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The origin of Zn isotope fractionation in sulfides   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Isotope fractionation of Zn between aqueous sulfide, chloride, and carbonate species (Zn2+, Zn(HS)2, , , ZnS(HS), ZnCl+, ZnCl2, , and ZnCO3) was investigated using ab initio methods. Only little fractionation is found between the sulfide species, whereas carbonates are up to 1‰ heavier than the parent solution. At pH > 3 and under atmospheric-like CO2 pressures, isotope fractionation of Zn sulfides precipitated from sulfidic solutions is affected by aqueous sulfide species and the δ66Zn of sulfides reflect these in the parent solutions. Under high PCO2 conditions, carbonate species become abundant. In high PCO2 conditions of hydrothermal solutions, Zn precipitated as sulfides is isotopically nearly unfractionated with respect to a low-pH parent fluid. In contrast, negative δ66Zn down to at least −0.6‰ can be expected in sulfides precipitated from solutions with pH > 9. Zinc isotopes in sulfides and rocks therefore represent a potential indicator of mid to high pH in ancient hydrothermal fluids.  相似文献   
Fe(III) complexed by organic ligands (Fe(III)L) is the primary form of dissolved Fe in marine and coastal environments. Superoxide, typically produced in biological and photochemical processes, is one of the reducing agents that contributes to transformation of Fe(III)L to bioavailable, free dissolved Fe(II) (Fe(II)′). In this work, the kinetics of superoxide-mediated Fe(II)′ formation from Fe(III)L in a simulated coastal water system were investigated and a comprehensive kinetic model was developed using citrate and fulvic acid as exemplar Fe-binding ligands. To simulate a coastal environment in laboratory experiments, Fe(III)L samples with various ligand/Fe ratios were incubated for 5 min to 1 week in seawater medium. At each ratio and incubation time, the rate of superoxide-mediated Fe(II)′ formation was determined in the presence of the strong Fe(II) binding ligand ferrozine by spectrophotometrically measuring the ferrous-ferrozine complex generated at a constant concentration of superoxide. The Fe(II)′ formation rate generally decreased with incubation time, as Fe(III)L gradually dissociated to form less reactive Fe(III) oxyhydroxide. However, when the ligand/Fe ratio was sufficiently high, the dissociation of Fe(III)L (and subsequent Fe precipitation) was suppressed and Fe(II)′ was formed at a higher rate. The rate of Fe(II)′ produced during the experiment was explained by the kinetic model. The model confirmed that both the ligand/Fe ratio and incubation time have a significant effect on the pathway via which Fe(II)′ is formed from Fe(III)-fulvic acid complexes.  相似文献   
Monthly averaged total volume transport of the Indonesian throughflow (ITF) estimated by 14 global ocean data assimilation (ODA) products that are decade to multi-decade long are compared among themselves and with observations from the INSTANT Program (2004–2006). The main goals of the comparisons are to examine the consistency and evaluate the skill of different ODA products in simulating ITF transport. The ensemble averaged, time-mean value of ODA estimates is 13.6 Sv (1 Sv = 106 m3/s) for the common 1993–2001 period and 13.9 Sv for the 2004–2006 INSTANT Program period. These values are close to the 15-Sv estimate derived from INSTANT observations. All but one ODA time-mean estimate fall within the range of uncertainty of the INSTANT estimate. In terms of temporal variability, the scatter among different ODA estimates averaged over time is 1.7 Sv, which is substantially smaller than the magnitude of the temporal variability simulated by the ODA systems. Therefore, the overall “signal-to-noise” ratio for the ensemble estimates is larger than one. The best consistency among the products occurs on seasonal-to-interannual time scales, with generally stronger (weaker) ITF during boreal summer (winter) and during La Nina (El Nino) events. The scatter among different products for seasonal-to-interannual time scales is approximately 1 Sv. Despite the good consistency, systematic difference is found between most ODA products and the INSTANT observations. All but the highest-resolution (18 km) ODA product show a dominant annual cycle while the INSTANT estimate and the 18-km product exhibit a strong semi-annual signal. The coarse resolution is an important factor that limits the level of agreement between ODA and INSTANT estimates. Decadal signals with periods of 10–15 years are seen. The most conspicuous and consistent decadal change is a relatively sharp increase in ITF transport during 1993–2000 associated with the strengthening tropical Pacific trade wind. Most products do not show a weakening ITF after the mid-1970s’ associated with the weakened Pacific trade wind. The scatter of ODA estimates is smaller after than before 1980, reflecting the impact of the enhanced observations after the 1980s. To assess the representativeness of using the average over a three-year period (e.g., the span of the INSTANT Program) to describe longer-term mean, we investigate the temporal variations of the three-year low-pass ODA estimates. The average variation is about 3.6 Sv, which is largely due to the increase of ITF transport from 1993 to 2000. However, the three-year average during the 2004–2006 INSTANT Program period is within 0.5 Sv of the long-term mean for the past few decades.  相似文献   
The field-aligned neutral oscillations in the F-region (altitudes between 165 and 275 km) were compared using data obtained simultaneously with two independent instruments: the European Incoherent Scatter (EISCAT) UHF radar and a scanning Fabry-Perot interferometer (FPI). During the night of February 8, 1997, simultaneous observations with these instruments were conducted at Tromsø, Norway. Theoretically, the field-aligned neutral wind velocity can be obtained from the field-aligned ion velocity and by diffusion and ambipolar diffusion velocities. We thus derived field-aligned neutral wind velocities from the plasma velocities in EISCAT radar data. They were compared with those observed with the FPI (=630.0 nm), which are assumed to be weighted height averages of the actual neutral wind. The weighting function is the normalized height dependent emission rate. We used two model weighting functions to derive the neutral wind from EISCAT data. One was that the neutral wind velocity observed with the FPI is velocity integrated over the entire emission layer and multiplied by the theoretical normalized emission rate. The other was that the neutral wind velocity observed with the FPI corresponds to the velocity only around an altitude where the emission rate has a peak. Differences between the two methods were identified, but not completely clarified. However, the neutral wind velocities from both instruments had peak-to-peak correspondences at oscillation periods of about 10–40 min, shorter than that for the momentum transfer from ions to neutrals, but longer than from neutrals to ions. The synchronizing motions in the neutral wind velocities suggest that the momentum transfer from neutrals to ions was thought to be dominant for the observed field-aligned oscillations rather than the transfer from ions to neutrals. It is concluded that during the observation, the plasma oscillations observed with the EISCAT radar at different altitudes in the F-region are thought to be due to the motion of neutrals.  相似文献   
Abstract. Cathodoluminescence (CL) color, rare earth element (REE) content, sulfur and oxygen isotopes and fluid inclusions of anhydrite, which frequently filled in hydrothermal veins in the Kakkonda geothermal system, were investigated to elucidate the spatial, temporal and genetical evolution of fluids in the deep reservoir. The anhydrite samples studied are classified into four types based on CL colors and REE contents: type-N (no color), type-G (green color), type-T (tan color) and type-S (tan color with a high REE content). In the shallow reservoir, only type-N anhydrite is observed. In the deep reservoir, type-G anhydrite occurs in vertical veins whereas type-T and -N in lateral veins. Type-S anhydrite occurs in the heat-source Kakkonda Granite. The CL textures revealed that type-G anhydrite deposited earlier than type-T in the deep reservoir, implying that fracture system was changed from predominantly vertical to lateral.
Studies of fluid inclusions and δ34S and δ18O values of the samples indicate that type-N anhydrite deposited from diluted fluids derived from meteoric water, whereas type-G, -T and -S anhydrites deposited from magmatic brines derived from the Kakkonda Granite with the exception of some of type-G with recrystallization texture and no primary fluid inclusion, which deposited from fossil seawater preserved in the sedimentary rocks. Type-G, -T and -S anhydrites exhibit remarkably different chondrite-normalized REE patterns with a positive Eu anomaly, with a convex shape (peak at Sm or Eu) and with a negative Eu anomaly, respectively. The difference in the patterns might result from the different extent of hydrothermal alteration of the reservoir rocks and contribution of the magmatic fluids.  相似文献   
Structural, morphological, magnetic, and thermal properties have been investigated for a novel post-perovskite oxide CaPtO3 synthesized under high pressure. By comparing obtained structural parameters with those for known post-perovskite compounds, we argue that the chemical bond has a strong covalent character. Precise measurements of the Langevin susceptibility χ 0 = −9.6 × 10−5 emu/mol and Debye temperature θ ∼ 470 K provide a good opportunity to confirm the reliability of first-principle calculations on predicting physical properties of the Earth’s D” layer.  相似文献   
An intelligent ADCP (Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler) fish, called DRAKE (Depth and Roll Adjustable Kite for Energy flux measurements) was developed with the controllable wings which can adjust the submerging depth of the fish and stabilize its roll motion. The Kuroshio west of Okinawa was measured in a roundtrip course on the same traverse line by the ADCP fish. The forward survey obtained the maximum submerging depth of 208 m at a fish operation speed of 2.9 ms–1. The maximum fish speed of 5.4 ms–1 was achieved at a submerging depth of 48 m in the return survey. The data in the overlapped area of data acquisition between depths 212 and 276 m were used to examine the accuracy of velocity measurement for the towed ADCP system. The summation of both survey data made it possible to estimate a sectional velocity structure and transport of the upper 600 m corresponding roughly to the whole section of the Kuroshio in this region.  相似文献   
利用1998年4~9月间进行的GAME-TIBET青藏高原云和降水的多普勒雷达及大气平均电场加强期观测实验资料, 对青藏高原那曲地区的冰雹天气系统中的大气电场作了定量观测和研究.结果表明: 在降雹过程中大气电场强度基本上均为负值, 其峰值也均强于-22 kVm-1; 在降雹过程中随着降雹时间的临近, 大气电场强度不断增强, 但降雹开始时大气电场强度并未达到其峰值, 峰值出现的时刻比开始降雹的时刻略有滞后; 在各降雹日中, 较强的大气电场强度基本上对应着各冰雹谱分布段较多的冰雹数目, 而这种较好的相关在各谱分布段上都表现出来; 随着降雹时间的临近, 每5 min闪电频数不断增强.在开始降雹时每5 min闪电频数平均达到43, 峰值的出现时刻略滞后于开始降雹的时刻, 这一滞后时间一般平均在3 min左右; 在降雹过程中, 单位面积中的冰雹数目与对应时段内总闪电数有着较好的对数关系, 相关系数R为0.954 0.在降雹过程的时间序列上, 冰雹云成熟期过后, 总闪电次数与冰雹降雹率成反相关.  相似文献   
Summary. Six submarine rocks dredged from guyots in the western Pacific were dated by means of 40Ar–39Ar step heating dating technique. All ages show mid- to late-Cretaceous ages in accordance with the generally supposed age of the ocean crust estimated from the magnetic anomaly pattern.
The back-tracked paths were calculated for the guyots with the use of their absolute ages, for both the Pacific plate movements proposed by Morgan and by Clague & Jarrard. In both cases these show birth places for the guyots, which are located near the equator.
Fossil ages are nearly concordant with the 40Ar–39Ar ages for the guyots which are older than 95 Myr, whereas the fossil ages are considerably younger than the 40Ar–39Ar ages for the guyots younger than 90 Myr. This contrast may be due to the world-wide marine transgression, whose climax is believed to have occurred at about 85 Myr BP.  相似文献   
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