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Despite the fact that BaP is a carcinogen, mammalian immunosuppressant, and ubiquitous aquatic pollutant, knowledge regarding the effects of BaP on the immune system of fish is still lacking. To begin to fill this gap, studies were conducted in medaka to examine the effects and mechanisms by which BaP exposure might alter host immunocompetence. Fish, exposed by IP injection of BaP (2-600 microg/g BW), were examined after 48 h for effects upon immune function and CYP1A expression/activity. Benzo[a]pyrene, at a concentration below that which increased levels of CYPIA expression/activity (2 microg BaP/g BW) suppressed lymphocyte proliferation. Concentrations of BaP at 20 and 200 microg/g BW. suppressed antibody-forming cell (AFC) numbers, superoxide production, and host resistance against bacteria. In contrast, exposure to the low affinity aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) agonist, benzo[e]pyrene (BeP), neither induced CYP1A expression nor altered immune function. Given the lack of immunosuppressive effects produced by BeP, and the fact that exposure to the AhR antagonist (and CYP1A inhibitor) alpha-naphthoflavone (ANF) ameliorated the suppressive effects of BaP upon AFC numbers, the AhR pathway (including CYP1A-mediated production of reactive BaP metabolites) appears important in mediating BaP-induced immunotoxicity in fish, as in mammals. In the past, the medaka has proven a successful model for assessing carcinogenic agents. These studies have demonstrated its utility for also determining the immunosuppressive effects of an important aquatic contaminant.  相似文献   
李晓华  丁雍  斯蔼 《地下水》2014,(1):6-7,20
运用模糊综合评判模型,对中石化天津分公司宝坻水源地奥陶系灰岩地下水水质行综合评价。评价结果表明,研究区采样点水质总体评判级别为I级,说明该区地下水水质较好,而氟离子含量超标是由于地区背景值造成的,这一结论与该区其它研究成果评价结果一致。说明模糊综合评判模型是一种较实用的地下水水质评判方法。  相似文献   
吴立  邓福生 《华东地质》2005,(3):214-220
采用干态固定床实验装置系统,研究去除垃圾焚烧炉烟气中HCl气体的主要影响因素及其规律.结果表明:选择适当的摩尔比α和颗粒度较细小的吸收剂,吸收效率和吸收剂利用率会提高;温度对净化效率影响不大;HCl气体浓度(ρHCl)对吸收剂的吸收效率(ηHCl)显著影响,ρHCl升高,则ηHCl增大;含有少量杂质的工业碱性废渣的利用率要大于纯化学试剂吸收剂;HCl气体排放标准在75mg/m3时,可采用干法去除垃圾焚烧炉烟气中的HCl气体.  相似文献   
This paper describes a dual-stroke acting hydraulic power take-off (PTO) system employed in the wave energy converter (WEC) with an inverse pendulum. The hydraulic PTO converts slow irregular reciprocating wave motions to relatively smooth, fast rotation of an electrical generator. The design of the hydraulic PTO system and its control are critical to maximize the generated power. A time domain simulation study and the laboratory experiment of the full-scale beach test are presented. The results of the simulation and laboratory experiments including their comparison at full-scale are also presented, which have validated the rationality of the design and the reliability of some key components of the prototype of the WEC with an inverse pendulum with the dual-stroke acting hydraulic PTO system.  相似文献   
柏江湘  米贤武  李德俊 《海洋学报》2010,32(9):6205-6212
用一种全量子理论方法研究了波导、光学微盘腔与三能级量子点耦合系统的动力学过程,求出其耦合后的透射模和反射模的解析解. 由于微腔表面粗糙引起反向散射,在微腔内形成两简并回音壁耦合共振模,其耦合率为β;量子点的两激发态分别以耦合率g1,g2与回音壁耦合共振模产生耦合. 在实数空间里,得出透射光谱和反射光谱的数值解,这些三能级模型结果比二能级模型结果更接近真实光学微盘腔系统,能更好地显示耦合系统的动力学特性.  相似文献   
Lake Jilantai-Hetao, a megalake, was formed some time before 60–50 ka, along the Great North Bend of the Yellow River. The basin is now dry, with most of the area covered by aeolian sand. We are investigating this profound hydrologic change using a number of research approaches. Paleoshorelines of this megalake are best preserved in the Jilantai area in the southwestern portion of the megalake basin. We collected aquatic mollusk shells from littoral sediments at different altitudes around Jilantai and measured their strontium isotope compositions. 87Sr/86Sr ratios in shell carbonates are different between the high lake phase (~1,080–1,050 m altitude) and the low lake phase (~1,044–1,030 m altitude), with a small shift in average strontium ratios to more radiogenic values during the low lake phase. Based on regional hydrology and physical geography, we conclude that water from the Yellow River was the dominant water source supplying this megalake. 87Sr/86Sr ratios of modern water samples suggest the Yellow River was the dominant water source during the high lake phase, but that the relative contribution of Yellow River water to the megalake was reduced, and that the relative contributions of local precipitation and groundwater increased, during the low lake phase.  相似文献   
在新建滨海工程时往往遇到历史上的最高潮位资料不详,不满足设计计算的需求,这就需要通过现场调查找到当年大潮的蛛丝马迹来反算当年的潮高,而这一方法又往往由于高潮发生的年代久远,证据混乱,互相矛盾而造成结论不可信。用数学手段对工程海域历史上的大潮过程进行模拟,从而确认调查结论的可信程度是解决上述问题的一个有效的手段。本文是一个成功运用上述方法确定历史最高水位实例。  相似文献   
应用DFD(Diverse Firewall Design)方法进行防火墙规则集设计时,需使用规则集语义比较算法,判断多个规则集是否语义一致。规则冲突是导致规则集语义不一致的主要原因。因此,需要研究针对规则冲突的规则集语义比较算法。而现有算法时空复杂度较高,性能低下。文中提出了1种基于关键数据包选取映射的规则集语义比较算法(KPCM)。KPCM算法针对规则冲突选取关键数据包,并通过比较这些数据包在不同规则集中的处理动作,判断这些规则集是否语义一致。理论分析和测试表明,KPCM算法时空性能均优于现有算法。  相似文献   
根据地质、地貌及地球物理资料分析,探讨展布于云南边陲哀牢山两侧的北西向断裂组成的红河断裂构造带,在东南亚的延伸特征。提出在该延伸带两侧沉积建造、构造活动,地球物理场和大地构造发展上均有显著差异。并进一步探讨该断裂构造带在大地构造上的意义。  相似文献   
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