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This paper regards the lower Pleistocene temperate-water carbonate deposits disconformably overlying an escarpment made up of faulted Cretaceous to Miocene limestones of the Apulia Foreland (southern Italy). Study deposits discontinuously crop out along the present-day eastern Salento sea cliff, and form isolated fan-shaped bodies, up to 1 km wide and up to 40 to 50 m thick, each of them covering an area of a few square kilometres. The internal arrangement of beds is represented by up to 25° to 30° lobate, seaward dipping clinobeds thinning and onlapping onto a rocky foreslope in the proximal sector and passing to gently inclined to sub-horizontal strata in the distal sector. Seven facies were distinguished, mainly composed of coarse-grained skeletal carbonates made up of a heterozoan association including coralline algae, large and small benthic foraminifera, echinoids, molluscs, bryozoans and serpulids. Since clinobeds were formed thanks to hyperconcentrated density flows (grain flows) bypassing the upper part of the inherited escarpment, these skeletal grains represent ex situ deposits whose shallow-marine factory was located upward (landward) with respect to the bypassed zone, likely in the almost flat area on top of the Salento Peninsula. Clinobeds are often affected by tens of metres wide and long channel-like structures interpreted as landslide scars. Inside these gullies, contorted beds (slumps) or matrix-supported intra-bioclastic floatstone/rudstone (massive deposits) are present. The occurrence of supercritical-flow structures (for example, backset-bedded beds) indicates the development of hydraulic jumps along the steep slope of gullies. Since these clinostratified, fan-shaped carbonate bodies represent carbonate slopes, and that the latter are known as aprons, normally related to linear sourced sediments, an acceptable oxymoron for studied fan-shaped carbonate bodies is suggested: ‘isolated base-of-slope aprons’.  相似文献   
Mount Etna is an open conduit volcano, characterised by persistent activity, consisting of degassing and explosive phenomena at summit craters, frequent flank eruptions, and more rarely, eccentric eruptions. All eruption typologies can give rise to lava flows, which represent the greatest hazard by the volcano to the inhabited areas. Historical documents and scientific papers related to the 20th century effusive activity have been examined in detail, and volcanological parameters have been compiled in a database. The cumulative curve of emitted lava volume highlights the presence of two main eruptive periods: (a) the 1900–1971 interval, characterised by a moderate slope of the curve, amounting to 436 × 106 m3 of lava with average effusion rate of 0.2 m3/s and (b) the 1971–1999 period, in which a significant increase in eruption frequency is associated with a large issued lava volume (767 × 106 m3) and a higher effusion rate (0.8 m3/s). The collected data have been plotted to highlight different eruptive behaviour as a function of eruptive periods and summit vs. flank eruptions. The latter have been further subdivided into two categories: eruptions characterised by high effusion rates and short duration, and eruptions dominated by low effusion rate, long duration and larger volume of erupted lava. Circular zones around the summit area have been drawn for summit eruptions based on the maximum lava flow length; flank eruptions have been considered by taking into account the eruptive fracture elevation and combining them with lava flow lengths of 4 and 6 km. This work highlights that the greatest lava flow hazard at Etna is on the south and east sectors of the volcano. This should be properly considered in future land-use planning by local authorities.  相似文献   
In this paper, we analyse very short arcs of minor bodies of the Solar System detected on Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Wide Field Channel ACS images. In particular, we address how to constrain the Keplerian orbital elements for minor body detections, illustrating the method for two objects. One of the minor bodies left 13 successive trails, making it the most well-sampled object yet identified in the HST archive. Most interestingly, we also address the problem of ephemeris prediction and show that in the particular case of HST very short arcs the confinement window for subsequent recovery is significantly reduced to a narrow linear region, that would facilitate successive observations.  相似文献   
Framed into a robust stratigraphic context, multivariate analyses on the Holocene palaeobiological record (pollen, benthic foraminifers, ostracods) of the Po coastal plain (NE Italy) allowed the investigation of microtidal ecosystems variability and driving parameters along a 35-km-long land–sea transect. Millennial-scale ecosystem shifts are documented by coeval changes in the meiofauna, reflecting variations in organic matter–water depth (shallow-marine environments) and degree of confinement-salinity (back-barrier settings). In-phase shifts of vegetation communities track unsteady water-table levels and river dynamics in freshwater palustrine areas. Five environmental–ecological stages followed one another crossing four tipping points that mark changes in relative sea level (RSL), climate and/or fluvial regime. At the culmination of Mediterranean RSL rise, after the 8200 event, remarkable growth of peatlands took place in the Po estuary, while low accumulation rates typified the shelf. At the transgressive–regressive turnaround (~7000 cal a bp ), the estuary turned into a delta plain with tidally influenced interdistributary embayments. River flow regime oscillations after the Climate Optimum (post-5000 cal a bp ) favoured isolation of the bays and the development of brackish wetlands surrounded by wooded peatlands. The youngest threshold (~800 cal a bp ), which led to the establishment of the modern delta, reflects a major avulsion of the Po River.  相似文献   
Abstract.  This study compares the structure of Mediterranean macroalgal assemblages invaded by Caulerpa taxifolia and C. racemosa . Assemblages in areas colonized by the two algae and in reference areas were sampled and analyzed for 2 years. Significant differences were recorded both between reference and invaded areas and between areas invaded by different Caulerpa species. Macroalgal assemblages colonized by C. racemosa were more separated from references than those colonized by C. taxifolia . Differences between assemblages colonized by C. racemosa and the others decreased during the alga's period of vegetative rest and increased at the last sampling date. While erect and turf species showed similar patterns in invaded areas, covers of encrusting algae were lower in C. racemosa areas than in C. taxifolia areas.  相似文献   
古热液系统存在于火成岩体侵入冷却的渗水围岩区域。侵入体周围岩体中的地下水对流循环与热液流的相互作用引起围岩中的氧、氢同位素交换。岩石矿物的 δ18O终值取决于矿物—水作用的温度、流体 /岩体比值和热液循环持续期。由于水矿物中的氚在 2 0 0~ 50 0℃时分馏 ,因此 ,大气水—热液系统中的花岗岩的δD值明显减小。热液水使含羟基矿物得以缓冲 ,其δD值取决于水体中的氢同位素组成。由于大气中的水和蒸气的氢分馏依赖于温度 ,因此 ,可以利用与大气水相互反应的含水相的 δD值间接监测热液循环期间的气候条件。为了寻找一种重建新生…  相似文献   
The seismic analysis of structures is usually carried out considering the ground motion as fully‐correlated in space and determining the structural response by pseudo‐deterministic methods such as the response spectrum technique. Actually, the partial correlation of the seismic acceleration may influence heavily the behaviour of spatially extended structures, such as bridges, viaducts or pipelines. In order to take its partial correlation into account, the seismic ground motion is schematized as a stochastic process dependent on time and on space; the hypotheses of stationarity and homogeneity are used to obtain simple and general results. The influence of the partial correlation of the seismic ground motion on the structural response is investigated by introducing suitable Equivalent Spectra. The acceleration of the support‐points of the structure is represented by the Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD), defining the modes of the earthquake. The method is formulated for any kind of multi‐degree‐of‐freedom system and is applied, as a case study, to an ideal single‐storey multi‐supported frame with an axially rigid beam. In the case of two supports, the POD decouples the pseudo‐static and the dynamic contributions to the structural response. This property is preserved for structural systems with many supports, where only the lower modes of the earthquake, usually the first two POD modes, are responsible for the structural response. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Riassunto Applicando l'analisi periodale alle precipitazioni atmosferiche raccolte a Firenze dal 1813 al 1918 si sono trovate onde componenti di anni 35; 30; 28–14; 16; 11; 8; 5,3; 4; 3; 2. Si è stabilito un confronto tra queste componenti e quelle corrispondenti di Trieste, Padova e Mantova. Per mezzo del criterio diSchuster, modificato daStumpff, si sono riscontrate reali le onde di periodo inferiore a 14 anni e superiore a 35 anni.
Summary By applying the periodal analysis to the rainfall gathered in Florence from the year 1913 to 1918, the component waves of the years 35; 30; 28–14; 16; 11; 8; 5,3; 4; 3; 2 have been found. A comparison between these components and those corresponding of Trieste, Padua and Mantua has been ascertained. ThroughSchuster's Criterion, modified byStumpff, the waves of a period inferior to 14 years and superior to 35 years have proved evident.

Zummenfassung Bei Anwendung der Periodogrammanalyse an die in den Jahren 1813 bis 1918 in Florenz aufgesammelten atmosphärischen Niederschläge, sind Wellen aus den folgenden Jahren bestehend: 35; 30; 28–14; 16; 11; 8; 5,3; 4; 3; 2 gefunden worden. Es wurde ein Verhältnis zwischen diesen Beständen und den entsprechenden von Triest, Padua und Mantova festgestellt. Auf Grund desSchuster-ischen und vonK. Stumpff berichtigten Kriteriums, wurden die Wellenperioden von unter 14 Jahren und von über 35 Jahren als reellen befunden.
A programme of Venice uplift because of seawater injection into a 600–800 m deep brackish aquifer underlying the lagoon has recently been advanced. As the actual spatial variability of the hydro‐geological parameters is to a large extent unknown, a controversial issue concerns the 25–30 cm heave prediction with the possible generation of differential displacements that might jeopardize the integrity of the architectural patrimony. It is shown that significant differential displacements have occurred in Venice in the past and are still presently occurring as evidenced by SAR interferometry. The results of a stochastic analysis addressing the variability of the hydraulic conductivity of the injected formation indicate that even a highly uneven aquifer expansion does not migrate to ground surface because of the smoothing effect exerted by the overburden. The predicted differential displacements are well below the values Venice is experiencing. Any a priori alarmism appears to be unfounded and unjustified.  相似文献   
During the Abruzzo earthquake (6.IV.2009, MW = 6.3), the village of Castelnuovo, lying on an elliptical hill about 60 m high, underwent an intensive damage (IMCS = 9–10), that could be partly ascribed to the topographic amplification and to the presence of an underground cavity network. To verify these hypotheses, the seismic response of the hill was carefully investigated adopting both 2D and 3D finite difference numerical models. Analyses were carried out using a detailed geotechnical model, defined on the basis of a comprehensive field investigation (boreholes, DH, HVSR, ERT) and accurate laboratory tests (RC-TS). The reference input motion was reproduced considering the time history of the mainshock recorded at an accelerometric station close to the epicenter, conveniently deconvoluted to the bedrock and scaled in amplitude to the site of Castelnuovo. The results of the numerical analyses, expressed in terms of distribution of the amplification factor of peak acceleration and Housner intensity, proved that the topographic effects significantly influenced the ground motion at surface, whereas the role of cavities seemed to be negligible.  相似文献   
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