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The 2001 outburst of WZ Sagittae has shown the most compelling evidence yet for an enhancement of the mass-transfer rate from the donor star during a dwarf nova outburst in the form of hotspot brightening. I show that, even in this extreme case, the brightening can be attributed to tidal heating near the interaction point of an accretion stream with the expanding edge of an eccentric accretion disc, with no need at all for an increase in the mass-transfer rate. Furthermore, I confirm previous suggestions that an increase in mass-transfer rate through the stream damps any eccentricity in an accretion disc and suppresses the appearance of superhumps, in contradiction to observations. Tidal heating is expected to be most significant in systems with small mass ratios. It follows that systems like WZ Sagittae – which has a tiny mass ratio – are those most likely to show a brightening in the hotspot region.  相似文献   
The recovery of nickel, copper and cobalt from ocean manganese nodules by a segregation roasting technique was investigated under a wide range of conditions with several nodule samples all of which gave similar results. The best conditions for the segregation of the metals were achieved with CaCl2 as the chloride source at a batch retention time of approximately two hours; the highest recoveries were obtained at approximately 850°C for copper and at 1,050°C for nickel and cobalt. At 850°C, copper recovery was 75%, but nickel and cobalt recoveries were only about 25%. At 1,050°C, the nickel and cobalt recoveries were increased to about 60%, but the copper recovery dropped to only 35%. Electron-probe microanalysis showed the segregated metal to be an alloy, indicating that gaseous reactions play an important role in the reduction of chlorides to metal during the process.  相似文献   
M. Pick 《Journal of Geodesy》1969,43(2):205-206
We studied the petrography, mineralogy, and geochemistry of the Paleoproterozoic (2.06 Ga) granites of the Katugin massif (Stanovoy suture zone), which hosts the combined rare-metal Katugin deposit. Three groups of granites were distinguished: (1) biotite (Bt) and biotite–riebeckite (Bt–Rbk) granites of the western block of the massif; (2) biotite–arfvedsonite (Bt–Arf) granites of the eastern block; and (3) arfvedsonite (Arf), aegirine–arfvedsonite (Aeg–Arf), and aegirine (Aeg) granites of the eastern block. The Bt and Bt–Rbk granites of the first group are mainly metaluminous and peraluminous rocks with rather high CaO contents and the minimum F contents among the granites described here. It was suggested that the granites of this group could be derived from a source dominated by crustal rocks with a small addition of mantle materials. These granites probably crystallized from a metaluminous–peraluminous melt with elevated CaO and moderate F contents. Melts of such compositions are least favorable for the crystallization of ore minerals. The Bt–Arf granites of the second group are mainly peralkaline and show high contents of CaO and Y and low contents of Na2O and F. A mixed mantle–crust source was proposed for the Bt–Arf granites. The initial melt of the Bt–Arf granites could have a peralkaline composition with elevated CaO content and moderate to high F content. The Arf, Aeg–Arf, and Aeg granites of the third group are enriched in ore mineral and were classified as peralkaline granites with very low CaO contents, elevated Na2O and F contents, and usually very high contents of Zr, Hf, Nb, and Ta. Based on the geochemical and isotopic data, it was supposed that the source of the granites of the third group could be derivatives of basaltic magmas produced in an OIB-type source with a minor addition of crustal material to the magma generation zone. It was suggested that the primary melt of this granite group could be a peralkaline CaO-poor and F-rich silicic melt, which is most favorable for the crystallization of ore minerals. Based on the analysis of the geochemical characteristics of the three granite groups and their relationships within the Katugin massif, a qualitative model of its formation was proposed. According to this model, the Bt and Bt–Rbk granites of the western block crystallized first, followed by the Bt–Arf granites of the eastern block and, eventually, the Arf, Aeg–Arf, and Aeg granites enriched in ore minerals.  相似文献   
The results of monitoring the H2O maser observed toward the region GH2O 092.67+03.07 (IRAS 21078+5211) located in the Giant Molecular Cloud Cygnus OB7 are presented. The observations were carried out with the 22-m radio telescope of the Pushchino Radio Astronomy Observatory in 2006–2017. Strong flares of the H2O maser emission with flux densities up to 19 800 Jy were detected. The flares exhibited both global (over the source) and local characters. All the flares were accompanied by strong variations in the H2O spectra within the corresponding radial-velocity ranges. Individual H2O components form both compact clusters and chains 1–2-AU long. Analysis of the variations of the fluxes, radial velocities, and line shapes of features during the flares showed that the medium may be strongly fragmented, with small-scale turbulent motions taking place in the H2Omaser region.  相似文献   
The Au-Bi-Te mineralization is found and studied at the Serebryanoe deposit in Eastern Transbaikalia. The microprobe analyses of the native gold and sulfides and the sulfur isotopic composition of the sulfides are presented. The early gold-pyrite-arsenopyrite and late gold-polymetallic assemblages with sulfides, sulfotellurides and tellurides of Bi, native bismuth and gold, and Au-Bi intermetallide were distinguished. It is concluded that the Au-Bi-Te mineralization is genetically related to the porphyry monzonites of the Shakhtama complex on the basis of their 40Ar/39Ar age.  相似文献   
Pelitic and calcareous rocks in the Whetstone Lake area havean unusually wide range of chemical composition. Metamorphicreactions have been deduced that represent the observed ‘discontinuities’in compatible mineral assemblages, and by plotting the reactantand the product assemblage of each reaction on a map, metamorphicisograds have been delincated ‘from both sides’.For the pelitic rocks, successively higher-grade isograds arebased on the following reactions: (1)chlorite+muscovite+garnetstaurolite+biotite+quartz+water; (2) chlorite+muscovite+staurolite+quartz kyanite+biotite+water; (3) kyanitesillimanite; (4)staurolite+museovite+quartzsillimanite+garnet+biotite+water. A fifth isograd, based on the reaction (5) biotite+calcite+quartzCa-amphibole+K-feldspar+carbon dioxide+water intersects the isograds based on reactions (2), (3), and (4)in such a manner as to indicate that the H2O/CO2 fugacity ratiowas significantly higher in the vicinity of a granite plutonthan in the metasedimentary rocks remote from the pluton. Chemicalanalyses of the coexisting minerals in reaction (5) indicatethat the real reaction may involve plagioclase, epidote, sphene,and Fe-Ti oxides as well.  相似文献   
Precipitation episodes in the form of freezing rain and ice pellets represent natural hazards affecting eastern Canada during the cold season. These types of precipitation mainly occur in the St. Lawrence River valley and the Atlantic provinces of Canada. This study aims to evaluate the ability of the fifth-generation Canadian Regional Climate Model (CRCM5), using a 0.11° horizontal grid mesh, to hindcast mixed precipitation when driven by reanalyses produced by the European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecasts (ERA-Interim) for a 35-year period. In general, the CRCM5 simulation slightly overestimates the occurrence of freezing rain, but the geographical distribution is well reproduced. The duration of freezing rain events and accompanying surface winds in the Montréal region are reproduced by CRCM5. A case study is performed for an especially catastrophic freezing-rain event in January 1998; the model succeeds in simulating the intensity and duration of the episode, as well as the propitious meteorological environment. Overall, the model is also able to reproduce the climatology and a specific event of freezing rain and ice pellets.  相似文献   
Storms, hurricanes, and earthquakes may cause seabed instability, especially if the seabed is weak. The seabed instability, manifested in movement of soil layers, exerts lateral forces that may cause large stresses in offshore foundations. The induced stresses may compromise the stability of the foundation and supported structure. The effect of seabed instability on a fixed offshore structure is examined in this study. The method used accounts for soil nonlinearity, dynamic soil resistance, and pile–soil–pile interaction within the stable soil layer. Dynamic py curves, dynamic tz curves and qz curves have been used to simulate the soil resistance in the lateral and axial directions. The effect of different parameters that influence the response of offshore structures to seabed instability is evaluated. The parameters considered include the value of soil movement, the sliding layer depth, the wave loading, the pile flexibility, the soil movement profile, and the axial loading at the pile head. The response predicted using the proposed analysis compared well with that calculated using a boundary element solution for a case history of a failed offshore platform.  相似文献   
Josephinite, a complex, metal-bearing rock from the region of the Josephine Peridotite in southwest Oregon, contains FeNiCo metal alloy phases having exsolution textures. Scanning and transmission electron microscopy have revealed Widmanstaetten patterns in which the lamellae are polysynthetically twinned, ordered, face-centered-cubic FeNi3 surrounded by untwinned, ordered, face-centered-cubic FeNi3 and body-centered-cubic FeCo. These exsolution textures require a temperature in excess of 500°C for their formation. This is consistent with a mantle derivation of josephinite prior to obduction of the peridotite in one of the Klamath ophiolites.  相似文献   
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