperature and spring bloom of S. sinensis is concluded to provide the later cohorts with a higher survival probability through increasing ingestion and growth rates during their post-migration period in spring 2005. 相似文献
Relationships between biotic and abiotic factors and the ecological performance of late larval and juvenile flatfish in nursery grounds are examined from ecophysiological viewpoints. The first events in the nursery are metamorphosis and settlement. Development of organs, osmoregulation and behavioural changes during metamorphosis, and size at metamorphosis are regulated by environmental factors. Various hormones play critical roles in this regulation. Effects of environmental conditions on individual growth in the nursery grounds are described on the basis of Fry's five environmental factors: limiting, controlling, masking, directive and lethal factors. The main limiting factors are food and dissolved oxygen; controlling factors are temperature and body size; masking factors are salinity and pollutants; lethal factors are extreme environments; and directive factors are food, predators and dissolved oxygen. In addition to temperature, it has been indicated that dissolved oxygen seems to be relatively important for flatfish of the eastern US and northern European countries, while food abundance appears to be more critical for Japanese flounder. The feasibility is discussed of ecophysiological modelling to predict individual growth and subpopulation production based on the assessment of the role of environmental variability using the above classification, which organises and integrates environmental effects. 相似文献
Kaichi Maeda 《Pure and Applied Geophysics》1987,125(1):147-165
The global structures of annual oscillation (AO) and semiannual oscillation (SAO) of stratospheric ozone are examined by applying spherical harmonic analysis to the ozone data obtained from the Nimbus-7 solar backscattered UV-radiation (SBUV) measurements for the period November 1978 to October 1980. Significant features of the results are: (1) while the stratospheric ozone AO is prevalent only in the polar regions, the ozone SAO prevails both in the equatorial and polar stratospheres; (2) the vertical distribution of the equatorial ozone SAO has a broad maximum of the order of 0.5 (mixing ratio in g/g) and the maximum appears earlier at high altitude (shifting from May [and November] at 0.3 mb [60 km] to November [and May] at 40 mb); (3) above the 40 km level, the maximum of the polar ozone SAO shifts upward towards later phase with altitude with a rate of approximately 10 km/month in both hemispheres; (4) vertical distributions of the polar ozone AOs and SAOs show two peaks in amplitude with a minimum (nodal layer) in between and a rapid phase change with altitude takes place in the respective nodal layers; and (5) the heights of the ozone AO- and SAO-peaks decrease with latitude. The main part of AOs and SAOs of stratospheric ozone including hemispheric asymmetries is ascribable to: (i) temperature dependent ozone photochemistry in the upper stratosphere and mesosphere, (ii) variations of radiation field in the lower stratosphere affected by the annual cycle of solar illumination and temperature in the upper stratosphere and (iii) meridional ozone transport by dynamical processes in the lower stratosphere. 相似文献
Atsushi Toramaru Akira Ishiwatari Maki Matsuzawa Masaru Nakamura Shoji Arai 《Bulletin of Volcanology》1996,58(5):393-400
We report a novel type of layering structure in igneous rocks. The layering structure in the Ogi picrite sill in Sado Island, Japan, is spatially periodic, and appears to be caused by the variation in vesicle volume fraction. The gas phase forming the vesicles apparently exsolved from the interstitial melt at the final stage of solidification of the magma body. We call this type of layering caused by periodic vesiculation in the solidifying magma body \"vesicle layering.\" The presence of vesicle layering in other basic igneous bodies (pillow lava at Ogi and dolerite sill at Atsumi, Japan) implies that it may be a fairly common igneous feature. The width of individual layers slightly, but regularly, increases with distance from the upper contact. The layering plane is perpendicular to the long axes of columnar joints, regardless of gravitational direction, suggesting that the formation of vesicles is mainly controlled by the temperature distribution in the cooling magma body. We propose a model of formation of vesicle layering which is basically the same as that for Liesegang rings. The interplay between the diffusion of heat and magmatic volatiles in melt, and the sudden vesiculation upon supersaturation, both play important roles. Received: 15 February 1996 / Accepted: 24 June 1996 相似文献
An electric furnace with oxygen-fugacity control was constructed. Oxygen partial pressure inside the furnace is controlled by flowing H2 and CO2 gas mixtures in different ratios. The system is set up inside a three-layer permalloy shield and a solenoid coil to produce an axial magnetic field. Oxygen fugacities are directly measured by an yttriadoped zirconia probe. The difference between the predicted and measured values of fugacities was small at 1,200°C, but a substantial discrepancy was observed at 780°C. Thermoremanent magnetization (TRM) was produced in various gas mixtures by heating the samples of recent basaltic lavas of Oshima (Japan) and Hawaii to 600 or 800°C for 1 h and cooling in a 0.4-Oe field. In general, the TRM is larger when produced in an oxidizing atmosphere and smaller in a reducing atmosphere. Alternating field demagnetization shows that the coercivity is also increased (decreased) when the TRM is acquired in oxidizing (reducing) conditions. However, these properties depend also on the previous heat treatments of the samples. 相似文献
The local ensemble transform Kalman filter (LETKF) is implemented with the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model, and real observations are assimilated to assess the newly-developed WRF-LETKF system. The WRF model is a widely-used mesoscale numerical weather prediction model, and the LETKF is an ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) algorithm particularly efficient in parallel computer architecture. This study aims to provide the basis of future research on mesoscale data assimilation using the WRF-LETKF system, an additional testbed to the existing EnKF systems with the WRF model used in the previous studies. The particular LETKF system adopted in this study is based on the system initially developed in 2004 and has been continuously improved through theoretical studies and wide applications to many kinds of dynamical models including realistic geophysical models. Most recent and important improvements include an adaptive covariance inflation scheme which considers the spatial and temporal inhomogeneity of inflation parameters. Experiments show that the LETKF successfully assimilates real observations and that adaptive inflation is advantageous. Additional experiments with various ensemble sizes show that using more ensemble members improves the analyses consistently. 相似文献