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在分析SRTM、ASTER GDEM数据源基本特征的基础上,融合了一种直接面向河网提取的数据——SRTM-ASTER,利用SRTM数据较高的垂直分辨率修正ASTER GDEM,弥补了SRTM水平分辨率上的不足;引入Landsat-8遥感卫星数据提取真实河网,分析在有(无)河网辅助条件下融合数据的提取效果,并以总长度、支...  相似文献   
根据重力异常资料、地震资料,综合运用重矿物法、碎屑岩类分析法并结合砂体展布特征,基本明确了黄骅坳陷孔南地区孔店组二段的物源区位置及来源方向。区域布格重力异常场从宏观上勾绘出了孔南地区地势的起伏状况,对物源分析具有重要参考意义。在研究区湖盆周缘都发育砂体,在各物源口的砂体展布规律在平面上表现为呈扇形展布的特征,宏观上指示了物源的涉及范围。盆外下切沟槽能大致确定研究区周缘各物源口位置,前积反射结构也能指示出存在物源供给的地区。重矿物以锆石、电气石、金红石、石榴石、磁铁矿为主,不同的物源区具有不同的重矿组合特征,其变化规律指示了碎屑物质的搬运方向和搬运途径。碎屑岩组分以长石为主,其次为石英,岩屑含量较低,主要为岩浆岩岩屑,岩屑类型指示了物源区母岩类型主要为岩浆岩。该区孔店组二段沉积时期在东南、西南、西北、东北4个方向上都存在物源,进一步可识别出乌马营、叶三拔、舍女寺等10个子物源,它们共同控制了孔南地区孔店组二段沉积时期砂体的形成和分布,形成多物源环湖盆分布的特征。  相似文献   
东太平洋冷舌区海表面温度日变化特征的模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过分辨太阳辐射日变化, 利用中国科学院大气物理研究所大气科学和地球流体力学数值模拟国家重点实验室 (LASG/IAP) 气候系统海洋环流模式 (LICOM), 模拟了东太平洋冷舌区海表面温度 (SST) 的日变化特征并研究了弱混合对其影响。采用理想的太阳辐射日变化强迫上层垂向分辨率为10 m的海洋模式LICOM, 模拟出了SST日变化一些特征, 同时海洋的上层流场也产生明显日变化。模拟的SST日变化振幅水平分布与观测接近, 且受太阳辐射日变化振幅水平分布调制。在赤道中东太平洋区, 模拟的SST日变化振幅 (约为0.3~0.4℃) 比观测偏小约0.1~0.2℃。模拟的SST日变化峰值出现在15~16 时 (当地标准时间), 落后于太阳辐射峰值2~3个小时, 接近观测。进一步减弱混合后, 模拟的日变化振幅增加约0.1℃, 更接近观测。这说明在东太平洋冷舌区SST日变化主要受太阳辐射日变化和垂直混合影响。此外, 混合减小后, 在太阳辐射日变化调制下, 平均态 (如混合层、温度和流场) 也出现明显变化。在赤道东太平洋冷舌区北侧, 弱混合导致混合层变浅, 变浅使热量堆积进而使平均SST升高约0.3℃; 在赤道东太平洋冷舌南侧, 经向平流加强导致平均SST降低约0.2℃。  相似文献   
Exploring the chemical characterization of dissolved organic matter (DOM) is important for understanding the fate of laterally transported organic matter in watersheds. We hypothesized that differences in water-extractable organic matter (WEOM) in soils of varying land uses and rainfall events may significantly affect the quality and the quantity of stream DOM. To test our hypotheses, characteristics of rainfall-runoff DOM and WEOM of source materials (topsoil from different land uses and gullies, as well as typical vegetation) were investigated at two adjacent catchments in the Loess Plateau of China, using ultraviolet–visible absorbance and excitation emission matrix fluorescence with parallel factor analysis (PARAFAC). Results indicated that land-use types may significantly affect the chemical composition of soil WEOM, including its aromaticity, molecular weight, and degree of humification. The PARAFAC analysis demonstrated that the soils and stream water were dominated by terrestrial/allochthonous humic-like substances and microbial transformable humic-like fluorophores. Shifts in the fluorescence properties of stream DOM suggested a pronounced change in the relative proportion of allochthonous versus autochthonous material under different rainfall patterns and land uses. For example, high proportions of forestland could provide more allochthonous DOM input. This study highlights the relevance of soils and hydrological dynamics on the composition and fluxes of DOM issuing from watersheds. The composition of DOM in soils was influenced by land-use type. Precipitation patterns influenced the proportion of terrestrial versus microbial origins of DOM in surface runoff. Contributions of allochthonous, terrestrially derived DOM inputs were highest from forested landscapes.  相似文献   
高源  何剑锋  陈敏  林凌  张芳 《海洋学报》2015,37(8):96-104
2012年夏季中国第5次北极科学考察期间,对北冰洋楚科奇海及其北部边缘海浮游细菌丰度和生产力进行了测定,并将其与环境因子进行了相关性分析。结果显示,楚科奇海浮游细菌丰度的变化范围为0.56×108~6.41×108 cells/dm3,平均为2.25×108 cells/dm3;细菌生产力介于0.042~1.92mg/(m3·d)(以碳计)之间,平均为0.54mg/(m3·d)(以碳计),与已有研究结果基本相当。陆架区细菌丰度和生产力要明显高于北部边缘区,但前者的单位细菌生产力则较低。与环境因子的相关性分析显示,细菌丰度与温度和叶绿素a浓度存在显著正相关(p0.01),表明北极变暖导致的海水升温及浮游植物生物量的增加均会促进细菌的生长,从而进一步提高细菌在海洋生态系统和碳循环中的作用。但陆架区的细菌生产力与环境参数均没有显著相关性,表明其影响因素较为复杂;生产力在北部边缘区则仅与叶绿素a存在显著正相关(p0.01),表明浮游植物生长过程产生的溶解有机碳(DOC)是细菌生长最为主要的碳源,碳源的单一可能制约细菌的生产从而导致该海域无冰状态下细菌丰度的增加不如预期,但融冰过程带来的大量DOC将促进细菌活性的增加。  相似文献   
利用虚拟现实技术,建立具有不同民族地域文化特色的三维模型和场景,虚拟展示城镇和新农村建设规划设计,从而取代传统的采用沙盘、平面规划图等展示介绍的方法,便于专家和广大民众参与交流。  相似文献   
The lithospheric strike‐slip Altyn Tagh Fault has accommodated hundreds of kilometres of displacement between the Qaidam and Tarim blocks since its Eocene reactivation. However, the way the deformation is accommodated in the Qilian Shan and further east remains uncertain. Based on 360 km of north‐eastward migration of the relatively rigid Qaidam block along the Altyn Tagh Fault and 3D isovolumetric balancing of the crustal deformation within the Altyn Tagh Fault–Qilian Shan system, we demonstrate that 250 ± 28 km (43.8–49.4%) of N20E directed crustal shortening and an additional ~250–370 km of eastward motion of the Qilian Shan crust must be accounted for by strike‐slip faulting in the Qilian Shan and crustal thickening in the Qinling area, as well as by extension in the adjoining North China block graben systems.  相似文献   
The mean kinematic and thermodynamic structures of tropical cyclones (TCs) making landfall in main-land China are examined by using sounding data from 1998 to 2009. It is found that TC landfall is usually accompanied with a decrease in low-level wind speed, an expansion of the radius of strong wind, weakening of the upper-level warm core, and drying of the mid-tropospheric air. On average, the warm core of the TCs dissipates 24 h after landfall. The height of the maximum low-level wind and the base of the stable layer both increase with the increased distance to the TC center;however, the former is always higher than the latter. In particular, an asymmetric structure of the TC after landfall is found. The kinematic and thermodynamic structures across various areas of TC circulation diff er, especially over the left-front and right-rear quadrants (relative to the direction of TC motion). In the left-front quadrant, strong winds locate at a smaller radius, the upper-level temperature is warmer with the warm core extending into a deep layer, while the wet air occupies a shallow layer. In the right-rear quadrant, strong wind and wet air dwell in an area that is broader and deeper, and the warmest air is situated farther away from the TC center.  相似文献   
2004年印度洋海啸印尼亚齐省灾情遥感监测与分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
2004年12月底印尼苏门答腊岛西北海岸发生里氏9.0级地震,引发印度洋沿岸的印尼、斯里兰卡、泰国、印度等国家先后遭受强烈海啸。印度尼西亚亚齐省是遭受海啸灾害最严重的地区之一。为了评估海啸灾害造成的严重影响,应用遥感和地理信息系统技术,以2005-01-07英国DMC小卫星遥感影像为基础数据源,结合收集到的该地区灾前(2001年)LandsatETM 遥感影像,对亚齐省进行了监测和快速评估。监测结果表明距离震中位置较近的亚齐省苏门答腊岛西海岸遭受影响较严重,亚齐省苏门答腊岛西海岸由于距离震中位置较近遭受严重影响,而苏门答腊岛东海岸则影响较轻,受灾最严重的地区是亚齐省首府班达亚齐市附近。经统计,整个亚齐省遭受海啸严重影响的地区面积约为483km2,其中城市建成区受淹面积约为26·2km2,乡村(镇)地区受淹面积约为430·5km2。文章的最后还结合数字高程模型对海啸灾情的结果进行了分析。结果表明,绝大多数因海啸而受淹地区高程低于20m。  相似文献   
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