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Limiting accessibility to a fishing area can reduce fishing effort effectively and may therefore promote local recovery of depleted stocks. In January 2002, beach driving was banned in South Africa, thereby reducing angler access to large areas of the coastline, particularly in less-developed areas. In November 2001 a project had been established in the St Lucia Marine Reserve, on the east coast of South Africa, to compare surf-zone fish populations inside a no-take sanctuary zone with those in an adjacent exploited area. Subsequent to the ban, the aim of the project was adapted such that surf-zone fish populations were monitored for potential recovery in what had been the exploited area, located to the north of Cape Vidal, which anglers could no longer access easily, because of the prohibition on beach driving. Standardised research fishing was conducted at two sites in the previously exploited area and two sites in the no-take sanctuary. Conventional stock-status indicators showed evidence of recovery in the four most common species caught in the previously exploited area, in terms of both abundance and biomass. Generalised additive mixed models were used to account for the influence of targeting specific species; however, subtle differences in habitat between the sampling sites, improved angling skill over time, variability in recruitment, and differential species-specific responses complicated interpretation of results. The implications of the findings are discussed in terms of the future monitoring and management of marine protected areas both within the St Lucia Marine Reserve and farther afield.  相似文献   
The Cariaco basin, located ∼40 km off the central part of the coast of Venezuela, is the largest (∼4000 km2) and bathymetrically deepest (1400 m BSL) Neogene fault-bounded basin within the right-lateral strike-slip plate boundary zone that separates the Caribbean and South American plates. Using subsurface geophysical data, we test two previously proposed tectonic models for the age, distribution and nature of east-west-striking, strike-slip faults, and basin-forming mechanism for the two main depocenters of the Cariaco basin. The earliest interpretation for the opening of the twin Cariaco depocenters by Schubert (1982) proposes that both depocenters formed synchronously by extension along transverse (north-south) normal faults at a ∼30-km-wide rhomboidally-shaped pull-apart basin between the right-lateral, east-west-striking, and parallel San Sebastian and El Pilar fault zones. A later model by Ben-Avraham and Zoback (1992) proposes that both depocenters formed synchronously by a process of ”transform-normal parallel extension”, or rifting in a north-south direction orthogonal to the east-west-striking and parallel strike-slip faults.We use more than 4000 km of 2D single- and multi-channel seismic data tied to 11 wells to map 5 tectono-stratigraphic sequences and to produce a series of structural and isopach maps showing how the faults that controlled both Cariaco depocenters evolved from Paleogene to the present. Comparison of fault and isopach maps for dated horizons from Paleogene to late Neogene in age show three main phases in basin development: 1) from middle Miocene to Pliocene, the West Cariaco basin formed as a rhomboidally-shaped pull-apart at a 30-km-wide stepover between the northern branch of the San Sebastian fault and the El Pilar fault zone; 2) during the early Pliocene, a new strike-slip fault transected the West Cariaco basin (southern branch of the San Sebastian fault) and caused extension to cease; and 3) during the early Pliocene to recent, a “lazy-Z” shaped pull-apart formed along the curving connection between the southern branch of the San Sebastian and El Pilar fault zones.  相似文献   
Giant piston core MD99-2269 recovered 25 m of sediment in Hunáfloáall, a deep trough on the North Iceland margin fronting the Iceland Sea, and the site of a shelf sediment drift. The rate of sediment accumulation is 2 m/kyr (5 yr/cm); the core terminated in the Vedde tephra (12 cal ka). The sediment was sampled at between 5 and 50 yr/sample, including rock magnetic, grain-size, and sediment properties. Data reduction was carried out using principal component analysis. Two PC axes for the 5-yr/sample magnetic data are strongly correlated with measures of coercivity (ARM20 mT/ARM) and magnetic concentrations (kARM). In turn ARM20 mT/ARM is highly correlated (negatively) with grain-size and the mean size of the sortable silt fraction. Analyses of the two PC axes with MTM spectral methods indicate a series of significant (>99%) periodicities at millennial to multidecadal scales, including those at 200, 125, and 88 yr which are associated with solar variability. We also document a strong correlation between the sediment magnetic properties and the ∂18O on benthic foraminifera on the North Iceland inner shelf. We hypothesize that the links between variations in grain-size, magnetic concentrations, and solar forcing are controlled by atmospheric and oceanographic changes linked to changes in the relative advection of Atlantic and polar waters along the North Iceland margin. Today these changes are associated with variations in the deep convection in the Greenland and Iceland Seas. The precise linkages are, however, presently elusive although a combination of coarser sediments and low ∂18O values define a Holocene thermal maximum between 8 and 6 cal ka.  相似文献   
A series of different plutons from the Lhasa-Xigaze segment of the Gangdese (Transhimalaya) belt has been studied by high-resolution UPb analyses of zircon (using zircon fractions of 5–100 grains each, selected upon specific grain characteristics). For two diorites, located east of Xigaze (Dazhuka), the zircons yield concordant ages of 93.4 ± 1.0 and 94.2 ± 1.0 m.y., respectively. Also concordant ages of 41.1 ± 0.4 and 41.7 ± 0.4 m.y. have been obtained for two granodiorites, collected southwest of Lhasa (Qushui). The precision on the ages of two granites from the Xigaze and Lhasa area, is limited by two factors: the presence of inherited radiogenic lead and the occurrence of subsequent lead loss. However, some concordant zircons, detected in both granites, define approximate ages of about 67 and 53 m.y., respectively. The inherited lead components show that melting of Precambrian material was involved in magma genesis.The UPb ages substantiate a magmatic activity lasting from mid-Cretceous (Cenomanian) to Eocene (Lutetian) time. Such a period of plutonism at the southern margin of Eurasia, as well as the occurrence of magma generation from continental crust, suggest that the Gangdese range results from the subduction of Tethys oceanic lithosphere (Indian plate) underneath Eurasia (Eurasian plate). If this model is true, the collision of India with Eurasia (along the Lhasa-Xigaze sector) postdates the emplacement of the 41 m.y. old Gangdese granodiorites, i.e. the collision occurred after Lutetian time.  相似文献   
Oil stranded as a result of the 1989 Exxon Valdez spill has persisted for >10 years at study sites on Gulf of Alaska shores distant from the spill's origin. These sites were contaminated by "oil mousse", which persists in these settings due to armoring of underlying sediments and their included oil beneath boulders. The boulder-armored beaches that we resampled in 1999 showed continued contamination by subsurface oil, despite their exposure to moderate to high wave energies. Significant declines in surface oil cover occurred at all study sites. In contrast, mousse has persisted under boulders in amounts similar to what was present in 1994 and probably in 1989. Especially striking is the general lack of weathering of this subsurface oil over the last decade. Oil at five of the six armored-beach sites 10 years after the spill is compositionally similar to 11-day old Exxon Valdez oil. Analysis of movements in the boulder-armor that covers the study beaches reveals that only minor shifts have occurred since 1994, suggesting that over the last five, and probably over the last 10 years, boulder-armors have remained largely unmoved at the study sites. These findings emphasize the importance of particular geomorphic parameters in determining stranded oil persistence. Surface armoring, combined with stranding of oil mousse, results in the unexpectedly lengthy persistence of only lightly to moderately weathered oil within otherwise high-energy wave environments.  相似文献   
Although many of the current hypotheses to explain the origin and distribution of the Amazon biodiversity has been based directly or indirectly on geological data, the reconstruction of the geological history of the Amazon region is still inadequate to analyze its relationship with the biodiversity. This work has the main goal to characterize the sedimentary successions formed in the Brazilian Amazon in the Neogene-Quaternary discussing the evolution of the depositional systems through time and analyzing their main controlling mechanisms in order to fill up this gap. Radar image interpretation, sedimentological studies, and radiocarbon dating allowed the mapping of Plio-Pleistocene to Holocene units along the Solimões-Amazonas River, Brazil. This integrated work led to the characterization of five sedimentary successions overlying Miocene deposits of the Solimões/Pebas Formation, which include the following: Içá Formation (Plio-Pleistocene), deposits Q1 (37,400-43,700 14C yr B.P.), deposits Q2 (27,200 14C yr B.P.), deposits Q3 (6730-2480 14C yr B.P.), and deposits Q4 (280-130 14C yr B.P.). These deposits occur mostly to the west of Manaus, forming NW-SE elongated belts that are progressively younger from SW to NE, indicating a subsiding basin with a depocenter that migrated to the NE. The reconstruction of the depositional history is consistent with significant changes in the landscapes. Hence, the closure of a large lake system at the end of the Miocene gave rise to the development of a Plio-Pleistocene fluvial system. This was yet very distinct from the modern drainage, with shallow, energetic, highly migrating, braided to anastomosed channels having an overall northeast outlet. This fluvial system formed probably under climatic conditions relatively drier than today's. During the early Pleistocene, there was pronounced erosion, followed by a renewed depositional phase ca. 40,000 14C yr B.P., with the development of prograding lobes and/or crevasse splays associated with a lake system (i.e., fan-delta) and/or fluvial flood plain areas. After a period of erosion, a fluvial system with eastward draining channels started to develop at around 27,000 14C yr B.P. The fluvial channels were overflooded in mid-Holocene time. This flooding is attributed to an increased period of humidity, with a peak between 5000 and 2500 14C yr B.P. The data presented herein support that, rather than being a monotonous area, the Amazonia was a place with frequent changes in landscape throughout the Neogene-Quaternary, probably as a result of climatic and tectonic factors. We hypothesize that these changes in the physical environment stressed the biota, resulting in speciation and thus had a great impact on modern biodiversity.  相似文献   
Comparisons are made of long-term empirical and model-estimated patterns of solar irradiance forcing during a 200-year period (1650-1850), which precedes any apparent anthropogenic influence on climate. This interval encompasses a considerable range (approximately 4 W/m2) of estimated variation in solar output, including the "Maunder" and "Dalton" Minima of solar irradiance, and an intervening interval of relatively high values of irradiance, but does not encroach into the industrial era wherein it is difficult to separate solar and anthropogenic influences. Particular emphasis is placed on comparing empirical and modeled patterns of forced surface temperature variation. The empirical patterns bear a greater similarity to the pattern of forced response of a coupled ocean-atmosphere general circulation model (AOGCM) than with an independent model simulation result using an ocean with specified heat transport, both in terms of the spatial pattern of response and implied global mean sensitivity to forcing. Heightened sensitivity in the western Pacific warm pool apparent in the empirical response pattern, is not observed in the forced response of the coupled model. It is possible that this pattern is the result of feedback processes not currently reproduced in course-resolution coupled models. The greatest empirical response is found at the multidecadal-to-century (> 40 year period) time scale, for which the forcing is dominated by the roughly 90-year Gleissberg Cycle of irradiance. This indicates a global-mean sensitivity (approximately 0.3 K/W/m2), which is close to the coupled model result (approximately 0.4 K/W/m2). At decadal time scales (8-25 year period), for which the forcing is dominated by the 11-year and 22-year period solar cycles), the temperature sensitivity is moderately reduced, and its spatial pattern of response is dominated by an apparent resonance with known decadal modes of climate variability.  相似文献   
Combined SOHO (Solar and Helisopheric Observatory) and ground based radio observations show evidently signatures of electrons accelerated by a shock wave during the event on July 9, 1996. A solar type II radio burst has been received as a signature of a coronal shock wave at 300 MHz on 9:10:54 UT. It was accompanied with electron beams appearing as type III radio bursts below 80 MHz. Simultaneously, the COSTEP (Comprehensive Suprathermal and Energetic Particle Analyzer) instrument aboard SOHO has measured enhanced electron fluxes in the range 30 keV – 3 MeV. This indicates that a coronal shock wave was able to produce high energetic electrons. A mechanism of electron acceleration up to relativistic velocities is presented and compared with the observations. The electron acceleration takes place at substructures of quasi-parallel collisionless shocks. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
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