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In the analysis of Chinese earthquake history byLee andBrillinger (1979), the autointensity function of the earthquake sequence is estimated, based on a parametric model for the catalog inclusion probabilities. We show that an estimate of the autointensity function with essentially the same features can be obtained by smoothing the data to yield a nonparametric estimate of the inclusion probabilities. In addition, however, we illustrate that a somewhat less smooth estimate would lead to an autointensity function with little structure. The shape of the estimated autointensity function is hence dependent on the assumed smoothness of the inclusion probabilities. This is an issue which cannot be resolved statistically.  相似文献   
Atrazine, cyanazine, alachlor, and metolachlor in the surface water of a recharge structure, which impounds runoff from row-cropped farmland in Nebraska, are transported with seepage to the shallow ground water flow system and to the locally confined regional aquifer. All wells in the shallow flow system and all those in the regional flow system impacted by seepage from the structure had detectable concentrations of at least one of the four pesticides.
The detectable concentrations of cyanzine, alachlor, and metolachlor in the two flow systems ranged from 0.1 to 0.9 ppb. These concentrations were an order of magnitude lower than those in the surface water. Concentrations in the regional aquifer clustered at the lower end of this concentration range. These three pesticides were not detected in the baseline study of the regional aquifer.
Unlike alachlor, cyanzine, and metolachlor, atrazine was always present in the wells impacted by seepage from the recharge structure. In the shallow flow system, concentrations ranged from 0.3 to 8.8 ppb and from 0.1 to 2.5 ppb in the regional aquifer. The average of the detectable atrazine concentrations in the baseline study was 0.04 ± 0.05 ppb.  相似文献   
A review of current research on TL dating of loess   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The thick loess deposits of China, Central Europe and North America are particularly suitable for the application of the thermoluminescence (TL) dating method because individual grains are likely to have travelled large distances and thus been well exposed to light before deposition. Wind-blown silt grains collected close to glacial rivers in Alaska have been shown to give a ‘zero age’ of not more than 2 ka, demonstrating the efficiency of the zeroing mechanism.Differences in laboratory procedures can cause differences in the TL ages reported, particularly for loess over 100 ka. TL ages for interstadial soils in Europe are in agreement with the very few radiocarbon dates on reliable material, such as charcoal. On the other hand TL dates from sites in Belgium and north-western Germany indicate that the previously accepted chronology, which was based on two radiocarbon dates on humic-rich sediments, is incorrect.The use of the ‘last interglacial’ palaeosol for assessing the TL dates on loess above and below it is limited by the uncertainty in the timing of termination of soil-forming processes; 107 and 71 ka are the limits suggested by the astronomically-derived time scale. Results on deposits from China, North America, Alaska and Europe are discussed in this context.  相似文献   
Corrosion is the destructive reaction of metals with their environment. The environment associated with a waste container is an extremely complex one, creating many possibilities for corrosion of the waste container. The different basic types of corrosion are governed by different equations and reactions. Schematic drawings and photographs illustrate the mechanisms of corrosion and factors which influence the forms of corrosion are outlined. There are techniques for testing the susceptibility to certain types of corrosion, and some standard test procedures have been developed. Predictive models have been proposed for crevice corrosion, stress corrosion cracking and scale formation. Existing models and extrapolations are all subject to limits on their applicability.  相似文献   
A physical hypothesis for the electrical coupling of the troposphere, ionosphere and magnetosphere has been proposed. It is shown that the vertical mass exchange takes place in the troposphere, ionosphere and magnetosphere by the gravity wave feedback mechanism through a chain of eddy systems. The vertical mass exchange gives rise to a vertical aerosol current which is responsible for the generation and mainte-nance of atmospheric electric field and also the variations in the H-component of the geomagnetic field. Any per-turbation in the troposphere would be transmitted to ionosphere and vice versa. A global perturbation in ionosphere, as the one caused by solar variability, is transmitted to troposphere influencing weather systems/geomagnetic/atmospheric electrification processes.The theory relating to the above physical mechanism is discussed. Also, results of analysis of at-mospheric electrical field data for Colaba, Bombay (8°53’ 56”N, 72° 48’ 54”E, 9.8 m ASL) and solar activity indices (Ap index, DST index and MSB crossing dates) for the 31 year period from 1936-1966 which provide statistical evidence for solar influence on atmospheric electrification processes are presented.  相似文献   
An integrated study of the stratigraphy, structure, sedimentology, and geomorphology of the Akrata–Derveni region (southern coast of the Gulf of Corinth, Greece) forms the basis for a tectono-stratigraphic model for the evolution of the Plio-Pleistocene central Corinth Rift.

The syn-rift sediments exposed on the uplifted southern coast of the Gulf of Corinth comprise three stratigraphic groups. Maximum total thickness of the syn-rift sediments can reach 2800 m in the middle of the studied area. The Lower Group is made of fluvio-lacustrine deposits. The Middle Group corresponds to thick alluvial fan conglomerates and their equivalent Gilbert-type fan deltas that built toward the north. The Upper Group is composed of uplifted terrace deposits, slope breccias and small Gilbert-type deltas. These groups have been subdivided into informal formations and depositional systems. Restoration of the stratigraphic architecture along a N–S transect provides a linked structural and depositional model for this part of the rift. Reconstruction of the latest phases of uplift is based on a study of geomorphological features.

Evolutionary phases include, (1) an overall increase in accommodation space during deposition of the Lower and Middle Groups followed by (2) a drastic decrease in accommodation space during deposition of the Upper Group. Sedimentary signals indicate that most of the major normal faults were active during deposition of the Lower Group. The depocentre was located in the middle part of the study area and paleocurrents were predominantly toward the ENE. The main depositional system shifted south at the onset of deposition of the Middle Group, recording a widening and deepening of the rift. This major event also corresponds to a change in paleocurrent direction to a clear northward polarity. The southernmost border fault, the Killini Fault, was sealed during deposition of the Middle Group. A northward migration of fault activity was associated with northward progradation of giant Gilbert-type fan deltas that record water depths up to 500 m. Finally, the fan delta system was abandoned as progressive tilting to the south and uplift of the margin induced a reversal of the drainage system with the development of an endorheic depression. Sediment supply to the basin thus decreased and a forced regression took place during deposition of the Upper Group recording a northward shift of more than 5 km and a 600 m relative sea-level drop. As no major eustatic sea-level falls of such amplitude are documented during the Pleistocene, the uplift is linked to regional tectonics. Uplift and fault reactivation gave the present day configuration of the southern coast of the Gulf.  相似文献   

Sea-level rise will increase the area covered by hurricane storm surges in coastal zones. This research assesses how patterns of vulnerability to storm-surge flooding could change in Hampton Roads, Virginia as a result of sea-level rise. Physical exposure to storm-surge flooding is mapped for all categories of hurricane, both for present sea level and for future sea-level rise. The locations of vulnerable sub-populations are determined through an analysis and mapping of socioeconomic characteristics commonly associated with vulnerability to environmental hazards and are compared to the flood-risk exposure zones. Scenarios are also developed that address uncertainties regarding future population growth and distribution. The results show that hurricane storm surge presents a significant hazard to Hampton Roads today, especially to the most vulnerable inhabitants of the region. In addition, future sea-level rise, population growth, and poorly planned development will increase the risk of storm-surge flooding, especially for vulnerable people, thus suggesting that planning should steer development away from low-lying coastal and near-coastal zones.  相似文献   
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