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Precipitation δ 18O at Yushu, eastern Tibetan Plateau, shows strong fluctuation and lack of clear seasonality. The seasonal pattern of precipitation stable isotope at Yushu is apparently different from either that of the southwest monsoon region to the south or that of the inland region to the north. This different seasonal pattern probably reflects the shift of different moisture sources. In this paper, we present the spatial comparison of the seasonal patterns of precipitation δ 18O, and calculate the moisture transport flux by using the NCAR/NCEP reanalysis data. This allows us to discuss the relation between moisture transport flux and precipitation δ 18O. This study shows that both the southwest monsoon from south and inland air mass transport from north affected the seasonal precipitation δ 18O at Yushu, eastern Tibetan Plateau. Southwest monsoon brings the main part of the moisture, but southwest transport flux is weaker than in the southern part of the Tibetan Plateau. However, contribution of the inland moisture from north or local evaporation moisture is enhanced. The combined effect is the strong fluctuation of summer precipitation δ 18O at Yushu and comparatively poor seasonality.  相似文献   
研究表明,Au、Pd在含矿热液体系中地球化学性质明显不同。Au活性显著,Pd惰性特征明显;二者都偏向溶于碱性介质(P=100×105Pa、T=200℃);在温度为100℃或压力为100×105Pa时有利于金的溶解、活化迁移;而金成矿的最佳物化环境是温度250℃、压力20×105~30×105Pa、pH=7.56左右。  相似文献   
Ultrashallow P-wave seismic reflection experiments were conducted at a model test site and in a trenched shallow fault zone along the Chelunpu fault line. The field layout was designed to have the shallowest undistorted reflection from about 1 m depth with 0.5 m vertical resolution. The smallest group interval tested in this study was 0.05 m with a 0.25 ms sample interval, which can avoid spatial aliasing of ground roll if the target is very shallow and the velocities are low. Data processing was designed to be simple but consistent. As the ultrashallow reflections may be contaminated with high-amplitude coherent noise in many aspects, first break muting and surgical muting were performed on each file as detailed as possible, and fk filtering was applied mainly for the purpose of attenuating the aliasing energy and back-scattered noise. Data acquired in this study show that the low P-wave velocities (< 200 m/s) and high dominant frequencies (120–200 Hz) of near-surface layers may have a potential vertical resolution of 0.4 m or even better.Comparing the test profile with the ground-penetrating radar (GPR) control profile of the same test site and correlating the results obtained from the study site with those of the geologic cross-section of the trench, this experiment demonstrates the possibility of using seismic methods in investigating shallow structures at depths of less than a few meters with vertical resolution comparable to the GPR technique.  相似文献   
本文介绍了作者研制的8505—I型氡室,该氡室可用于准确和快速标定多种测氡装置。作者提出了相应的标定方法,并测定了野外常用的10种氡探测器的标定系数。根据法定计量单位选用了贝克(Bq)和贝克/升(Bq/L)。相应作为各种氡测量的[放射性]活度单位和氡浓度单位。  相似文献   
PostlarvalPenaeus orientalis kishinouye were simultaneously sampled at three fixed stations near the mouth of the Dagu River estuary in northwestern Jiaozhou Bay, China, at hourly intervals over a 49-h period in mid-June, 1984. The purpose of this sampling was to investigate the prawn’s recruitment into estuaries from coastal areas. The abundance of the postlarvae varied considerably between stations and time, but they tended to concentrate at the surface. Maximum entropy spectral analysis was first applied in the study of prawn recruitment and it revealed that variations in abundance involved a pronounced 12.4 hr cycle. It was concluded that natural tidal cycles had a strong influence on the changes of postlarval abundance, in contrast with the minor effects of diet and other environmental cycles. A tidally varying cross-river gradient of postlarval density was found. During flood tides the postlarvae were more abundant in the axis of the channel than over the banks. The opposite held true during ebb tides. Mechanisms of the postlarval recruitment are discussed in terms of alternating movements of the postlarvae between the banks and the channels in response to tidal cycles. Contribution No. 1485 from the Institute of Oceanology, Academia Sinica  相似文献   
重金属锌,铅对菲律宾蛤仔的急性毒性试验   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
本文研究了必需元素Zn及非必需元素Pb对菲律宾蛤仔的急性毒性作用,得到Zn对其的48hLD50和96hLD50分别为147.91、16.40mg/dm^3;Pb对其的48hLD50和96hLD50分别为31.62、14.28mg/dm^3。估算得到Zn、Pb对菲律宾蛤仔的安全浓度分别为0.82、0.71mg/dm^3。  相似文献   
本文利用区域海气耦合模式FROALS(Flexible Regional Ocean-Atmosphere-Land System)对西北太平洋地区1984-2007年连续积分结果,对比SODA(Simple Ocean Data Assimilation)同化资料讨论了西北太平洋海表温度和表层洋流的气候态及年际变率。结果表明,FROALS基本能够再现冬、夏季季节平均的海温型,但均存在一个明显的冷偏差;FROALS对气候平均态的表层洋流有较高的模拟技巧,对于冬、夏季的表层洋流型都能够再现。另外,表层洋流的模拟偏差与海表高度的模拟偏差直接相关。由于模式模拟的黑潮热输送较观测偏强,使得模式模拟的海洋热输送倾向于使黑潮路径上的海温呈现正偏差。从表层洋流的年际变率来看,模式模拟的与ENSO(El Nio-South Oscillation)相联系的年际变率信号与观测相似:在El Nio年,北赤道流和棉兰老流增强,低纬度西太平洋海表高度降低,而在La Nia年则呈现出相反的形态,但是在模式中这种信号稍强于观测。  相似文献   
揭示南海輓近海平面变动和古岸线诸多遗迹,探讨晚更新世以来海平面变化一般规律,初步分析南海周缘中全新世和现代地壳构造升降速率,得出本区海平面上升率适中参考值为0.10—2.0mm/a,初步估算未来50年内海平面变化趋势在1.26—4.0mm/a之间;而构造升降受块断差异运动控制,一般规律是南海北部沿岸自东向西递减,由福建南部1.15mm/a至海南岛南部0.54mm/a。近代地壳形变资料亦证实这种变化规律。  相似文献   
利用1993年ENSO事件爆发(4月)前酝酿时期“热带大洋与全球大气-海洋耦合响应试验”强化观测阶段“向阳红五号”科学考察船155°E,2°S定点海洋气象和高空大气探测资料,分析了赤道西太平洋大气边界层特征。结果表明:赤道西太平洋上空辐合对流区边界层内也有等温或逆温层存在,大气边界层物理参数变化与大尺度海-气变异有密切关系,赤道太平洋沃克环流加强、东移,边界层上部逆温层出现概率明显增大,边界层内高湿层湿度减小。另外,边界层内实测风速、风向廓线随高度的变化基本上不服从Ekman规律,但由其平均,分量合成得到的平均风随高度的变化却基本符合Ekman规律。  相似文献   
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