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Lake Atitlan, one of the most important lakes not only in Central America but in the whole world, is facing serious problems with increasing water pollution. Over the last several decades, the uncontrolled nutrient input into the lake has lead to high P levels and low N:P ratios, initiating cyanobacterial blooms. The first bloom occurred in December of 2008, followed by more extensive bloom in October 2009. The blooms are formed by cyanobacteria from the rare planktic Lyngbya hieronymusii/birgei/robusta complex. Based on the species morphology, the Atitlan population corresponds to L. robusta and this is the first case of reported bloom of this species worldwide. Remote sensing images documented that at the maximum bloom development, 40% of the 137 km2 of the lake area were covered by dense patches of Lyngbya, with the chlorophyll a concentration reaching over 100 μg L−1. The only toxins detected in the 2009 bloom were trace levels of cylindrospermopsin and saxitoxin with 12 and 58 ng g−1, respectively. The nitrogen fixation followed a pattern expected in non-heterocytous cyanobacteria, i.e., the nitrogenase activity was minimal during the day, while during the night the activity reached 2.2 nmol C2H4 μg Ch a−1 h−1. Delta 15N of −0.86‰ was well in the range given for nitrogen fixing organisms. The cell C, N and P content was 36.7%, 5.9% and 0.9%, respectively, resulting in the molar ratio of 105:14.4:1. A well designed and executed lake monitoring program, strict control of nutrient input into the lake, and public education are the necessary prerequisites for potential prevention of even more severe blooms than the one from 2009.  相似文献   
To determine the roles of dissolved organic matter in the onset, duration, and decline of blooms of the “brown tide” pelagophyte, Aureococcus anophagefferens, nutrient and microbial dynamics, heterotrophic and autotrophic carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) uptake, and peptide hydrolysis were compared in natural populations: (1) seasonally, among physically similar sites in a mid-Atlantic coastal lagoon, Chincoteague Bay, (2) at an individual site as a bloom initiated, developed, and declined, and (3) in whole versus size-fractionated water. Throughout the year, urea was the dominant form of N taken up at both bloom and nonbloom sites. C acquisition in the A. anophagefferens (1.2–5.0 μm) size fraction was dominated by bicarbonate uptake during bloom initiation but organic C compounds were taken up later during and after the bloom. Bacterial productivity was enhanced during and just after the bloom and bacterial abundance was four times higher at the bloom versus nonbloom site.  相似文献   
Intense precipitation or seismic events can generate clustered mass movement processes across a landscape. These rare events have significant impacts on the landscape, however, the rarity of such events leads to uncertainty in how they impact the entire geomorphic system over a range of timescales. Taiwan is steep, tectonically active, and prone to landslide and debris flows, especially when exposed to heavy rainfall events. Typhoon Morakot made landfall in Taiwan in August of 2009, causing widespread landslides in southern Taiwan. The south to north trend in valley relief in southern Taiwan leads to spatial variability in landslide susceptibility providing an opportunity to infer the long‐term impact of such landslide events on channel morphology. We use pre‐ and post‐typhoon imagery to quantify the propagating impact of this event on channel width as the debris is routed through the landscape. The results show the importance of cascading hazards from landslides on landscape evolution based on patterns of channel width (both pre‐ and post‐typhoon) and hillslope gradients in 20 basins along strike in southern Taiwan. Prior to Typhoon Morakot, the river channels in the central part of the study area were about 3–10 times wider than the channels in the south. Following the typhoon, aggradation and widening was also a maximum in these central to northern basins where hillslope gradients and channel steepness is high, accentuating the pre‐typhoon pattern. The results further show that the narrowest channels are located where channel steepness is the lowest, an observation inconsistent with a detachment‐limited model for river evolution. We infer this pattern is indicative of a strong role of sediment supply, and associated landslide events, on long‐term channel evolution. These findings have implications across a range of spatial and temporal scales including understanding the cascade of hazards in steep landscapes and geomorphic interpretation of channel morphology. Copyright © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Simulations of impacts of a double-CO2 climate with the Changed Climate Fire Modeling System in Northern California consistently projected increases in area burned and in the frequency of escaped fires compared with simulations of the present climate. However, the magnitude of those increases was strongly influenced by vegetation type, choice of atmospheric general circulation model (GCM) scenario, and choice of climatic forcing variables. The greatest projected increase in fire severity occurred in grasslands, using the Princeton Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory GCM, with wind speed, temperature, humidity and precipitation as driving variables.  相似文献   
The seasonal mean extra-tropical atmospheric response to El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is assessed in the historical and pre-industrial control CMIP5 simulations. This analysis considers two types of El Niño events, characterized by positive sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies in either the central equatorial Pacific (CP) or eastern equatorial Pacific (EP), as well as EP and CP La Niña events, characterized by negative SST anomalies in the same two regions. Seasonal mean geopotential height anomalies in key regions typify the magnitude and structure of the disruption of the Walker circulation cell in the tropical Pacific, upper tropospheric ENSO teleconnections and the polar stratospheric response. In the CMIP5 ensembles, the magnitude of the Walker cell disruption is correlated with the strength of the mid-latitude responses in the upper troposphere i.e., the North Pacific and South Pacific lows strengthen during El Niño events. The simulated responses to El Niño and La Niña have opposite sign. The seasonal mean extra-tropical, upper tropospheric responses to EP and CP events are indistinguishable. The ENSO responses in the MERRA reanalysis lie within the model scatter of the historical simulations. Similar responses are simulated in the pre-industrial and historical CMIP5 simulations. Overall, there is a weak correlation between the strength of the tropical response to ENSO and the strength of the polar stratospheric response. ENSO-related polar stratospheric variability is best simulated in the “high-top” subset of models with a well-resolved stratosphere.  相似文献   
Planetary boundary-layer (PBL) structure was investigated using observations from a Doppler lidar and the 325-m Institute of Atmospheric Physics (IAP) meteorological tower in the centre of Beijing during the summer 2015 Study of Urban-impacts on Rainfall and Fog/haze (SURF-2015) field campaign. Using six fair-weather days of lidar and tower data under clear to cloudy skies, we evaluate the ability of the Doppler lidar to probe the urban boundary-layer structure, and then propose a composite method for estimating the diurnal cycle of the PBL depth using the Doppler lidar. For the convective boundary layer (CBL), a threshold method using vertical velocity variance \((\sigma _w^2 >0.1\,\hbox {m}^{2}\hbox {s}^{-2})\) is used, since it provides more reliable CBL depths than a conventional maximum wind-shear method. The nocturnal boundary-layer (NBL) depth is defined as the height at which \(\sigma _w^2\) decreases to 10 % of its near-surface maximum minus a background variance. The PBL depths determined by combining these methods have average values ranging from \(\approx \)270 to \(\approx \)1500 m for the six days, with the greatest maximum depths associated with clear skies. Release of stored and anthropogenic heat contributes to the maintenance of turbulence until late evening, keeping the NBL near-neutral and deeper at night than would be expected over a natural surface. The NBL typically becomes more shallow with time, but grows in the presence of low-level nocturnal jets. While current results are promising, data over a broader range of conditions are needed to fully develop our PBL-depth algorithms.  相似文献   
Surveys were carried out over 16 months to assess the distribution of enteroviruses of human origin in sediments and mussels near two sewage outfalls on the North Taranaki Coast, New Zealand. Enteroviruses were present in high numbers in both sediments and shellfish near the New Plymouth sewage outfall with maximum virus levels of 32 000 pfu 100 g‐1 of wet mussel tissue and 59 pfu 100 g‐1 of wet sediment material. Viruses were recovered occasionally from sediments and mussels near the Waitara Borough outfall. Coxsackievirus B4 was the predominant virus type isolated but CB5 and Poliovirus types 1, 2, and 3 were also recovered. Attempts to depurate virus‐contaminated New Plymouth mussels, by keeping them in water for 8 days with daily water replacement, did not achieve a significant reduction in virus numbers.  相似文献   
The 2085 km2 Jordan River Basin, and its seven sub-catchments draining the Central Wasatch Range immediately east of Salt Lake City, UT, are home to an array of hydrologic, atmospheric, climatic and chemical research infrastructure that collectively forms the Wasatch Environmental Observatory (WEO). WEO is geographically nested within a wildland to urban land-use gradient and built upon a strong foundation of over a century of discharge and climate records. A 2200 m gradient in elevation results in variable precipitation, temperature and vegetation patterns. Soil and subsurface structure reflect systematic variation in geology from granitic, intrusive to mixed sedimentary clastic across headwater catchments, all draining to the alluvial or colluvial sediments of the former Lake Bonneville. Winter snowfall and spring snowmelt control annual hydroclimate, rapid population growth dominates geographic change in lower elevations and urban gas and particle emissions contribute to episodes of severe air pollution in this closed-basin. Long-term hydroclimate observations across this diverse landscape provide the foundation for an expanding network of infrastructure in both montane and urban landscapes. Current infrastructure supports both basic and applied research in atmospheric chemistry, biogeochemistry, climate, ecology, hydrology, meteorology, resource management and urban redesign that is augmented through strong partnerships with cooperating agencies. These features allow WEO to serve as a unique natural laboratory for addressing research questions facing seasonally snow-covered, semi-arid regions in a rapidly changing world and an excellent facility for providing student education and research training.  相似文献   
Prehistoric earthquake-induced liquefaction features occur in association with Native American occupation horizons in the New Madrid seismic zone. Age control of these liquefaction features, including sand-blow deposits, sand-blow craters, and sand dikes, can be accomplished by extensive sampling and flotation processing of datable materials as well as archaeobotanical analysis of associated archaeological horizons and pits. This approach increases both the amount of carbon for radiocarbon dating and the precision dating of artifact assemblages. Using this approach, we dated liquefaction features at four sites northwest of Blytheville, Arkansas, and found that at least one significant earthquake occurred in the New Madrid seismic zone between A.D. 1180 and 1400, probably about A.D. 1300 ± 100 yr. In addition, we found three buried sand blows that formed between 3340 B.C. and A.D. 780. In this region where very large to great earthquakes appear to be closely timed, archaeology is helping to develop a paleoearthquake chronology for the New Madrid seismic zone. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
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