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杨柳    周汉文  朱云海  代雄    林启祥  马占青  菅坤坤  张旻玥 《地质通报》2014,33(06):804-819
位于东昆仑造山带上的东昆北哈希牙地区发育中基性岩墙群。其岩性主要为辉绿岩、闪斜煌斑岩和闪长玢岩,地球化学数据显示其具有高钾钙碱性玄武岩系列特征。轻、重稀土元素存在较高程度分馏,LREE/HREE值为4.72~8.66,平均值为6.57。δEu值介于0.81~0.98之间,平均值为0.91,显示出微弱的负Eu异常,表明斜长石的分离结晶作用不明显,富集Rb、Ba、Pb、K等大离子亲石元素,贫高场强元素Ta、Nb、Zr、Hf等地球化学特征,主体显示板内玄武岩特征,但有来自俯冲带的部分信息。采用LA-ICP-MS技术对锆石进行了U-Th-Pb同位素测定,结果显示锆石年龄较为分散,其中8颗岩浆锆石给出的206Pb/238U年龄加权平均值为411.5±7.5Ma,代表了格尔木哈希牙地区辉绿岩墙的结晶年龄,反映东昆北地块于晚志留世—早泥盆世已由地体碰撞的挤压状态转为碰撞后伸展状态,标志着该地区加里东期构造旋回的结束。  相似文献   
Scientific research and productive practice for earth history are inseparable from the accurate stratigraphic framework and time framework. Establishing the globally unified, precise and reliable chronostratigraphic series and geological time series is the major goal of the International Commission on Stratigraphy(ICS). Under the leadership of the ICS, the countries around the world have carried out research on the Global Standard Stratotype-section and Points(GSSPs) for the boundaries of chronostratigraphic systems. In the current International Chronostratigraphic Chart(ICC), 65 GSSPs have been erected in the Phanerozoic Eonothem, and one has yet been erected in the Precambrian Eonothem. Based on the progress of research on stratigraphy especially that from its subcommissions, the ICS is constantly revising the ICC, and will publish a new International Stratigraphic Guide in 2020. After continual efforts and broad international cooperation of Chinese stratigraphers, 10 GSSPs within the Phanerozoic Eonothem have been approved and ratified to erect in China by the ICS and IUGS. To establish the standards for stratigraphic division and correlation of China, with the support from the Ministry of Science and Technology, the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the China Geological Survey, Chinese stratigraphers have carried out research on the establishment of Stages in China. A total of 102 stages have been defined in the "Regional Chronostratigraphic Chart of China(geologic time)", in which 59 stages were studied in depth. In 2014, the "Stratigraphic Chart of China" was compiled, with the essential contents as follows: the correlation between international chronostratigraphy and regional chronostratigraphy of China(geologic time), the distributive status of lithostratigraphy, the characteristics of geological ages, the biostratigraphic sequence, the magnetostratigraphy, the geological events and eustatic sea-level change during every geological stage. The "Stratigraphical Guide of China and its Explanation(2014)" was also published. Chinese stratigraphers have paid much attention to stratigraphic research in south China, northeast China, north China and northwest China and they have made great achievements in special research on stratigraphy, based on the 1:1000000, 1:250000, 1:200000 and 1:50000 regional geological survey projects. Manifold new stratigraphic units were discovered and established by the regional geological surveys, which are helpful to improve the regional chronostratigraphic series of China. On the strength of the investigation in coastal and offshore areas, the status of marine strata in China has been expounded. According to the developing situation of international stratigraphy and the characteristics of Chinese stratigraphic work, the contrast relation between regional stratigraphic units of China and GSSPs will be established in the future, which will improve the application value of GSSPs and the standard of regional stratigraphic division and correlation. In addition, the study of stratigraphy of the Precambrian, terrestrial basins and orogenic belts will be strengthened, the Stratigraphic Chart of China will be improved, the typical stratigraphic sections in China will be protected and the applied study of stratigraphy in the fields of oil and gas, solid minerals, etc. will be promoted. On the ground of these actions, stratigraphic research will continue to play a great role in the social and economic development of China.  相似文献   
马收先  李海龙  张岳桥  李建 《地质通报》2016,35(8):1314-1323
天水盆地位于青藏高原东北缘高海拔挤压隆升区与鄂尔多斯低海拔伸展区的过渡部位,新构造活动强烈。然而,新构造活动对天水盆地的影响尚不清楚。通过对盆地的沉积环境、构造沉降、构造变形等方面的研究,结果显示:1盆地由风成堆积、洪积扇、河湖相与湖泊相沉积组成,代表沉积中心的河湖相与湖泊相沿控盆断裂(西秦岭北缘断裂、西和断裂与礼县-罗家堡断裂)分布;2盆地经历了16~14Ma、9.2~7.4Ma和3.6~2.6Ma三次加速沉降期;3控盆断裂在同沉积期为正断层。沉积中心沿断裂分布、快速沉降事件及生长正断层表明,天水盆地至少在中新世晚期受控于走滑伸展构造,记录了青藏高原向北东方向的构造挤出作用。  相似文献   
Using analyses of the lithology, sequences, paleoenvironment, and tectonic setting, the depositional system of the Carboniferous Huanglong Formation in the eastern Sichuan Basin was identified. The lithological characteristics of the Lower Member, Middle Member, and Upper Member were analyzed and classified. Before the use of carbon, oxygen, and strontium isotopes in the analysis, all of the geochemical data were tested for validity. On the basis of the Z values obtained from carbon and oxygen isotopes, the paleoenvironments of the three members were elucidated. Lower Member was dominantly an enclosed marine environment with intense evaporation and little freshwater input into the sea. Middle Member developed in a semi-enclosed to normal marine environment with many rivers. Upper Member was formed in a normal marine environment. The east Sichuan Basin was enclosed by paleouplifts before the deposition of the Huanglong Formation, forming a relatively enclosed depositional setting. Paleogullies developed in the Silurian strata that underlie the Carboniferous rocks; these paleogullies can be identified. On the basis of a comprehensive analysis, we propose that the Huanglong Formation developed in a platform system. Four microfacies were identified: supratidal flat, dolostone flat, grain shoal, and shelf microfacies. The high-permeability and high-porosity characteristics of the grain shoal microfacies are favorable for hydrocarbon accumulation, while the supratidal flat and shelf microfacies developed very few high-quality reservoirs. The paleogullies, in which increased amounts of grain shoal microfacies developed, controlled the distribution of high-quality reservoirs.  相似文献   
长江中下游庐枞火山岩盆地南侧钾质侵入岩带的成因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
庐枞火山岩盆地南侧的钾质侵入岩带由正长岩-石英正长岩-正长花岗岩组成,以石英正长岩为主。它们的形成时间介于123"130 Ma之间,峰值约为126 Ma,其中正长岩和石英正长岩的形成时间稍早,而正长花岗岩的形成时间略晚。整个钾质侵入岩带的侵位时间晚于庐枞盆地内的橄榄玄粗质火山作用约4"7 Ma,也是长江中下游地区除最东段的宁镇地区外中生代最晚的岩浆活动产物之一。地球化学上,该钾质侵入岩带以高钾、富碱、富集Rb、Th、U、K等强不相容元素和轻稀土元素、亏损高场强元素Nb、Ta和Ti为特征。它们的母岩浆主要是由富集型上地幔部分熔融形成的,从正长岩经石英正长岩到正长花岗岩的演化主要受矿物的分离结晶作用控制,地壳物质同化所起的影响不大。但与同样来自富集型上地幔部分熔融的庐枞盆地内火山杂岩的母岩浆相比,前者的母岩浆来源深度可能更大些或其中包含了更多来自软流圈地幔的组分。两者的演化路径也完全不同,钾质侵入岩带的母岩浆除经历过高压下的分离结晶作用外,晚期在低压下还经历过长石为主,可能还有黑云母的分离结晶,甚至上地壳物质一定程度的混染作用;而盆地内火山杂岩的母岩浆低压下矿物的分离结晶作用及上地壳物质的混染都不明显。庐枞盆地南缘的富钾侵入岩与盆地内的火山杂岩一样,地球化学上都具有明显的大陆弧的特征,暗示它们的岩浆源区可能形成于俯冲带环境,意味着扬子地块北缘先前(推测为古元古代晚期)曾发生过俯冲作用,上地幔的交代富集可能就与这次的俯冲作用有关。  相似文献   
中国东南大陆晚侏罗世地层普遍缺失,仅零星见于个别地区,香港新界东北的荔枝庄组即为其一。荔枝庄组出露于香港世界地质公园沉积岩园区的荔枝庄地区,自下往上由火山岩—沉积岩—火山岩组合而成,沉积岩中发育大型包卷层理和滑塌构造等典型沉积构造,是香港地区最具代表性的晚侏罗世火山—沉积岩系。通过实测地层剖面研究,确定其成岩过程大体上可划分为早期普林尼式火山爆发、中期破火山口湖相沉积和晚期普林尼式火山爆发三个阶段,以湖相沉积作用为主、火山喷发作用为辅;受晚期火山岩浆活动的影响,沉积岩层普遍发生硅化或炭化。荔枝庄组独特的岩石组合与形成的古地理环境,为探讨中国东南大陆中生代火山活动—沉积作用方式与成岩过程,提供了难得的研究实例。  相似文献   
孟元库  许志琴  马士委  刘晓佳 《地质学报》2016,90(11):3023-3038
一般剪切带主要由纯剪切和简单剪切共同作用,不同的剪切带及不同的构造位置两者所占有的比例不同。利用运动学涡度(Wk)可以定量地分析两者间的比值大小。本文通过极莫尔圆法和有限应变轴率Rs/石英c轴组构法对冈底斯岩浆带中段谢通门-曲水滑覆型韧性剪切带的运动学涡度进行了计算,两种方法获得了较为一致的结果。通过极莫尔圆法,对剪切带中的9组糜棱岩样品进行了运动学涡度计算,获得了Wk=0.73~0.96,平均值Wk=0.83。运用有限应变轴率Rs/石英c轴组构法对4个样品进行了分析,得到Wk=0.85~0.93,均值为0.88,两种方法获得了较为一致的应变结果。还根据极莫尔圆图解,计算了该韧性剪切带的减薄量S=0.09~0.35,平均减薄量为0.20。研究表明该韧性剪切带为典型的以简单剪切为主伴有部分纯剪切的一般剪切,该剪切带的形成可能与拉萨地体在中新世时从挤压到侧向伸展的转换有关。该剪切带变形特征和运动学涡度的确定深化了对藏南冈底斯地区的构造演化过程的理解,并对青藏高原中南部的地质研究具有推进作用。  相似文献   
拉萨地块西部呈断块状沿狮泉河-申扎-嘉黎蛇绿混杂岩带附近分布的念青唐古拉岩群被认为是前寒武纪变质基底。本文对念青唐古拉岩群进行了系统的岩石学、地球化学、同位素年代学及构造地质学研究。研究结果表明片岩-片麻岩-变粒岩含十字石、石榴子石等特征变质矿物,遵循粒度分异规律,其原岩可能为来自冈瓦纳古陆核北缘中新元古代弧盆体系的活动大陆边缘浊积岩。斜长角闪岩具低硅、高铁镁、富钙的基性岩特征,其原岩为岛弧型基性火山岩。念青唐古拉岩群中的花岗伟晶岩锆石LA-ICPMS U-Pb年龄为1150±13Ma,具过铝质S型花岗岩地球化学特征,可能为中元古代(1150±13 Ma)以前就开始沉积的念青唐古拉岩群基底岩石通过部分熔融形成。与花岗伟晶岩渐变过渡接触的二云斜长片麻岩第一组变质重结晶锆石U-Pb年龄为701±15 Ma,结合十字石特征变质矿物,暗示了该地区中温高压变质作用的峰期变质,变质程度达角闪岩相;第二组热液流体锆石UPb年龄为301±8.4 Ma,可能与冈瓦纳大陆北缘古特提斯洋演化过程中的岩浆热液作用有关。  相似文献   
争光浅成低温热液型金矿床位于大兴安岭成矿带北段,是多宝山矿集区内的一个重要矿床。文章通过流体包裹体和C_H_O_He_Ar同位素的系统研究,对该矿床成矿流体和矿床成因进行了深入探讨。矿床成矿作用可划分为4个主要阶段:石英_黄铁矿阶段(成矿前阶段)、石英_多金属硫化物阶段(主成矿阶段)、方解石_(石英)_多金属硫化物阶段(主成矿阶段)和方解石阶段(成矿后阶段)。流体包裹体研究表明,争光金矿床主要发育富液相流体包裹体。石英_黄铁矿阶段、方解石_(石英)_多金属硫化物阶段和方解石阶段流体包裹体的均一温度分别介于116~243℃(集中于150~170℃)、129~294℃(集中于140~160℃)和130~155℃(集中于130~150℃);w(NaCleq)分别介于0.9%~10.1%、1.2%~13.8%和2.7%~8.7%。成矿流体具有低温、低盐度、相对还原的特征,属H_2O_Na Cl体系。石英_黄铁矿阶段成矿流体的δD和δ18O分别为-127‰~-110‰和-5.9‰~0.6‰,蚀变围岩的δD值和δ18O值分别为-118‰~-108‰和6.3‰~7.9‰。方解石_(石英)_多金属硫化物阶段和方解石阶段方解石的δ~(13)C分别为-5.3‰~-2.0‰和-2.9‰~-2.2‰,δ18O分别为7.7‰~9.3‰和9.9‰~13.5‰。黄铁矿流体包裹体的~3He/~4He、~(40)Ar/~(36)Ar和~(40)Ar*/4He比值分别为1.75~3.06 Ra、683~1295和0.30~0.63。综合流体包裹体特征和稳定同位素组成,认为成矿早阶段成矿流体为大气降水与围岩发生水_岩反应后的演化水。随着成矿作用的进行,成矿流体变为大气降水与岩浆水的混合水,但仍以大气降水为主导。成矿流体与贫H_2S的流体混合和硫化物沉淀的共同作用可能是该矿床金沉淀的主要机制。  相似文献   
柴北缘东段石炭系克鲁克组为一套海陆过渡相碎屑岩和碳酸盐岩混合沉积,其中泥页岩较为发育。通过野外剖面踏勘和实测对克鲁克组泥页岩纵向发育特征进行了研究,发现克鲁克组一段泥页岩累计厚度为60 m,泥地比达92.6%,是泥页岩发育最好的层段。通过精细岩心观察描述、全岩X射线衍射分析、岩石薄片鉴定、扫描电镜观察及物性分析等,对泥页岩矿物组成、岩相、储集空间类型及物性特征进行了研究,结果表明,泥页岩矿物组成以石英和黏土矿物为主;黑色纹层状泥质中粉砂岩相、灰黑色条带状泥质粗粉砂岩相、灰黑色条带状含灰灰质泥质粗粉砂岩相和黑色纹层状含生物碎屑泥质中粉砂岩相为主要的岩相类型;储集空间主要发育顺层裂缝、溶蚀孔隙、黏土矿物晶间孔、有机质粒内孔隙及生物碎屑粒内孔;孔隙度在1%~3%,渗透率分布在0.01~1 mD。储层的发育主要受沉积环境、矿物组成和成岩作用的影响,黑色纹层状泥质中粉砂岩相和灰黑色条带状泥质粗粉砂岩相由于沉积厚度大、碳酸盐胶结作用弱、脆性指数较高、储集性能良好,有利于泥页岩储层的发育。  相似文献   
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