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The unique Middle and Late Pleistocene sedimentary record preserved along the Sussex/Hampshire Coastal Corridor between Romsey and Brighton contains a wealth of deposits including highstand marine sediments associated with a variety of different aged beaches, fluvial sediments associated with rivers crossing the coastal plain and cold stage deposits accumulating above the marine and fluvial sediments. Although quarrying activity has been extensive across much of the area it has been undertaken in flooded workings due to the high level of the watertable. Consequently little is known in detail about the sequences except where they outcrop on the foreshore around the coast. This paper examines recent work from the lower coastal plain using a multi-disciplinary approach these deposits to elucidate the age of the sequences and their associated environments of deposition.OSL dates from two of the beaches, the Aldingbourne and Brighton/Norton Beaches, place both within MIS 7. Although these OSL dates cannot differentiate between sub-stages within MIS 7, coupling these results with inferences from local geography, lithology and contained microfossils it is clear that the beaches belong to two different phases within MIS 7. These two beaches are clearly divided by a major phase of erosion and downcutting associated with a fall in sea-level. Fluvial sediments from Solent Terrace 2 and Arun Terrace 4 also date within MIS 7 and are tentatively ascribed to the downcutting event between the beaches. Together this information allows us to propose, for the first time, a robust independently dated framework for the lower parts of the coastal plain integrating for the first time the marine and terrestrial record.  相似文献   
Cesium-137 derived from the explosion of the Chernobyl reactor in 1986 was preserved in anoxic sediments from a coastal environment in southern Rhode Island. Although the radioactive plume was detected in surface air samples at several locations in the United States, this is the first known record of a Chernobyl 137Cs peak in sediments from North America. The inventory of Chernobyl 137Cs that was preserved in the Pettaquamscutt River is small compared to European counterparts and should only be detectable for the next 15-20 yr. However, the presence of two 137Cs peaks (1963 and 1987) identifies a well-dated segment of the sediment column that could be exploited in understanding the decomposition and preservation of terrestrial and aquatic organic matter. Different methods for calculating the 210Pb chronology were also evaluated in this study and checked against independent varve counting. The end result is a detailed chronology of a site well suited for reconstruction of historical records of environmental change.  相似文献   
The lower Oligocene evaporite sequence of the Mulhouse Basin (France) contains organic matter-rich marl deposits. These marls display an overall cyclic variation of sedimentation rate, organic carbon content, hydrogen index and selected molecular parameters over a 30 m thick stratigraphic interval. The integration of all sedimentological and geochemical parameters has allowed the reconstruction and characterization of the paleoenvironment of deposition. The marls were deposited in a perennial lake that was at times connected to the sea. Two organic facies end members could be assigned to a lake stage with a marine connection and a lake stage that received dominantly continental water input. The overall stratigraphic variation in the organic matter content is interpreted to reflect the adaptation of the Oligocene flora to the changing paleoclimate and environmental conditions.  相似文献   
The water-pressure temperature stability field of yoderite,ideally Mg2Al5.6Fe3 + 0.4Si4O18(OH)2, was determined at highoxygen fugacities by high-pressure bracketing runs on eightpossible breakdown reactions involving the phases chlorite,kyanite, talc, staurolite, pyrope, enstatite, boron-free kornerupine,cordierite, quartz, and invariably an excess of hematite. Yoderitewas found to be stable over the surprisingly large PT rangefrom 6 to 25 kbar water pressure and 590 to 795 C. It is thusa high-pressure mineral covering the upper amphibolite and portionsof the eclogite facies. In the presence of quartz its upperpressure stability is reduced to some 15 kbar, and its uppertemperature stability to 715 C. Two of the yoderite-producingreactions are anomalous as they show dehydration in the directiontowards lower temperatures. Importantly, this is also true forthe reaction kyanite + talc + hematite+H2O=yoderite+quartz whichis responsible for the only yoderite occurrence in nature atMautia Hill, Tanzania. Preliminary thermodynamic calculationsindicate that—owing to this unusual dehydration behavior—thestability field for the assemblage yoderite+quartz disappearsfor water activities lower than 0.5. The rarity of yoderitein natural rocks, which is in contrast to its large PT stabilityfield, must be explained on chemical rather than on physicalgrounds. Yoderite can only occur in whiteschist-type bulk compositionsrich in MgO, Al2O3, SiO2, and containing some iron, but poorin alkalis and CaO. Oxygen fugacities must be unusually highto keep Fe trivalent, and—at least for rocks with excessquartz—the water activity must be high as well. In anenvironment of this kind, yoderite formation in the Mautia Hillwhiteschist may have occurred even at constant total pressureand temperature simply by an influx of hydrous fluid duringthe late stages of metamorphism under amphibolite facies conditions.  相似文献   
Summary Late-Variscan granitoid plutons in western Bohemia (Bor, Waidhaus-Rozvadov) have distinct petrographic, geochemical and isotopic features that suggest different magmatic evolutions. The Bor pluton comprises a suite of metaluminous tonalites and quartz diorites (Bor I), weakly peraluminous (monzo-)granites and granodiorites (Bor II) and medium-aluminous, late vein-forming leucomonzogranites (Bor III). The Waidhaus-Rozvadov pluton is strongly peraluminous, comprising a cordierite-biotite granitoid (CBG), the Rozvadov granite (ROG), the Bärnau granite (BÄG) and the subordinate, highly evolved Kreuzstein (Kíový kámen) granite (KG). Geochemical parameters and initial87Sr/86Sr ratios straddle the boundary between I- and S-type granites in the Bor pluton and are characteristic of purely S-type granites in the Waidhaus-Rozvadov pluton.The Bor II granitoids have been dated by the Rb-Sr whole-rock method at 341±17 Ma (ISr = 0.70724±0.00060). K-Ar biotite and muscovite ages of all units of the Bor pluton are mainly in the range 321-315 Ma. The K-Ar mineral ages are in good agreement with recently published U-Pb zircon data of these rocks. The different units of the Waidhaus-Rozvadov pluton have yielded less well-constrained Rb-Sr whole-rock ages, ranging from 313 to 300 Ma. However, the intrusion sequence is constrained by K-Ar muscovite ages (312-302 Ma), which define a systematic decrease towards the chemically more evolved granite types. Taken as a whole, it seems likely that the new radiometric ages characterize two temporally distinct periods of late-Variscan granitoid intrusion. The regional significance of these periods is emphasized by contemporaneous ages previously found in the adjacent northeastern Bavarian granitoids.The initial Sr and Nd isotope systematics indicate that the Bor and the WaidhausRozvadov plutons were derived from different source rocks. The Bor granitoids reflect the influence of less evolved crustal material which may have been similar to paragneisses of the Teplá-Barrandian region, including the Zone of ErbendorfVohenstrauß (ZEV). The Waidhaus-Rozvadov granitoids probably resulted from anatexis of rocks resembling surrounding Moldanubian paragneisses or metapelites. In addition, the two plutons exhibit poorly defined, opposite trends of Nd(T) variation which are ascribed to assimilation processes.
Petrogenese kontrastierender Granitplutone in Westböhmen (Tschechien)
Zusammenfassung Spätvariscische Granitplutone in Westböhmen (Bor, Waidhaus-Rozvadov) weisen petrographische, geochemische und isotopische Kontraste auf, die unterschiedliche magmatische Entwicklungen nahelegen. Der Bor Pluton umfaßt metalumine Tonalite und Quarzdiorite (Bor I), schwach peralumine (Monzo-)granite und Granodiorite (Bor II) und mäßig alumine, gangbildende Leukomonzogranite (Bor III). Der WaidhausRozvadov Pluton besitzt stark peralumine Zusammensetzung und läßt sich in einen Cordierit-Biotit Granitoid (CBG), den Rozvadov Granit (ROG), den Bärnau Granit (BÄG) und den stofflich hochentwickelten Kreuzstein (Kíový kámen) Granit (KG) untergliedern. Geochemische Parameter und initiale87Sr/86Sr-Verhältnisse liegen im Falle des Bor Plutons im Übergangsbereich zwischen I- und S-Typ Graniten und im Falle des Waidhaus-Rozvadov Plutons im Bereich reiner S-Typ Granite.Die Bor II Granitoide wurden nach der Rb-Sr Gesamtgesteinsmethode auf 341±17 Ma (ISr = 0.70724±0.00060) datiert. K-Ar Biotit- und Muskovitalter der Bor Granitoide liegen zwischen 321 and 315 Ma. Die K-Ar Mineralalter stehen im Einklang mit den kürzlich publizierten U-Pb Zirkondaten dieser Gesteine. Die verschiedenen Teilintrusionen des Waidhaus-Rozvadov Plutons liefern weniger gut definierte Rb-Sr Gesamtgesteinsalter zwischen 313 and 300 Ma. Die Intrusionsabfolge läßt sich dennoch durch K-Ar Muskovitalter festlegen (312-302 Ma), die eine systematische Abnahme von den weniger zu den starker entwickelten Granittypen aufweisen. Als Ganzes betrachtet dokumentieren die neuen radiometrischen Daten zwei zeitlich voneinander getrennte spdtvariscische Intrusionsereignisse. Die regionale Signifikanz dieser Ereignisse wird durch eine analoge Altersverteilung in den benachbarten nordostbayerischen Granitoiden untermauert.Anhand der initialen Sr und Nd Isotopensystematik können für die Bor und Waidhaus-Rozvadov Plutone unterschiedliche Quellen abgeleitet werden. Die Bor Granitoide spiegeln den Einfluß von gering entwickelten krustalen Material wider, das ähnliche stoffliche Eigenschaften besaß, wie Paragneise des Teplá-Barrandiums und der Zone von Erbendorf-Vohenstrauss (ZEV). Die Waidhaus-Rozvadov Granitoide lassen sich als Derivate moldanubischer Paragneise and Metapelite oder vergleichbarer Gesteine auffassen. Die zwei Plutone weisen schwach ausgeprägte gegensätzliche Nd(T)-Variationen auf, was auf unterschiedliche Assimilationsprozesse zurückgeführt wird.

With 10 Figures  相似文献   
Complex links between the top-down and bottom-up forces that structure communities can be disrupted by anthropogenic alterations of natural habitats. We used relative abundance and stable isotopes to examine changes in epifaunal food webs in seagrass (Thalassia testudinum) beds following 6 months of experimental nutrient addition at two sites in Florida Bay (USA) with different ambient fertility. At a eutrophic site, nutrient addition did not strongly affect food web structure, but at a nutrient-poor site, enrichment increased the abundances of crustacean epiphyte grazers, and the diets of these grazers became more varied. Benthic grazers did not change in abundance but shifted their diet away from green macroalgae + associated epiphytes and towards an opportunistic seagrass (Halodule wrightii) that occurred only in nutrient addition treatments. Benthic predators did not change in abundance, but their diets were more varied in enriched plots. Food chain length was short and unaffected by site or nutrient treatment, but increased food web complexity in enriched plots was suggested by increasingly mixed diets. Strong bottom-up modifications of food web structure in the nutrient-limited site and the limited top-down influences of grazers on seagrass epiphyte biomass suggest that, in this system, the bottom-up role of nutrient enrichment can have substantial impacts on community structure, trophic relationships, and, ultimately, the productivity values of the ecosystem.  相似文献   
Detailed mapping of the interfluve between the lower Tees and Swale valleys has allowed improved understanding of the sequence of Late Quaternary evolution of this watershed area, which encompasses the Devensian glaciation, glacial retreat and reoccupation of the landscape by post-glacial drainage systems. This evidence is described in the context of earlier research, including ideas of inter-relations between the Tees and Swale river systems. Although there is good evidence of meltwater transfer across the interfluve at more than one location there is no clear indication of a fluvial connection. Deglaciation left behind a disrupted and somewhat chaotic surface, with scattered depositional landforms and basins, in some of which have accumulated post-glacial sedimentary sequences from which palaeoecological records can be reconstructed. Since deglaciation the rivers have incised their valleys, typically by ∼30 m, into the glaciated landscape. Progressive stages in this incision are marked by terraces between the former 30 m landscape level and the modern floodplains.  相似文献   
New activity–composition (ax) relations for minerals commonly occurring in metapelites are presented for use with the internally consistent thermodynamic dataset of Holland & Powell ( 2011 , Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 29 , 333–383). The ax relations include a broader consideration of Fe2O3 in minerals, changes to the formalism of several phases and order–disorder in all ferromagnesian minerals where Fe–Mg mixing occurs on multiple sites. The ax relations for chlorite, biotite, garnet, chloritoid, staurolite, cordierite, orthopyroxene, muscovite, paragonite and margarite have been substantially reparameterized using the approach outlined in the companion paper in this issue. For the first time, the entire set of ax relations for the common ferromagnesian minerals in metapelitic rocks is parameterized simultaneously, with attention paid to ensuring that they can be used together to calculate phase diagrams of geologically appropriate topology. The ax relations developed are for use in the Na2O–CaO–K2O–FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O–TiO2–O2 (NCKFMASHTO) system for both subsolidus and suprasolidus conditions. Petrogenetic grids in KFMASH and KFMASHTO are similar in topology to those produced with earlier end‐member datasets and ax relations, but with some notable differences. In particular, in subsolidus equilibria, the FeO/(FeO + MgO) of garnet is now greater than in coexisting staurolite, bringing a number of key staurolite‐bearing equilibria into better agreement with inferences from field and petrographic observations. Furthermore, the addition of Fe3+ and Ti to a number of silicate phases allows more plausible equilibria to be calculated in relevant systems. Pseudosections calculated with the new ax relations are also topologically similar to equivalent diagrams using earlier ax relations, although with many low variance fields shifting in PT space to somewhat lower pressure conditions.  相似文献   
Strong benthic–pelagic coupling is an important characteristic of shallow coastal marine ecosystems. Building upon a rich history of benthic metabolism data, we measured oxygen uptake and nutrient fluxes across the sediment–water interface along a gradient of water column primary production in Narragansett Bay, RI (USA). Despite the strong gradients seen in water column production, sediment oxygen demand (SOD) and benthic nutrient fluxes did not exhibit a clear spatial pattern. Some of our sites had been studied in the 1970s and 1980s and thus allowed historical comparison. At these sites, we found that SOD and benthic fluxes have not changed uniformly throughout Narragansett Bay. In the uppermost portion of the bay, the Providence River Estuary, we observed a significant decrease in dissolved inorganic phosphorus fluxes which we attribute to management interventions. At another upper bay site, we observed significant declines in SOD and dissolved inorganic nitrogen fluxes which may be linked to climate-induced decreases in water column primary production and shifts in bloom phenology. In the 1970s, benthic nutrient regeneration supplied 50% to over 200% of the N and P needed to support primary production by phytoplankton. Summer nutrient regeneration in the Providence River Estuary and Upper bay now may only supply some 5–30% of the N and 3–20% of the P phytoplankton demand.  相似文献   
Transmissivity (T) is one of the most important parameters in groundwater studies, and is generally estimated from pumping tests. T can also be deduced from abundantly available specific-capacity (Q/s) data by using analytical and/or empirical approaches, further upscaled by geostatistical methods. A different, remote sensing based, hydrogeomorphological approach is proposed, to upscale T from point- or well-scale to aquifer-scale, and it is applied to the piedmont alluvial aquifer system of Doon Valley in India. In the first step, Q/s and T data-pairs available from aquifer tests were used to establish an empirical, logarithmic relation. Subsequently, satellite imagery along with available data from published and unpublished maps, literature sources and ground surveys were used to divide the aquifer system into major hydrogeomorphological domains that control the groundwater occurrence and flow. Then, the T data derived from Q/s (using the empirical relation) and that available from pumping tests at well-scale were upscaled to aquifer-scale by averaging the T values within each hydrogeomorphological domain. Such a stratification approach is especially useful in areas where availability of only a few data-pairs of known Q/s and T limit the use of geostatistical techniques. A comparative study of the published empirical relations between Q/s and T in various hydrogeologic settings revealed that the relation obtained for Doon Valley aquifer system is close to that found for a similar alluvial aquifer system in Morocco.  相似文献   
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