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Abstract— We performed high‐resolution 40Ar‐39Ar dating of mineral separates and whole‐rock samples from the desert meteorites Dhofar 300, Dhofar 007, and Northwest Africa (NWA) 011. The chronological information of all samples is dominated by plagioclase of varying grain size. The last total reset age of the eucrites Dhofar 300 and Dhofar 007 is 3.9 ± 0.1 Ga, coeval with the intense cratering period on the Moon. Some large plagioclase grains of Dhofar 007 possibly inherited Ar from a 4.5 Ga event characteristic for other cumulate eucrites. Due to disturbances of the age spectrum of NWA 011, only an estimate of 3.2–3.9 Ga can be given for its last total reset age. Secondary events causing partial 40Ar loss ≤3.4 Ga ago are indicated by all age spectra. Furthermore, Ar extractions from distinct low temperature phases define apparent isochrons for all samples. These isochron ages are chronologically irrelevant and most probably caused by desert alterations, in which radiogenic 40Ar and K from the meteorite and occasionally K induced by weathering are mixed, accompanied by incorporation of atmospheric Ar. Additional uptake of atmospheric Ar by the alteration phase(s) was observed during mineral separation (i.e., crushing and cleaning in ultrasonic baths). Consistent cosmic‐ray exposure ages were obtained from plagioclase and pyroxene exposure age spectra of Dhofar 300 (25 ± 1 Ma) and Dhofar 007 (13 ± 1 Ma) using the mineral's specific target element chemistry and corresponding 38Ar production rates.  相似文献   
We investigated a late glacial–Holocene lacustrine sediment archive located at 4,050 m a.s.l. in the small carbonate-free catchment of Lake Panch Pokhari, Helambu Himal, Nepal. A δ18O sugar biomarker record was established by applying novel compound-specific δ18O analysis of plant sugar biomarkers (Zech and Glaser in Rapid Commun Mass Spectrom 23:3522–3532, 2009). This method overcomes analytical challenges such as extraction and purification faced by previous methods aimed at using δ18O of aquatic cellulose as a paleoclimate proxy. The δ18O results for sugar biomarkers arabinose, xylose and fucose agree well and reveal a pronounced trend towards lower δ18O values during the deglaciation and the onset of the Bølling/Allerød interstadial. By contrast, the period of the Younger Dryas is characterized by higher δ18O values. The early Holocene again reveals lower δ18O values. We suggest that our lacustrine δ18O record reflects coupled hydrological and thermal control. It is strongly related to changes in the oxygen isotopic composition of paleo-precipitation and resembles the δ18O records of Asian speleothems. With respect to the ‘amount effect,’ the record is interpreted as reflecting the Indian Summer Monsoon intensity. The precipitation signal is, however, amplified in our record by evaporative 18O enrichment that is controlled by the ratio of precipitation to evaporation. We suggest that our δ18O record reflects the variability of the Indian Summer Monsoon, which was strong during the Bølling/Allerød interstadial and early Holocene, but weak during the Younger Dryas stadial. This interpretation is corroborated by a pollen-based index for Lake Panch Pokhari that estimated the strength of the Indian Summer Monsoon versus the strength of the Westerlies. Millennial-scale synchronicity with the Greenland δ18O temperature records highlights the previously suggested strong teleconnections between the Asian Monsoon system and North Atlantic climate variability.  相似文献   
Dhofar 280 recorded a complex history on the Moon revealed by high‐resolution 40Ar‐39Ar dating. Thermal resetting occurred less than 1 Ga ago, and the rock was exposed to several impact events before and afterwards. The cosmic ray exposure (CRE) age spectrum indicates a 400 ± 40 Ma CRE on the lunar surface. A unique feature of this lunar sample is a partial loss of cosmogenic 38Ar, resulting in a (low‐temperature) CRE age plateau of about 1 Ma. This was likely caused by the same recent impact event that reset the (low‐temperature) 40Ar‐39Ar age spectrum and preceded the short transit phase to Earth of ≤1 Ma. Dhofar 280 may be derived from KREEP‐rich lunar frontside terrains, possibly associated with the Copernicus crater or with a recent impact event on the deposits of the South Pole–Aitken basin. Although Dhofar 280 is paired with Dhofar 081, their irradiation and thermal histories on the Moon were different. An important trapped Ar component in Dhofar 280 is “orphan” Ar with a low 40Ar/36Ar ratio. It is apparently a mixture of two components, one endmember with 40Ar/36Ar = 17.5 ± 0.2 and a second less well‐constrained endmember with 40Ar/36Ar ≤10. The presence of two endmembers of trapped Ar, their compositions, and the breccia ages seem to be incompatible with a previously suggested correlation between age or antiquity and the (40Ar/36Ar)trapped ratio (Eugster et al. 2001; Joy et al. 2011a). Alternatively, “orphan” Ar of this impact melt breccia may have an impact origin.  相似文献   
Classical methods to analyze the surface composition of atmosphereless planetary objects from an orbiter are IR and gamma ray spectroscopy and neutron backscatter measurements. The idea to analyze surface properties with an in-situ instrument has been proposed by Johnson et al. (1998). There, it was suggested to analyze Europa's thin atmosphere with an ion and neutral gas spectrometer. Since the atmospheric components are released by sputtering of the moon's surface, they provide a link to surface composition. Here we present an improved, complementary method to analyze rocky or icy dust particles as samples of planetary objects from which they were ejected. Such particles, generated by the ambient meteoroid bombardment that erodes the surface, are naturally present on all atmosphereless moons and planets. The planetary bodies are enshrouded in clouds of ballistic dust particles, which are characteristic samples of their surfaces. In situ mass spectroscopic analysis of these dust particles impacting onto a detector of an orbiting spacecraft reveals their composition. Recent instrumental developments and tests allow the chemical characterization of ice and dust particles encountered at speeds as low as 1 km/s and an accurate reconstruction of their trajectories. Depending on the sampling altitude, a dust trajectory sensor can trace back the origin of each analyzed grain with about 10 km accuracy at the surface. Since the detection rates are of the order of thousand per orbit, a spatially resolved mapping of the surface composition can be achieved. Certain bodies (e.g., Europa) with particularly dense dust clouds, could provide impact statistics that allow for compositional mapping even on single flybys. Dust impact velocities are in general sufficiently high at orbiters about planetary objects with a radius >1000 km and with only a thin or no atmosphere. In this work we focus on the scientific benefit of a dust spectrometer on a spacecraft orbiting Earth's Moon as well as Jupiter's Galilean satellites. This ‘dust spectrometer' approach provides key chemical and isotopic constraints for varying provinces or geological formations on the surfaces, leading to better understanding of the body's geological evolution.  相似文献   
Riassunto Vengono illustrate le principali caratteristiche della brezza marina a Genova, a Savona ed a Belvedere Marittimo. L'esame relativo alle prime due località dimostra fra l'altro l'intervento di unacorrente costiera, diretta in senso ciclonico lungo la Liguria, la cui azione è importante per l'origine della brezza marina e per determinarne il suo comportamento. In base alle registrazioni della radiazione globale eseguite a Genova si trova altresì che la durata minima della brezza di mare dipende dall'intensità della medesima radiazione globale.
Summary In the present treatise the chief characteristics of the sea breeze of Genoa, Savona and Belvedere Marittimo are being elucidated. Investigations carried out at the first two mentioned places showed a temporary coastal current which is pointing cyclonically along the coast of Liguria. Its activity has an important bearing upon the origin and behaviour of the breeze. The registrations of the total radiation from sun and sky at Genoa furthermore show that the minimum duration of sea breeze depends on the intensity of that radiation.

Zusammenfassung In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden die wichtigsten Charakteristiken der Seebrise von Genua, Savona und Belvedere Marittimo erläutert. Die Untersuchung an den zwei ersten Orten ergab eine zeitweilige Küstenströmung, die längs der Liguria zyklonal gerichtet ist. Ihre Aktivität ist für den Ursprung und das verhalten der Brise wichtig. Die Registrierungen der Globalstrahlung in Genua zeigen überdies, dass die Minimaldauer der Seebrise von der Intensität der Globalstrahlung abhängt.
Riassunto Viene descritto ed illustrato un nuovo procedimento di registrazione del moto ondoso marino, il quale consiste sostanzialmente nel trasformare l'escursione verticale che subisce la superficie del mare nella compressione o dilatazione di una massa d'aria sovrastante racchiusa in un tubo verticale munito superiormente di opportuna membrana sensibile. Un tale apparecchio, installato a Prà (Genova) dal-l'Istituto Geofisico dell'Università di Genova, funziona con successo da alcuni mesi. Segue un esame dei primi risultati ivi conseguiti, dal quale appare l'importanza del passaggio dei fronti freddi sul moto ondoso del mare.
Summary A new method for the recording of sea-wave motion is described and explained. It consists in having the vertical movement of the sea surface transformed into compression or expansion of a volume of air enclosed in a tube which is carrying on its upper part a sensitive membrane. This self-recording instrument, set up at Prà (Genoa) by the Istituto Geofisico dell'Università di Genova is functioning since several months already without giving rise to objections. Some first results obtained up now are also examided, from which it appears the importance of the passage of cold fronts.

Zusammenfassung Es wird ein neues Verfahren für die Registrierung der Meereswellenbewegung beschrieben und erläutert. Es besteht darin, dass der vertikale Gang der Meeresoberfläche umgewandelt wird in Kompression oder Expansion einer in einem Rohre befindlichen Luftmasse, welche am oberen Teil von einer empfindlichen Membran geschlossen ist. Dieser Gerät, vom Istituto Geofisico dell'Università di Genova in Prà (Genua) aufgestellt, arbeitet bereits seit einigen Monaten einwandfrei. Einige vorläufige Ergebnisse werden dann erläutert, wofür auf die Bedeutung des Durchganges von Kaltfronten hingewiesen wird.
Geological, geophysical and geotechnical investigations, for the characterization of the strong-motion recording sites managed by the Italian Civil Protection, have been carried out in the framework of the project “Italian strong-motion database in the period 1972–2004”. The project aimed at creating an updated database of strong-motion data acquired in Italy by different institutions in the time span 1972–2004, and at improving the quality of disseminated data. This article illustrates the state of the recording site characterization before the beginning of the project, explains the criteria adopted to select the sites where geophysical/geotechnical investigation have been performed and describes the results of the promoted field surveys.  相似文献   
Riassunto Viene dimostrata ed illustrata l'applicabilità delle bussole Giulietti alla misura della declinazione e della inclinazione geomagnetiche; esse consentono alte precisioni e sono adatte anche al pratico impiego in campagna.
Zusammenfassung Es wird bewiesen, dass die Kompasse von Giulietti geeignet sind um die Deklination und die Inklination des geomagnetischen Feldes zu messen. Das Verfahren gestattet eine hohe Genauigkeit zu erreichen und ist auch leicht auf dem Land anwendbar.
Riassunto L'esame dei giorni di ciascun anno dal 1886 al 1900 nei quali si sono avute precipitazioni apprezzabili tanto a Genova quanto a Savona (località distanti fra loro 35 km) viene istituito utilizzando l'indice di similitudineS recentemene introdotto daM. Bouët. La discussione dei risultati dimostra fra l'altro come le località marittime a ridosso di catene montuose siano più adatte a mettere in luce le variazioni nel tempo delle caratteristiche climatiche.
Zusammenfassung Ausgehend von der Anzahl der gleichzeitigen Niederschlagstagen in Genua und Savona (Abstand 35 km) wurde der AehnlichkeitsindexS nachBouët für jedes Jahr der Periode 1886–1900 berechnet. Die Diskussion der Ergebnisse zeigt u.a., dass die maritimen Orte, die am Fusse einer Bergkette liegen, gewöhnlich besser als die kontinentalen geeignet sind die zeitlichen Veränderungen der klimatischen Verhältnisse darzustellen.
Wetlands are permanently or seasonally flooded areas which support countless species of plants and animals. The Pantanal, in central-west Brazil is one of the largest freshwater wetlands in the world covering an area of ~150 000 km2. The relationships between geomorphology, hydrology, sedimentation, and vegetation cover are critical for understanding how the landscape constrains the dynamics of wetlands. We provide a detailed study of the geomorphology and surface hydrology of the Negro River Interfan System (NRIS), in the southern Pantanal, by applying multiple approaches (i.e. remote sensing analysis, geomorphological zonation and hydrosedimentological surveys). A multitemporal analysis of Landsat imagery produced an inundation frequency map (2000–2011 period) that revealed a permanently flooded area in the central portion of the NRIS. A hidden fluvial lake was previously undetected due to the accumulation of floating mats and floating meadows of macrophytes. The Negro and Aquidauana feeder rivers exhibit remarkable differences in channel planform, water discharge, and sediment load. The Negro River presents a distributary pattern with marginal levees with decreasing elevation as it progrades into the lake and remains as a subaqueous landform conditioning the water flow downstream. The lake outflow to the Paraguay River occurs mainly by sheet flow during flood seasons and through small tributary channels during dry months. The lake's geometry is outlined by east–northeast and west–northwest straight borders, suggesting that the area is tectonically controlled. A cloud-based worldwide water surface database (1984–2015) revealed frequent channel changes within the NRIS. Recent channel avulsions in the lower course of the Negro River are noteworthy mainly because the former river channel at the confluence with the Paraguay River is no longer connected with the Negro River channel. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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