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通过对南京江北地区一个典型剖面(TZC剖面)进行野外调查、室内磁化率、粒度等替代性指标分析和光释光断代研究,探讨了该地区第一层古土壤形成时的粉尘堆积与成壤环境演变特点。结果表明:第一层古土壤(40050cm)形成于全新世最适宜期(85003100aBP),是在末次冰期下蜀黄土堆积成壤基础上的再发育,与下伏黄土之间存在发生学联系。根据沉积年代和沉积厚度对沉积速率估算,该地区末次冰期沉积速率约为11.17cm/ka,而且可以推测古土壤顶部经历过强烈的水土侵蚀作用,侵蚀的厚度为98.67cm,侵蚀下来的黄土在地势低洼的地方形成次生黄土,这表明了次生黄土同为风尘成因,只是经过后期雨水的侵蚀、搬运和再堆积而已。全新世晚期3100年以来,季风转变,沙尘暴加剧,土壤退化,在南京江北地区堆积成厚约50cm左右的现代黄土层或表土层。  相似文献   
红透山黄铁矿的红外光谱研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为了深入研究黄铁矿物理性质的实际成因意义,利用NICOLET 380型,分辨率>0.9 cm-1傅立叶变换红外光谱仪,对红透山地区不同中段的黄铁矿样品进行测量,在400~4 000 cm-1范围内分别得出红外光透射光谱图。运用朗伯比尔定律计算出各中段样品的吸光度。结果表明:红透山黄铁矿(FeS2)中存在不同程度的类质同象取代,该区域黄铁矿导电类型为n型。认为此种类质同象与黄铁矿形成部位具有相关性。吸光度比值与样品所在深度负相关。  相似文献   
电缆地层测试器是重要的地层评价仪器,可以测量地层压力和渗透率、识别流体类型、确定油水界面.然而在低孔低渗地层中,由于泥饼的封闭性差而造成的地层增压现象,致使无法测量到地层真实压力.同时由于长时间的测试,容易将仪器卡在地层中而造成事故.本文提出一种确定电缆地层测试最小测试时间的方法.利用有限元方法计算泥饼和原状地层中的压力分布情况,求取泥浆柱静压力的影响半径,继而确定储层的最小测试时间,并且针对渗透性不同的储层给出了最小测试时间的范围.电缆地层测试最小测试时间的确定,可以确保电缆地层测试器在低孔低渗储层中测量到地层的真实信息,减小由于测量时间过长而引起工程事故发生率.  相似文献   
毛洪江 《西北地质》2010,43(3):141-146
通过对钻探过程中井漏的复杂地质因素分析,提出了水化膨胀复合材料体系,并对该体系进行了膨胀性、封堵性及复合桥接堵漏模拟实验.实验结果表明,堵漏材料PAR具有很强的吸水膨胀性能,可膨胀至原体积的几十倍,且时间快有利于形成快速的封堵.材料PAR与稻谷和锯末形成的复合堵漏材料具有很强的堵塞率,可达70%以上.承压堵漏测量装置中测试表明:复合堵漏体系不仅能形成封堵,而且能够承受一定的压差.在云南临仓市勐简乡铅锌矿钻探过程中,运用复合堵漏体系满足了该地区复杂地矿钻探需要.  相似文献   
本文旨在针对当前海域节约集约利用的要求下,缺乏低效用海客观评价体系的现状。采用层次分析法和德尔菲专家打分法等技术,在DPSIR框架下,从指标选取、权重设立以及综合评价等方面构建低效用海评价指标体系,并在浙江省普陀区进行应用示范。结果显示,普陀区41个填海项目中,有17个项目评价等级为优,有4个评价等级为良好。等级为一般和较差的项目各10个,占评价项目48.7%。这表明普陀区填海项目中批而未填、填而未建或闲置用海情况较为明显。本研究在指标体系构建和实际应用方面具有创新性和先进性,对于低效用海的节约集约利用具有一定的实际意义和应用价值。  相似文献   
在渭河流域东部老官台(LGT)全新世黄土-古土壤剖面中,系统采集了15个黄土释光测年样品,应用单片再生剂量法(SAR)对这些样品的细颗粒混合矿物进行了光释光(OSL)测年,测定结果表明:红外之后蓝光释光([post-IR]OSL)的年龄偏大,红外释光(IRSL)的年龄偏小或与蓝光释光(BLSL)的年龄基本一致,应用IRSL和BLSL信号测定的OSL年龄整体偏小可能与测定样品中长石矿物的异常衰退有关,而[post-IR]OSL信号由于很少发生异常衰退问题,使得其年龄可靠性更高。基于测定的[post-IR]OSL年龄,结合该剖面的磁化率和粒度指标,进一步探讨了渭河流域东部自全新世以来发生的两期土壤侵蚀事件,第1期土壤侵蚀事件发生在约12.40~9.34kaBP,即全新世大暖期来临之前的气候转暖期间;第2期土壤侵蚀事件发生在约4.60~3.76kaBP,即全新世大暖期即将结束、气候开始出现恶化、黄河中游地区夏文化发展的时期,这为深入探索夏代发生的大洪水事件及其气候背景提供了科学依据,本区两期显著的土壤侵蚀事件的发现,揭示了东亚季风系统的不稳定性,表现为千年到百年尺度上的快速变化。  相似文献   
Saishitang Cu-polymetallic deposit is located in the southeast section of Late Paleozoic arcfold in the southeastern margin of Qaidam platform. Accoring to the geological process of the deposit,four mineralization episodes were identified: melt/fluid coexisting period(O),skarn period(A),first sulfide period(B) and second sulfide period(C),and 10 stages were finally subdivided. Three types of inclusions were classified in seven stages,namely crystal bearing inclusions(type I),aqueous inclusions(type II) and pure liquid inclusions(type III). Type I and II inclusions were observed in stage O1,having homogenization temperature from 252 to 431°C,and salinities ranging from 24.3% to 48.0%. Type I inclusion was present in stage A1,having homogenization temperature from 506 to 548°C,and salinities ranging from 39.4% to 44.6%. In stage B1,type II and III inclusions were observed,with homogenization temperature concentrating between 300–400°C,and salinities from 0.4% to 4.3%. Type II inclusions were present in stage B2,with homogenization temperature varying from 403 to 550°C. In stage C1,type I and II inclusion commonly coexisted,and constituted a boiling inclusion group,having homogenization temperatures at 187–463°C,and salinities in a range of 29.4%–46.8% and 2.2%–11.0%. Type II and III inclusions were developed in stage C2,having homogenization temperature at 124–350°C,and salinities ranging between 1.6% and 15.4%. In stage C3,type II and III inclusions were presented,with a homogenization temperature range of 164–360°C,and salinities varying from 4.0% to 11.0%. The results of micro-thermal analysis show that fluids are characterized by high temperature and high salinity in stage O1 and A1,and experienced slight decrease in temperature and dramatic decrease in salinity in stage B1 and B2. In stage C1,the salinity of fluid increased greatly and a further decrease of temperature and salinity occurred in stage C2 and C3. Fluids boiled in stage C1. With calculated pressure of 22 MPa from the trapping temperature of 284–289°C,a mineralization depth of 2.2 km was inferred. Results of Laser Raman Spectroscopy show high density of H2 O,CH4 and CO2 were found as gas composition. H-O isotope study indicates the oreforming fluids were the mixture of magmatic water and meteoric water. Physicochemical parameters of fluids show oxygen and sulfur fugacity experienced a decrease,and redox state is weakly reducing. Along with fluid evolution,oxidation has increased slightly. Comprehensive analysis shows that melt exsolution occurred during the formation of quartz diorite and that metal elements existed and migrated in the form of chlorine complex. Immiscible fluid separation and boiling widely occurred after addition of new fluids,bringing about dissociation of chlorine-complex,resulting in a great deal of copper precipitation. In conclusion,Saishitang deposit,controlled by regional tectonics,is formed by metasomatism between highly fractionated mineralization rock body and wall rock,and belongs to banded skarn Cu-polymetallic deposit.  相似文献   
大气程辐射遥感图像与城市大气污染监测研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
作为对地探测的遥感技术所获取的遥感图像包含了地面和大气信息,并且主要是地面信息.利用地面反射率分布图像将遥感数字图像中弱的大气信息与强的地面目标信息分离,生成仅仅包含大气信息的大气程辐射遥感图像.利用多(高)光谱遥感数字图像中不同波段的大气程辐射遥感图像可以不受地面干扰地对城市大气污染的类型和程度(气溶胶粒径和含量)进行遥感监测.在大气污染地面观测数据(可吸入颗粒物PM10浓度)的支持下,利用MODIS多光谱遥感数字图像生成的对应多光谱大气程辐射遥感数字图像,以上海市为例进行了城市大气污染遥感监测的原理方法研究.  相似文献   
ImODUcrroNTheVertchrateepidennisisinintirnatecontaCtwiththeenvironmentandre~environmentaladaptions.TheepidermisofterreStrialanbolsiskeratinedwhilethatofamPhibiousandaquaticfonnsisrelataltomucus-produCti0n.Theepidennisadsasafi-nalbatherbetweentheorganismanditsenvironmentandoneofitSrnainfunCtionsistoproteCttheorganismagainstextemalpathogens.lnadditiontoIneCanicalproedonofthebody,theepidertnisofamPhibiansandfishescansededinsandotherantibacterialpeptidesthathelpinthebonedefenSeoftheanhal(Su…  相似文献   
Strike-slip faults and normal faults are dominant active tectonics in the interior of Tibetan plateau and control a series of basins and lakes showing extension since the Late Cenozoic, by contrast with the thrust faulting along the orogenic belts bordering the plateau. The late Neotectonic movement of those faults is key information to understand the deformation mechanism for Tibetan plateau. The Gyaring Co Fault is a major active right-lateral strike-slip fault striking~300° for a distance of~240km in central Tibet, in south of Bangong-Nujiang suture zone. The Gyaring Co Fault merges with the north-trending Xainza-Dinggye rift near the southern shore of Gyaring Co. From NW to SE, Dongguo Co, Gemang Co-Zhangnai Co, Zigui Co-Gyaring Co form the Gyaring Co fault zonal drainage basin. Some scholars have noticed that the formation of lakes and basins may be related to strike-slip faults and rift, but there is no analysis on the Gyaring Co fault zonal drainage basin and its response to regional tectonics. In recent years, a variety of quantitative geomorphic parameters have been widely used in the neotectonic systems to analyze the characteristics of the basin and its response mechanism to the tectonic movement. In this paper, we applied ASTER GDEM data on the ArcGIS platform, extracted the Gyaring Co fault zonal drainage basin based on Google Earth images (Landsat and GeoEye) and field work. We acquired basic geomorphic parameters of 153 sub-basin (such as grade, relief, average slope, area) and Hypsometric Index (HI) value and curve. Statistical results have indicated significant differences in scale(area and river network grade)in north and south sides of the fault. Southern drainage basins' relief, slope, HI value are higher than the northern basins, and the overall shape of hypsometric curve of northern basins are convex compared with southern concavity. Along the strike of the Gyaring Co Fault, average slope, and HI value are showing generally increasing trending and hypsometric curve become convex from west to east. By comparing and analyzing the lithology and rainfall conditions, we found that they have little influence on the basic parameters and HI value of drainage basins. Therefore, the changes of basin topographic differences between northern and southern side of fault and profile reveal the Gyaring Co Fault has experienced differential uplift since the late Cenozoic, southern side has greater uplift compared to the north side, and the uplift increased from NW to SE, thus indicate that normal faulting of the Gyaring Co Fault may enhanced by the Xainza-Dinggye rift. The early uplift of the Gangdise-Nyainqentanglha Mountain in late Cenozoic might provide northward inclined pre-existing geomorphic surfaces and the later further rapid uplift on the Gangdise-Nyaingentanglha Mountain and Xainza-Dinggye rift might contribute to the asymmetrical development of the Gyaring Co fault zonal drainage basin.  相似文献   
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