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Uppermost Triassic (Rhaetic) facies, as developed in the Southern Alpine region of Northern Italy, were deposited in a rapidly subsiding, fault-dissected trough (the Lombardy Basin) bounded by carbonate platforms. The main part of the Rhaetic succession consists of 10-m-scale asymmetric cycles, each divided into three parts: a lower shale portion; a central rhythmic portion consisting of repeated marl-limestone couplets, the limestone parts of which thicken upward; and an upper, wholly carbonate unit. A study of the diagenetic history of the series demonstrates that both the major asymmetric cyclicity and the limestone-marl couplets of the central rhythmic member (together constituting a ‘compound’ cyclic form) are fundamentally depositional in nature. It is suggested that this compound cyclicity resulted from the superposition of a low-frequency (approximately 100 000-year periodicity) asymmetric carbonate mud signal with a higher-frequency terrigenous mud signal. Field, petrographic, and geochemical investigations suggest that the basinal carbonate is predominantly allochthonous in origin, having been derived as relatively pure aragonitic mud from adjacent carbonate platforms. It is postulated that the asymmetric carbonate signal was linked to the ecological effects of eustatic fluctuation on platform carbonate systems. Repeated subaerial exposure of subtidal muds in shallow areas indicates that such sea-level variations occurred. A model is presented in which the basinward export of carbonate was negligible in the deepening phase, increased to a maximum during shallowing and was finally halted by the emergence of large platform flats. In contrast, the higher frequency terrigenous mud signal of the basin is thought to have been climatically modulated; fluctuations of a shorter period than those predicted by the Milankovitch theory affected hinterland precipitation and runoff. Particularly rapid subsidence and high depositional rates may have allowed the preservation of this signal.  相似文献   
A record of > 100 million years of fluid flow, alteration,and metamorphism in the evolving Sierra Nevada magmatic areis preserved in metavolcanic rocks of the Ritter Range pendantand surrounding granitoids. The metavolcanic rocks consist of:(1) a lower section of mostly marine volcaniclastic rocks, lavas,and intercalated carbonate rocks that is Triassic to Jurassicin age, and (2) an upper section comprising a subaerial caldera-fillcomplex of mid-Cretaceous age. Late Cretaceous high-temperaturecontact metamorphism (2 kbar, >450–500C) occurredafter renewed normal faulting along the caldera-bounding faultsystem juxtaposed the two sections. The style and degree of alteration and 18O values differ amongthe rocks of the upper and lower sections and the granitoids.Rocks of the lower section show pervasive lithologically controlledalkali alteration, local Mn and Mg enrichment, and oxidation.Some ash flow tuffs now contain up to 10% K2O by weight. Therocks of the upper section show lesser extents of alkali alteration.Granitoids that cut both sections are generally unaltered. Mostmetavolcanic rocks of the lower section have high 18O values(+ 11 to + 16%; whole rock and quartz phenocrysts); however,lower-section rocks within the caldera-bounding fault systemhave low 18O values of + 4 to +7. The metavolcanic rocks ofthe upper section also have low 18O values of + 2 to + 7. Granitoidshave 18O values of + 7 to + 10, typical of unaltered Sierrangranitoids. The lower section contains discontinuous veins ofhigh-temperature (450–500C) calc-silicate minerals. Theseveins are typically <5 m long, do not cross intrusive contacts,and postdate the pervasive alkali alteration. Late veins aretypically > 10 m long, formed at temperatures of less than450–500C, and cross intrusive contacts. Veins have similar18O values to those of the local host rocks. The nature of the alteration and the high oxygen isotopic valuesof the rocks of the lower section indicate that these rocksinteracted extensively with seawater at temperatures <300C,probably in superposed marine hydrothermal systems associatedwith coeval volcanic centers. Metavolcanic rocks of the uppersection evidently interacted with meteorie waters, probablyin a hydrothermal system associated with the Cretaceous caldera;rocks of the lower section that were adjacent to the calderawere also affected by this alteration. The preservation of thesignatures of these earlier events, the nature of the earlyveins, and results from numerical models of hydrothermal flowthat include fluid production indicate that during progradecontact metamorphism, the rocks of the pendant primarily interactedwith locally derived fluids. Fluid flow was predominantly upwardand away from intrusive contacts and down-temperature. Permeabilitiesare estimated to have been between 0•1 and 1µD, whichis that necessary for maintenance of lithostatic fluid pressures.In hydrothermal models with such permeabilities, large-scalecirculation of meteoric fluids develops after prograde metamorphismceases. The nature of the late veins in the Ritter Range pendantsuggests that such a flow pattern evolved only after the pendantand granitoids had cooled below 450–500C. The long-termhistory of alteration documented in the Ritter Range pendantis probably typical of wall rocks in most batholiths *Present address: Department of Geosciences, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona 85721  相似文献   
Sand deposits described at three sites near Caistor, north Lincolnshire (UK), provide a record of Late Devensian (Late Weichselian) to Holocene palaeoenvironments at the western margin of the European sand belt. Thermoluminescence (TL) and radiocarbon analyses provide for the first time a chronological framework for the demise of proglacial Lake Humber and the onset of coversand deposition. The reconstructed palaeoenvironmental history suggests that proglacial Lake Humber had receded from its initial high-level stand before c. 18 ka, exposing the lake floor to periglacial conditions marked by the development of thermal contraction cracks. In the period between c. 18 and 14 ka, sand-depositional processes changed from dominantly fluvial to aeolian. The fluvial activity was possibly a consequence of ameliorating winter climates between c. 17 and 16 ka. The aeolian coversand deposition in this period has not been previously recognized in Britain and correlates with the Older Coversand II and Younger Coversand I deposits elsewhere in the European sand belt. Peat accumulation followed during the Windermere (Bølling/Allerød) Interstadial and early part of the Loch Lomond Stadial (Younger Dryas) before regionally extensive coversand deposition took place in the later part of the Loch Lomond Stadial. This coversand correlates with the widespread Younger Coversand II deposits found both within the UK and across the European sand belt. The Holocene has been characterized by widespread stability with the development of soils on the coversand punctuated with periods of localized reworking through to the present day.  相似文献   
Bateman, M. D., Buckland, P. C., Whyte, M. A., Ashurst, R. A., Boulter, C. & Panagiotakopulu, E. 2011: Re‐evaluation of the Last Glacial Maximum typesite at Dimlington, UK. Boreas, 10.1111/j.1502‐3885.2011.00204.x. ISSN 0300‐9483. Recent erosion has allowed re‐examination of the stratigraphy and sampling for both optically stimulated luminescence dating and palaeoecological analysis of the key sections in the Last Glacial Maximum deposits at Dimlington in East Yorkshire, England. Both stratigraphy and fossil insect evidence support a subaerial origin for laminated and cross‐bedded sediments between two diamictons previously interpreted as synchronous. The fossil biota indicates conditions similar to those of a pond on sandur in the high Arctic, with little or no vegetation cover. The existence of distinct oscillations of the ice front is indicated. The first, within the period 21.7–16.2 ka, appears coincident with climate warming, as deduced from Greenland ice‐core evidence, and is interpreted as an ice stream associated with changing flow patterns within the British–Irish Ice Sheet (BIIS). The second, dating between 16.2 and 15.5 ka, appears to coincide with a climatic cooling, although current models show that the BIIS had by this period already retreated back to ice centres. This new evidence supports the view that the eastern sector of the BIIS did not reach its maximal extent synchronously with other parts of the BIIS.  相似文献   
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