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A new map of chrons for the American-Antarctic Ridge area has been compiled. Its analysis and the calculations performed showed that the seafloor spreading with respect to its axis started before 85 My B.P. The spreading directions were 115° (chrons C34-C29), 145° (chrons C29-C21), 110° (chrons C21-C5C), and 85° (chrons C5C-C1). The maximum rates of about 4 cm/year were reached earlier than 52 My B.P.; subsequently, a progressive general decrease in the spreading rate has been observed. According to our forecast, the spreading may cease in the following 3.5 My.  相似文献   
The structure of the South Powell Ridge (SPR), separating the Late Cenozoic ocean-floored Powell Basin and the Mesozoic Weddell Sea domain, is revealed by multichannel seismic data. The SPR appears as a basement high, bounded northward by transtensional faults and by normal and major reverse faults to the south. These margin features seem to be linked to the Powell Basin southern strike-slip margin and to the Jane Arc paleotrench, respectively. We suggest the ridge evolved from the Antarctic Peninsula passive margin to become the deformational front of the Scotia/Antarctica Plate boundary, later being welded to the Antarctic Plate. Received: 18 August 1997 / Revision received: 4 May 1998  相似文献   
New swath bathymetric, multichannel seismic and magnetic data reveal the complexity of the intersection between the extinct West Scotia Ridge (WSR) and the Shackleton Fracture Zone (SFZ), a first-order NW-SE trending high-relief ridge cutting across the Drake Passage. The SFZ is composed of shallow, ridge segments and depressions, largely parallel to the fracture zone with an `en echelon' pattern in plan view. These features are bounded by tectonic lineaments, interpreted as faults. The axial valley of the spreading center intersects the fracture zone in a complex area of deformation, where N120° E lineaments and E–W faults anastomose on both sides of the intersection. The fracture zone developed within an extensional regime, which facilitated the formation of oceanic transverse ridges parallel to the fracture zone and depressions attributed to pull-apart basins, bounded by normal and strike-slip faults.On the multichannel seismic (MCS) profiles, the igneous crust is well stratified, with numerous discontinuous high-amplitude reflectors and many irregular diffractions at the top, and a thicker layer below. The latter has sparse and weak reflectors, although it locally contains strong, dipping reflections. A bright, slightly undulating reflector observed below the spreading center axial valley at about 0.75 s (twt) depth in the igneous crust is interpreted as an indication of the relict axial magma chamber. Deep, high-amplitude subhorizontal and slightly dipping reflections are observed between 1.8 and 3.2 s (twt) below sea floor, but are preferentially located at about 2.8–3.0 s (twt) depth. Where these reflections are more continuous they may represent the Mohorovicic seismic discontinuity. More locally, short (2–3 km long), very high-amplitude reflections observed at 3.6 and 4.3 s (twt) depth below sea floor are attributed to an interlayered upper mantle transition zone. The MCS profiles also show a pattern of regularly spaced, steep-inclined reflectors, which cut across layers 2 and 3 of the oceanic crust. These reflectors are attributed to deformation under a transpressional regime that developed along the SFZ, shortly after spreading ceased at the WSR. Magnetic anomalies 5 to 5 E may be confidently identified on the flanks of the WSR. Our spreading model assumes slow rates (ca. 10–20 mm/yr), with slight asymmetries favoring the southeastern flank between 5C and 5, and the northwestern flank between 5 and extinction. The spreading rate asymmetry means that accretion was slower during formation of the steeper, shallower, southeastern flank than of the northwestern flank.  相似文献   
Analysis of airgun seismic profiles from the Alboran Sea reveals a complex morphostructure with margins, basins, and structural highs. North of the Alboran Ridge, south-facing margins have a passive style of evolution, with thick progradational sequences of post-Messinian deposits, whereas north-facing margins are tectonized along structural highs with reduced sediment cover. Basins are extensional features developed since the Early Miocene by mechanisms of tectonic escape and pull-apart, under generalized northwest-southeast to north-south compression. Depositional sequences in this semi-land-locked sea were controlled by the local tectonism and influenced by global sea-level oscillations.  相似文献   
This paper examines the dynamics of energy investments and clean energy Research and Development (R&D) using a scenario-based modeling approach. Starting from the global scenarios proposed in the RoSE model ensemble experiment, we analyze the dynamics of investments under different assumptions regarding economic and population growth as well as availability of fossil fuel resources, in the absence of a climate policy. Our analysis indicates that economic growth and the speed of income convergence across countries matters for improvements in energy efficiency, both via dedicated R&D investments but mostly through capital-energy substitution. In contrast, fossil fuel prices, by changing the relative competitiveness of energy sources, create an economic opportunity for radical innovation in the energy sector. Indeed, our results suggest that fossil fuel availability is the key driver of investments in low carbon energy innovation. However, this innovation, by itself, is not sufficient to induce emission reductions compatible with climate stabilization objectives.  相似文献   
This paper discusses the petrographical, mineralogical and geochemical characteristics of the intrusive rocks located along the Rio Narcea Gold Belt, and the timing of formation of the El Valle-Boinás deposit. Rocks in the belt range from quartz-monzodiorites through quartz-monzogranites to monzogranites. The former are made up of pyroxene (clino and ortho), amphibole (magnesiohornblende), biotite, zoned plagioclase (An35-70), and to a lesser degree quartz and K-feldspar. The monzogranites consist of biotite, zoned plagioclase (An30-60), quartz and K-feldspar. All igneous rocks are characterized by the presence of ilmenite and the lack or scarce presence of magnetite indicating their formation under reducing conditions. The granitoids are calc-alkaline I type, potassium-rich and highly reducent with more ferrous than ferric iron. Their characteristics are like the plutons associated with gold and copper (zinc) skarns, but their characteristics reflect more reducent formation conditions, increasing their capacity to form gold skarns.The Boinas granitoid emplacement occurred at about 303±6 Ma and generated calcic and magnesic skarns at the contact with limestone and dolostones of the Láncara Formation. Skarns and granitoids were first altered to amphibole and sericite, respectively, and mineralized at 302±9 Ma. The intrusion of subvolcanic porphyritic dikes produced a second period of alteration at 285±4 Ma, characterized by carbonatization and sericitization of the monzogranites and chloritization and serpentinization of the skarns. The later intrusion of diabasic dikes at 255±6 Ma produced limited carbonatization, silicification and sericitization and hypogene oxidation of the previous stages. Supergene oxidation then occurred at the top of the ore and along fractures and breccias.  相似文献   
Recent investigations on the dynamics of the turbulent horseshoe vortex system (THV) around cylindrical piers have shown that the rich coherent dynamics of the vortical structures is dominated by low-frequency bimodal fluctuations of the velocity field. In spite of these advances, many questions remain regarding the changes of the flow and sediment transport dynamics as scour progresses. In this investigation we carry out laboratory experiments to register the development of the scour hole around a cylindrical pier in a fine-sand bed (d 50 = 0.36 mm). We use the bathymetry measured in the experiment to simulate the flow field employing the detached-eddy simulation approach (DES), which has shown to resolve most of the turbulent stresses around surface-mounted obstacles. From these simulations we compare the dynamics of the THV to the flat-bed case, and analyze the effects on particle transport and sediment flux using the Lagrangian particle model of Escauriaza and Sotiropoulos (2011b) to study the impact of the changes of the flow on the sediment dynamics.  相似文献   
In order to provide biological systematics from which to interpret nitrogen (N) and oxygen (O) isotope ratios of nitrate (15N/14N, 18O/16O, respectively) in the environment, we previously investigated the isotopic fractionation of nitrate during its assimilation by mono-cultures of eukaryotic algae (Granger et al., 2004). In this study, we extended our analysis to investigate nitrate assimilation by strains of prokaryotic plankton. We measured the N and O isotope effects, 15ε and 18ε, during nitrate consumption by cultures of prokaryotic strains and by additional eukaryotic phytoplankton strains (where ε is the ratio of reaction rate constants of the light vs. heavy isotopologues, lightk and heavyk; ε = lightk/heavyk − 1 × 1000, expressed in per mil). The observed 15ε ranged from 5‰ to 8‰ among eukaryotes, whereas it did not exceed 5‰ for three cyanobacterial strains, and was as low as 0.4‰ for a heterotrophic α-protoeobacterium. Eukaryotic phytoplankton fractionated the N and O isotopes of nitrate to the same extent (i.e., 18ε ∼ 15ε). The 18ε:15ε among the cyanobacteria was also ∼1, whereas the heterotrophic α-proteobacterial strain, which showed the lowest 15ε, between 0.4‰ and 1‰, had a distinct 18ε:15ε of ∼2, unlike any plankton strain observed previously. Equivalent N vs. O isotope discrimination is thought to occur during internal nitrate reduction by nitrate reductase, such that the cellular efflux of the fractionated nitrate into the medium drives the typically observed 18ε:15ε of ∼1. We hypothesize that the higher in the 18ε:15ε of the α-proteobacterium may result from isotope discrimination by nitrate transport, which is evident only at low amplitude of ε. These observations warrant investigating whether heterotrophic bacterial assimilation of nitrate decreases the community isotope effects at the surface ocean.  相似文献   
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