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采用摄动法对二维弹性波动方程组的系数反问题进行渐近近似,给出了反演系数的具体计算方法。用摄动法解微分方程组的系数反问题还是首次。此外,还采用了地球物理分层模型,这种分层模型便于更精细地反映地球不同圈层的物理特征,更接近于实际情况。同时对进一步提高反演分辨率、增加反演参数、对病态方程组如何克服不适定性等问题,作了具体阐述,具有重要的理论意义与应用价值。  相似文献   
本文以安徽省繁昌县赤砂沸石为试验材料,以黄红壤为参照,研究了丝光沸石为主的天然沸石对NH、H_2PO及K ̄+的吸附与释放,结果表明:赤砂沸石的吸铵量和吸磷量为黄红壤的3倍;其中易释放铵和可释放铵占总吸铵量80%以上;易释放磷和可释放磷占70%以上;赤砂沸石的速效钾含量为黄红壤的7倍左右,而钾位缓冲容量(PBC ̄K)则为黄红壤的35倍左右。赤砂沸石用做肥料调理剂和土壤改良剂,将能够减少土壤中氮、磷、钾的流失,并提高肥料中养分的利用率。  相似文献   
Modelling of interfaces in geotechnical engineering is an important issue. Interfaces between structural elements (e.g., anchors, piles, tunnel linings) and soils are widely used in geotechnical engineering. The objective of this article is to propose an enhanced hypoplastic interface model that incorporates the in-plane stresses at the interface. To this aim, we develop a general approach to convert the existing hypoplastic model with a predefined limit state surface for sands into an interface model. This is achieved by adopting reduced stress and stretching vectors and redefining tensorial operations which can be used in the existing continuum model with few modifications. The enhanced interface model and the previous model are compared under constant-load, stiffness and volume conditions. The comparison is followed by a verification of two the approaches for modelling the different surface roughness. Subsequently, a validation between available experimental data from the literature versus simulations is presented. The new enhanced model gives improved predictions by the incorporation of in-plane stresses into the model formulation.  相似文献   
地震前兆时空非均匀性指标Cv值的实验检验   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
在双向加载条件下,对两种构造和介质不同的岩石标本进行变形实验,测量了标本表面不同部位的应变.在此基础上,利用王晓青和陈学忠等提出的描述地震前兆非均匀分布的参量————Cv值,分析了标本变形失稳过程中应变异常的分布,以期从实验角度检验Cv值方法并探讨其物理意义.研究表明,Cv值的变化与岩石变形特征的变化有关,是描述前兆分布非均匀性的一种有效指标;Cv值在失稳发生前先异常上升,然后下降,并在Cv值恢复过程中或恢复后伴随着失稳事件的发生.因此,Cv值是一种有效的预报指标.   相似文献   
Streeter-Phelps模型参数估计的遗传算法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
提出Streeter-Phelps模型参数估计的新方法--遗传算法(Genetic Algorithm),它不同于常规参数估计方法,其优点在于,从多个初始点开始寻优,并采用交迭和变异运算避免过早地收敛到局部最优解,可获得全局最优解,且不受初始值影响.该方法不必求导计算,编程简单快捷.给出了实例计算及与其他方法相比较的结果.  相似文献   
Water tank experiments are carried out to investigate the convection flow induced by bottom heating and the effects of the ambient wind on the flow in non-symmetrical urban street canyons based on the PIV (Particle Image Visualization) technique. Fluid experiments show that with calm ambient wind,the flows in the street canyon are completely driven by thermal force, and the convection can reach the upper atmosphere of the street canyon. Horizontal and vertical motions also appear above the roofs of the buildings. These are the conditions which favor the exchange of momentum and air mass between the street canyon and its environment. More than two vortices are induced by the convection, and the complex circulation pattern will vary with time in a wider street canyon. However, in a narrow street canyon, just one vortex appears. With a light ambient wind, the bottom heating and the associated convection result in just one main vortex. As the ambient wind speed increases, the vortex becomes more organized and its center shifts closer to the leeward building.  相似文献   
华北山地地貌面与新生代构造运动   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
华北山地有三期山地夷平面,四期河流阶地面。表明新生代地壳运动具有垂直差异性质。以上升运动为主,平均升幅1700m,速度0.031mm/a。以第四纪为最大。全区新地壳构造形迹可划分为3大类,8亚类和32个小类。在新生代构造运动中,又划分出第四纪以来的新构造运动和晚更新世以来的最新构造运动。  相似文献   
The responses of a spar constrained by slack mooring lines to steep ocean waves and tensions in the mooring lines are simulated using two different numerical schemes: a quasi-static approach (SMACOS) and a coupled dynamic approach (COUPLE). The two approaches are the same in computing wave loads on the structure. Their difference is in modeling dynamic forces of mooring lines; that is the dynamic forces are included in the computation of COUPLE but neglected in SMACOS. The numerical simulation is examined against the laboratory measurements of the JIP Spar in a water depth of 318 m. The dynamic coupling effects between the JIP Spar and its mooring lines in different water depths (318, 618 and 1018 m) are investigated by the comparison of numerical simulations obtained using the quasi-static and coupled dynamic approaches. It is found that the damping of mooring lines reduces the slow-drift surge and pitch of the Spar, especially in deep water. The reduction in the amplitude of slow-drift surge can reach about 10% in a water depth of 1018 m. The tension in mooring lines may greatly increase in the wave frequency range when dynamic forces in mooring lines are considered. The mooring-line tension in the wave frequency range predicted by the coupled dynamic approach can be eight times as great as the corresponding prediction by the quasi-static approach in a water depth of 1018 m. This finding may have important implications for the estimation of the fatigue strength and life span of the mooring lines deployed in deep water oceans.  相似文献   
Total ozone data from some European stations have been analyzed to detect the ozone decrease in different seasons from 1979 to 1995. The differences between the winter–spring (December–March) and summer (May–August) total ozone means have decreased distinctly during the last three decades, by 10 Dobson Units per decade, showing that the winter–spring decrease is significantly stronger than the summer one. Applying a multiple regression model to the monthly means of tropopause height, positive trends in the summer and winter–spring seasons have been found, especially since 1979. This corresponds to the accelerating ozone decrease then. The possibility of using tropopause height variations as an indicator of dynamical variability in the total ozone trend model is discussed. The total ozone response to the changes of tropopause height seems to be independent of timescale over which the tropopause-total ozone relationship has been examined (month-to-month, interannual). The total ozone trends, as well as the accelerated rate of ozone decrease since 1979 in the winter–spring and summer seasons, respectively, are reduced by about 0.5–1% per decade after inclusion of the tropopause height effect on the ozone model.  相似文献   
重力解释孙吴-嘉荫盆地基底埋深一般在0.1~2.5 km,基底形态具有北东走向的“三断两隆”的构造特征,自西向东称孙吴断陷、茅栏河隆起、沾河断陷、富饶隆起和嘉荫断陷.地震解释基底深度一般在0.1~6.3 km,并据之进一步划分了断陷的次级构造单元.孙吴-嘉荫盆地的形成和演化与南部的松辽盆地颇为相似,大致经历了前裂陷、断陷、坳陷和萎缩4个阶段.下白垩统淘淇河组、上白垩统永安村组和太平林场组埋藏较深,厚度较大,烃源岩达到成熟阶段,储层发育,物性较好,为油气勘探的主要目的层.对沾河断陷和嘉荫断陷油气勘探有利区做了进一步预测,确定乌拉嘎凹陷是嘉荫断陷最有利的勘探区,确定沾河向斜是沾河断陷最有利的勘探区.  相似文献   
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