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Chironomid remains from Big Lake, British Columbia were analysed and paleosalinities were estimated using a pre-existing transfer function and several developed using new regression methods. A two component partial-least-squares model (PLS-2) had the highest coefficient of determination (R2 (Jackknifed) = 0.75) and lowest root-mean-squared error-of-prediction (RMSEP). As compared to the pre-existing model, it was also less sensitive to the influence of rare taxa. Nevertheless, the marginally larger R2 (Jackknifed) and lower RMSEP do not clearly identify a single best model. The models were applied to Big, Mahoney and Kilpoola lakes, revealing the sensitivity of paleosalinity inferences to model selection. A synopsis of chironomid-based paleosalinities in British Columbia and their correspondence with other paleoclimatic data are presented and discussed.  相似文献   
Summary A method is developed, which permits a rapid and reliable determination of the location of near epicenters (within about 10o) using the differences of arrival times of a common phase (usually Sg) to a net of three stations. The resulting equation for computation of epicentral distances is solved numerically once for all by an electronic computer for every station triangle and for all possible time differences for every wave used. The calculated epicentral distances and coordinates are arranged in tables with the two travel-time differences for each triangle as entries. Such tables permit an immediate solution of the problem in every special case. The accuracy of the method is investigated, and necessary precautions in its use are emphasized. Application is made to a few cases of Sg recorded at the Swedish stations.
Zusammenfassung Eine Methode wird entwickelt, die eine schnelle und zuverlässige Bestimmung der Lage von nahegelegenen Epizentren (innerhalb rund 10o) mittels der Laufzeitdifferenzen einer gegebenen Welle (gewöhnlichSg) in einem Netz von drei Stationen ermöglicht. Die erhaltene Gleichung für die Berechnung der Herdentfernungen wird mittels einer elektronischen Rechenmaschine für jedes Stations-dreieck und für alle möglichen Zeitdifferenzen für jede verwendete Welle ein für allemal numerisch gelöst. Die berechneten Herdentfernungen und-Koordinaten werden in Tabellenform dargestellt mit den beiden Laufzeitdifferenzen für jedes Dreieck als Eingangswerte. Solche Tabellen ermöglichen eine unmittelbare Lösung des Problems in jedem einzelnen Fall. Die Genauigkeit der Methode wird untersucht, und die notwendigen Vorsichtsmassregeln bei ihrer Verwendung werden hervorgehoben. Die Methode wird auf einige Registrierungen vonSg an den schwedischen Stationen angewendet.

Groundwater level fluctuations are caused by spatial and temporal superposition of processes within and outside the aquifer system. Most of the subsurface processes are usually observed on a small scale. Upscaling to the regional scale, as required for future climate change scenarios, is difficult due to data scarcity and increasing complexity. In contrast to the limited availability of system characteristics, high-resolution data records of groundwater hydrographs are more generally available. Exploiting the information contained in these records should thus be a priority for analysis of the chronical lack of data describing groundwater system characteristics. This study analyses the applicability of 63 indices derived from daily hydrographs to quantify different dynamics of groundwater levels in unconfined gravel aquifers from three groundwater regions (Bavaria, Germany). Based on the results of two different skill tests, the study aids index selection for different dynamic components of groundwater hydrographs.  相似文献   
Frequency distributions and correlations of solar X-ray flare parameters   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We have determined frequency distributions of flare parameters from over 12000 solar flares recorded with the Hard X-Ray Burst Spectrometer (HXRBS) on the Solar Maximum Mission (SMM) satellite. These parameters include the flare duration, the peak counting rate, the peak hard X-ray flux, the total energy in electrons, and the peak energy flux in electrons (the latter two computed assuming a thick-target flare model). The energies were computed above a threshold energy between 25 and 50 keV. All of the distributions can be represented by power laws above the HXRBS sensitivity threshold. Correlations among these parameters are determined from linear regression fits as well as from the slopes of the frequency distributions. Variations of the frequency distributions were investigated with respect to the solar activity cycle.Theoretical models for the frequency distribution of flare parameters depend on the probability of flaring and the temporal evolution of the flare energy build-up. Our results are consistent with stochastic flaring and exponential energy build-up, with an average build-up time constant that is 0.5 times the mean time between flares. The measured distributions of flares are also consistent with predicted distributions of flares from computer simulations of avalanche models that are governed by the principle of self-organized criticality.  相似文献   
Habitat mapping data are increasingly being recognised for their importance in underpinning marine spatial planning. The ability to collect ultra-high resolution (cm) multibeam echosounder (MBES) data in shallow waters has facilitated understanding of the fine-scale distribution of benthic habitats in these areas that are often prone to human disturbance. Developing quantitative and objective approaches to integrate MBES data with ground observations for predictive modelling is essential for ensuring repeatability and providing confidence measures for habitat mapping products. Whilst supervised classification approaches are becoming more common, users are often faced with a decision whether to implement a pixel based (PB) or an object based (OB) image analysis approach, with often limited understanding of the potential influence of that decision on final map products and relative importance of data inputs to patterns observed. In this study, we apply an ensemble learning approach capable of integrating PB and OB Image Analysis from ultra-high resolution MBES bathymetry and backscatter data for mapping benthic habitats in Refuge Cove, a temperate coastal embayment in south-east Australia. We demonstrate the relative importance of PB and OB seafloor derivatives for the five broad benthic habitats that dominate the site. We found that OB and PB approaches performed well with differences in classification accuracy but not discernible statistically. However, a model incorporating elements of both approaches proved to be significantly more accurate than OB or PB methods alone and demonstrate the benefits of using MBES bathymetry and backscatter combined for class discrimination.  相似文献   
Water solubility in orthopyroxene   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The solubility of water in pure enstatite was measured on samples synthesized at 1,100 °C and pressures to 100 kbar. Enstatite crystals were grown under water-saturated conditions from a stoichiometric mixture of high-purity SiO2 and Mg(OH)2. Water contents were calculated from polarized FTIR spectra measured on oriented single crystals. The water solubility in orthoenstatite increases with pressure to 867ᆷ ppm H2O by weight at 75 kbar. At 100 kbar, in the stability field of high-clinoenstatite, a water solubility of 714ᆷ ppm was observed. The water solubility in enstatite at 1,100 °C can be described by the equation cH2O=AfH2O exp(-P(V/RT), where fH2O is water fugacity, A=0.0204 ppm/bar and (V=12.3 cm3/mol. The infrared spectra of the hydrous enstatite crystals show a sharp, intense band at 3,363 cm-1 and a broad, weaker band at 3,064 cm-1. Both bands are strongly polarized parallel c. Most likely, pairs of protons attached to non-bridging oxygen atoms substitute for Mg2+. In order to investigate the effect of chemical impurities on water solubility in enstatite, an additional series of experiments was carried out with gels doped with Al, B, or Li as starting material. Whereas, the presence of Li and B had no detectable effect on water solubility, the addition of about 1 wt% Al2O3 increased water solubility in enstatite from 199 to 1,100 ppm at 1,100°C and 15 kbar. In the infrared spectra of these aluminous samples, additional bands occur in the range from 3,450 to 3,650 cm-1. Similar bands are also observed in natural, aluminous orthopyroxenes and are most likely caused by protons coupled with Al according to the substitution of Al3++H+ for Si4+. A series of hydrous annealing experiments on a natural, gem-quality aluminous enstatite from Tanzania yielded water solubilities generally consistent with the results from the synthetic model systems. The results presented here imply that pure enstatite has a similar storage capacity for water as olivine; however, aluminous orthopyroxenes in the mantle may dissolve much larger amounts of water comparable with the entire mass of the present hydrosphere. Moreover, the mechanism of aluminum substitution in orthopyroxenes, i.e., the distribution of Al between tetrahedral and octahedral sites, may be a potential probe of water fugacity.  相似文献   
CSDP core Yaxcopoil-1 was drilled to a depth of 1,511 m within the Chicxulub crater. An organic-rich marly limestone near the base of the hole (1,495 to 1,452 m) was deposited in an open marine shelf environment during the latest Cenomanian (uppermost Rotalipora cushmani zone). The overlying sequence of limestones, dolomites and anhydrites (1,495 to 894 m) indicates deposition in various carbonate platform environments (e.g., sabkhas, lagoons). A 100-m-thick suevite breccia (894–794 m) identifies the Chicxulub impact event. Above the suevite breccia is a dolomitic limestone with planktic foraminiferal assemblages indicative of Plummerita hantkeninoides zone CF1, which spans the last 300 ky of the Maastrichtian. An erosional surface 50 cm above the breccia/dolomite contact marks the K/T boundary and a hiatus. Limestones above this contact contain the first Tertiary planktic foraminifera indicative of an upper P. eugubina zone P1a(2) age. Another hiatus 7 cm upsection separates zone P1a(2) and hemipelagic limestones of planktic foraminiferal Zone P1c. Planktic foraminiferal assemblages of Zone Plc to P3b age are present from a depth of 794.04 up to 775 m. The Cretaceous carbonate sequence appears to be autochthonous, with a stratigraphic sequence comparable to late Cretaceous sediments known from outside the Chicxulub crater in northern and southern Yucatan, including the late Cenomanian organic-rich marly limestone. There is no evidence that these sediments represent crater infill due to megablocks sliding into the crater, such as major disruption of sediments, chaotic changes in lithology, overturned or deep dipping megablocks, major mechanical fragmentation, shock or thermal alteration, or ductile deformation. Breccia units that are intercalated in the carbonate platform sequence are intraformational in origin (e.g., dissolution of evaporites) and dykes are rare. Major disturbances of strata by the impact therefore appear to have been confined to within less than 60 km from the proposed impact center. Yaxcopoil-1 may be located outside the collapsed transient crater cavity, either on the upper end of an elevated and tilted horst of the terrace zone, or even outside the annular crater cavity. The Chicxulub site thus records a large impact that predates the K/T boundary impact and mass extinction.  相似文献   
Although overexploitation of commercial fish stocks in European waters has been in the public debate now for more than 20 years, the European Union has so far failed to implement sustainable fisheries management. Millions in subsidies paid to the fishing industry have led to significant excess capacity in the fishing fleet. Various feeble attempts to stop overexploitation of marine resources have failed. The cause is that fishing policy is highly dominated by short-term socioeconomic interests. There is an urgent need for a new fisheries management system in Europe that supports reductions in the fishing fleet, increases responsibility among fishers and guarantees long-term conservation of natural marine resources.Transferable rights to fish have proved a reliable and effective means of creating incentives to conserve marine resources. By strengthening individual fishing rights under flexible quota management systems, the EU Member States could, within the Common Fisheries Policy, make a significant contribution to conserving fish stocks, to reducing excess capacity and to raising the profitability of the fisheries industry. A closer look at existing reservations against a flexible management system shows most of the objections to be overstated or capable of resolution.  相似文献   
It is well known that high-leverage observations significantly affect the estimation of parameters. In geodetic literature, mainly redundancy numbers are used for the detection of single high-leverage observations or of single redundant observations. In this paper a further objective method for the detection of groups of important and less important (and thus redundant) observations is developed. In addition, the parameters which are predominantly affected by these groups of observations are identified. This method thus complements other diagnostics tools, such as, e.g., multiple row diagnostics methods as described in statistical literature (see, e.g., Belsley et al. in Regression diagnostics: identifying influential data and sources of collinearity. Wiley, New York, 1980). The method proposed in this paper is based on geometric aspects of adjustment theory and uses the singular value decomposition of the design matrix of an adjustment problem together with cluster analysis methods for regression diagnostics. It can be applied to any geodetic adjustment problem and can be used for the detection of (groups of) observations that significantly affect the estimated parameters or that are of negligible impact. One of the advantages of the proposed method is the improvement of the reliability of observation plans and thus the reduction of the impact of individual observations (and outliers) on the estimated parameters. This is of particular importance for the very long baseline interferometry technique which serves as an application example of the regression diagnostics tool.  相似文献   
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