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The results of ten tensor magnetotelluric soundings recorded within the Charlevoix crater are presented. The geological complexity of the region (the crater is located at the junction of two major geological provinces, i.e. the crystalline basement of the Canadian shield and the more conductive sediments of the Appalachian system) and the amount of cultural noise present in our data prevent a highly definitive interpretation of the shallow structure. A subhorizontal conductive fault related to Rondot's (1971) structural sketch of the original impact structure may exist within the upper 5 km, but it is not completely constrained by the data. Pseudo 3D modelling using stacked thin sheets indicates that superficial patches of high conductivity may explain the large anisotropy observed at the long periods and suggests that our deeper structures fit well with the 2D model previously proposed by Kurtz (1982) for the region.  相似文献   
Mapping and measuring the ecological embeddedness of food supply chains   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Marianne Penker 《Geoforum》2006,37(3):368-379
The status of nature in food systems is the subject of this paper, which looks into the ecological embeddedness of the Austrian food system both on the national level and in a regional case study. By a first attempt to measure and map ecological embeddedness, the author intends to contribute to the operationalisation of the embeddedness concept, which is characterised as ambivalent, fuzzy and dynamic (see e.g., [Goodman, D., 2003. The quality ‘turn’ and alternative food practices: reflections and agenda. Editorial. Journal of Rural Studies 19 (1), 1-7; Markusen, A., 1999. Fuzzy concepts, scanty evidence, policy distance: the case for rigour and policy relevance in critical regional studies. Regional Studies 33, 869-884; Hess, M., 2004. ‘Spatial’ relationships? Towards a reconceptualization of embeddedness. Progress in Human Geography 28 (2), 165-186]). The paper starts with a critical outline of the academic discourse on embeddedness in food chain studies. In the second section, general developments in the Austrian food system and their ecological implications are illustrated for the national level. Thereafter in a case study, the author tries to map and measure the ecological embeddedness of two conventional bread chains. The focus on conventional food chains provides a contrast with the growing body of embeddedness studies concentrating on alternative food chains. The author concludes that for both conventional as well as alternative food chains, the mode of ecological embeddedness or the degree of a food chain’s commitment to particular landscapes could become important factors for the maintenance, enhancement and capture of ecological value.  相似文献   
Mud volcanism in the Gulf of Cadiz occurs over a large area extending from the shelf to more than 3500 m water depth and is triggered by compressional stress along the European-African plate boundary, affecting a deeply faulted sedimentary sequence of locally more than 5 km thickness. The investigation of six active sites shows that mud volcano (MV) fluids, on average, are highly enriched in CH4, Li, B, and Sr and depleted in Mg, K, and Br. The purity of the fluids is largely controlled by the intensity of upward directed flow. Flow rates could be constrained by numerical modelling and vary between <0.05 and 15 cm yr−1. Application of δD-δ18O systematics identifies clay mineral dehydration, most likely within Mesozoic and Tertiary shales and marls, as the major source of fluids. Hence, Cl and Na in the pore fluids are mostly depleted below seawater values, following a general trend of dilution. However, deviations from this trend occur and are likely caused by the dissolution of halite in evaporitic deposits. Other secondary processes overprinting the original fluid composition may occur along the flow path, such as dissolution of anhydrite or gypsum and/or the formation of calcite and dolomite. Different sources of fluids are also indicated by variations in 87Sr/86Sr, which range from 0.7086 to 0.7099 at the different sites. Dehydration may be induced primarily by overburden and tectonic compression; however, very high concentrations of Li and B, specifically at Captain Arutyunov MV (CAMV) indicate additional leaching at temperatures above 150 °C, which could be explained by the injection of hot fluids along deep penetrating, major E-W strike-slip fault systems. This hypothesis is supported by the occurrence of generally thermogenic, but significantly CH4-enriched, light volatile hydrocarbon gases at CAMV which cannot be explained by shallow microbial methanogenesis. Li and Li/B ratios from different types of hot and cold vents are used to infer that high temperature signals seem to be preserved at various cold vent locations and indicate a closer coupling of both systems in continental margin environments than outlined in previous studies.  相似文献   
Motion of the entire solid planet with respect to its spin axis have been proposed on Mars. This movement is known as True Polar Wander (TPW). According to the conservation of angular momentum with no external torque, on geological time scales the axis of maximum inertia of a planet is aligned with the rotation axis. Then rearrangement of masses within the mantle disturbs the planet's inertia and induces TPW. The convection pattern on Mars is possibly controlled by a sequence of single plumes originating from the core-mantle boundary. Using a homogeneous model of the martian mantle and modelling the plume as a sphere, we calculate the inertial tensor perturbations caused by the plume mass anomaly. We investigate the stabilizing influence of the remnant rotational bulge due to the lithosphere elasticity on these perturbations. It appears that, during early martian history, the elastic lithosphere was thin enough to allow its fractures under the inertia perturbations induced by a hot plume. Consequently, the lithosphere's behaviour became effectively viscoelastic and the plume could induce large TPW. We conclude that one plume convection pattern should have greatly influenced the rotation pole behaviour during early Mars history: around 4 Gyr ago, Mars already could have experienced two TPW events lasting possibly only a few million years each. We then compare our scenario with others already published in the literature.  相似文献   
The Sørfjord, Norway, and the Gulf of St. Lawrence, Canada, are two sub-arctic ecosystems with similar trophic structure. However, in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, severe exploitation of groundfish stocks has lead to important shifts in the trophic structure. In the Sørfjord, the situation is different: fishing pressure is much lighter. Our hypothesis is that overexploitation leads to changes in the trophic structure and severely alters the resilience of ecosystems. Based on the same modelling approach (Ecopath with Ecosim) the food web structure was compared, using different ecosystem indicators. Patterns of food web structure and trophodynamics were contrasted. Cod was the keystone species in both ecosystems, and forage fish were also important. Even after similar environmental changes in both ecosystems, and after a reduction of fishing pressure in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, there is no recovery of cod stocks in this ecosystem. In the Sørfjord, after different perturbations (but not from the fishery), the ecosystem seems to return to its equilibrium.  相似文献   
Volcanic hazards to airports   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
Volcanic activity has caused significant hazards to numerous airports worldwide, with local to far-ranging effects on travelers and commerce. Analysis of a new compilation of incidents of airports impacted by volcanic activity from 1944 through 2006 reveals that, at a minimum, 101 airports in 28 countries were affected on 171 occasions by eruptions at 46 volcanoes. Since 1980, five airports per year on average have been affected by volcanic activity, which indicates that volcanic hazards to airports are not rare on a worldwide basis. The main hazard to airports is ashfall, with accumulations of only a few millimeters sufficient to force temporary closures of some airports. A substantial portion of incidents has been caused by ash in airspace in the vicinity of airports, without accumulation of ash on the ground. On a few occasions, airports have been impacted by hazards other than ash (pyroclastic flow, lava flow, gas emission, and phreatic explosion). Several airports have been affected repeatedly by volcanic hazards. Four airports have been affected the most often and likely will continue to be among the most vulnerable owing to continued nearby volcanic activity: Fontanarossa International Airport in Catania, Italy; Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport in Alaska, USA; Mariscal Sucre International Airport in Quito, Ecuador; and Tokua Airport in Kokopo, Papua New Guinea. The USA has the most airports affected by volcanic activity (17) on the most occasions (33) and hosts the second highest number of volcanoes that have caused the disruptions (5, after Indonesia with 7). One-fifth of the affected airports are within 30 km of the source volcanoes, approximately half are located within 150 km of the source volcanoes, and about three-quarters are within 300 km; nearly one-fifth are located more than 500 km away from the source volcanoes. The volcanoes that have caused the most impacts are Soufriere Hills on the island of Montserrat in the British West Indies, Tungurahua in Ecuador, Mt. Etna in Italy, Rabaul caldera in Papua New Guinea, Mt. Spurr and Mt. St. Helens in the USA, Ruapehu in New Zealand, Mt. Pinatubo in the Philippines, and Anatahan in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (part of the USA). Ten countries—USA, Indonesia, Ecuador, Papua New Guinea, Italy, New Zealand, Philippines, Mexico, Japan, and United Kingdom—have the highest volcanic hazard and/or vulnerability measures for airports. The adverse impacts of volcanic eruptions on airports can be mitigated by preparedness and forewarning. Methods that have been used to forewarn airports of volcanic activity include real-time detection of explosive volcanic activity, forecasts of ash dispersion and deposition, and detection of approaching ash clouds using ground-based Doppler radar. Given the demonstrated vulnerability of airports to disruption from volcanic activity, at-risk airports should develop operational plans for ashfall events, and volcano-monitoring agencies should provide timely forewarning of imminent volcanic-ash hazards directly to airport operators.  相似文献   
Changes in total abundance and in species composition of phytoplankton in the last 150 years in the southern Black Sea were investigated through a paleoecological study of two sediment cores. The results show changes in the species composition and a marked increase in total abundance of siliceous protists after around 1960. In core 22 (42°13.534′ N/36°29.555′ E), the dominating species before 1960 were Cyclotella choctawhatcheeana and Thalassiosira oestrupii. In core 25 (42°6.212′ N/36°37.460′ E), the dominating species before 1960 were T. oestrupii, Cyclotella meneghiniana, C. choctawhatcheeana, and Pseudosolenia cf. calcar-avis. Core 22 was located in closer proximity to the rim current than core 25, and the differences in total abundance between the cores could be related to differences in local nutrient loading prior to 1960. After around 1960, both cores changed to a community dominated by C. choctawhatcheeana. The changes in total abundance and species composition after around 1960 could be related to the increased nutrient loading from the Danube River into the rim current after the late 1960s. The results also showed changes in both total abundance and in species composition of dinoflagellate cysts. The dominating dinoflagellate cysts recorded were Lingulodinium polyedrum, Polykrikos schwartzii, and Spiniferites spp.  相似文献   
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