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Summary In August 1955 a series of specially arranged quarry blasts in the Kiruna iron ore mines was recorded with a refraction apparatus at approx. 10 km distance. The experiments are the first seismic investigations of the deeper crustal structure in Fennoscandia and were mainly undertaken in order to study near-vertical reflections from crustal discontinuities. The records show clear directP waves with sharp onsets and a velocity of 5.65±0.13 km/sec (in porphyry), furthermoreS waves of less definite onsets and sound waves through the atmosphere.P waves reflected from crustal discontinuities are weak and of erratic occurrence, in agreement with theoretical expectation for near-vertical reflections. Approx. depths to the Conrad and the Mohorovii'c discontinuities are calculated as 19 km and 33–34 km. There is general agreement with the explosion records written by the Grenet seismograph at Kiruna, and the differences which exist can be explained by the different frequency response of the two instruments.
Zusammenfassung Im August 1955 wurde eine Reihe speziell angeordneten Steinbruchsprengungen in den Eisenerzgruben bei Kiruna mittels einer Refraktionsapparatur in rund 10 km Entfernung registriert. Diese Versuche sind die ersten seismischen Untersuchungen der tieferen Krustenstruktur in Fennoskandien und wurden hauptsächlich wegen eines Studiums von Reflexionen an krustalen Diskontinuitäten bei nahe vertikalem Einfall der Wellen vorgenommen. Deutliche, direkteP-Wellen mit scharfen Einsätzen und einer Geschwindigkeit von 5.65±0.13 km/sec (Porphyr) wurden registriert, ausserdemS-Wellen mit weniger scharfen Einsätzen und Schallwellen durch die Atmosphäre. An krustalen Diskontinuitäten reflektierteP-Wellen sind schwach und unregelmässig, im Einklang mit theoretischen Erwartungen für Reflexionen bei nahe vertikalem Einfall. Die Tiefen der Conrad- und der Mohorovii-Diskontinuitäten wurden annähernd zu 19 km bzw. 33–34 km berechnet. Es besteht allgemeine Übereinstimmung mit den Explosionsregistrierungen des Grenet-Seismographen in Kiruna, und die Unterschiede können lediglich durch die unterschiedliche Frequenzempfindlichkeit der Instrumente erklärt werden.
Aschwanden  Markus J.  Brown  John C.  Kontar  Eduard P. 《Solar physics》2002,210(1-2):383-405
We present an analysis of hard X-ray imaging observations from one of the first solar flares observed with the Reuven Ramaty High-Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager (RHESSI) spacecraft, launched on 5 February 2002. The data were obtained from the 22 February 2002, 11:06 UT flare, which occurred close to the northwest limb. Thanks to the high energy resolution of the germanium-cooled hard X-ray detectors on RHESSI we can measure the flare source positions with a high accuracy as a function of energy. Using a forward-fitting algorithm for image reconstruction, we find a systematic decrease in the altitudes of the source centroids z(ε) as a function of increasing hard X-ray energy ε, as expected in the thick-target bremsstrahlung model of Brown. The altitude of hard X-ray emission as a function of photon energy ε can be characterized by a power-law function in the ε=15–50 keV energy range, viz., z(ε)≈2.3(ε/20 keV)−1.3 Mm. Based on a purely collisional 1-D thick-target model, this height dependence can be inverted into a chromospheric density model n(z), as derived in Paper I, which follows the power-law function n e(z)=1.25×1013(z/1 Mm)−2.5 cm−3. This density is comparable with models based on optical/UV spectrometry in the chromospheric height range of h≲1000 km, suggesting that the collisional thick-target model is a reasonable first approximation to hard X-ray footpoint sources. At h≈1000–2500 km, the hard X-ray based density model, however, is more consistent with the `spicular extended-chromosphere model' inferred from radio sub-mm observations, than with standard models based on hydrostatic equilibrium. At coronal heights, h≈2.5–12.4 Mm, the average flare loop density inferred from RHESSI is comparable with values from hydrodynamic simulations of flare chromospheric evaporation, soft X-ray, and radio-based measurements, but below the upper limits set by filling-factor insensitive iron line pairs.  相似文献   
The compound NaFeGe2O6 was grown synthetically as polycrystalline powder and as large single crystals suitable for X-ray and neutron-diffraction experiments to clarify the low temperature evolution of secondary structural parameters and to determine the low temperature magnetic spins structure. NaFeGe2O6 is isotypic to the clinopyroxene-type compound aegirine and adopts the typical HT-C2/c clinopyroxene structure down to 2.5?K. The Na-bearing M2 polyhedra were identified to show the largest volume expansion between 2.5?K and room temperature, while the GeO4 tetrahedra behave as stiff units. Magnetic susceptibility measurements show a broad maximum around 33?K, which marks the onset of low-dimensional magnetic ordering. Below 12?K NaFeGe2O6 transforms to an incommensurately modulated magnetic spin state, with k?=?[0.323, 1.0, 0.080] and a helical order of spins within the M1-chains of FeO6 octahedra. This is determined by neutron-diffraction experiments on a single crystal. Comparison of NaFeGe2O6 with NaFeSi2O6 is given and it is shown that the magnetic ordering in the latter compound, aegirine, also is complex and is best described by two different spin states, a commensurate one with C2??/c?? symmetry and an incommensurate one, best being described by a spin density wave, oriented within the (1 0 1) plane.  相似文献   
Jens Teiser  Markus Küpper 《Icarus》2011,215(2):596-598
We have examined the influence of impact angle in collisions between small dust aggregates and larger dust targets through laboratory experiments. Targets consisted of μm-sized quartz dust and had a porosity of about 67%; the projectiles, between 1 and 5 mm in diameter, were slightly more compact (64% porosity). The collision velocity was centered at 20 m/s and impact angles range from 0° to 45°. At a given impact angle, the target gained mass for projectiles smaller than a threshold size, which decreases with increasing angle from about 3 mm to 1 mm. The fact that growth is possible up to the largest angles studied supports the idea of planetesimal formation by sweep-up of small dust aggregates.  相似文献   
Facies analyses of Pleistocene deposits from southern coastal Tanzania (Lindi District) document that sediments formed in a wetland evolving on a coastal terrace in the Lindi Fracture Zone foreland. The exposed succession shows a marked sedimentary change from tidal to terrestrial facies. 14C analyses on gastropod shells indicate the emergence of the Lindi coast at ∼ 44 14C ka BP. Emergence and subsequent elevation of terraces to 21 m above present-day sea level was linked to the falling eustatic sea level prior to the last glacial maximum, and to a periodic elevation due to extensional tectonic episodes in the eastern branch of the East African Rift System (EARS). Since ∼ 44 14C ka BP tectonic uplift at the coast was 80-110 m, comparable to that in the extreme uplift areas of the EARS.  相似文献   
Four species of marine calcifying algae, the coccolithophores Calcidiscus leptoporus, Helicosphaera carteri, Syracosphaera pulchra and Umbilicosphaera foliosa were grown in laboratory cultures under temperatures varying between 14 and 23 °C, and one species, C. leptoporus, under varying [CO32−], ranging from 105 to 219 μmol/kg. Calcium isotope compositions of the coccoliths resemble in both absolute fractionation and temperature sensitivity previous calibrations of marine calcifying species e.g. Emiliania huxleyi (coccolithophores) and Orbulina universa (planktonic foraminifera) as well as inorganically precipitated CaCO3, but also reveal small species specific differences. In contrast to inorganically precipitated calcite, but similar to E. huxleyi and O. universa, the carbonate ion concentration of the medium has no statistically significant influence on the Ca isotope fractionation of C. leptoporus coccoliths; however, combined data of E. huxleyi and C. leptoporus indicate that the observed trends might be related to changes of the calcite saturation state of the medium. Since coccoliths constitute a significant portion of the global oceanic CaCO3 export production, the Ca isotope fractionation in these biogenic structures is important for defining the isotopic composition of the Ca sink of the ocean, one of the key parameters for modelling changes to the marine Ca budget over time. For the present ocean our results are in general agreement with the previously postulated and applied mean value of the oceanic Ca sink (Δsed) of about − 1.3‰, but the observed inter- and intra-species differences point to possible changes in Δsed through earth history, due to changing physico-chemical conditions of the ocean and shifts in floral and faunal assemblages.  相似文献   
A new method to detect and study young star clusters is presented. This is based on the knowledge that the light of stellar populations with ages between ∼ 200 Myr and ∼ 1/2 Gyr is dominated by very red, bright AGB stars. Star clusters undergoing this so-called ‘AGB phase transition’ are featured by very red V-K colours, like those of Magellanic Clouds clusters, while optical colours like B-V remain blue typical for young populations. The best channel for detecting star clusters in this age range is therefore the near IR. From the theoretical side, SSP models including properly the contribution of the bright AGB are required (Maraston, 1998). Using this strategy, we succesfully detected the AGB phase transition among the clusters of the merger remnant galaxy NGC 7252 (see Maraston etal., 2001). This revised version was published online in September 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
Chironomid remains from the sediment of Lake Vuolep Njakajaure reflect limnological conditions resulting from changing climate and vegetation throughout the Holocene, but do not strictly follow accepted climate trends or the vegetation history based on regional pollen and macrofossil analyses. Chironomid community changes appear to be influenced by organic nutrient input from the surrounding catchment vegetation and lake hydrology, both of which are indirectly responding to some combination of climate change, hypolimnetic oxygen concentration, and changes in basin morphology. The chironomid-based quantitative mean July air-temperature reconstruction differs from other regional quantitative records; this discrepancy is likely related to limnological conditions particular to Lake Vuolep Njakajaure. Comparison of a northern Swedish temperature transfer function and one from western Canada reveals differences in the mean July air-temperature optima of several common taxa, suggesting that the existing conservative estimates of Holocene climate change in northern Sweden may be underestimated due to the limited temperature gradient captured by the Swedish training set.  相似文献   
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