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Using three-dimensional (3D) magnetohydrodynamical (MHD) nested-grid simulations, the fragmentation of a rotating magnetized molecular cloud core is studied. An isothermal rotating magnetized cylindrical cloud in hydrostatic balance is considered. We studied non-axisymmetric evolution of the cloud. It is found that non-axisymmetry hardly evolves in the early phase, but it begins to grow after the gas contracts and forms a thin disk. The disk formation and thus growth of non-axisymmetric perturbation are strongly promoted by rotation and magnetic field strength. We found two types of fragmentations: fragmentation from a ring and that from a bar. These two types of fragmentations occur in thin adiabatic cores with the thickness being smaller than 1/4 of the radial size. For the fragments to survive, they should be formed in a heavily elongated barred core or a flat round disk. In the models showing fragmentation, outflows from respective fragments are found as well as that driven by the rotating bar or the disk.  相似文献   
Subsequent to Paper I, the evolution and fragmentation of a rotating magnetized cloud are studied with use of three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic nested grid simulations. After the isothermal runaway collapse, an adiabatic gas forms a protostellar first core at the centre of the cloud. When the isothermal gas is stable for fragmentation in a contracting disc, the adiabatic core often breaks into several fragments. Conditions for fragmentation and binary formation are studied. All the cores which show fragmentation are geometrically thin, as the diameter-to-thickness ratio is larger than 3. Two patterns of fragmentation are found. (1) When a thin disc is supported by centrifugal force, the disc fragments into a ring configuration (ring fragmentation). This is realized in a rapidly rotating adiabatic core as  Ω > 0.2τ−1ff  , where Ω and  τff  represent the angular rotation speed and the free-fall time of the core, respectively. (2) On the other hand, the disc is deformed to an elongated bar in the isothermal stage for a strongly magnetized or rapidly rotating cloud. The bar breaks into 2–4 fragments (bar fragmentation). Even if a disc is thin, the disc dominated by the magnetic force or thermal pressure is stable and forms a single compact body. In either ring or bar fragmentation mode, the fragments contract and a pair of outflows is ejected from the vicinities of the compact cores. The orbital angular momentum is larger than the spin angular momentum in the ring fragmentation. On the other hand, fragments often quickly merge in the bar fragmentation, since the orbital angular momentum is smaller than the spin angular momentum in this case. Comparison with observations is also shown.  相似文献   
Euhedral dissakisites from Trimouns dolomite mine, France, is compositionally zoned. Back-scattered electron (BSE) images reveal that each of the described dissakisite crystals has three distinct compositional zones: normal zoned core (Mg-rich), oscillatory zoned middle (Ca–Al-rich) and homogeneous rim (Fe–ΣREE-rich). The latter zone with Fe2+ > Mg corresponds to allanite-(Ce). Dissakisite-(Ce) also displays pronounced zoning in Fe/Mg which may suggest that the temperature of crystallization continuously decreased from core to rim. Despite a systematic increase in Fe/Mg of the dissakisite with an allanite rim, there is no monotonic decrease in the REE zoning: the normal zoned core and homogeneous rim are rich in La, Ce and Pr, but the relatively REE-poor oscillatory zoned middle is relatively abundant in Y, Sm and Gd. Discontinuous variation in REE content of the dissakisite, with the allanite rim may indicate a localized change in either the relative concentration of various ligands or pH of the crystallizing fluid. Observations under the polarizing microscope confirm that the different zones have simultaneous extinction. These chemical and optical observations suggest that epitaxial crystallization of dissakisite, from Trimouns, passes through three formation stages. The ternary Fe2+–Mg2+–(Al + Fe)3+ diagram illustrates that in general dissakisite can be classified into two groups, (Al + Fe)3+-rich and an Mg-rich; dissakisite from Trimouns belongs to the former group. Chondrite-normalized REE patterns of dissakisites from Trimouns are similar to those of allanites formed by hydrothermal fluids. In conclusion, it is clear from the above two geochemical characteristics that dissakisites from Trimouns are of (Al + Fe)3+-type, and were derived from hydrothermal fluids.  相似文献   
The crystal chemistry of volcanic allanites from both the Youngest Toba Tuff (YTT), Sumatra, Indonesia and SK100 volcanic ash beds (SK100-VAB), Niigata, Japan has been examined by electron microprobe analysis (EMPA), Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopic analysis (FTIR), and single-crystal structure analysis. In the FTIR study, based on the Diamond ATR accessory, YTT and SK100- VAB allanites were observed to have different OH contents, respectively: the former has 0.64 wt% H2O (OH: 0.40 apfu.), while the latter has 1.65 wt% H2O (OH: 1.00 apfu.). The crystal structures of these two allanites have been refined to individual R indices (3.64 and 4.25) based on 1350 observed reflections (|Fo| > 4sig|Fo|) measured using a single-crystal diffractometer with MoKα X-radiation. The OH-poor YTT allanite has a shorter b axis, a longer c axis, and larger β value than the relatively OH-rich SK100-VAB one. The bond valence sums of O4 (accepter oxygen for H atom) and O10 (donor oxygen for H atom) are 1.962 and 1.709 v.u. for YTT allanite (valence sum: 3.671 v.u.) and 1.754 and 1.271 v.u. for SK100-VAB one (valence sum: 3.025 v.u.). The difference from the ideal total bond valence value (4.00 v.u.) of O4 and O10 in YTT allanite (0.33 v.u.) is smaller than that in SK100-VAB (0.98 v.u.). These difference values are also broadly consistent with the corresponding differences in OH content between the YTT (OH: 0.40 apfu.) and SK100-VAB allanites (OH: 1.00 apfu.) determined by FTIR- ATR. Chemical analyses, FTIR-ATR and crystal structure refinement of YTT and SK100-VAB allanites yielded the following crystal chemical formula: YTT: (Ca0.83Mn2+ 0.06Fe2+ 0.11)(La0.24Ce0.32Pr0.04Nd0.11Sm0.02Th0.04Ca0.21)(Al0.73Fe3+ 0.19Ti0.08)(Al0.89Fe3+ 0.11)(Fe2+ 0.22Fe3+ 0.62Mg0.16)(SiO4)Si2O7O1.6(OH)0.4, SK100-VAB: (Ca0.81Fe2+ 0.13Mn2+ 0.06)(La0.22Ce0.34Pr0.05Nd0.13Sm0.02Th0.02Ca0.22)(Al0.76Fe3+ 0.19Ti0.05)Al1.00(Fe2+ 0.73Fe3+ 0.17Mg0.10)(Si0.96Al0.04O4)Si2O7O(OH). Therefore, it is concluded that welding of the Youngest Toba Tuff caused the following post-crystallization changes to occur in YTT allanite: oxidation of Fe2+ to Fe3+, release of H2, and the concomitant replacement of OH? by O2?. These oxidation and dehydrogenation processes advanced during the welding to thereby produce oxyallanite. Oxyallanite had been reported only in laboratory studies where it was produced by heating natural allanite. Our report on natural oxyallanite suggests that it may be present in other welded silicic volcanic rocks as well.  相似文献   
The locations of a specific geological boundary and aquifer were predicted, prior to reaching them, by a reflection method and the measurement of geothermic temperature. The determination was performed during tunnelling work which passed through the Median Tectonic Line in central Japan. The reflection method procedure was as follows. A P-wave was produced on the tunnel face by a small blasting. The location of the velocity layer boundary was predicted by the travel time of the direct wave and the reflected wave. The geothermic temperature was measured by a thermocouple which was set in the borehole at the face. The location of the aquifer was predicted by the thermal deviation between the measured value and the theoretical value that was determined from a mean geothermal gradient. Also, a water quality survey is performed, discussing the quality of the fissure water. In addition, we were able to confirm, using the Seismic Tomography method, that the sheared zone found, was the layer including lens-shaped low-velocity zone. The methods considered proved to be simple and effective for geological prognosis from within the tunnel.  相似文献   
Summary An analysis of the global nature of the atmospheric electric field is presented on the basis of comparison of measurements on the research vessel, Hakuho-Maru, on the Mid- and South-Pacific Ocean, with those at Syowa Station in Antartica and on two vessels on the Mid-Atlantic Ocean. The comparison of daily averages gave a different type of latitude dependence, which was characterized by a gradual decrease toward the antarctic region. Diurnal variations at these globally representative stations on the same day were checked with each other for the first time, and the correlation between them was found much higher than that between land stations. The regional effect, which might depend on the distance from the thunderstorm area, was not evidently detected. So the influence of the generator area was considered to propagate over the entire globe without significant attenuation.
Zusammenfassung Auf der Grundlage von Vergleichen zwischen Messungen an Bord des Forschungsschiffes Hakohu-Maru im mittleren und südlichen Pazifischen Ozean, an der antarktischen Forschungsstation Syowa und an Bord von zwei Forschungsschiffen im mittleren Atlantik wird eine Analyse der weltweiten Natur des luftelektrischen Feldes vorgelegt. Der Vergleich von Tagesmitteln ergab eine spezielle Abhängigkeit von der geographischen Breite, gekennzeichnet durch eine allmähliche Abnahme in Richtung auf den antarktischen Bereich. Die Tagesgänge an diesen weltweitrepräsentativen Stationen wurden zum ersten Mal untereinander für jeweils die gleichen Tage verglichen. Es wurde gefunden, dass die Korrelation zwischen ihnen weitaus grösser war als sie zwischen Landstationen ist. Ein regionaler Effekt, vermutbar in der Form einer Abhängigkeit von der Entfernung zur Gewitterzone, wurde nicht sicher gefunden. Deswegen wird angenommen, dass die Auswirkungen des Generatorbereichs sich über die gesamte Erde ohne merkliche Verminderung erstrecken.
Climate engineering has received increasing attention, but its discussion has remained on the sidelines of mainstream climate policy. The policy relevance of this previously exotic option is poised to rise because of the gap between the temperature goals of the Paris Agreement and slow global mitigation efforts. It is therefore crucial to understand the risks and benefits of the proposed schemes, and the social implications of policy choices. Assessment of the risks and benefits of solar geoengineering strongly depends on scenarios, but previous scenarios have not reflected the full range of social choices. In light of concerns over risks, a newer set of scenarios is desirable, which represents both uncertainties and social choices more fully. Borrowing and extending lessons from recent literature on the new community climate scenario process, we envision a possible scenario-building process that combines interdisciplinary scholarship with the involvement of stakeholders and citizens. The resultant scenarios would better characterize uncertainties of, and policy choices for, solar geoengineering, and foster critical appraisal of its risks and benefits. Such societal choices might include not only total ban and large-scale deployment, but also limited deployment, which has received less attention in the scenario literature. The interaction between scenario and governance research would be able to highlight the central issues at stake, including ethical, social, and political dimensions.

Key policy insights

  • A more comprehensive assessment of solar geoengineering is necessary to evaluate its risks and benefits, necessitating new scenario research

  • It is crucial to reflect the full span of policy choices and uncertainties with interdisciplinary collaboration in such scenarios

  • Such societal choices might include not only total ban and large-scale deployment, but also limited deployment, which has received less attention in the scenario literature

  • Participatory scenario research would enable incorporating the concerns and opinions of stakeholders and citizens in scenario creation

Abstract: Manganese carbonate ore beds and host rock manganiferous phyllites at the Nsuta mine, western Ghana, contain well developed garnet crystals. Individual crystals are idioblastic, sometimes porphyroblastic, and homogeneous, and are associated with rhodochrosite (with or without kutnahorite), quartz and muscovite. The conspicuous absence of chlorite in garnet-rich assemblages, and of garnet in chlorite-rich rocks, suggest chemical constraints may have been important in the formation of the two minerals. Gondite bands within carbonate ores are interpreted to have resulted from localised processes in which manganese carbonates, in environments rich in alumino-silicate minerals, may have been completely exhausted during metamorphic reactions.  相似文献   
A large number of tar globules with sessile organisms were collected from the surface tows taken with larval nets in the waters around the Ryukyu Islands during November and December, 1973. Bryozoans (one species), tubeworms (Serpulidae,Janua (Dexiospira) foraminosa (Moore &Bush)) and goose barnacles (Lepas pectinata Spengler,L. anatifera Linné) were the most important species of sessile animals found on these tar globules. Sinking of tar globules byLepas of middle or large size was suggested from the differences in their specific gravity.  相似文献   
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