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The distribution of species is shifting in response to recent climate change. Changes in the abundance and distributions of habitat‐forming species can have knock‐on effects on community structure, biodiversity patterns and ecological processes. We empirically examined temporal changes in the abundance of the warm‐water kelp Laminaria ochroleuca at its poleward range edge in the Western English Channel. Resurveys of historical sites indicated that the abundance of L. ochroleuca has increased significantly in recent decades. Moreover, examination of historical records suggested that L. ochroleuca has extended its distribution from sheltered coasts on to moderately wave‐exposed open coasts, where it now co‐exists and competes with the assemblage dominant Laminaria hyperborea. Proliferation of L. ochroleuca at its poleward range edge corresponds with a period of rapid warming in the Western English Channel. Preliminary comparisons between L. ochroleuca and L. hyperborea highlighted some subtle but ecologically significant differences in structure and function. In summer, the average biomass of epiphytic stipe assemblages on L. hyperborea was 86 times greater than on L. ochroleuca whereas, on average, L. ochroleuca had a greater stipe length and its blade supported 18 times as many gastropod grazers (Gibbula cineraria). Differences in summer growth rates were also recorded, with L. ochroleuca being more productive than L. hyperborea throughout July. Comprehensive seasonally replicated comparisons are needed to examine the wider implications of proliferation of L. ochroleuca at its poleward range edge, but our study suggests that local biodiversity patterns and ecological processes (e.g. timing of productivity and trophic pathways) on shallow subtidal reefs may be altered by shifts in the relative abundances of habitat‐forming kelp species.  相似文献   
Using the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer and the Nordic Optical Telescope, we have obtained the highest ever quality X-ray/white-light high-speed photometry of XB 1916–053. We refine the X-ray period ( P X) to 3000.6±0.2 s via a restricted cycle counting approach. Using our complete optical light curve, we have extended the optical period ( P opt) ephemeris by another 4 yr, providing further evidence for its stability, although a slightly longer period of 3027.555±0.002 s now provides a marginally better fit. Moreover, modulations at both P X and P opt are present in the optical data, with the former dominating the nightly light curves (i.e. a few cycles of data). We have also attempted to determine the 'beat' period, as seen in the repeating evolution of the X-ray dip structure, and the variation in primary dip phase. We find that a quasi-period of 4.74±0.05 d provides the best fit to the data, even then requiring phase shifts between cycles, with the expected 3.90-d 'beat' of P X and P opt appearing to be less likely. Finally, considering the nature of each of these temporal phenomena, we outline possible models, which could explain all of the observed behaviour of this enigmatic source, focusing on which of P X or P opt is the binary period.  相似文献   
Le Bas MJ 《岩石学报》2006,22(2):517-518
Recent ce-valuation of the dating of the carbonatite dykes associated with the REE-Re-Nb giant deposit at Bayan Obo has  相似文献   
Siphonophores are commonly considered to be useful indicators of water masses and water-mass movement, but their employment as such across the wider Southern Ocean has not so far been attempted. We redress this here using archived samples, collected during January–February 1993 along a transect from Cape Town to the South African National Antarctic Expedition (SANAE) base in Antarctica, and compare the patterns generated with those determined from a prior analysis of whole assemblages at lower taxonomic resolution. Twenty-one species were identified from 18 of the original 53 samples collected, and two distinct assemblages were confirmed as separated by the Sub-Antarctic Front. That to the south was characterised by low diversity and high abundance and was dominated by cold-water specialists, whereas that to the north comprised a larger number of subtropical and temperate species at low abundance. Assemblage structure was strongly influenced by the mixed layer depth, sea surface salinity and chlorophyll a concentration, as well as mesozooplankton biomass. Congruence with the whole-assemblage study was high, indicating that this taxon can be suitably employed as a proxy in studies such as this. The study emphasises the value of archived plankton samples and makes a plea for better curation.  相似文献   
We have obtained high time resolution (seconds) photometry of LMC X-2 in 1997 December, simultaneously with the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer ( RXTE ), in order to search for correlated X-ray and optical variability on time-scales from seconds to hours. We find that the optical and X-ray data are correlated only when the source is in a high, active X-ray state. Our analysis shows evidence for the X-ray emission leading the optical with a mean delay of <20 s. The time-scale for the lag can be reconciled with disc reprocessing, driven by the higher-energy X-rays, only by considering the lower limit for the delay. The results are compared with a similar analysis of archival data of Sco X-1.  相似文献   
We present an analysis of the factors which control the seasonal variations of the clear-sky greenhouse effect, based on satellite observations and radiative transfer simulations. The satellite observations include the radiation budget at the top of the atmosphere from the Earth Radiation Budget Experiment and the total column moisture content derived from the Special Sensor Microwave/Imager. The simulations were performed with the SAMSON system described in an earlier paper, using atmospheric temperatures and humidities from operational analyses produced by the European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts. At low latitudes, the magnitude of the clear-sky greenhouse effect is dominated by the strong thermodynamic link between the total column moisture content of the atmosphere and sea surface temperatures, with minimal seasonal variations. In contrast, at middle to high latitudes there are strong seasonal variations, the clear-sky greenhouse effect being largest in winter and smallest in summer. These variations cannot be explained by the seasonal cycle in the total column moisture content, as this is largest in summer and smallest in winter. The variations are controlled instead by the seasonal changes in atmospheric temperatures. The colder atmosphere in winter enhances the temperature differential between the atmosphere and the sea surface, leading to a larger greenhouse effect despite the lower moisture contents. The magnitude of the clear-sky greenhouse effect is thus controlled by atmospheric humidity at low latitudes, but by atmospheric temperature at middle and high latitudes. These controls are illustrated by results from sensitivity experiments with SAMSON and are interpreted in terms of a simple model.  相似文献   
Channel constrictions within an estuary can influence overall estuary-sea exchange of salt or suspended/dissolved material. The exchange is modulated by turbulent mixing through its effect on density stratification. Here we quantify turbulent mixing in Hikapu Reach, an estuarine channel in the Marlborough Sounds, New Zealand. The focus is on a period of relatively low freshwater input but where density stratification still persists throughout the tidal cycle, although the strength of stratification and its vertical structure vary substantially. The density stratification increases through the ebb tide, and decreases through the flood tide. During the spring tides observed here, ebb tidal flow speeds reached 0.7?m?s?1 and the buoyancy frequency squared was in the range 10?5 to 10?3?s?2. Turbulence parameters were estimated using both shear microstructure and velocimeter-derived inertial dissipation which compared favourably. The rate of dissipation of turbulent kinetic energy reached 1?×?10?6?m2?s?3 late in the ebb tide, and estimates of the gradient Richardson number (the ratio of stability to shear) fell as low as 0.1 (i.e. unstable) although the results show that bottom-boundary driven turbulence can dominate for periods. The implication, based on scaling, is that the mixing within the channel does not homogenise the water column within a tidal cycle. Scaling, developed to characterise the tidal advection relative to the channel length, shows how riverine-driven buoyancy fluxes can pass through the tidal channel section and the stratification can remain partially intact.  相似文献   
A small isolated outlier of Lower Oligocene chalk, which grades upwards into what was originally a sandy marl, has been truncated by a paleokarst surface, which is overlain by cross-bedded, well-sorted glauconitic sands. A sandy clay horizon (probably originally tuffaceous) and a basaltic lava flow of probable Miocene age cap the local sequence. Below the paleokarst surface and roughly parallel to it, the original sediment has been intensely altered to an average depth of 1.5 m. The alteration front is sharply defined, even where it extends along the walls of glauconitic sand-filled fissures in the chalk.In the alteration zone, the chalk has been entirely replaced by silica (opal-CT, largely in the form of lepispheres). The calcareous fraction of the marl has been replaced by montmorillonite and clinoptilolite. Rounded gravel clasts (largely basaltic) in the base of the overlying glauconitic sands also have been replaced (by montmorillonite), which suggests that all alteration followed deposition of the sands. However, neither the glauconite nor any other mineral in the sands appears highly altered. Similarly, the quartz grains show no evidence of dissolution or silica precipitation. Preservation of most silica sponge spicules, the only siliceous microfossils in the chalk, indicates that the source of the silica was extraneous to the carbonate sediments.Migrating interstitial liquid, largely confined to the sands between the impervious cap of sandy clay plus basalt and the porous but less permeable chalk, is inferred to have been the causal agent for the replacement. Silica, and any other components necessary for the formation of opal-CT, montmorillonite and clinoptilolite, were probably derived by chemical alteration of the capping volcanics in a groundwater regimen. Replacement reactions in the chalk and marl presumably were dependent on the original presence of calcium carbonate, and apart from montmorillonitization of volcanic material, occurred only where this compound was present.  相似文献   
Riverine influences on nearshore oceanic habitats often have detrimental consequences leading to algal blooms and hypoxia. In oligo- to mesotrophic systems, however, nutrient delivery via rivers may stimulate production and even be a vital source of nutrients, as may nutrient supplements from upwelling. We investigated the nutrient content (C, N, P) and stoichiometry of sediment, and several pelagic, benthopelagic and benthic species in the KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) Bight, a narrow shelf area on the south-east coast of South Africa, bordering the Agulhas Current. Three suggested nutrient sources to the bight are the Thukela River in the central region of the bight, upwelling in the northern part and a semi-permanent eddy (Durban Eddy) in the southern part. Elemental content of the various groups studied showed significantly higher values for most groups at the site near the Thukela River. C:P and N:P were highest in the southern part of the bight, and lowest near the Thukela Mouth or at Richards Bay in the north, indicating the latter were the P-richer sites. Sediment organic matter showed lowest elemental content, as expected, and zooplankton stoichiometry was highest compared to all other biotic groups. Environmental heterogeneity played a greater role in organismal C, N and P content and stoichiometry compared to phylogeny, with the exception of the differences in C:P and N:P of zooplankton. From this bight-wide study, the higher elemental content and lower ratios at the Thukela Mouth site supported previous findings of the importance of coastal nutrient sources to the bight ecosystem. Reductions in river flow for water use in the catchment areas may therefore have negative consequences for the productivity of the entire ecosystem.  相似文献   
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