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Event-related sedimentary layers, which are deposited occasionally due to volcanic eruptions, earthquakes or heavy rains, are often contained in the rhythmical sequences of lacustrine and marine sediments. We have developed an analytical method for separating the sedimentary rhythms and the event layers identified using the scanning X-ray analytical microscope (SXAM) and obtained sequential profiles of seven elements Al, Si, K, Ca, Ti, Mn, and Fe in the lacustrine sediment from Lake Suigetsu, Japan. Two types of event layers could be detected from the elemental composition of 33 layers of sediment: three known volcanic ash layers and 30 clay layers containing 12 turbidites. The recurrence interval of the latter, which may potentially be initiated and archived by locally important earthquakes, is estimated to be an average of 640 ± 160 years by using Sompi event analysis (SEA) based on an autoregressive (AR) model. After removing those portions that represented event layers from the elemental profiles, we obtained event-removed (ER) temporal profiles based on the tephrochronology of the three volcanic ash layers. The ER temporal profiles of manganese and iron, probably representing the siderite content, showed a millennial-scale variation in the Holocene that corresponded well with ice-rafting events in the North Atlantic.  相似文献   
The causes of forest cover loss in the hill forests in Bangladesh   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Hill Forests in Bangladesh have been depleted and degraded in volume, area, and quantity, thus requiring urgent forest protection by identifying the causes of forest loss. This study seeks to identify the fundamental causes of the shrinking forest cover in the Hill Forests in Bangladesh. The results indicate four sets of causes: (i) indigenous forest dwellers, having their own types of problems; (ii) migrants, who, because of problems in their places of origin, have decided to move to the forests; (iii) the timber industry, which, legal or not, are cutting too many trees; and (iv) the government through its Forest Department which is not able or willing to implement suitable policies to regulate the cutting trees and to prevent illegal cutting. Because it is a time consuming task to mitigate the first and second sets of factors, we recommend to involve forest dwellers in forestry practices as much as possible and taking necessary steps to alleviate the third and fourth sets and thereby reduce the rate of forest depletion. Accordingly, a number of strategies that should be adopted to halt the loss of remaining forest cover are discussed. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
A modulation function representing the position and density of (Na, Ca) atoms in the superstructure of the e-plagioclase has been derived from the average structures of different plagioclase and a general modulation theory. Based on this function the superstructure of bytownite (An73) has been studied with the single crystal X-ray method. The cell dimensions by Megaw's axes are a=7.946(3)A, b=67.09(2)A, c=12.236(4)A, α=39.03(1)°, β=45.63(1)° and γ=59.63(1)°. Z=18(Na, Ca) Al(Al, Si)Si2O8. The initial phase factor of the modulation function for bytownite has been obtained from the intensity data of the satellite reflections. This modulation function indicates a coherent small-scale alternation of the Na-rich and Ca-rich bands in the superstructure. This superstructure has been refined by applying the albite and anorthite structures to the Na-rich and Ca-rich bands, respectively. The change of the superstructure of the e-plagioclase due to the compositional change has been described based on the movements of the satellites in reciprocal space. The direction of the coherent small-scale intergrowth of the anorthite-like and albite-like bands is perpendicular to the t vector. The thickness of the intergrowth is 1/|t|. Both direction and thickness change regularly from An75 to An25.  相似文献   
The alkali-feldspar and biotite in the sillimanite-biotite-garnet gneiss from East Antarctica preserves characteristic microstructural evidence of multi-stage H2O supplement during the retrograde metamorphism. The first microstructural evidence is the “zoned feldspar,” in which the mesoperthitic zone, the anti-perthitic zone, and lamella-free plagioclase zone coexist within a single crystal. They are occasionally found next to biotite, and are always depleted in orthoclase (Or) component toward the biotite. The formation process of this microstructure could be explained by the diffusion that oversteps the solvus. The second microstructural evidence is the serrate boundary between alkali-feldspar and biotite. The projections of biotite are selectively developed next to Or lamellae of alkali-feldspar every 3–5 μm. These two microstructures would have formed as the biotite grew by consuming potash in alkali-feldspar when H2O-bearing fluid locally passed through the grain boundaries. The former microstructure was formed at 825–900 °C before lamella formation, and the latter microstructure was formed after the lamella formation. These microstructures are the indicators of fluid pathways formed under two different temperature conditions. The common coexistence of these microstructures implies that the fluid used similar pathways during the retrograde metamorphism.  相似文献   
The differential axial and equatorial rotations of both cores associated with the Quaternary glacial cycles were evaluated based on a realistic earth model in density and elastic structures. The rheological model is composed of compressible Maxwell viscoelastic mantle, inviscid outer core and incompressible Maxwell viscoelastic inner core. The present study is, however, preliminary because I assume a rigid rotation for the fluid outer core. In models with no frictional torques at the boundaries of the outer core, the maximum magnitude of the predicted axial rotations of the outer and inner cores amounts to ∼2° year−1 and ∼1° year−1, respectively, but that for the secular equatorial rotations of both cores is ∼0.0001° at most. However, oscillating parts with a period of ∼225 years are predicted in the equatorial rotations for both cores. Then, I evaluated the differential rotations by adopting a time-dependent electromagnetic (EM) torque as a possible coupling mechanism at the core-mantle boundary (CMB) and inner core boundary (ICB). In a realistic radial magnetic field at the CMB estimated from surface magnetic field, the axial and equatorial rotations couple through frictional torques at the CMB, although these rotations decouple for dipole magnetic field model. The differential rotations were evaluated for conductivity models with a conductance of 108 S of the lowermost mantle inferred from studies of nutation and precession of the Earth and decadal variations of length of day (LOD). The secular parts of equatorial rotations are less sensitive to these parameters, but the magnitude for the axial rotations is much smaller than for frictionless model. These models, however, produce oscillating parts in the equatorial rotations of both cores and also in the axial rotations of the whole Earth and outer and inner cores. These oscillations are sensitive to both the magnitude of radial magnetic field at the CMB and the conductivity structure. No sharp isolated spectral peaks are predicted for models with a thin conductive layer (∼200 m) at the bottom of the mantle. In models with a conductive layer of ∼100 km thickness, however, sharp spectral peaks are predicted at periods of ∼225 and ∼25 years for equatorial and axial rotations, respectively, although these depend on the strength of radial magnetic field at the CMB. While the present study is preliminary in modelling the fluid outer core and coupling mechanism at the CMB, the predicted axial rotations of the whole Earth may be important in explaining the observed LOD through interaction between the equatorial and axial rotations.  相似文献   
Clinoenstatite crystals from a boninite and the Yamato-74191 chondrite have been studied with an analytical electron microscope. (100) twins and cracks perpendicular and parallel to the c axis are characteristic of their submicroscopic textures. The frequency in appearance along the c axis and widths of the cracks have been explained by the dimensional change of the c axis in the direct transformation of protoenstatite to clinoenstatite and by the cooling rate around the transformation temperature. The cracks in the crystals from the boninite are filled with fibrous crystals of talc, while those from the chondrite are open or filled with glass in which fine crystals of plagioclase are common.  相似文献   
The NE-trending Hinagu fault zone, length 81 km, is one of the major active faults in Kyushu, Japan. From north to south, it is divided into three segments based on geomorphic features and paleoseismic behavior: the Takano-Shirahata, Hinagu, and Yatsushiro Sea segments. The 2016 Kumamoto earthquake produced a 6-km-long surface rupture with a dextral strike-slip displacement on the northern part of the Takano-Shirahata segment. Surface rupture, a faint east-side-up flexure with a vertical offset of less than 8 cm, was observed near the middle of the Takano-Shirahata segment. To examine past surface-rupturing earthquakes on the Takano-Shirahata segment, including rupture frequency and timing, we conducted a paleoseismic study with boring and trenching at Yamaide. A trench across the surface rupture exposed multiple fault strands associated with multiple surface-rupturing events that deformed several strata of fine-grained sediments. By structural and stratigraphic interpretation, high-density radiocarbon dating and tephra analysis, and Bayesian modeling, we constrained the timing of seven events, Events 1–7, to 0.84–1.25, 1.31–7.06, 9.99–11.0, 10.8–12.1, 12.0–13.0, 14.2–15.1, and before 14.8 kcal BP. Slip during Events 1–6 was obviously larger than the 2016 slip. The estimated average recurrence interval was about 2596–2860 years, but the interval between Events 2 and 3 was much longer than other intervals. Moreover, the vertical throw associated with Event 2 was larger than that of other events. This implies that the Takano-Shirahata segment has a period with rare larger earthquakes and a period with frequent smaller earthquakes. Some events might have produced ruptures on both the Takano-Shirahata and the northern part of the Hinagu segments simultaneously or in a short time. The variety of recurrence intervals suggests that the seismic activity has been affected by one or both activities of the Futagawa fault zone and the Hinagu segment.  相似文献   
Concentrations of Re and Os, and the isotopic composition of Os have been measured in the Japan Sea sediments to assess the response of the Japan Sea to glacial–interglacial climate change and associated weathering fluxes. The osmium concentrations in the sediment samples analyzed vary from 59 to 371 pg/g, and 187Os/188Os from 0.935 to 1.042. Only 187Os/188Os of sediment samples from dark laminations deposited under suboxic to anoxic conditions and having elevated concentrations of Re and Os, and with ≥ 80% hydrogenous Os are explained in terms of seawater composition. Lower 187Os/188Os were observed for sediments deposited during the last glacial maximum (LGM) when planktonic foraminifera from the Japan Sea recorded lighter oxygen isotopic composition. Decrease in dissolved Os fluxes from continents and/or change in the composition of the dissolved load to the Japan Sea are suggested as the driving mechanisms for the observed lower LGM 187Os/188Os. The results of this study, coupled with lower 187Os/188Os during the last glacial observed at other sites from ocean basins with different lithology and contrasting sediment accumulation rates, suggest that this trend is characteristic of the global oceans.

Data from this study show that the Japan Sea recorded higher 187Os/188Os during the current interglacial coinciding with excursions of oxygen isotopic compositions of planktonic foraminifera to heavier values. This is explained in terms of preferential release of 187Os during deglacial weathering and/or higher continental Os flux driven by warm and wet climate. This study demonstrates that Os isotopic composition of reducing margin sediments has immense potential to track variations in the seawater composition. In addition, 187Os/188Os of reducing sediments may be used to draw inferences about local paleoceanographic processes in semi-enclosed basins such as the Japan Sea.  相似文献   

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