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言会  李磊  张立为  郭友钊 《物探与化探》2004,28(1):19-22,31
介绍以江西省全境和两个地层区为空间范围内的53 741个岩矿石密度数据、12 677个磁化率数据、12 424个剩磁强度数据的岩石物性统计特征,供在江西省境内进行矿区物探工作时参考.  相似文献   
Cellular exposure to particulate matter with concomitant formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and oxidization of biomolecules may lead to negative health outcomes. Evaluating the particle-induced formation of ROS and the oxidation products from reaction of ROS with biomolecules is useful for gaining a mechanistic understanding of particle-induced oxidative stress. Aqueous suspensions of pyrite particles have been shown to form hydroxyl radicals and degrade nucleic acids. Reactions between pyrite-induced hydroxyl radicals and nucleic acid bases, however, remain to be determined. Here, we compared the oxidation of adenine by Fenton-generated (i.e., ferrous iron and hydrogen peroxide) hydroxyl radicals to adenine oxidation by hydroxyl radicals generated in pyrite aqueous suspensions. Results show that adenine oxidizes in the presence of pyrite (without the addition of hydrogen peroxide) and that the rate of oxidation is dependent on the pyrite loading. Adenine oxidation was prevented by addition of either catalase or ethanol to the pyrite/adenine suspensions, which implies that hydrogen peroxide and hydroxyl radicals are causing the adenine oxidation. The adenine oxidation products, 8-oxoadenine and 2-hydroxyadenine, were the same whether hydroxyl radicals were generated by Fenton or pyrite-initiated reactions. Although nucleic acid bases are unlikely to be directly exposed to pyrite particles, the formation of ROS in the vicinity of cells may lead to oxidative stress.  相似文献   
The chemolithoautotrophic bacterium, Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans, commonly occurs in acid mine drainage (AMD) environments where it is responsible for catalyzing the oxidation of pyrite and concomitant development of acidic conditions. This investigation reports on the growth of this bacterial species on the pyrite surface and in the aqueous phase at a pH close to 2 as well as the role of adsorbed lipid in preventing pyrite dissolution. Both acid washed pyrite and acid-washed pyrite coated with lipids were used as substrates in the studies. The choice of lipid, 1,2-bis(10,12-tricosadiynoyl)-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphocholine lipid (23:2 Diyne PC), a phosphocholine lipid, was based on earlier work that showed that this lipid inhibits the abiotic oxidation rate of pyrite. Atomic force microscopy showed that under the experimental conditions used in this study, the lipid formed ~4–20 nm layers on the mineral surface. Surface-bound lipid greatly suppresses the oxidation process catalyzed by A. ferrooxidans. This suppression continued for the duration of the experiments (25 days maximum). Analysis of the bacterial population on the pyrite surface and in solution over the course of the experiments suggested that the pyrite oxidation was dependent in large part on the fraction of bacteria bound to the pyrite surface.  相似文献   
初春南黄海水文特征及环流状况的分析   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:6  
根据1996年初春中韩黄海水循环动力学合作调查所获资料,分析了南黄海水文特征及其环流状况,并获得了以下几点主要认识:(1)初春南黄海的温、盐分布特征及环流基本形态,与以往所揭示的冬季状况基本相似.然而,本次调查发现,在30m以浅,黄海中部暖水舌轴线比冬季的明显偏东;且出现一范围较小的孤立的相对高温高盐区.在垂向,一种中层冷水和表层逆温跃层现象出现在黄海局部区域.(2)直接测流的结果,不仅部分地印证了由温、盐场所显示的环流基本形态,而且较好地揭示了流场中发生的一些新现象,其中尤其是绕济州岛的流动.(3)黄海暖流水是对马暖流水和陆架水混合而成.而且,它主要是在济州岛西侧水域,从锋带中衍生出来的.  相似文献   
This study examined tidal modification and change in tidal currents caused by the construction of the Saemangeum dike, based on field observations and a numerical model. The Saemangeum dike was completed in April 2006, enclosing an estuarine area along the mid-western coast of South Korea. After closure of the dike, the tidal range outside the dike decreased slightly but significantly, while the inside tidal range decreased drastically. The numerical model results show that the dike construction has influenced tidal energy propagation and the tidal system in the Yellow Sea. The tidal current speed near the dike decreased abruptly following closure of the dike, except in front of the sluice gates. Since completion of the dike, outflow water discharged from the sluice gates has longer residence times due to the weakened tidal current; the change in the tidal current field has also caused greater northward expansion of outflow water. The sluice gates release fresher water, which spreads over the sea surface mainly by inertial momentum near the gate; this water is then gradually mixed with sea water farther from the gate. The less saline, possibly more contaminated outflow impacts the marine environment near the Saemangeum dike. Controlling the discharge and gate-opening timing can partially mitigate these impacts on the marine environment.  相似文献   
On the Huanghai (Yellow) Sea circulation: a review by current measurements   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
INTRODUCTIONTheHuanghaiSea(hereafterHS)isashallow,semi-enclosedbasinsurroundedbytheChina'sMainlandtoitswestandmorth,andbytheKoreaPeninsulatOtheeast.TheHSreceivesabundantdischargeoffreshwaterandland-basedmaterialsthroughriversfromChinaandKorea,which ThisstudywassupportedbyagrantfromtheKoreaMinistryofaudienceandTechnoing.maybeaccumulatedpartlyinsidethebasinforacertainpenedormoveoutofthebasinintothenorthwesternEastChinaSea.TheHScirculationisknowntobemostlydependentuPOnsurfacewindfie…  相似文献   
山西的一些断陷盆地是华北地震区内6级以上地震活动的重要场所。本文在详细研究每个6级以上地震的震中部位、烈度等震线特点、时间序列特征、发震构造走向后得出:在同一盆地内,6级以上地震原地重复发生,而且震级相近,时间间隔较短,发震构造走向正交或斜交,发震构造的类型也有所不同。  相似文献   
An accurate particle tracking method for a finite difference method model is developed using a constant acceleration method. Being assumed constant temporal and spatial gradients, the new method permits temporal-spatial variability of particle velocity. Test results in a solid rotating flow show that the new method has second-order accuracy. The performance of the new method is compared with that of other methods; the first-order Euler forward method, and the second-order Euler predictorcorrector method. The new method is the most efficient method among the three. It is more accurate and efficient than the other two.  相似文献   
The vertical structure of the M2 tidal current in the Yellow Sea is analyzed from data acquired using an acoustic Doppler current profiler. The observed vertical profiles of the M2 tidal current are decomposed into two rotating components of counter-clockwise and clockwise, and restructured using a simple one-point model with a constant vertical eddy viscosity. The analyzed results show that the internal fictional effect dominates the vertical structure of the tidal current in the bottom boundary layer. In the Yellow Sea, the effect of the bottom friction reduces the current speed by about 20–40% and induces the bottom phase advance by about 15–50 minutes. In the shallower coastal regions, the effects of bottom topography are more prominent on the vertical structure of tidal currents. The vertical profile of the tidal current in summer, when the water column is strongly stratified, is disturbed near the pycnocline layer. The stratification significantly influences the vertical shear and distinct seasonal variation of the tidal current.  相似文献   
循环经济模式的区域思考   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
慈福义  陈烈 《地理科学》2006,26(3):273-276
循环经济是21世纪的新经济, 是以资源环境、经济与社会协调发展为目的的新型发展模式,是推进可持续发展的新模式,地理学应加强对循环经济模式的区域研究。循环经济模式的5 种基本类型包括:①环境效益与经济效益同提高的模式;②环境效益提高,经济效益保持不变的模式;③环境效益提高,经济效益下降但大于零的模式;④环境效益提高,经济效益下降且等于零的模式;⑤环境效益提高,经济效益下降且小于零的模式。认清循环经济不同类型模式的特征,有助于我们深刻理解循环经济的"多赢",正确选择合适的循环经济模式。认为循环经济模式存在空间差异规律包括环境质量"U"字型分布规律和环境质量地区差距的倒"U"字型规律,在近期缩小中国三大经济地带之间环境质量的差距是不现实的,应通过因地制宜地推广循环经济模式减缓三大经济地带环境质量差距扩大的趋势。  相似文献   
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