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The mafic–ultramafic Fariman complex in northeastern Iran has been interpreted as a Paleo-Tethyan ophiolitic fragment with subduction- and plume-related characteristics as well as a basin deposit on an active continental margin. Contributing to this issue, we present geochemical, geochronological, and mineralogical data for transitional and tholeiitic basalts. Thermodynamic modeling suggests picritic parental magmas with 16–21 wt% MgO formed at plume-like mantle potential temperatures of ca. 1460–1600 °C. Rare pyroxene spinifex textures and skeletal to feather-like clinopyroxene attest to crystallization from undercooled magma and high cooling rates. Chromium numbers and TiO2 concentrations in spinel are similar to those in intraplate basalts. 40Ar–39Ar dating of magmatic hornblende yielded a plateau age of 276?±?4 Ma (2σ). Transitional basalt with OIB-like trace element characteristics is the predominant rock-type; less frequent are tholeiitic basalts with mildly LREE depleted patterns and picrites with intermediate trace element characteristics. All samples show MORB-OIB like Pb/Ce, Th/La, and Th/Nb ratios which preclude subduction-modified mantle sources and felsic crustal material. Tholeiitic basalts and related olivine cumulate rocks show MORB-like initial εNd values of +?9.4 to +?6.2 which define a mixing line with the data for the transitional basalts (εNd ca. +?2.6). Initial 187Os/188Os ratios of 0.124–0.293 support mixed sources with a high proportion of recycled mafic crust in the transitional basalts. High concentrations of highly siderophile elements are in agreement with the high mantle potential temperatures and inferred high-melting degrees. It is argued that the Fariman complex originated by melting of a mantle plume component as represented by the OIB-like transitional basalt and entrained asthenosphere predominant in the MORB-like tholeiites. Two lines of evidence such as association of the Fariman complex with pelagic to neritic sedimentary rocks and the tectonic position at the boundary of two continental blocks defined by ophiolites and accretionary complexes of different ages suggest formation in an oceanic domain. Thus, we interpret it as a fragment of an oceanic plateau, which escaped subduction and was accreted as exotic block in the Paleo-Tethyan suture zone.  相似文献   
Climate change and high magnitude mass wasting events pose adverse societal effects and hazards, especially in alpine regions. Quantification of such geomorphic processes and their rates is therefore critical but is often hampered by the lack of appropriate techniques and the various spatiotemporal scales involved in these studies. Here we exploit both in situ cosmogenic beryllium-10 (10Be) and carbon-14 (14C) nuclide concentrations for deducing exposure ages and tracing of sediment through small alpine debris flow catchments in central Switzerland. The sediment cascade and modern processes we track from the source areas, through debris flow torrents to their final export out into sink regions with cosmogenic nuclides over an unprecedented five-year time series with seasonal resolution. Data from a seismic survey and a 90 m core revealed a glacially overdeepened basin, filled with glacial and paraglacial sediments. Surface exposure dating of fan boulders and radiocarbon ages constrain the valley fill from the last deglaciation until the Holocene and show that most of the fan existed in early Holocene times already. Current fan processes are controlled by episodic debris flow activity, snow (firn) and rock avalanches. Field investigations, digital elevation models (DEMs) of difference and geomorphic analysis agree with sediment fingerprinting with cosmogenic nuclides, highlighting that the bulk of material exported today at the outlet of the subcatchments derives from the lower fans. Cosmogenic nuclide concentrations steadily decrease from headwater sources to distal fan channels due to the incorporation of material with lower nuclide concentrations. Further downstream the admixture of sediment from catchments with less frequent debris flow activity can dilute the cosmogenic nuclide signals from debris flow dominated catchments but may also reach thresholds where buffering is limited. Consequently, careful assessment of boundary conditions and driving forces is required when apparent denudation rates derived from cosmogenic nuclide analysis are upscaled to larger regions. © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The Helmstedt‐Staßfurt salt wall is 70 km long, 6–8 km wide and one of the most important diapiric structures in northern Germany, based on the economically significant lignite‐bearing rim synclines. The analysed Schöningen rim syncline, located on the southwestern side of the Helmstedt‐Staßfurt structure, is 8 km long and 3 km wide. The basin‐fill is up to 366 m thick and characterized by 13 major lignite seams with thicknesses between 0.1 and 30 m. The key objectives of this article were to expand on the classical cross‐section based rim syncline analysis by the use of 3D models and basin simulations. Cross‐sections perpendicular to the basin axis indicate that the basin‐fill has a pronounced lenticular shape. This shape varies from more symmetric in the NW to clearly asymmetric in the SE. Isopach maps imply a two‐fold depocentre evolution. The depocentre migrated over time towards the salt wall and also showed some distinct shifts parallel to the salt wall. The basin modelling part of the study was carried out with the software PetroMod®, which focused on the burial history of the rim syncline. Modelling results also show the progressive migration of the rim syncline depocentre towards the salt wall. The present‐day asymmetry of the basin‐fill was already developed in the early phases of rim syncline evolution. The extracted geohistory curve shows initial rapid subsidence between 57 and 50 Ma and more moderate subsidence from 50 to 34 Ma. This pattern is interpreted to reflect salt evacuation from the source layer into the salt wall. The initial salt‐withdrawal rate was rapid, but later decreased probably due to depletion of the source layer.  相似文献   
High alpine karst plateaus are recharge areas for major drinking water resources in the Alps and many other regions. Well-established methods for the vulnerability mapping of groundwater to contamination have not been applied to such areas yet. The paper characterises this karst type and shows that two common vulnerability assessment methods (COP and PI) classify most of the areas with high vulnerability classes. In the test site on the Hochschwab plateau (Northern Calcareous Alps, Austria), overlying layers are mostly absent, not protective or even enhance point recharge, where they have aquiclude character. The COP method classifies 82% of the area as highly or extremely vulnerable. The resulting maps are reasonable, but do not differentiate vulnerabilities to the extent that the results can be used for protective measures. An extension for the upper end of the vulnerability scale is presented that allows identifying ultra vulnerable areas. The proposed enhancement of the conventional approach points out that infiltration conditions are of key importance for vulnerability. The method accounts for karst genetical and hydrologic processes using qualitative and quantitative properties of karst depressions and sinking streams including parameters calculated from digital elevations models. The method is tested on the Hochschwab plateau where 1.7% of the area is delineated as ultra vulnerable. This differentiation could not be reached by the COP and PI methods. The resulting vulnerability map highlights spots of maximum vulnerability and the combination with a hazard map enables protective measures for a manageable area and number of sites.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Im Zuge lagerstättenkundlicher Untersuchungen in der Nördlichen Grauwackenzone Tirols konnten im nördlich vorgelagerten und primär mit dem Paläozoikum im Zusammenhang stehenden permotriadischen Sedimentstreifen lokal lagerstättenbildende Uran-Thorium-Anreicherungen festgestellt werden. Im Gebiet südlich von Fieberbrunn-Hochfilzen enthalten, dem Bundsandstein zugehörige, feinkörnige graue Quarzpsammite und quarzsandige Serizitpsammopelite an Pflanzenreste gebundene Pechblende, häufig begleitet von Pyrit, Markasit und Kupferkies. Die Erzminerale treten imprägnationsähnlich in den permoskytischen Sedimenten auf und werden als authigene Bildungen durch syndiagenetische chemische Anlagerung gedeutet. Im Nebengestein treten lagenweise auch syndiagenetische Magnesitbildungen auf.Erzminerale sowie detritische und authigene Gesteinskomponenten wurden alpidisch durchbewegt und reagierten unterschiedlich, nämlich durch Formung im Feinbau oder durch Kataklase. Postdeformative Neubildungen, zum Teil verbunden mit lokalen Stoffwanderungen und Rekristallisationen, sind an Gesteins- und Erzmineralen festzustellen.Herkunftsgebiete des Urans sind in den heute aufgeschlossenen Arealen bisher nicht bekannt. Für die Kupfererze jedoch ergeben sich wahrscheinliche Beziehungen zu voralpidischen, paläozoischen Kupfermineralisationen, die innerhalb der Grauwackenzone mit zahlreichen Lagerstätten vertreten sind.An sekundären Mineralien finden sich Goethit, Lepidokrokit, Digenit, Covellin, Cuprit, gediegen Kupfer, Malachit sowie Zippeit als Uranabkömmling.Die Verbreitung der in einigen Schichtbänken des Sandsteinhorizontes auftretenden U-Th-Anreicherung ist bisher auf 10 km streichende Distanz bekannt. Wenn auch über die stratigraphische Lagekonstanz und über Schwankungen der Radioaktivität infolge spärlicher Geländeaufschlüsse vorläufig noch keine wirtschaftlich brauchbaren Aussagen gemacht werden können, kann immerhin von der ersten in Österreich nachgewiesenen Uranlagerstätte gesprochen werden, in der punktförmige lokale U-Anreicherungen von 1% (=10.000 ppm), in einem Einzelfall 2% U, nachgewiesen sind.
A uranium deposit in permotriassic sediments in the province of Tyrol, Austria
Summary During an investigation of the mineral deposits in the Northern Grauwackenzone of the Tyrol, zones of uranium-thorium enrichment were detected in the Permotriassic sediments unconformably overlying the Paleozoic sequence. In the area south of Fieberbrunn-Hochfilzen pitchblende (parapitchblende) associated with plant remains was found in fine-grained grey sandstones and sericitic sandy shales. The pitchblende frequently occurs together with pyrite, marcasite and chalcopyrite. All these minerals are found in Permoskytic sediments in a form similar to impregnation. They are regarded as being authigenic having formed by syndiagenetic chemical deposition. Nearby country rock contains beds of syndiagenetic magnesite.During the Alpine orogenesis the ore minerals as well as the detrital and authigenic rock components underwent deformation of the lattice structure or cataclastic processes. Post-tectonic processes resulted in mobilization and recrystallization of the rock and ore minerals.The source areas of the uranium are not yet known. The copper ores may be related to Pre-alpidian Paleozoic copper mineralizations. Numerous deposits containing such copper mineralizations are found in the Grauwackenzone.Goethite, lepidocrocite, digenite, covellite, cuprite, copper, malachite, and zippeite were found as secondary minerals.The distribution of the U-Th enrichment is observed in some beds of the sandstone horizon over a distance of 10 km along strike. At the present time no economic conclusions can be drawn as to the stratigraphic extent and fluctuations of radioactivity; however, this occurrence can be described as the first uranium deposit in Austria where very local U-concentrations of 1% (=10.000 ppm), in a single case 2% U, have been measured.

Mit 7 Abbildungen  相似文献   
Summary The TOGA Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Response Experiment (COARE) concentrated a variety of observational systems in the warm pool of the western equatorial Pacific for an Intensive Observation Period (IOP) November 1992 through February 1993. In this paper, aspects of the largescale variations of the tropical atmosphere and Pacific Ocean surrounding the observations of air-sea interaction in the Intensive Flux Array (IFA) during the IOP are described, with the objective of providing a context for the future analyses of these observations.The evolution of the 1991–1992 El Niño/Southern Oscillation event was unusual: Warm SST anomalies in the equatorial cold tongue region switched to colder than climatology in the last half of 1992, but waters warmer than 30°C remained displaced eastward just west of the dateline, coninuing to fuel anomalous convection there during the IOP. Fortunately, SST in the IFA remained warmer than 29°C during most of the IOP, and convective activity was observed over the IFA. The Southern Oscillation Index, which had relaxed to near zero prior to the experiment, decreased during the IOP, reflecting sea level presure changes associated with renewed westerly wind activity. In response to these westerly wind events, the warm pool migrated back into the central equatorial Pacific, leading to a reintensification of the ENSO warm SST anomalies east of the dateline.With 10 Figures  相似文献   
Water resource management requires knowledge of the natural variability in streamflow over multiple time scales. Reconstructions of streamflow derived from moisture-sensitive trees extend, in both time and magnitude, the variability provided by relatively short gage records. In this study, we present a network of 14 annual streamflow reconstructions, 300–600 years long, for gages in the Upper Colorado and South Platte River basins in Colorado generated from new and existing tree-ring chronologies. Gages for the reconstruction were selected on the basis of their importance to two of the largest Colorado Front Range water providers, who provided the natural flow data for the calibration with tree-ring data. The reconstruction models explain 63–76% of the variance in the gage records and capture low flows particularly well. Analyses of the reconstructions indicate that the 20th century gage record does not fully represent the range of streamflow characteristics seen in the prior two to five centuries. Multi-year drought events more severe than the 1950s drought have occurred, notably in the 19th century, and the distribution of extreme low flow years is markedly uneven over the past three centuries. When the 14 reconstructions are grouped into Upper Colorado, northern South Platte, and southern South Platte regional flow reconstructions, the three time series show a high degree of coherence, but also time-varying divergences that may reflect the differential influence of climatic features operating in the western U.S. These reconstructions are currently being used by water managers to assess the reliability of water supply systems under a broader range of conditions than indicated by the gage records alone.  相似文献   
Phase analysis of incrustations retrieved from chimney deposits of a combined heat and power plant in Malchow/Germany by X-ray powder diffraction gave evidence for the existence of a previously unknown hydrous calcium magnesium nitrate. Optical investigations of the sample showed the presence of colorless platy crystals with a maximum diameter of about 250 μm embedded in a partly polycrystalline and partly glassy matrix. Aided by EDX-analysis and Raman spectroscopy, a single-crystal diffraction study performed at ambient conditions demonstrated that the material represents a phase with composition Ca2Mg(NO3)6×12H2O. Basic crystallographic data are as follows: trigonal symmetry, space group type R \( \overline{3} \) , a?=?10.5583(5) Å, c?=?19.5351(10) Å, V?=?1885.97(16) Å3, Z?=?3, (R(|F|) = 0.0248). The magnesium ions are coordinated by water molecules to form distorted Mg(H2O)6-octahedra. The calcium atoms are surrounded by nine ligands. The resulting CaO9 tricapped trigonal prisms involve oxygen atoms from additional water moieties as well as from three different bidentate nitrate groups, respectively. Hydrogen bonds link one octahedron with two adjacent prisms into trimers. The trimers in turn are stacked in columns running parallel to [001]. Further hydrogen bonding between neighboring columns results in the formation of a three-dimensional network. To our best knowledge, Ca2Mg(NO3)6×12H2O represents a new structure type. However, column-like topologies with rods consisting of different types of polyhedra have been also observed in other trigonal hydrous nitrates. The structural relationships between these compounds are discussed. It is interesting to note that in previous phase equilibrium studies on the ternary system Ca(NO3)2-Mg(NO3)2-H2O no other hydrous double salt has been described. Finally, the results of the structure analysis allowed a qualitative and quantitative phase analysis of the crystalline part of the chimney deposit by the Rietveld method.  相似文献   
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